def obs_operator_ensemble(istage): # assumes that prior ensemble is already linked to advance_temp<i>/wrfout_d01 print('running obs operator on ensemble forecast') os.chdir(cluster.dartrundir) if sat_channel: list_ensemble_truths = [] for iens in range(1, exp.n_ens+1): print('observation operator for ens #'+str(iens)) # ens members are already linked to advance_temp<i>/wrfout_d01 copy(cluster.dartrundir+'/advance_temp'+str(iens)+'/wrfout_d01', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01') # DART may need a wrfinput file as well, which serves as a template for dimension sizes symlink(cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfinput_d01') # add geodata, if istage>0, wrfout is DART output (has coords) if istage == 0:'/', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01') # run perfect_model obs (forward operator) os.system('mpirun -np 12 ./perfect_model_obs > /dev/null') # truth values in obs_seq.out are H(x) values true, _ = read_truth_obs_obsseq(cluster.dartrundir+'/obs_seq.out') list_ensemble_truths.append(true) n_obs = len(list_ensemble_truths[0]) np_array = np.full((exp.n_ens, n_obs), np.nan) for i in range(exp.n_ens): np_array[i, :] = list_ensemble_truths[i] return np_array else: raise NotImplementedError()
def run_obsdiag(filepaths, f_out='./'): write_input_filelist(filepaths) for obserr_iszero in ['.true.', '.false.']: prepare(obserr_iszero=obserr_iszero) # run_allinoneplace obs_diag print('------ running obs_diag program') os.chdir(rundir_program) symlink(cluster.dart_srcdir + '/obs_diag', rundir_program + '/obs_diag') try: os.remove(rundir_program + '/obs_seq_to_netcdf') except: pass os.system('./obs_diag >& obs_diag.log' ) # caution, this overwrites obs_seq_to_netcdf # move output to archive #outdir = os.path.dirname(f_out) #'/'.join(folder_obs_seq_final.split('/')[:-1]) if obserr_iszero == '.true.': fout = f_out[:-3] + '' elif obserr_iszero == '.false.': fout = f_out[:-3] + '' shutil.move(rundir_program + '/', fout) print(fout, 'saved.')
def _link_bundle(self, bundle, undo_log): utils.log("Linking bundle '%s'" % bundle) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames, relpath in \ self._walk_bundle(bundle): for dirname in dirnames: if self._ignore_match(dirname): continue src_dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) dst_dirpath = os.path.join(self.root_path, relpath, dirname) if self._is_directory_tracked(src_dirpath): utils.symlink(src_dirpath, dst_dirpath, dry_run=self.dry_run, undo_log=undo_log) else: utils.mkdir(dst_dirpath, dry_run=self.dry_run, undo_log=undo_log) for filename in filenames: if self._ignore_match(filename): continue src_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) dst_filename = os.path.join(self.root_path, relpath, filename) utils.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename, dry_run=self.dry_run, undo_log=undo_log)
def install(self, **kwargs): utils.makedirs(self.install_directory) utils.makedirs(self.packages_directory) utils.makedirs(self.bin_directory) Sentinal = utils.SentinalFactory( os.path.join(self.install_directory, 'sentinal_'), kwargs) with Sentinal('install_gsl') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.packages_directory): subprocess.check_call( ['wget', '']) subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-xzvf', 'gsl-1.16.tar.gz']) with utils.CurrentDirectory('gsl-1.16'): subprocess.check_call([ './configure', '--prefix', self.packages_directory ]) subprocess.check_call(['make']) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'install']) with Sentinal('install_clonehd') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.packages_directory): subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', self.git_repo_url]) with utils.CurrentDirectory('cloneHD'): subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'checkout', self.git_tag]) utils.makedirs('build') with utils.CurrentDirectory('src'): os.environ['CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH'] = os.path.join( self.packages_directory, 'include') subprocess.check_call([ 'make', 'GSL=' + os.path.join(self.packages_directory, 'lib', 'libgsl.a') + ' ' + os.path.join(self.packages_directory, 'lib', 'libgslcblas.a'), 'CC=g++' ]) for binary in ('cloneHD', 'filterHD', 'pre-filter'): binary_filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('build', binary)) utils.symlink(binary_filename, link_directory=self.bin_directory) with Sentinal('download_chrom_info') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.data_directory): subprocess.check_call( 'wget', shell=True)
