Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, y, x, yend, q=None, h=None,
                 robust=None, gwk=None, sig2n_k=False):

        if issubclass(type(q), np.ndarray) and issubclass(type(h), np.ndarray):
            raise Exception, "Please do not provide 'q' and 'h' together"
        if q is None and h is None:
            raise Exception, "Please provide either 'q' or 'h'"

        self.y = y
        self.n = y.shape[0]
        self.x = x

        self.kstar = yend.shape[1]
        # including exogenous and endogenous variables
        z = sphstack(self.x, yend)
        if type(h).__name__ not in ['ndarray', 'csr_matrix']:
            # including exogenous variables and instrument
            h = sphstack(self.x, q)
        self.z = z
        self.h = h
        self.q = q
        self.yend = yend
        # k = number of exogenous variables and endogenous variables
        self.k = z.shape[1]
        hth = spdot(h.T, h)
        hthi = la.inv(hth)
        zth = spdot(z.T, h)
        hty = spdot(h.T, y)

        factor_1 = np.dot(zth, hthi)
        factor_2 = np.dot(factor_1, zth.T)
        # this one needs to be in cache to be used in AK
        varb = la.inv(factor_2)
        factor_3 = np.dot(varb, factor_1)
        betas = np.dot(factor_3, hty)
        self.betas = betas
        self.varb = varb
        self.zthhthi = factor_1

        # predicted values
        self.predy = spdot(z, betas)

        # residuals
        u = y - self.predy
        self.u = u

        # attributes used in property
        self.hth = hth     # Required for condition index
        self.hthi = hthi   # Used in error models
        self.htz = zth.T

        if robust:
            self.vm = ROBUST.robust_vm(reg=self, gwk=gwk, sig2n_k=sig2n_k)

        self._cache = {}
        if sig2n_k:
            self.sig2 = self.sig2n_k
            self.sig2 = self.sig2n
    def __init__(self, y, x, yend, q=None, h=None,
                 robust=None, gwk=None, sig2n_k=False):

        if issubclass(type(q), np.ndarray) and issubclass(type(h), np.ndarray):
            raise Exception, "Please do not provide 'q' and 'h' together"
        if q == None and h == None:
            raise Exception, "Please provide either 'q' or 'h'"

        self.y = y
        self.n = y.shape[0]
        self.x = x

        self.kstar = yend.shape[1]
        # including exogenous and endogenous variables
        z = sphstack(self.x, yend)
        if type(h).__name__ not in ['ndarray', 'csr_matrix']:
            # including exogenous variables and instrument
            h = sphstack(self.x, q)
        self.z = z
        self.h = h
        self.q = q
        self.yend = yend
        # k = number of exogenous variables and endogenous variables
        self.k = z.shape[1]
        hth = spdot(h.T, h)
        hthi = la.inv(hth)
        zth = spdot(z.T, h)
        hty = spdot(h.T, y)

        factor_1 = np.dot(zth, hthi)
        factor_2 = np.dot(factor_1, zth.T)
        # this one needs to be in cache to be used in AK
        varb = la.inv(factor_2)
        factor_3 = np.dot(varb, factor_1)
        betas = np.dot(factor_3, hty)
        self.betas = betas
        self.varb = varb
        self.zthhthi = factor_1

        # predicted values
        self.predy = spdot(z, betas)

        # residuals
        u = y - self.predy
        self.u = u

        # attributes used in property
        self.hth = hth     # Required for condition index
        self.hthi = hthi   # Used in error models
        self.htz = zth.T

        if robust:
            self.vm = ROBUST.robust_vm(reg=self, gwk=gwk, sig2n_k=sig2n_k)

