def run_online_evaluation(self, output, target): with torch.no_grad(): num_classes = output.shape[1] output_softmax = softmax_helper(output) output_seg = output_softmax.argmax(1) target = target[:, 0] axes = tuple(range(1, len(target.shape))) tp_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) fp_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) fn_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) for c in range(1, num_classes): tp_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg == c).float() * (target == c).float(), axes=axes) fp_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg == c).float() * (target != c).float(), axes=axes) fn_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg != c).float() * (target == c).float(), axes=axes) tp_hard = tp_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False).detach().cpu().numpy() fp_hard = fp_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False).detach().cpu().numpy() fn_hard = fn_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False).detach().cpu().numpy() self.online_eval_foreground_dc.append( list((2 * tp_hard) / (2 * tp_hard + fp_hard + fn_hard + 1e-8))) self.online_eval_tp.append(list(tp_hard)) self.online_eval_fp.append(list(fp_hard)) self.online_eval_fn.append(list(fn_hard))
def forward(self, x, y): dc = 0 shp_x = x.shape if self.batch_dice: axes = [0] + list(range(2, len(shp_x))) else: axes = list(range(2, len(shp_x))) if self.apply_nonlin is not None: net_output = self.apply_nonlin(x) # (b,c,x,y,z) gt_onehot = gt2onehot(net_output, y, axes) # (b,c,x,y,z) intersection = sum_tensor(net_output * gt_onehot, axes, keepdim=False) pred_o = sum_tensor(net_output**2, axes, keepdim=False) ground_o = sum_tensor(gt_onehot**2, axes, keepdim=False) dc = 2.0 * (intersection + self.smooth) / (ground_o + pred_o + self.smooth) if not self.do_bg: if self.batch_dice: dc = dc[1:] else: dc = dc[:, 1:] dc = dc.mean() return -dc
def get_tp_fp_fn(net_output, gt, axes=None, mask=None, square=False): """ net_output must be (b, c, x, y(, z))) gt must be a label map (shape (b, 1, x, y(, z)) OR shape (b, x, y(, z))) or one hot encoding (b, c, x, y(, z)) if mask is provided it must have shape (b, 1, x, y(, z))) :param net_output: :param gt: :param axes: :param mask: mask must be 1 for valid pixels and 0 for invalid pixels :param square: if True then fp, tp and fn will be squared before summation :return: """ if axes is None: axes = tuple(range(2, len(net_output.size()))) shp_x = net_output.shape shp_y = gt.shape with torch.no_grad(): if len(shp_x) != len(shp_y): gt = gt.view((shp_y[0], 1, *shp_y[1:])) if all([i == j for i, j in zip(net_output.shape, gt.shape)]): # if this is the case then gt is probably already a one hot encoding y_onehot = gt else: gt = gt.long() y_onehot = torch.zeros(shp_x) if net_output.device.type == "cuda": y_onehot = y_onehot.cuda(net_output.device.index) y_onehot.scatter_(1, gt, 1) tp = net_output * y_onehot fp = net_output * (1 - y_onehot) fn = (1 - net_output) * y_onehot if mask is not None: tp = torch.stack(tuple(x_i * mask[:, 0] for x_i in torch.unbind(tp, dim=1)), dim=1) fp = torch.stack(tuple(x_i * mask[:, 0] for x_i in torch.unbind(fp, dim=1)), dim=1) fn = torch.stack(tuple(x_i * mask[:, 0] for x_i in torch.unbind(fn, dim=1)), dim=1) if square: tp = tp**2 fp = fp**2 fn = fn**2 tp = sum_tensor(tp, axes, keepdim=False) fp = sum_tensor(fp, axes, keepdim=False) fn = sum_tensor(fn, axes, keepdim=False) return tp, fp, fn
def forward(self, x, y, loss_mask=None): shp_x = x.shape shp_y = y.shape if self.batch_dice: axes = [0] + list(range(2, len(shp_x))) else: axes = list(range(2, len(shp_x))) if len(shp_x) != len(shp_y): y = y.view((shp_y[0], 1, *shp_y[1:])) if all([i == j for i, j in zip(x.shape, y.shape)]): # if this is the case then gt is probably already a one hot encoding y_onehot = y else: gt = y.long() y_onehot = torch.zeros(shp_x) if x.device.type == "cuda": y_onehot = y_onehot.cuda(x.device.index) y_onehot.scatter_(1, gt, 1) if self.apply_nonlin is not None: x = self.apply_nonlin(x) if not self.do_bg: x = x[:, 1:] y_onehot = y_onehot[:, 1:] tp, fp, fn, _ = get_tp_fp_fn_tn(x, y_onehot, axes, loss_mask, self.square) # GDL weight computation, we use 1/V volumes = sum_tensor( y_onehot, axes) + 1e-6 # add some eps to prevent div by zero if self.square_volumes: volumes = volumes**2 # apply weights tp = tp / volumes fp = fp / volumes fn = fn / volumes # sum over classes if self.batch_dice: axis = 0 else: axis = 1 tp = tp.sum(axis, keepdim=False) fp = fp.sum(axis, keepdim=False) fn = fn.sum(axis, keepdim=False) # compute dice dc = (2 * tp + self.smooth) / (2 * tp + fp + fn + self.smooth) dc = dc.mean() return -dc