def run(assim_time, background_init_time, exppath_firstguess): """Prepares DART files for running filter i.e. - links first guess state to DART first guess filenames - creates wrfinput_d01 files - adds geo-reference (xlat,xlon) coords so that DART can deal with the files - writes txt files so DART knows what input and output is - removes probably pre-existing files which could lead to problems """ print('prepare prior state estimate') for iens in range(1, exp.n_ens + 1): #wrfout_run = cluster.wrf_rundir(iens) + time.strftime('/wrfout_d01_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') print('link wrfout file to DART background file') wrfout_run = exppath_firstguess+background_init_time.strftime('/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M/') \ +str(iens)+assim_time.strftime('/wrfout_d01_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') dart_ensdir = cluster.dartrundir + '/advance_temp' + str(iens) wrfout_dart = dart_ensdir + '/wrfout_d01' os.makedirs(dart_ensdir, exist_ok=True) print('linking', wrfout_run, 'to', wrfout_dart) symlink(wrfout_run, wrfout_dart) symlink(wrfout_dart, dart_ensdir + '/wrfinput_d01') # this seems to be necessary (else wrong level selection) + '/', wrfout_dart) fpath = cluster.dartrundir + '/input_list.txt' print('writing', fpath) os.remove(fpath) with open(fpath, 'w') as f: for iens in range(1, exp.n_ens + 1): f.write('./advance_temp' + str(iens) + '/wrfout_d01') f.write('\n') fpath = cluster.dartrundir + '/output_list.txt' print('writing', fpath) os.remove(fpath) with open(fpath, 'w') as f: for iens in range(1, exp.n_ens + 1): f.write('./filter_restart_d01.' + str(iens).zfill(4)) f.write('\n') print('removing preassim and filter_restart') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/preassim_*') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/filter_restart*') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/output_mean*') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/output_sd*') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/perfect_output_*') os.system('rm -rf ' + cluster.dartrundir + '/obs_seq.fina*')
def save_checkpoint(self, out_dir, filename_tmpl='epoch_{}.pth', save_optimizer=True, meta=None): if meta is None: meta = dict(epoch=self.epoch + 1, iter=self.iter) else: meta.update(epoch=self.epoch + 1, iter=self.iter) filename = osp.join(out_dir, filename_tmpl.format(self.epoch + 1)) linkname = osp.join(out_dir, 'latest.pth') optimizer = self.optimizer if save_optimizer else None save_checkpoint(self.model, filename, optimizer=optimizer, meta=meta) symlink(filename, linkname)
def note_symlink(name, source, alias_dir): alias_path = os.path.join(alias_dir, name) if os.path.exists(alias_path): if os.readlink(alias_path) == source: logger.debug('not creating symlink "{0}" because it exists'.format(alias_path)) elif not os.path.islink(alias_path): logger.warning('{0} is not a symbolic link. doing nothing'.format(alias_path)) else: os.remove(alias_path) logger.debug('removed stale symlink to {0}'.format(alias_path)) symlink(alias_path, source) logger.debug('created link from {0} to {1}'.format(source, name)) else: symlink(alias_path, source) logger.debug('created link from {0} to {1}'.format(source, name))
def _create_link(input_fn, output_fn): out_dirname = os.path.dirname(output_fn) if out_dirname != '' and not os.path.exists(out_dirname): os.makedirs(out_dirname) if os.path.islink(output_fn): os.remove(output_fn) elif os.path.isdir(output_fn): abort('[{0}]: {1} exists and is a directory'.format('link', output_fn)) elif os.path.exists(output_fn): abort('[{0}]: could not create a symlink at {1}.'.format('link', output_fn)) out_base = os.path.basename(output_fn) if out_base == "": abort('[{0}]: could not create a symlink at {1}.'.format('link', output_fn)) else: symlink(out_base, input_fn) os.rename(out_base, output_fn) puts('[{0}] created symbolic link pointing to "{1}" named "{2}"'.format('symlink', input_fn, out_base))
def init_fabric(buildsystem, conf_file): fab_dir = 'fabfile' if os.path.islink(fab_dir): os.remove(fab_dir) elif os.path.isdir(fab_dir): rmtree(fab_dir) symlink('fabfile', os.path.join(buildsystem, 'fabfile')) symlink('fabfile', os.path.join(buildsystem, 'fabfile')) symlink(name=os.path.join(buildsystem, 'bin', 'docs_meta.yaml'), target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), conf_file)) symlink(name=os.path.join(buildsystem, 'fabfile', ''), target=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(buildsystem), 'bin', '')) symlink(name=os.path.join(buildsystem, 'fabfile', ''), target=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(buildsystem), 'bin', ''))
