def expand(fn_name): if fn_name == "plain_preprocess": yield lambda x: x elif fn_name == "0_to_1": yield get_value_range_preprocess(0, 1) elif fn_name == "-1_to_1": yield get_value_range_preprocess(-1, 1) elif fn_name == "resize": yield get_resize_preprocess( utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.resize_size, 2), is_training and FLAGS.get_flag_value("randomize_resize_method", False)) elif fn_name == "resize_small": yield get_resize_small(FLAGS.smaller_size) elif fn_name == "crop": yield get_crop(is_training, utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.crop_size, 2)) elif fn_name == "central_crop": yield get_crop(False, utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.crop_size, 2)) elif fn_name == "inception_crop": yield get_inception_crop(is_training) elif fn_name == "flip_lr": yield get_random_flip_lr(is_training) elif fn_name == "crop_inception_preprocess_patches": yield get_inception_preprocess_patches( is_training, utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.resize_size, 2), FLAGS.num_of_inception_patches) elif fn_name == "to_gray": yield get_to_gray_preprocess( FLAGS.get_flag_value("grayscale_probability", 1.0)) elif fn_name == "crop_patches": yield pp_lib.get_crop_patches_fn( is_training, split_per_side=FLAGS.splits_per_side, patch_jitter=FLAGS.get_flag_value("patch_jitter", 0)) elif fn_name == "standardization": yield get_standardization_preprocess() elif fn_name == "rotate": yield get_rotate_preprocess() # Below this line specific combos decomposed. # It would be nice to move them to the configs at some point. elif fn_name == "inception_preprocess": yield get_inception_preprocess( is_training, utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.resize_size, 2)) else: raise ValueError("Not supported preprocessing %s" % fn_name)
def __init__(self, update_batchnorm_params=True): self.update_batchnorm_params = update_batchnorm_params split = FLAGS.get_flag_value('train_split', 'train') num_samples = datasets.get_count(split) steps_per_epoch = num_samples // FLAGS.batch_size global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() self.global_step_inc = tf.assign_add(global_step, 1) # lr_scale_batch_size defines a canonical batch size that is coupled with # the initial learning rate. If actual batch size is not the same as # canonical than learning rate is linearly scaled. This is very convinient # as this allows to vary batch size without recomputing learning rate. lr_factor = 1.0 if FLAGS.get_flag_value('lr_scale_batch_size', 0): lr_factor = FLAGS.batch_size / float(FLAGS.lr_scale_batch_size) deps = FLAGS.get_flag_value('decay_epochs', None) decay_epochs = utils.str2intlist(deps) if deps else [FLAGS.epochs] = get_lr( global_step, * lr_factor, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, decay_epochs=decay_epochs, lr_decay_factor=FLAGS.get_flag_value('lr_decay_factor', 0.1), warmup_epochs=FLAGS.get_flag_value('warmup_epochs', 0))
def serving_input_fn(): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring """A serving input fn.""" input_shape = utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.serving_input_shape) image_features = { FLAGS.serving_input_key: tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_shape)} return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver( features=image_features, receiver_tensors=image_features)
def serving_input_fn(): """A serving input fn.""" input_shape = utils.str2intlist( FLAGS.get_flag_value('serving_input_shape', 'None,None,None,3')) image_features = { FLAGS.get_flag_value('serving_input_key', 'image'): tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_shape) } return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver( features=image_features, receiver_tensors=image_features)
def create_model_fn(is_training): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring input_shape = utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.serving_input_shape) img = tf.placeholder(shape=input_shape, dtype=tf.float32) # This is an example of calling `apply_model_semi` with only one of the # inputs provided. The outputs will simply use the given names: end_points, predictions = model_fn(img, is_training) # Register both the class output and all endpoints to the hub module. hub.add_signature(inputs={'image': img}, outputs=predictions) hub.add_signature(inputs={'image': img}, outputs=end_points, name='representation')
def get_resize_preprocess(fn_args, is_training): # This checks if the string "randomize_method" is present anywhere in the # args. If it is, during training, enable randomization, but not during test. # That's so that a call can look like `resize(256, randomize_method)` or # `resize(randomize_method, 256, 128)` and they all work as expected. try: fn_args.remove("randomize_method") randomize_resize_method = is_training except ValueError: randomize_resize_method = False im_size = utils.str2intlist(fn_args, 2) def _resize(image, method, align_corners): def _process(): # The resized_images are of type float32 and might fall outside of range # [0, 255]. resized = tf.cast( tf.image.resize_images( image, im_size, method, align_corners=align_corners), dtype=tf.float32) return resized return _process def _resize_pp(data): im = data["image"] if randomize_resize_method: # pick random resizing method r = tf.random_uniform([], 0, 3, dtype=tf.int32) im ={ tf.equal(r, tf.cast(0, r.dtype)): _resize(im, tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, True), tf.equal(r, tf.cast(1, r.dtype)): _resize(im, tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, True), tf.equal(r, tf.cast(2, r.dtype)): _resize(im, tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC, True), # NOTE: use align_corners=False for AREA resize, but True for the # others. See tf.equal(r, tf.cast(3, r.dtype)): _resize(im, tf.image.ResizeMethod.AREA, False), }) else: im = tf.image.resize_images(im, im_size) data["image"] = im return data return _resize_pp