def forward(self, x, y, loss_mask=None): shp_x = x.shape shp_y = y.shape if self.batch_dice: axes = [0] + list(range(2, len(shp_x))) else: axes = list(range(2, len(shp_x))) if self.apply_nonlin is not None: x = self.apply_nonlin(x) with torch.no_grad(): if len(shp_x) != len(shp_y): y = y.view((shp_y[0], 1, *shp_y[1:])) if all([i == j for i, j in zip(x.shape, y.shape)]): # if this is the case then gt is probably already a one hot encoding y_onehot = y else: y = y.long() y_onehot = torch.zeros(shp_x) if x.device.type == "cuda": y_onehot = y_onehot.cuda(x.device.index) y_onehot.scatter_(1, y, 1).float() intersect = x * y_onehot # values in the denominator get smoothed denominator = x**2 + y_onehot**2 # aggregation was previously done in get_tp_fp_fn, but needs to be done here now (needs to be done after # squaring) intersect = sum_tensor(intersect, axes, False) + self.smooth denominator = sum_tensor(denominator, axes, False) + self.smooth dc = 2 * intersect / denominator if not self.do_bg: if self.batch_dice: dc = dc[1:] else: dc = dc[:, 1:] dc = dc.mean() return -dc
def run_online_evaluation(self, output, target): with torch.no_grad(): num_classes = output[0].shape[1] output_seg = output[0].argmax(1) target = target[0][:, 0] axes = tuple(range(1, len(target.shape))) tp_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) fp_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) fn_hard = torch.zeros( (target.shape[0], num_classes - 1)).to(output_seg.device.index) for c in range(1, num_classes): tp_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg == c).float() * (target == c).float(), axes=axes) fp_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg == c).float() * (target != c).float(), axes=axes) fn_hard[:, c - 1] = sum_tensor( (output_seg != c).float() * (target == c).float(), axes=axes) # tp_hard, fp_hard, fn_hard = get_tp_fp_fn((output_softmax > (1 / num_classes)).float(), target, # axes, None) # print_if_rank0("before allgather", tp_hard.shape) tp_hard = tp_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False)[None] fp_hard = fp_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False)[None] fn_hard = fn_hard.sum(0, keepdim=False)[None] tp_hard = awesome_allgather_function.apply(tp_hard) fp_hard = awesome_allgather_function.apply(fp_hard) fn_hard = awesome_allgather_function.apply(fn_hard) tp_hard = tp_hard.detach().cpu().numpy().sum(0) fp_hard = fp_hard.detach().cpu().numpy().sum(0) fn_hard = fn_hard.detach().cpu().numpy().sum(0) self.online_eval_foreground_dc.append( list((2 * tp_hard) / (2 * tp_hard + fp_hard + fn_hard + 1e-8))) self.online_eval_tp.append(list(tp_hard)) self.online_eval_fp.append(list(fp_hard)) self.online_eval_fn.append(list(fn_hard))
def trainmodel(trainset, testset, all_labels, num_freqs, block_len, write_dir, config, split_i=None): num_categories = len(all_labels) shuffle_buffer_size = config.getint('Dataset', 'shuffle_buffer_size') n_epochs = config.getint('Dataset', 'n_epochs') batch_size = config.getint('Dataset', 'batch_size') tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() linear_to_mel_weight_matrix = tf.contrib.signal.linear_to_mel_weight_matrix( num_mel_bins=config.getint('Spectrogram', 'mel_bands'), num_spectrogram_bins=num_freqs, sample_rate=config.getint('Spectrogram', 'sample_rate'), lower_edge_hertz=config.getfloat('Spectrogram', 'mel_min'), upper_edge_hertz=config.getfloat('Spectrogram', 'mel_max')) # create datasets and iterators dataset_train =[f[0] for f in trainset]). \ apply(, n_epochs)). \ map(lambda x: dataset_fft_to_mel_single(x, block_len, num_freqs, linear_to_mel_weight_matrix, all_labels, True), num_parallel_calls=4). \ batch(batch_size). \ prefetch(5) dataset_test =[f[0] for f in testset]).