def auc_selection(X,y,n_features):
	Computes the Area Under the Curve achieved by each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

	if verbose:
		print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the AUC from the ROC curves...'

	for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
		feature_scores+=[(roc_auc_score(y,X[:,i]),i)]							#compute scores

	scores,feature_indexes=split_tuples(feature_scores)							#split into score and indexes lists

	return X[:,feature_indexes[0:n_features]],feature_indexes[0:n_features]		#return selected features and original index features
def fisher_score_selection(X,y,n_features):
	Computes the Fisher Score of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

	if verbose:
		print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Fisher score ...'

	for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
		feature_scores+=[(fisher_score(X,y,i),i)]								#compute scores

	scores,feature_indexes=split_tuples(feature_scores)							#split into score and indexes listss

	return X[:,feature_indexes[0:n_features]],feature_indexes[0:n_features]		#return selected features and original index features
def kruskal_wallis_selection(X,y,n_features):
	Computes the Kruskal-Wallis statistic of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

	if verbose:
		print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Kruskal-Wallis test ...'
	for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
		feature_scores+=[(H_kw,i)]												#compute scores

	scores,feature_indexes=split_tuples(feature_scores)							#split into score and indexes lists

	return X[:,feature_indexes[0:n_features]],feature_indexes[0:n_features]		#return selected features and original index features
def chi_squared_selection(X,y,n_features):
	Computes the Chi-squared statistic of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

	if verbose:
		print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Chi2 test ...'
	for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
		feature_scores+=[(chi2_stat,i)]											#compute scores

	scores,feature_indexes=split_tuples(feature_scores)							#split into score and indexes lists

	return X[:,feature_indexes[0:n_features]],feature_indexes[0:n_features]		#return selected features and original index features
def auc_selection(X, y, n_features):
	Computes the Area Under the Curve achieved by each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

    if verbose:
        print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the AUC from the ROC curves...'

    feature_scores = []
    for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
        feature_scores += [(roc_auc_score(y, X[:, i]), i)]  #compute scores

    scores, feature_indexes = split_tuples(
        feature_scores)  #split into score and indexes lists

    return X[:, feature_indexes[0:n_features]], feature_indexes[
        0:n_features]  #return selected features and original index features
def fisher_score_selection(X, y, n_features):
	Computes the Fisher Score of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

    if verbose:
        print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Fisher score ...'

    feature_scores = []
    for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
        feature_scores += [(fisher_score(X, y, i), i)]  #compute scores

    scores, feature_indexes = split_tuples(
        feature_scores)  #split into score and indexes listss

    return X[:, feature_indexes[0:n_features]], feature_indexes[
        0:n_features]  #return selected features and original index features
def kruskal_wallis_selection(X, y, n_features):
	Computes the Kruskal-Wallis statistic of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

    if verbose:
        print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Kruskal-Wallis test ...'
    feature_scores = []
    for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
        H_kw, kw_p_val = kw_feature_test(X, y, i)
        feature_scores += [(H_kw, i)]  #compute scores

    scores, feature_indexes = split_tuples(
        feature_scores)  #split into score and indexes lists

    return X[:, feature_indexes[0:n_features]], feature_indexes[
        0:n_features]  #return selected features and original index features
def chi_squared_selection(X, y, n_features):
	Computes the Chi-squared statistic of each feature and selects the top ranking features

	Keyword arguments:
	X -- The feature vectors
	y -- The target vector
	n_features -- n best ranked features

    if verbose:
        print '\nPerforming Feature Selection based on the Chi2 test ...'
    feature_scores = []
    for i in xrange(len(X[0])):
        chi2_stat, p = chi2_feature_test(X, y, i)
        feature_scores += [(chi2_stat, i)]  #compute scores

    scores, feature_indexes = split_tuples(
        feature_scores)  #split into score and indexes lists

    return X[:, feature_indexes[0:n_features]], feature_indexes[
        0:n_features]  #return selected features and original index features