def expand(fn_name, args): if fn_name == "plain_preprocess": yield lambda x: x elif fn_name == "0_to_1": yield get_value_range_preprocess(0, 1) elif fn_name == "-1_to_1": yield get_value_range_preprocess(-1, 1) elif fn_name == "value_range": yield get_value_range_preprocess(*map(float, args)) elif fn_name == "resize": yield get_resize_preprocess(args, is_training) elif fn_name == "resize_small": yield get_resize_small(int(args[0])) elif fn_name == "crop": yield get_crop(is_training, utils.str2intlist(args, 2)) elif fn_name == "central_crop": yield get_crop(False, utils.str2intlist(args, 2)) elif fn_name == "multi_crop": yield get_multi_crop(utils.str2intlist(args, 2)) elif fn_name == "inception_crop": yield get_inception_crop(is_training) elif fn_name == "flip_lr": yield get_random_flip_lr(is_training) elif fn_name == "hsvnoise": # TODO(lbeyer): expose the parameters? Or maybe just a scale parameter? yield get_hsvnoise_preprocess(*args) elif fn_name == "crop_inception_preprocess_patches": npatch = int(args[0]) size = utils.str2intlist(args[1:], 2) yield get_inception_preprocess_patches(is_training, size, npatch) elif fn_name == "crop_inception_patches": npatch = int(args[0]) size = utils.str2intlist(args[1:], 2) yield get_inception_crop_patches(size, npatch) elif fn_name == "to_gray": yield get_to_gray_preprocess(float(get(args, 0, 1.0))) elif fn_name == "standardize": yield get_standardize_preprocess() elif fn_name == "rotate": yield get_rotate_preprocess() elif fn_name == "copy_label": yield get_copy_label_preprocess(get(args, 0, "copy_label")) # Below this line specific combos decomposed. # It would be nice to move them to the configs at some point. elif fn_name == "inception_preprocess": yield get_inception_preprocess(is_training, utils.str2intlist(args, 2)) else: raise ValueError("Not supported preprocessing %s" % fn_name)
def train_and_eval(): """Trains a network on (self) supervised data.""" checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.get_flag_value("checkpoint", FLAGS.workdir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(checkpoint_dir) if FLAGS.tpu_name: cluster = TPUClusterResolver(tpu=[FLAGS.tpu_name]) else: cluster = None #"master: %s", master) config = RunConfig( model_dir=checkpoint_dir, tf_random_seed=FLAGS.random_seed, cluster=cluster, keep_checkpoint_max=None, save_checkpoints_steps=FLAGS.save_checkpoints_steps, tpu_config=TPUConfig(iterations_per_loop=TPU_ITERATIONS_PER_LOOP)) # Optionally resume from a stored checkpoint. if FLAGS.path_to_initial_ckpt: warm_start_from = tf.estimator.WarmStartSettings( ckpt_to_initialize_from=FLAGS.path_to_initial_ckpt, # The square bracket is important for loading all the # variables from GLOBAL_VARIABLES collection. # See # pylint: disable=line-too-long # section vars_to_warm_start for more details. vars_to_warm_start=[FLAGS.vars_to_restore] ) else: warm_start_from = None # The global batch-sizes are passed to the TPU estimator, and it will pass # along the local batch size in the model_fn's `params` argument dict. estimator = TPUEstimator( model_fn=semi_supervised.get_model(FLAGS.task), model_dir=checkpoint_dir, config=config, use_tpu=FLAGS.tpu_name is not None, train_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.get_flag_value("eval_batch_size", FLAGS.batch_size), warm_start_from=warm_start_from ) if FLAGS.run_eval: data_fn = functools.partial( datasets.get_data, split_name=FLAGS.val_split, preprocessing=FLAGS.get_flag_value("preprocessing_eval", FLAGS.preprocessing), is_training=False, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1, drop_remainder=True) # Contrary to what the documentation claims, the `train` and the # `evaluate` functions NEED to have `max_steps` and/or `steps` set and # cannot make use of the iterator's end-of-input exception, so we need # to do some math for that here. num_samples = datasets.get_count(FLAGS.val_split) num_steps = num_samples // FLAGS.get_flag_value("eval_batch_size", FLAGS.batch_size)"val_steps: %d", num_steps) for checkpoint in checkpoints_iterator( estimator.model_dir, timeout=FLAGS.eval_timeout_mins * 60): result_dict_val = estimator.evaluate( checkpoint_path=checkpoint, input_fn=data_fn, steps=num_steps) hub_exporter = hub.LatestModuleExporter("hub", serving_input_fn) hub_exporter.export( estimator, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "export/hub"), checkpoint) # This is here instead of using the above `checkpoints_iterator`'s # `timeout_fn` param, because that would wait forever on failed # trainers which will never create this file. if tf.gfile.Exists(os.path.join(FLAGS.workdir, "TRAINING_IS_DONE")): break # Evaluates the latest checkpoint on validation set. result_dict_val = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=data_fn, steps=num_steps) # Optionally evaluates the latest checkpoint on test