\ map(lambda x: dataset_fft_to_mel_multi(x, block_len, num_freqs, linear_to_mel_weight_matrix, all_labels), num_parallel_calls=4). \ flat_map(lambda *x: \ batch(batch_size). \ prefetch(5) handle = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name='iterator_handle') iterator = handle, dataset_train.output_types, dataset_train.output_shapes) x, y = iterator.get_next(name='xinput') training_iterator = dataset_train) test_iterator = # create model with slim.arg_scope( residual_parameters(weight_decay=0.00004, batch_norm_decay=0.9997, batch_norm_epsilon=0.001, reg=3, elu=True)): logits, predictions = residual_model(x, num_categories, is_training=True, reuse=False, is_music_layer1=True, n_filt=4, n_res_lay=4, layer1_size=10, use_max_pool=[1, 2, 1, 2], use_atrous=False, reg=3, weight_decay=0.00004) test_logits, test_predictions = residual_model( x, num_categories, is_training=False, reuse=True, is_music_layer1=True, n_filt=4, n_res_lay=4, layer1_size=10, use_max_pool=[1, 2, 1, 2], use_atrous=False, reg=3, weight_decay=0.00004) size = lambda v: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, v.get_shape().as_list()) n = sum(size(v) for v in tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables()) print("Total trainable parameters: ", n) one_hot_labels = slim.one_hot_encoding(y, num_categories) loss = tf.compat.v1.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(one_hot_labels, logits) total_loss = tf.compat.v1.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=True) global_step = tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate = tf.compat.v1.train.exponential_decay(0.1, global_step, 500, 0.96, staircase=True) optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate) train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(total_loss, optimizer, global_step=global_step) predidx = tf.argmax(input=predictions, axis=1, name='predidx') train_measures, train_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({ 'train/Count': tf.contrib.metrics.count(y, name='train_c'), 'train/Accuracy': tf.compat.v1.metrics.accuracy(y, predidx, name='train_a'), 'train/PerClass': tf.compat.v1.metrics.mean_per_class_accuracy(y, predidx, num_categories, name='train_ca'), 'train/ConfusionMT': sum_tensor(tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=y, predictions=predidx, num_classes=num_categories, name='train_cm'), name='train_scm') }) train_measures['train/LearningRate'] = learning_rate test_predidx = tf.argmax(input=test_predictions, axis=1, name='test_predidx') test_measures, test_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({ 'test/Count': tf.contrib.metrics.count(y, name='test_c'), 'test/Accuracy': tf.compat.v1.metrics.accuracy(y, test_predidx, name='test_a'), 'test/PerClass': tf.compat.v1.metrics.mean_per_class_accuracy(y, test_predidx, num_categories, name='test_ca'), 'test/ConfusionMT': sum_tensor(tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=y, predictions=test_predidx, num_classes=num_categories, name='test_cm'), name='test_scm') }) all_m = dict(train_measures) all_m.update(test_measures) summary = add_summary_ops(all_m, add_variables=True, confmat_size=num_categories) config_proto = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sum_dir = write_dir + ('' if split_i is None else '/split' + str(split_i)) with tf.compat.v1.train.MonitoredTrainingSession( checkpoint_dir=sum_dir, config=config_proto) as sess: training_handle = test_handle = for var in sess.graph.get_collection( tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.METRIC_VARIABLES): while not sess.should_stop(): # do training [loss, pp, yy] =[train_op, predidx, y], feed_dict={'iterator_handle:0': training_handle}) # update training measures upd =, feed_dict={ 'predidx:0': pp, 'xinput:1': yy, handle: training_handle }) gs = if gs % 500 == 0: print(gs, loss) print(upd['train/Accuracy']) if gs % 1000 == 0 or sess.should_stop(): # every 1000 iterations, do testing and update test measures acc = test_model(sess, test_iterator, test_handle, test_predidx, y, test_updates) # also reset training stats for var in [ x for x in sess.graph.get_collection( tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.METRIC_VARIABLES) if'train') ]: print(upd['test/Accuracy']) print(upd['test/PerClass']) print(upd['test/ConfusionMT']) return acc