Exemple #1
def num_divisors(num):
    primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num))))
    factors = []
    prime_counter = 0
    while num != 1:
        if prime_counter > len(primes) - 1:
            if num % 2 != 0 and num > 3 and utils.is_prime(num, 10):
        if num % primes[prime_counter] == 0:
            num /= primes[prime_counter]
            prime_counter += 1

    c = Counter(factors)

    product = 1

    for key, value in c.iteritems():
        value += 1
        product *= value

    return product
Exemple #2
def prime_factors(num):
    primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num))))
    factors = []
    prime_counter = 0
    while num != 1:
        if num % primes[prime_counter] == 0:
            num /= primes[prime_counter]
            prime_counter += 1

    return factors[len(factors) - 1]
Exemple #3
def prime_factors(num):
    primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num))) + 1)
    factors = set()
    prime_counter = 0
    while num != 1 and prime_counter < len(primes):
        if num % primes[prime_counter] == 0:
            num /= primes[prime_counter]
            prime_counter += 1
    if num != 1:

    return factors
Exemple #4

def equal_gap(one, two, three):
    return two - one == three - two

def check_perms(n):
    perms = [int(''.join(p)) for p in itertools.permutations(str(n), 4)]
    perms = [perm for perm in perms if utils.is_prime(perm) and perm >= 1000]
    for i in range(0, len(perms)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(perms)):
            for h in range(j + 1, len(perms)):
                if (perms[i] != perms[j] != perms[h] and
                        equal_gap(perms[i], perms[j], perms[h])):
                        return (str(perms[i]) + ', ' +
                                str(perms[j]) + ', ' + str(perms[h]))

primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(10000)
lower_index = 0
upper_index = len(primes)
for i in range(0, len(primes)):
    if primes[i] > 1000:
        lower_index = i - 1

for i in range(lower_index, upper_index):
    check = check_perms(primes[i])
    if check is not None:
Exemple #5
# Solution to Project Euler Problem 37

import utils

def truncatable(num):
    num = str(num)
    temp_num = str(num)
    for i in range(0, len(num) - 1):
        temp_num = temp_num[1:]
        if not utils.is_prime(int(temp_num)):
            return False

    for i in range(0, len(num) - 1):
        num = num[:-1]
        if not utils.is_prime(int(num)):
            return False

    return True

primes_so_far = []
for prime in utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(1000000)[4:]:
    if truncatable(prime):

# The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.
# Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
import time

from utils import sieve_of_eratosthenes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t0 = time.time()

    results = sieve_of_eratosthenes(2000000)

    runtime = time.time() - t0

    print 'Runtime = {}'.format(runtime)
    print 'Result = {}'.format(sum(results))
Exemple #7
# Solution to Project Euler Problem 50

import utils

prime_list = [x for x in utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(1000000) if x < 100000]
max_ = 0
for i in range(0, len(prime_list)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(prime_list)):
        if sum(prime_list[i:j]) > 1000000:
        if utils.is_prime(sum(prime_list[i:j])) and j - i > max_:
            max_ = j - i
            print(str(sum(prime_list[i:j])) + ', ' + str(max_))
# where |n| is the modulus/absolute value of n
# e.g. |11| = 11 and |-4| = 4

# Find the product of the coefficients, a and b, for the quadratic expression that produces the maximum number
# of primes for consecutive values of n, starting with n = 0.

import time

from utils import sieve_of_eratosthenes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t0 = time.time()

    primes = set(sieve_of_eratosthenes(100000))

    max_n = 0
    result = (0, 0)

    for a in xrange(-999, 1000):
        if a % 200 == 0:
            print '{}%'.format((100 * (a + 1000)) / 2000.0)

        for b in xrange(-999, 1000):

            n = 0
            while True:
                value = (n**2) + a*n + b
                if value < 2 or value not in primes:
Exemple #9
# n^2 + an + b, where |a| < 1000 and |b| < 1000
# where |n| is the modulus/absolute value of n
# e.g. |11| = 11 and |-4| = 4

# Find the product of the coefficients, a and b, for the quadratic expression that produces the maximum number
# of primes for consecutive values of n, starting with n = 0.

import time

from utils import sieve_of_eratosthenes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t0 = time.time()

    primes = set(sieve_of_eratosthenes(100000))

    max_n = 0
    result = (0, 0)

    for a in xrange(-999, 1000):
        if a % 200 == 0:
            print '{}%'.format((100 * (a + 1000)) / 2000.0)

        for b in xrange(-999, 1000):

            n = 0
            while True:
                value = (n**2) + a * n + b
                if value < 2 or value not in primes:
Exemple #10
# Solution to Project Euler Problem 50

import utils

prime_list = [x for x in utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(1000000) if x < 100000]
max_ = 0
for i in range(0, len(prime_list)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(prime_list)):
        if sum(prime_list[i:j]) > 1000000:
        if utils.is_prime(sum(prime_list[i:j])) and j - i > max_:
            max_ = j - i
            print(str(sum(prime_list[i:j])) + ', ' + str(max_))
Exemple #11
# Solution to Project Euler Problem 7
# What is the 10001st prime

import utils

# Brute force using the sieve_of_eratosthenes
if __name__ == "__main__":
    primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(200000)
Exemple #12
def sum_of_primes():
    return sum(utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(2000000))
# The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.
# Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
import time

from utils import sieve_of_eratosthenes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t0 = time.time()

    results = sieve_of_eratosthenes(2000000)

    runtime = time.time() - t0

    print 'Runtime = {}'.format(runtime)
    print 'Result = {}'.format(sum(results))