def track(self, path, bundle=None): """Track a file or a directory.""" # We don't use kwarg default, because None represents default to # callers bundle = bundle or 'Default' src_path = utils.truepath(path) is_directory = os.path.isdir(src_path) if self.root_path not in src_path: raise Exception('Cannot track files outside of root path') bundle_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, bundle) dst_path = os.path.join( bundle_path, utils.relpath(self.root_path, src_path)) undo_log = [] dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst_path) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): utils.makedirs(dst_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run, undo_log=undo_log) try: utils.rename(src_path, dst_path, dry_run=self.dry_run, undo_log=undo_log) try: utils.symlink(dst_path, src_path, dry_run=self.dry_run) except: utils.undo_operations(undo_log) raise except: utils.undo_operations(undo_log) raise self.git.add(dst_path) if is_directory: marker = self._track_directory(dst_path) self.git.add(marker) self.git.commit(message="Tracking '%s'" % path)
print "loading transcripts..." transcripts = Transcripts() ts_all, ts_train, ts_test = transcripts.split(limit=DEBUG_LIMIT, add_all=add_all) print "loading transcripts (%d train, %d test) ...done." % (len(ts_train), len(ts_test)) # # create work_dir structure # utils.mkdirs('%s/lexicon' % data_dir) utils.mkdirs('%s/local/dict' % data_dir) utils.mkdirs(wav16_dir) utils.mkdirs(mfcc_dir) utils.symlink('%s/egs/wsj/s5/steps' % kaldi_root, '%s/steps' % work_dir) utils.symlink('%s/egs/wsj/s5/utils' % kaldi_root, '%s/utils' % work_dir) # # kaldi data part # def export_kaldi_data(destdirfn, tsdict): global wav16_dir print "Exporting to %s..." % destdirfn utils.mkdirs(destdirfn)
def link_nature_to_dart_truth(time): # get wrfout_d01 from nature run shutil.copy(time.strftime(cluster.nature_wrfout), cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01') # DART may need a wrfinput file as well, which serves as a template for dimension sizes symlink(cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfinput_d01')
import os, sys from config.cfg import exp, cluster from utils import symlink joinp = os.path.join dart_bin_dir = '/home/fs71386/lkugler/DART/DART_WRF_RTTOV_early_access/models/wrf/work/' rttov_dir = '/home/fs71386/lkugler/RTTOV/' # DART executables bins = ['perfect_model_obs', 'filter', 'obs_diag'] for b in bins: symlink(joinp(dart_bin_dir, b), joinp(cluster.dartrundir, b)) # DART RTTOV capability symlink( '/home/fs71386/lkugler/DART/DART_WRF_RTTOV_early_access/' + 'observations/forward_operators/rttov_sensor_db.csv', joinp(cluster.dartrundir, 'rttov_sensor_db.csv')) # Basic MSG4 Seviri files = [ 'rtcoef_rttov12/rttov9pred54L/rtcoef_msg_4_seviri.dat', 'rtcoef_rttov12/cldaer_visir/sccldcoef_msg_4_seviri.dat', ] for f in files: symlink(joinp(rttov_dir, f), joinp(cluster.dartrundir, os.path.basename(f))) # MFASIS deff = True if deff:
def install(self, **kwargs): utils.makedirs(self.install_directory) utils.makedirs(self.packages_directory) utils.makedirs(self.bin_directory) Sentinal = utils.SentinalFactory( os.path.join(self.install_directory, 'sentinal_'), kwargs) r_packages = [ 'foreach', 'argparse', 'yaml', ] for pkg in r_packages: with Sentinal('install_r_' + pkg) as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: subprocess.check_call( 'R -q -e "install.packages(\'{0}\', repos=\'\')"' .format(pkg), shell=True) bioconductor_packages = [ 'HMMcopy', 'IRanges', 'Rsamtools', 'GenomeInfoDb', 'doMC', 'TitanCNA', ] for pkg in bioconductor_packages: with Sentinal('install_r_' + pkg) as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: subprocess.check_call( 'R -q -e "source(\'\'); biocLite(\'{0}\')"' .format(pkg), shell=True) with Sentinal('clone_titan') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.packages_directory): subprocess.check_call( 'git clone', shell=True) with utils.CurrentDirectory('TitanCNA'): subprocess.check_call( 'git checkout 30fceb911b99a281ccbe3fac29d154f567127410', shell=True) subprocess.check_call('R CMD INSTALL TitanCNA', shell=True) with Sentinal('install_titan_tools') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.packages_directory): subprocess.check_call( 'git clone', shell=True) with utils.CurrentDirectory('TitanCNA-utils'): subprocess.check_call( 'git checkout 4cfd6155e620dade4090322d71f45f5a39cb688e', shell=True) utils.symlink( 'titan_scripts/', link_directory=self.bin_directory) with Sentinal('download_chrom_info') as sentinal: if sentinal.unfinished: with utils.CurrentDirectory(self.data_directory): subprocess.check_call( 'wget', shell=True)
import os, sys, shutil import datetime as dt from config.cfg import exp, cluster from utils import symlink, copy, link_contents import prepare_namelist for iens in range(1, exp.n_ens+1): print('preparing ens', iens) input_prof = (cluster.input_profile).replace('<iens>', str(iens).zfill(3)) rundir = cluster.wrf_rundir(iens) os.makedirs(rundir, exist_ok=True) link_contents(cluster.srcdir, rundir) print('linking ideal and wrf.exe:') symlink(cluster.ideal, rundir+'/ideal.exe') symlink(cluster.wrfexe, rundir+'/wrf.exe') # time not important, but general settings, begin=dt.datetime(2008, 7, 30, 6, 0), end=dt.datetime(2008, 7, 30, 6, 30), archive=False) symlink(input_prof, rundir+'/input_sounding') print('finished.')
