Exemple #1
def bi_df_t(wF_t, wR_t):
    Bidirectional estimator for free energy difference

    :param wF_t: ndarray with shape (NF, number_of_steps)
                    works done in forward direction, in unit of kT
    :param wR_t: ndarray with shape (NR, number_of_steps)
                    works done in reverse direction, in unit of kT

    :return: df_t, ndarray with shape (number_of_steps)
                    free energy difference as a function of number of time steps, in units of kT
    assert wF_t.ndim == wR_t.ndim == 2, "wF_t and wR_t must be 2D array"
    assert wF_t.shape[1] == wR_t.shape[1], "number of steps in wF_t and wR_t must be the same"

    df_tau = bennett( wF_t[:, -1], wR_t[:, -1] )

    wR_t = time_reversal_of_work(wR_t)

    NF = wF_t.shape[0]
    NR = wR_t.shape[0]

    wF_tau = wF_t[:, -1]
    wR_tau = wR_t[:, -1]

    F_part = np.exp(-wF_t) / ( NF + NR * np.exp(df_tau -  wF_tau[:,None]) )
    F_part = F_part.sum(axis=0)

    R_part = np.exp(-wR_t) / ( NF + NR * np.exp(df_tau -  wR_tau[:,None]) )
    R_part = R_part.sum(axis=0)

    df_t = -np.log(F_part + R_part)

    return df_t
Exemple #2
def sym_est_df_t_v1(w_t):
    Version 1 of symmetric estimator for free energy difference
    The symmetric estimator of path ensemble average is
    <F> = sum( F[x_n] + F[xr_n] * exp( -w_tau[x_n] ) ) / sum( 1 + exp( -w_tau[x_n] ) )
    where xr_n is the time reversal of x_n

    :param w_t: np.ndarray with shape (N, number_of_steps)
            works done in a symmetric pulling protocol, in unit of kT

    :return: df_t, np.ndarray with shape (number_of_steps)
                    free energy difference as a function of number of time steps, in units of kT
    assert w_t.ndim == 2, "w_t must be 2d array"

    w_tau = w_t[:, -1]
    wTR_t = time_reversal_of_work(w_t)

    denominator = (1 + np.exp(-w_tau)).sum()

    numerator = np.exp(-w_t) + np.exp(-wTR_t) * np.exp(-w_tau[:,None])
    numerator = numerator.sum(axis=0)

    df_t = -np.log(numerator / denominator)

    return df_t
Exemple #3
def sym_est_pmf_v2(z_t, w_t, lambda_t, V, ks, bin_edges, symmetrize_pmf):
    Version 2 of symmetric estimator for PMF
    The symmetric estimator of path ensemble average is
    <F> = (1/N) * sum{ ( F[x_n] + F[xr_n] * exp( -w_tau[x_n] ) ) / ( 1 + exp( -w_tau[x_n] ) ) }
    where xr_n is the time reversal of x_n

    Substitute the symmetric estimator (v2) of path ensemble average defined above into Eq. (9) in
    Minh and Adib, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 180602 (2008)

    :param z_t: np.ndarray with shape (N, number_of_steps),
                the (fluctuating) coordinate pulled by a symmetric protocol or in a symmetric
    :param w_t: np.ndarray with shape (N, number_of_steps),
                works done in forward direction, in unit of kT
    :param lambda_t: np.ndarray of shape (number_of_steps)
                    coordinate controlled by the pulling procedure
    :param V: a python function, pulling harmonic potential
                    e.g., 0.5 * ks * (z - lambda)**2
    :param ks: float, harmonic force constant of V
                    the unit of ks is such that V is in unit of kT
    :param bin_edges: np.ndarray with shape ( nbins+1, )
                    same distance unit as zF_t and zR_t
    :param symmetrize_pmf: bool
                         should set to True when both system and protocol are symmetric

    :return: (centers, pmf)
                centers : np.ndarray with shape (bin_edges.shape[0]-1 )
                            bin centers
                pmf : np.ndarray with shape (bin_edges.shape[0]-1 )
                    potential of mean force
    assert z_t.ndim == w_t.ndim == 2, "z_t and w_t must be 2d array"
    assert z_t.shape == w_t.shape, "z_t and w_t must have the same shape"
    assert lambda_t.ndim == 1, "lambda_t  must be 1d array"
    assert z_t.shape[1] == lambda_t.shape[0], "z_t.shape[1] and lambda_t.shape[0] must be the same"
    assert bin_edges.ndim == 1, "bin_edges must be 1d array"

    df_t  = sym_est_df_t_v2(w_t)

    wTR_t = time_reversal_of_work(w_t)
    zTR_t = time_reversal_of_trajectory(z_t)