        self._cache = {}
        if sig2n_k:
            self.sig2 = self.sig2n_k
            self.sig2 = self.sig2n
Exemple #3
 def _get_spat_diag_props(self,y, x, w, yend, q, w_lags, lag_q):
     self._cache = {}
     yend, q = set_endog(y, x, w, yend, q, w_lags, lag_q)
     x = USER.check_constant(x)
     x = REGI.regimeX_setup(x, self.regimes, [True] * x.shape[1], self.regimes_set)
     self.z = sphstack(x,REGI.regimeX_setup(yend, self.regimes, [True] * (yend.shape[1]-1)+[False], self.regimes_set))
     self.h = sphstack(x,REGI.regimeX_setup(q, self.regimes, [True] * q.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
     hthi = np.linalg.inv(spdot(self.h.T,self.h))
     zth = spdot(self.z.T,self.h)     
     self.varb = np.linalg.inv(spdot(spdot(zth,hthi),zth.T))
Exemple #4
 def _get_spat_diag_props(self, results, regi_ids, x, yend, q):
     self._cache = {}
     x = USER.check_constant(x)
     x = REGI.regimeX_setup(
         x, self.regimes, [True] * x.shape[1], self.regimes_set)
     self.z = sphstack(x, REGI.regimeX_setup(
         yend, self.regimes, [True] * yend.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
     self.h = sphstack(
         x, REGI.regimeX_setup(q, self.regimes, [True] * q.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
     hthi = np.linalg.inv(spdot(self.h.T, self.h))
     zth = spdot(self.z.T, self.h)
     self.varb = np.linalg.inv(spdot(spdot(zth, hthi), zth.T))
Exemple #5
 def _get_spat_diag_props(self, y, x, w, yend, q, w_lags, lag_q):
     self._cache = {}
     yend, q = set_endog(y, x, w, yend, q, w_lags, lag_q)
     x = USER.check_constant(x)
     x = REGI.regimeX_setup(
         x, self.regimes, [True] * x.shape[1], self.regimes_set)
     self.z = sphstack(x, REGI.regimeX_setup(
         yend, self.regimes, [True] * (yend.shape[1] - 1) + [False], self.regimes_set))
     self.h = sphstack(
         x, REGI.regimeX_setup(q, self.regimes, [True] * q.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
     hthi = np.linalg.inv(spdot(self.h.T, self.h))
     zth = spdot(self.z.T, self.h)
     self.varb = np.linalg.inv(spdot(spdot(zth, hthi), zth.T))
Exemple #6
 def _get_spat_diag_props(self, results, regi_ids, x, yend, q):
     self._cache = {}
     x = USER.check_constant(x)
     x = REGI.regimeX_setup(x, self.regimes, [True] * x.shape[1],
     self.z = sphstack(
         REGI.regimeX_setup(yend, self.regimes, [True] * yend.shape[1],
     self.h = sphstack(
         REGI.regimeX_setup(q, self.regimes, [True] * q.shape[1],
     hthi = np.linalg.inv(spdot(self.h.T, self.h))
     zth = spdot(self.z.T, self.h)
     self.varb = np.linalg.inv(spdot(spdot(zth, hthi), zth.T))
Exemple #7
 def _tsls_regimes_multi(self, x, yend, q, w_i, regi_ids, cores,\
              gwk, sig2n_k, robust, spat_diag, vm, name_x, name_yend, name_q):
     pool = mp.Pool(cores)
     results_p = {}
     for r in self.regimes_set:
         if system() == 'Windows':
             is_win = True
             results_p[r] = _work(*(self.y,x,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
             results_p[r] = pool.apply_async(_work,args=(self.y,x,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
             is_win = False
     self.kryd = 0
     self.kr = x.shape[1]+yend.shape[1]+1
     self.kf = 0
     self.nr = len(self.regimes_set)
     self.vm = np.zeros((self.nr*self.kr,self.nr*self.kr),float)
     self.betas = np.zeros((self.nr*self.kr,1),float)
     self.u = np.zeros((self.n,1),float)
     self.predy = np.zeros((self.n,1),float)
     if not is_win:
     results = {}
     self.name_y, self.name_x, self.name_yend, self.name_q, self.name_z, self.name_h = [],[],[],[],[],[]
     counter = 0
     for r in self.regimes_set:
         if is_win:
             results[r] = results_p[r]
             results[r] = results_p[r].get()
         if w_i:
             results[r].w = w_i[r]
             results[r].w = None
         self.vm[(counter*self.kr):((counter+1)*self.kr),(counter*self.kr):((counter+1)*self.kr)] = results[r].vm
         self.betas[(counter*self.kr):((counter+1)*self.kr),] = results[r].betas
         self.name_y += results[r].name_y
         self.name_x += results[r].name_x
         self.name_yend += results[r].name_yend
         self.name_q += results[r].name_q
         self.name_z += results[r].name_z
         self.name_h += results[r].name_h
         counter += 1
     self.multi = results
     self.hac_var = sphstack(x,q)
     if robust == 'hac':
     self.chow = REGI.Chow(self)
     SUMMARY.TSLS_multi(reg=self, multireg=self.multi, vm=vm, spat_diag=spat_diag, regimes=True)
Exemple #8
def check_constant(x):
    """Check if the X matrix contains a constant, raise exception if it does


