def add_portable(db, portable_url):
    Registers and import portable library

    :param db: database connection
    :param portable_url: url of the portable library
    ''''>>> Registering portable {}'.format(portable_url))
        headers = {"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}
        libjs = requests.get(portable_url + '/static/data.js',
        # remove javascript wrapper around json
        libjson = libjs[libjs.find('{'):-1]
        catalog = simplejson.loads(libjson)
        res, err = import_catalog(db, catalog, portable_url)
        if err:
            return err
        return res
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        return utils.ser2json(
            'Error while registering portable: connection error')
    except Exception:
        LOG.error('Registering portable', exc_info=True)
    return utils.ser2json('Error while registering portable. Check logs...')
def add_portable(db, portable_url):
    Registers and import portable library

    :param db: database connection
    :param portable_url: url of the portable library
    ''''>>> Registering portable {}'.format(portable_url))
        headers = {"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}
        libjs = requests.get(portable_url + '/static/data.js',
        # remove javascript wrapper around json
        libjson = libjs[libjs.find('{'):-1]
        catalog = simplejson.loads(libjson)
        res, err = import_catalog(db, catalog, portable_url)
        if err:
            return err
        return res
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        return utils.ser2json(
            'Error while registering portable: connection error')
    except Exception:
        LOG.error('Registering portable', exc_info=True)
    return utils.ser2json('Error while registering portable. Check logs...')
def remove_portable(db, url):
    Removes registered portable library with given lib_uuid
    q = {'portable_url': url}
    portable_cat = db.catalog.find_one(q)
    if portable_cat:
        db.books.remove({'library_uuid': portable_cat['library_uuid']})
        db.catalog.remove({'library_uuid': portable_cat['library_uuid']})
        return utils.ser2json('Library removed.')
        return utils.ser2json('Portable not found or doomed.')
def remove_portable(db, url):
    Removes registered portable library with given lib_uuid
    q = {'portable': True, 'portable_url': url}
    portable_cat = db.catalog.find_one(q)
    if portable_cat:
        remove_from_library(db, portable_cat['library_uuid'],
        return utils.ser2json('Library removed.')
    return utils.ser2json('Error while removing portable...')
def remove_portable(db, url):
    Removes registered portable library with given lib_uuid
    q = {'portable_url': url}
    portable_cat = db.catalog.find_one(q)
    if portable_cat:
        db.books.remove({'library_uuid': portable_cat['library_uuid']})
        db.catalog.remove({'library_uuid': portable_cat['library_uuid']})
        return utils.ser2json('Library removed.')
        return utils.ser2json('Portable not found or doomed.')
Exemple #6
def remove_portable(db, url):
    Removes registered portable library with given lib_uuid
    q = {'portable': True, 'portable_url': url}
    portable_cat = db.catalog.find_one(q)
    if portable_cat:
            db, portable_cat['library_uuid'], portable_cat['books'])
        return utils.ser2json('Library removed.')
        return utils.ser2json('Portable not found')
    return utils.ser2json('Error while removing portable...')
def add_portable(db, url):
    print('Registering portable: with url {}'.format(url))
        libjs = requests.get(url + '/static/data.js').text
        libjson = libjs[libjs.find('{'):-1]
        catalog = simplejson.loads(libjson)
        res = import_catalog(db, catalog, url)
        return res
    except ValueError as e:
        return utils.ser2json('Already registered...')
    except requests.ConnectionError as e:
        print('Registering portable: ConnectionError {}'.format(e))
    except Exception as e:
        print('Registering portable: Exception {}'.format(e))
    return utils.ser2json('Error while registering portable...')
def get_books(db, page, query={}):
    Reads and returns books from the database.
    page: parameter for _paginate_ function
    # query
    q = {}
    # extract search parameters and build query
    for k, v in query.iteritems():