    if symmetrize_pmf:
        symm_center = (lambda_t[0] + lambda_t[-1])/2.
        zTR_t = center_reflection(zTR_t, symm_center)

    centers = bin_centers(bin_edges)
    outer_denominator = np.exp( -V( centers[None,:], ks, lambda_t[:,None] ) + df_t[:,None] )
    outer_denominator = outer_denominator.sum(axis=0)

    w_tau = w_t[:, -1]
    N = w_tau.shape[0]

    weights_1    = np.exp(-w_t) / (1 + np.exp(-w_tau[:,None])) / N
    histograms_1 = hist_counts(z_t, bin_edges, weights_1)

    weights_2 = np.exp(-wTR_t) * np.exp(-w_tau[:,None] ) / (1 + np.exp(-w_tau[:,None])) / N
    histograms_2 = hist_counts(zTR_t, bin_edges, weights_2)

    numerator = (histograms_1 + histograms_2) * np.exp(df_t[:,None])
    numerator = numerator.sum(axis=0)
    pmf = -np.log(numerator / outer_denominator)

    return centers, pmf
Exemple #4
def bi_pmf(zF_t, wF_t, zR_t, wR_t, lambda_t, V, ks, bin_edges):
    Bidirectional estimator for PMF

    Implement the PMF which is resulted from substituting Eq (17) in Minh and Chodera into
    Eq (9) in Minh and Adib

    Minh and Abid, Optimized Free Energies from Bidirectional Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy,
                Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 180602 (2008)
    Minh and Chodera, Optimal estimators and asymptotic variances for nonequilibrium path-ensemble averages,
                J. Chem. Phys. 131, 134110 (2009)


    :param zF_t: ndarray with shape (NF, number_of_steps),
            the (fluctuating) coordinate pulled in forward direction
    :param wF_t: ndarray with shape (NF, number_of_steps),
                works done in forward direction, in unit of kT
    :param zR_t: ndarray with shape (NR, number_of_steps)
                the (fluctuating) coordinate pulled in reverse direction
    :param wR_t: ndarray with shape (NR, number_of_steps)
                the (fluctuating) coordinate pulled in reverse direction
    :param lambda_t: ndarray of shape (number_of_steps)
                    coordinate controlled by the pulling procedure
    :param V: a python function, pulling harmonic potential
                e.g., 0.5 * ks * (z - lambda)**2
    :param ks: float, harmonic force constant of V
                the unit of ks is such that V is in unit of kT
    :param bin_edges: ndarray with shape ( nbins+1, )
                    same distance unit as zF_t and zR_t

    :return: (centers, pmf)
                centers :   ndarray with shape (bin_edges.shape[0]-1 ) bin centers
                pmf :   ndarray with shape (bin_edges.shape[0]-1 ) potential of mean force
    assert zF_t.ndim == zR_t.ndim == wF_t.ndim == wR_t.ndim == 2, " zF_t, wF_t, zR_t, wR_t must be 2D array"
    assert zF_t.shape == wF_t.shape, "zF_t and wF_t must have the same shape"
    assert zR_t.shape == wR_t.shape, "zR_t and wR_t must have the same shape"
    assert lambda_t.ndim == 1, "lambda_t must be 1d array"
    assert zF_t.shape[1] == zR_t.shape[1] == lambda_t.shape[0], "zF_t.shape[1], zR_t.shape[1], lambda_t.shape[0] must be the same"
    assert bin_edges.ndim == 1, "bin_edges must be 1d array"

    df_t = bi_df_t(wF_t, wR_t)

    wR_t = time_reversal_of_work(wR_t)
    zR_t = time_reversal_of_trajectory(zR_t)

    NF = wF_t.shape[0]
    NR = wR_t.shape[0]

    wF_tau = wF_t[:, -1]
    wR_tau = wR_t[:, -1]
    dt_tau = df_t[-1]

    centers = bin_centers(bin_edges)

    denominator = np.exp(-V(centers[None, :], ks, lambda_t[:, None]) + df_t[:, None])
    denominator = denominator.sum(axis=0)

    weights_F = np.exp(-wF_t) / (NF + NR * np.exp(dt_tau - wF_tau[:, None]))
    histograms_F = hist_counts(zF_t, bin_edges, weights_F)

    weights_R = np.exp(-wR_t) / (NF + NR * np.exp(dt_tau - wR_tau[:, None]))
    histograms_R = hist_counts(zR_t, bin_edges, weights_R)

    numerator = (histograms_F + histograms_R) * np.exp(df_t[:, None])
    numerator = numerator.sum(axis=0)

    pmf = -np.log(numerator / denominator)
    return centers, pmf