    x           : array
                  Value passed by a used to a regression class


    Returns : nothing
              Nothing is returned

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal
    >>> db = pysal.open(pysal.examples.get_path('columbus.dbf'),'r')
    >>> X = []
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("INC"))
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("HOVAL"))
    >>> X = np.array(X).T
    >>> x_constant = check_constant(X)
    >>> x_constant.shape
    (49, 3)

    if not diagnostics.constant_check:
        raise Exception, "x array cannot contain a constant vector; constant will be added automatically"
        x_constant = COPY.copy(x)
        return sphstack(np.ones((x_constant.shape[0],1)),x_constant)
def white(reg):
    Calculates the White test to check for heteroscedasticity.

    reg             : regression object
                      output instance from a regression model

    white_result    : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (white), degrees of freedom
                      (df) and the associated p-value (pvalue) for the
                      White test. 
    white           : float
                      scalar value for the White test statistic.
    df              : integer
                      degrees of freedom associated with the test
    pvalue          : float
                      p-value associated with the statistic (chi^2
                      distributed with k df)

    x attribute in the reg object must have a constant term included. This is
    standard for spreg.OLS so no testing done to confirm constant.

    .. [1] H. White. 1980. A heteroscedasticity-consistent covariance
       matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskdasticity.
       Econometrica. 48(4) 817-838. 

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal
    >>> import diagnostics
    >>> from ols import OLS

    Read the DBF associated with the Columbus data.

    >>> db = pysal.open(pysal.examples.get_path("columbus.dbf"),"r")

    Create the dependent variable vector. 

    >>> y = np.array(db.by_col("CRIME"))
    >>> y = np.reshape(y, (49,1))

    Create the matrix of independent variables. 

    >>> X = []
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("INC"))
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("HOVAL"))
    >>> X = np.array(X).T

    Run an OLS regression.

    >>> reg = OLS(y,X)

    Calculate the White test for heteroscedasticity.

    >>> testresult = diagnostics.white(reg)

    Print the degrees of freedom for the test.

    >>> print testresult['df']

    Print the test statistic.

    >>> print("%1.3f"%testresult['wh'])

    Print the associated p-value. 

    >>> print("%1.4f"%testresult['pvalue'])

    e = reg.u ** 2
    k = reg.k
    n = reg.n
    y = reg.y
    X = reg.x
    #constant = constant_check(X)

    # Check for constant, if none add one, see Greene 2003, pg. 222
    # if constant == False:
    #    X = np.hstack((np.ones((n,1)),X))

    # Check for multicollinearity in the X matrix
    ci = condition_index(reg)
    if ci > 30:
        white_result = "Not computed due to multicollinearity."
        return white_result