        if v:
            words = v.encode('utf-8').split(' ')
            match_pattern = {'$regex': '.*'.join(words), '$options': 'i'}
            if k in ['authors', 'title', 'librarian']:
                q[k] = match_pattern
            # search all metadata
                q = {
                    "$or": [{
                        "title": match_pattern
                    }, {
                        "authors": match_pattern
                    }, {
                        "comments": match_pattern
                    }, {
                        "tags": match_pattern
                    }, {
                        "publisher": match_pattern
                    }, {
                        "identifiers": match_pattern
    # get all libraries that have active ssh tunnel or reference portables
    active_catalogs = db.catalog.find({
        '$or': [{
            'tunnel': {
                '$in': get_active_tunnels()[0]
        }, {
            'portable': True
    q['library_uuid'] = {'$in': [i['library_uuid'] for i in active_catalogs]}
    librarians = active_catalogs.distinct('librarian')
    authors = db.books.find(q, PUBLIC_BOOK_FIELDS).distinct('authors')
    titles = db.books.find(q, PUBLIC_BOOK_FIELDS).distinct('title')
    # paginate books
    items, next_page, on_page, total = paginate(
        db.books.find(q, PUBLIC_BOOK_FIELDS).sort('title_sort'), page)
    # return serialized books with availability of next page
    return utils.ser2json({
        'books': list(items),
        'next_page': next_page,
        'on_page': on_page,
        'total': total,
        'librarians': librarians,
        'authors': authors,
        'titles': titles
Exemple #9
def get_portables(db):
    Returns all registered portable libraries
    return utils.ser2json(list(db.catalog.find(
        {'portable': True},
        {'librarian': 1,
         'library_uuid': 1,
         '_id': 0})))
Exemple #10
def get_active_librarians(db):
    active_catalogs = db.catalog.find(
        {'$or': [
            {'tunnel': {'$in': [p for p in get_active_ports()]}},
            {'portable': True}]})
    librarians = active_catalogs.distinct('librarian')
    #print([c['librarian'] for c in active_catalogs], librarians)
    return utils.ser2json({'librarians': librarians})
Exemple #11
def get_catalog(db, uuid):
    Read catalog entry from the database and return json representation
    return utils.ser2json(db.catalog.find_one(
        {'library_uuid': uuid},
        {'books': 1,
         'last_modified': 1,
         '_id': 0}))
Exemple #12
def get_catalogs(db):
    for testing purposes
    return utils.ser2json(db.catalog.find(
        {'library_uuid': 1,
         'librarian': 1,
         '_id': 0}))
def get_catalogs(db):
    for testing purposes
    return utils.ser2json(
        db.catalog.find({}, {
            'library_uuid': 1,
            'librarian': 1,
            '_id': 0
def get_catalog(db, uuid):
    Read catalog entry from the database and return json representation
    return utils.ser2json(
        db.catalog.find_one({'library_uuid': uuid}, {
            'books': 1,
            'last_modified': 1,
            '_id': 0
def get_portables(db):
    Returns all registered portable libraries
    return utils.ser2json(
            db.catalog.find({'portable': True}, {
                'librarian': 1,
                'library_uuid': 1,
                '_id': 0
def get_active_librarians(db):
    active_catalogs = db.catalog.find({
        '$or': [{
            'tunnel': {
                '$in': [p for p in get_active_ports()]
        }, {
            'portable': True
    librarians = active_catalogs.distinct('librarian')
    #print([c['librarian'] for c in active_catalogs], librarians)
    return utils.ser2json({'librarians': librarians})
def get_book(db, uuid):
    Returns book with the param uuid
    book = db.books.find_one({'uuid': uuid}, PUBLIC_SINGLE_BOOK_FIELDS)
    return utils.ser2json(book)
Exemple #18
 def book(self, uuid):
     Single book page
     book = libraries.get_book(cherrypy.db, uuid=uuid)
     return utils.ser2json(book)
def get_autocomplete(db):
    Returns pre-computed autocomplete data
    return utils.ser2json(db.autocomplete.find_one({}, {'_id': 0}))
def get_books(db, last_id, query={}):
    Reads and returns books from the database.
    # query
    q = {}
    LOG.debug('>' * 30)
    LOG.debug('>>> QUERY: {}, LAST_ID: {}'.format(query, last_id))