set. if FLAGS.test_split: data_fn = functools.partial( datasets.get_data, split_name=FLAGS.test_split, preprocessing=FLAGS.get_flag_value("preprocessing_eval", FLAGS.preprocessing), is_training=False, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1, drop_remainder=True) num_samples = datasets.get_count(FLAGS.test_split) num_steps = num_samples // FLAGS.get_flag_value("eval_batch_size", FLAGS.batch_size) result_dict_test = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=data_fn, steps=num_steps) return result_dict_val else: train_data_fn = functools.partial( datasets.get_data, split_name=FLAGS.train_split, preprocessing=FLAGS.preprocessing, is_training=True, num_epochs=None, # read data indefenitely for training drop_remainder=True) # We compute the number of steps and make use of Estimator's max_steps # arguments instead of relying on the Dataset's iterator to run out after # a number of epochs so that we can use "fractional" epochs, which are # used by regression tests. (And because TPUEstimator needs it anyways.) num_samples = datasets.get_count(FLAGS.train_split) if FLAGS.num_supervised_examples: num_samples = FLAGS.num_supervised_examples # Depending on whether we drop the last batch each epoch or only at the # ver end, this should be ordered differently for rounding. updates_per_epoch = num_samples // FLAGS.batch_size epochs = utils.str2intlist(FLAGS.schedule, strict_int=False)[-1] num_steps = int(math.ceil(epochs * updates_per_epoch))"train_steps: %d", num_steps) return estimator.train( train_data_fn, max_steps=num_steps)
def creates_estimator_model(images, labels, perms, num_classes, mode): """Creates EstimatorSpec for the patch based self supervised models. Args: images: images labels: self supervised labels (class indices) perms: patch permutations num_classes: number of different permutations mode: model's mode: training, eval or prediction Returns: EstimatorSpec """ print(' +++ Mode: %s, images: %s, labels: %s' % (mode, images, labels)) images = tf.reshape(images, shape=[-1] + images.get_shape().as_list()[-3:]) if mode in [tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL]: with tf.variable_scope('module'): image_fn = lambda: images logits = apply_model( image_fn=image_fn, is_training=(mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN), num_outputs=num_classes, perms=perms, make_signature=False) else: input_shape = utils.str2intlist( FLAGS.get_flag_value('serving_input_shape', 'None,None,None,3')) image_fn = lambda: tf.placeholder( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda shape=input_shape, dtype=tf.float32) apply_model_function = functools.partial(apply_model, image_fn=image_fn, num_outputs=num_classes, perms=perms, make_signature=True) tf_hub_module_spec = hub.create_module_spec( apply_model_function, [(utils.TAGS_IS_TRAINING, { 'is_training': True }), (set(), { 'is_training': False })], drop_collections=['summaries']) tf_hub_module = hub.Module(tf_hub_module_spec, trainable=False, tags=set()) hub.register_module_for_export(tf_hub_module, export_name='module') logits = tf_hub_module(images) return make_estimator(mode, predictions=logits) # build loss and accuracy loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=logits) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) eval_metrics = ( lambda labels, logits: { # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda 'accuracy': tf.metrics.accuracy(labels=labels, predictions=tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) }, [labels, logits]) return make_estimator(mode, loss, eval_metrics, logits)
def model_fn(data, mode): """Produces a loss for the rotation task. Args: data: Dict of inputs containing, among others, "image" and "label." mode: model's mode: training, eval or prediction Returns: EstimatorSpec """ num_angles = 4 images = data['image'] if mode in [tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL]: images = tf.reshape(images, [-1] + images.get_shape().as_list()[-3:]) with tf.variable_scope('module'): image_fn = lambda: images logits = apply_model( image_fn=image_fn, is_training=(mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN), num_outputs=num_angles, make_signature=False) else: input_shape = utils.str2intlist( FLAGS.get_flag_value('serving_input_shape', 'None,None,None,3')) image_fn = lambda: tf.placeholder( shape=input_shape, # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda dtype=tf.float32) apply_model_function = functools.partial(apply_model, image_fn=image_fn, num_outputs=num_angles, make_signature=True) tf_hub_module_spec = hub.create_module_spec(apply_model_function, [(utils.TAGS_IS_TRAINING, { 'is_training': True }), (set(), { 'is_training': False })]) tf_hub_module = hub.Module(tf_hub_module_spec, trainable=False, tags=set()) hub.register_module_for_export(tf_hub_module, export_name='module') logits = tf_hub_module(images) return trainer.make_estimator(mode, predictions=logits) labels = tf.reshape(data['label'], [-1]) # build loss and accuracy loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=logits) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) eval_metrics = ( lambda labels, logits: { # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda 'accuracy': tf.metrics.accuracy(labels=labels, predictions=tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) }, [labels, logits]) return trainer.make_estimator(mode, loss, eval_metrics, logits)