    # Compute cross-products and squares of the regression variables
    if type(X).__name__ == 'ndarray':
        A = np.zeros((n, (k * (k + 1)) / 2.))
    elif type(X).__name__ == 'csc_matrix' or type(X).__name__ == 'csr_matrix':
        # this is probably inefficient
        A = SP.lil_matrix((n, (k * (k + 1)) / 2.))
        raise Exception, "unknown X type, %s" % type(X).__name__
    counter = 0
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(i, k):
            v = spmultiply(X[:, i], X[:, j], False)
            A[:, counter] = v
            counter += 1

    # Append the original variables
    A = sphstack(X, A)   # note: this also converts a LIL to CSR
    n, k = A.shape

    # Check to identify any duplicate or constant columns in A
    omitcolumn = []
    for i in range(k):
        current = A[:, i]
        # remove all constant terms (will add a constant back later)
        if spmax(current) == spmin(current):
        # do not allow duplicates
        for j in range(k):
            check = A[:, j]
            if i < j:
                test = abs(current - check).sum()
                if test == 0:
    uniqueomit = set(omitcolumn)
    omitcolumn = list(uniqueomit)

    # Now the identified columns must be removed
    if type(A).__name__ == 'ndarray':
        A = np.delete(A, omitcolumn, 1)
    elif type(A).__name__ == 'csc_matrix' or type(A).__name__ == 'csr_matrix':
        # this is probably inefficient
        keepcolumn = range(k)
        for i in omitcolumn:
        A = A[:, keepcolumn]
        raise Exception, "unknown A type, %s" % type(X).__name__
    A = sphstack(np.ones((A.shape[0], 1)), A)   # add a constant back in
    n, k = A.shape

    # Conduct the auxiliary regression and calculate the statistic
    import ols as OLS
    aux_reg = OLS.BaseOLS(e, A)
    aux_r2 = r2(aux_reg)
    wh = aux_r2 * n
    df = k - 1
    pvalue = stats.chisqprob(wh, df)
    white_result = {'df': df, 'wh': wh, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return white_result
Exemple #10
def white(reg):
    Calculates the White test to check for heteroscedasticity. [White1980]_

    reg             : regression object
                      output instance from a regression model

    white_result    : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (white), degrees of freedom
                      (df) and the associated p-value (pvalue) for the
                      White test. 
    white           : float
                      scalar value for the White test statistic.
    df              : integer
                      degrees of freedom associated with the test
    pvalue          : float
                      p-value associated with the statistic (chi^2
                      distributed with k df)

    x attribute in the reg object must have a constant term included. This is
    standard for spreg.OLS so no testing done to confirm constant.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal
    >>> import diagnostics
    >>> from ols import OLS

    Read the DBF associated with the Columbus data.

    >>> db = pysal.open(pysal.examples.get_path("columbus.dbf"),"r")

    Create the dependent variable vector. 

    >>> y = np.array(db.by_col("CRIME"))
    >>> y = np.reshape(y, (49,1))

    Create the matrix of independent variables. 

    >>> X = []
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("INC"))
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("HOVAL"))
    >>> X = np.array(X).T

    Run an OLS regression.

    >>> reg = OLS(y,X)

    Calculate the White test for heteroscedasticity.

    >>> testresult = diagnostics.white(reg)

    Print the degrees of freedom for the test.

    >>> print testresult['df']

    Print the test statistic.

    >>> print("%1.3f"%testresult['wh'])

    Print the associated p-value. 