raise RuntimeError("Can't rename: %s -> %s" % (tmp_name, filepath)) relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(path), os.path.abspath(lnks_path)) new_path = utils.norm_path(relpath, lnk_fmt = "%%0%dd=%%s" % len(str(total)) lnk = lnk_fmt % (i + 1, if sys.platform.startswith('win'): lnk = ''.join(lnk.rpartition('.')[:-1] + ('lnk',)) lnk_path = utils.norm_path(lnks_path, lnk) try: utils.symlink(new_path, lnk_path) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Can't create link: %s -> %s" % (lnk_path, new_path)) logging.debug("[#%d] %s -> %s", i + 1, lnk_path, new_path) def audio_elem(audio, elem): t = audio.find(elem).text return utils.valid_filename(t) if t else u'' def get_id_name(audio): return utils.basename(audio.find("url").text)
def checkout_and_build_libmecab(basedir): from os import environ from os.path import isdir, isfile, join as p_join, exists from sys import stderr from time import sleep from utils import get_parallel_jobs, run, chdir, mkdir_p, touch, symlink if basedir: chdir(basedir) if environ.get('LIBMECAB_DIR'): # This lets you point at an extracted tarball run("ls", "-l", environ.get("LIBMECAB_DIR")) assert exists( p_join(environ.get("LIBMECAB_DIR"), "mecab", "aclocal.m4")) assert not exists(LIBMECAB_DIR) run("rsync", "-avP", "--delete-during", environ.get('LIBMECAB_DIR') + "/", LIBMECAB_DIR) run("ls", "-l", LIBMECAB_DIR) else: mkdir_p(LIBMECAB_DIR) if exists(p_join(LIBMECAB_DIR, "mecab", "aclocal.m4")): # assume already checked out/extracted chdir(p_join(LIBMECAB_DIR, "mecab")) else: chdir(LIBMECAB_DIR) # You would think git clone would have an option to clone an # arbitrary <treeish>, but you would be wrong. run("git", "init") run("git", "remote", "add", "origin", LIBMECAB_REPO) run("git", "fetch", "origin", "--depth", "1", LIBMECAB_REV) run("git", "reset", "--hard", "FETCH_HEAD") chdir("mecab") CC, CXX, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, MDT = compile_flags_for_platform() stderr.write( "+ compile_flags_for_platform\n" "Building MeCab with:\n {}\n {}\n {}\n {}\n".format( CC, CXX, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS)) if MDT is not None: stderr.write(" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET={}\n".format(MDT)) environ["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = MDT if not isfile("mecab-config"): # Not yet configured. # Adjust time stamps to make sure that Make doesn't think it # needs to re-run autoconf or automake. for f in [ "aclocal.m4", "", "configure", "", "src/" ]: touch(f) sleep(1) # We build with the default charset set to UTF-8, but we don't # disable support for EUC-JP or Shift-JIS. run("./configure", "--enable-static", "--disable-shared", "--with-charset=utf8", CC, CXX) # Only build the actual library, not the utilities. chdir("src") run("make", "-j{}".format(get_parallel_jobs()), "", CC, CXX, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS) # Bypass libtool. if not isfile("libmecab.a"): symlink(".libs/libmecab.a", "libmecab.a")
import os, sys, shutil import datetime as dt from config.cfg import exp, cluster from utils import symlink, copy time = dt.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1], '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M') # get wrfout_d01 from nature run shutil.copy(time.strftime(cluster.nature_wrfout), cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01') import wrfout_add_geo'/', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01') # DART may need a wrfinput file as well, which serves as a template for dimension sizes symlink(cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfout_d01', cluster.dartrundir+'/wrfinput_d01')