    # extract search parameters and build query
    # text + property
    q_text = query.get('text')
    q_property = query.get('property', 'all')
    if q_text:
        q_words = q_text.encode('utf-8').split(' ')
        match_pattern = {'$regex': '.*'.join(q_words), '$options': 'i'}

        if q_property in ['authors', 'title', 'tags']:
            q[q_property] = match_pattern

        elif q_property == 'pubdate':
            # validate entered date, but query as string
                date = datetime.strptime(q_text, '%Y-%m-%d')
                q[q_property] = {
                    '$regex': '^{}.*'.format(q_text),
                    '$options': 'i'
            except Exception as e:
                LOG.error('invalid date: {}'.format(q_text))

        elif q_property == 'formats':
            q[q_property] = {'$all': [i.upper() for i in q_words]}

            q = {
                "$or": [{
                    'title': match_pattern
                }, {
                    'authors': match_pattern
                }, {
                    'comments': match_pattern
                }, {
                    'tags': match_pattern
                }, {
                    'publisher': match_pattern
                }, {
                    'identifiers': match_pattern

    # dropdown value + property
    q_dproperty = query.get('dproperty')
    q_dvalue = query.get('dvalue')
    if q_dvalue:
        if q_dproperty == 'librarians':
            q['librarian'] = q_dvalue.encode('utf-8')
        elif q_dproperty == 'collections':
            q['collection'] = q_dvalue.encode('utf-8')
            LOG.error('unsupported dropdown property: {}'.format(q_dproperty))

    # get all libraries that have active ssh tunnel or reference portables
    active_tunnels = get_active_tunnels()
    LOG.debug('>>> Active_tunnels: {}'.format(active_tunnels))
    active_catalogs = db.catalog.find(
        {'$or': [{
            'tunnel': {
                '$in': active_tunnels
        }, {
            'portable': True
    q['library_uuid'] = {'$in': [i['library_uuid'] for i in active_catalogs]}

    # infinite scroll query part
    if last_id:
        q['_id'] = {'$lt': ObjectId(last_id)}

    # fetch final cursor
    LOG.debug('>>> FINAL QUERY: {}'.format(q))
    dbb = db.books.find(q, PUBLIC_BOOK_FIELDS).sort('last_modified', -1)

    # do infinite loading
    books = list(dbb.limit(settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE))

    # calculate last_id
    current_last_id = None
    if books and len(books) == settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE:
        current_last_id = str(books[len(books) - 1]['_id'])

    return utils.ser2json({
        'books': books,
        'last_id': current_last_id,
Exemple #21
def get_books(db, last_id, query={}):
    Reads and returns books from the database.
    # query
    q = {}
    LOG.debug('>>> QUERY: {}, LAST_ID: {}'.format(query, last_id))

    # extract search parameters and build query
    # text + property
    q_text = query.get('text')
    q_property = query.get('property', 'all')
    if q_text:
        q_words = q_text.encode('utf-8').split(' ')
        match_pattern = {'$regex': '.*'.join(q_words), '$options': 'i'}

        if q_property in ['authors', 'title', 'tags']:
            q[q_property] = match_pattern

        elif q_property == 'pubdate':
            # validate entered date, but query as string
                _date = datetime.strptime(q_text, '%Y-%m-%d')
                q[q_property] = {'$regex': '^{}.*'.format(q_text),
                                 '$options': 'i'}
            except Exception as e:
                LOG.error('invalid date: {}'.format(q_text))

        elif q_property == 'formats':
            q[q_property] = {'$all': [i.upper() for i in q_words]}

            q = {"$or": [{'title': match_pattern},
                         {'authors': match_pattern},
                         {'comments': match_pattern},
                         {'tags': match_pattern},
                         {'publisher': match_pattern},
                         {'identifiers': match_pattern}]}

    # dropdown value + property
    q_dproperty = query.get('dproperty')
    q_dvalue = query.get('dvalue')
    if q_dvalue:
        if q_dproperty == 'librarians':
            q['librarian'] = q_dvalue.encode('utf-8')
        elif q_dproperty == 'collections':
            q['collection'] = q_dvalue.encode('utf-8')
            LOG.error('unsupported dropdown property: {}'.format(q_dproperty))

    # get all libraries that have active ssh tunnel or reference portables
    active_tunnels = get_active_tunnels()
    LOG.debug('>>> Active_tunnels: {}'.format(active_tunnels))
    active_catalogs = db.catalog.find(
        {'$or': [
            {'tunnel':   {'$in': active_tunnels}},
            {'portable': True}]})
    q['library_uuid'] = {'$in': [i['library_uuid'] for i in active_catalogs]}

    # infinite scroll query part
    if last_id:
        q['_id'] = {'$lt': ObjectId(last_id)}

    # fetch final cursor
    LOG.debug('>>> FINAL QUERY: {}'.format(q))
    dbb = db.books.find(q, PUBLIC_BOOK_FIELDS).sort('_id', -1)

    # do infinite loading
    books = list(dbb.limit(settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE))
    # calculate last_id
    current_last_id = None
    if books and len(books) == settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE:
        current_last_id = str(books[len(books) - 1]['_id'])

    return utils.ser2json({
        'books': books,
        'last_id': current_last_id,
Exemple #22
def get_autocomplete(db):
    Returns pre-computed autocomplete data
    return utils.ser2json(db.autocomplete.find_one({}, {'_id': 0}))
Exemple #23
 def book(self, uuid):
     Single book page
     book = libraries.get_book(cherrypy.db, uuid=uuid)
     return utils.ser2json(book)
def get_catalogs(db):
    for testing purposes
    return utils.ser2json(db.catalog.count())