    >>> print("%1.4f"%testresult['pvalue'])

    e = reg.u**2
    k = int(reg.k)
    n = int(reg.n)
    y = reg.y
    X = reg.x
    #constant = constant_check(X)

    # Check for constant, if none add one, see Greene 2003, pg. 222
    # if constant == False:
    #    X = np.hstack((np.ones((n,1)),X))

    # Check for multicollinearity in the X matrix
    ci = condition_index(reg)
    if ci > 30:
        white_result = "Not computed due to multicollinearity."
        return white_result

    # Compute cross-products and squares of the regression variables
    if type(X).__name__ == 'ndarray':
        A = np.zeros((n, (k * (k + 1)) // 2))
    elif type(X).__name__ == 'csc_matrix' or type(X).__name__ == 'csr_matrix':
        # this is probably inefficient
        A = SP.lil_matrix((n, (k * (k + 1)) // 2))
        raise Exception, "unknown X type, %s" % type(X).__name__
    counter = 0
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(i, k):
            v = spmultiply(X[:, i], X[:, j], False)
            A[:, counter] = v
            counter += 1

    # Append the original variables
    A = sphstack(X, A)  # note: this also converts a LIL to CSR
    n, k = A.shape

    # Check to identify any duplicate or constant columns in A
    omitcolumn = []
    for i in range(k):
        current = A[:, i]
        # remove all constant terms (will add a constant back later)
        if spmax(current) == spmin(current):
        # do not allow duplicates
        for j in range(k):
            check = A[:, j]
            if i < j:
                test = abs(current - check).sum()
                if test == 0:
    uniqueomit = set(omitcolumn)
    omitcolumn = list(uniqueomit)

    # Now the identified columns must be removed
    if type(A).__name__ == 'ndarray':
        A = np.delete(A, omitcolumn, 1)
    elif type(A).__name__ == 'csc_matrix' or type(A).__name__ == 'csr_matrix':
        # this is probably inefficient
        keepcolumn = range(k)
        for i in omitcolumn:
        A = A[:, keepcolumn]
        raise Exception, "unknown A type, %s" % type(X).__name__
    A = sphstack(np.ones((A.shape[0], 1)), A)  # add a constant back in
    n, k = A.shape

    # Conduct the auxiliary regression and calculate the statistic
    import ols as OLS
    aux_reg = OLS.BaseOLS(e, A)
    aux_r2 = r2(aux_reg)
    wh = aux_r2 * n
    df = k - 1
    pvalue = chisqprob(wh, df)
    white_result = {'df': df, 'wh': wh, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return white_result
Exemple #11
    def _tsls_regimes_multi(self, x, yend, q, w, regi_ids, cores,
                            gwk, sig2n_k, robust, spat_diag, vm, name_x, name_yend, name_q):
        results_p = {}
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if system() != 'Windows':
                is_win = True
                results_p[r] = _work(*(self.y,x,w,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
                pool = mp.Pool(cores)
                results_p[r] = pool.apply_async(_work,args=(self.y,x,w,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
                is_win = False
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if cores:
                pool = mp.Pool(None)
                results_p[r] = pool.apply_async(_work, args=(
                    self.y, x, w, regi_ids, r, yend, q, robust, sig2n_k, self.name_ds, self.name_y, name_x, name_yend, name_q, self.name_w, self.name_regimes))
                results_p[r] = _work(*(self.y, x, w, regi_ids, r, yend, q, robust, sig2n_k,
                                       self.name_ds, self.name_y, name_x, name_yend, name_q, self.name_w, self.name_regimes))

        self.kryd = 0
        self.kr = x.shape[1] + yend.shape[1] + 1
        self.kf = 0
        self.nr = len(self.regimes_set)
        self.vm = np.zeros((self.nr * self.kr, self.nr * self.kr), float)
        self.betas = np.zeros((self.nr * self.kr, 1), float)
        self.u = np.zeros((self.n, 1), float)
        self.predy = np.zeros((self.n, 1), float)
        if not is_win:
        if cores:

        results = {}
        self.name_y, self.name_x, self.name_yend, self.name_q, self.name_z, self.name_h = [
        ], [], [], [], [], []
        counter = 0
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if is_win:
                results[r] = results_p[r]
                results[r] = results_p[r].get()
            if not cores:
                results[r] = results_p[r]
                results[r] = results_p[r].get()

            self.vm[(counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) * self.kr),
                    (counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) * self.kr)] = results[r].vm
                (counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) * self.kr), ] = results[r].betas
            self.u[regi_ids[r], ] = results[r].u
            self.predy[regi_ids[r], ] = results[r].predy
            self.name_y += results[r].name_y
            self.name_x += results[r].name_x
            self.name_yend += results[r].name_yend
            self.name_q += results[r].name_q
            self.name_z += results[r].name_z
            self.name_h += results[r].name_h
            counter += 1
        self.multi = results
        self.hac_var = sphstack(x, q)
        if robust == 'hac':
            hac_multi(self, gwk)
        if robust == 'ogmm':
                self, "Residuals treated as homoskedastic for the purpose of diagnostics.")
        self.chow = REGI.Chow(self)
        if spat_diag:
            self._get_spat_diag_props(results, regi_ids, x, yend, q)
            reg=self, multireg=self.multi, vm=vm, spat_diag=spat_diag, regimes=True, w=w)
Exemple #12
    def _tsls_regimes_multi(self, x, yend, q, w, regi_ids, cores, gwk, sig2n_k,
                            robust, spat_diag, vm, name_x, name_yend, name_q):
        results_p = {}
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if system() != 'Windows':
                is_win = True
                results_p[r] = _work(*(self.y,x,w,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
                pool = mp.Pool(cores)
                results_p[r] = pool.apply_async(_work,args=(self.y,x,w,regi_ids,r,yend,q,robust,sig2n_k,self.name_ds,self.name_y,name_x,name_yend,name_q,self.name_w,self.name_regimes))
                is_win = False
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if cores:
                pool = mp.Pool(None)
                results_p[r] = pool.apply_async(
                    args=(self.y, x, w, regi_ids, r, yend, q, robust, sig2n_k,
                          self.name_ds, self.name_y, name_x, name_yend, name_q,
                          self.name_w, self.name_regimes))
                results_p[r] = _work(*(self.y, x, w, regi_ids, r, yend, q,
                                       robust, sig2n_k, self.name_ds,
                                       self.name_y, name_x, name_yend, name_q,
                                       self.name_w, self.name_regimes))

        self.kryd = 0
        self.kr = x.shape[1] + yend.shape[1] + 1
        self.kf = 0
        self.nr = len(self.regimes_set)
        self.vm = np.zeros((self.nr * self.kr, self.nr * self.kr), float)
        self.betas = np.zeros((self.nr * self.kr, 1), float)
        self.u = np.zeros((self.n, 1), float)
        self.predy = np.zeros((self.n, 1), float)
        if not is_win:
        if cores:

        results = {}
        self.name_y, self.name_x, self.name_yend, self.name_q, self.name_z, self.name_h = [
        ], [], [], [], [], []
        counter = 0
        for r in self.regimes_set:
            if is_win:
                results[r] = results_p[r]
                results[r] = results_p[r].get()
            if not cores:
                results[r] = results_p[r]
                results[r] = results_p[r].get()

            self.vm[(counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) * self.kr),
                    (counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) *
                                         self.kr)] = results[r].vm
            self.betas[(counter * self.kr):((counter + 1) *
                                            self.kr), ] = results[r].betas
            self.u[regi_ids[r], ] = results[r].u
            self.predy[regi_ids[r], ] = results[r].predy
            self.name_y += results[r].name_y
            self.name_x += results[r].name_x
            self.name_yend += results[r].name_yend
            self.name_q += results[r].name_q
            self.name_z += results[r].name_z
            self.name_h += results[r].name_h
            counter += 1
        self.multi = results
        self.hac_var = sphstack(x, q)
        if robust == 'hac':
            hac_multi(self, gwk)
        if robust == 'ogmm':
                "Residuals treated as homoskedastic for the purpose of diagnostics."
        self.chow = REGI.Chow(self)
        if spat_diag:
            self._get_spat_diag_props(results, regi_ids, x, yend, q)