Exemple #1
    def login ():
        body = request.json
        # Validations
        if not type_check (body, 'dict'):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not object_check (body, 'username', 'str'):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if not object_check (body, 'password', 'str'):
            return 'password must be a string', 400

        # If username has an @-sign, then it's an email
        if '@' in body ['username']:
            user = db_get ('users', {'email': body ['username'].strip ().lower ()}, True)
            user = db_get ('users', {'username': body ['username'].strip ().lower ()})

        if not user:
            return 'invalid username/password', 403
        if not check_password (body ['password'], user ['password']):
            return 'invalid username/password', 403

        cookie = make_salt ()
        db_set ('tokens', {'id': cookie, 'username': user ['username'], 'ttl': times () + session_length})
        db_set ('users', {'username': user ['username'], 'last_login': timems ()})
        resp = make_response ({})
        resp.set_cookie (cookie_name, value=cookie, httponly=True, path='/')
        return resp
Exemple #2
    def recover ():
        body = request.json
        # Validations
        if not type_check (body, 'dict'):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not object_check (body, 'username', 'str'):
            return 'body.username must be a string', 400

        # If username has an @-sign, then it's an email
        if '@' in body ['username']:
            user = db_get ('users', {'email': body ['username'].strip ().lower ()}, True)
            user = db_get ('users', {'username': body ['username'].strip ().lower ()})

        if not user:
            return 'invalid username', 403

        token = make_salt ()
        hashed = hash (token, make_salt ())

        db_set ('tokens', {'id': user ['username'], 'token': hashed, 'ttl': times () + session_length})

        if not env:
            # If on local environment, we return email verification token directly instead of emailing it, for test purposes.
            return jsonify ({'username': user ['username'], 'token': token}), 200
            send_email_template ('recover_password', user ['email'], requested_lang (), os.getenv ('BASE_URL') + '/reset?username='******'username']) + '&token=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus (token))
            return '', 200
Exemple #3
    def login():
        body = request.json
        # Validations
        if not type_check(body, 'dict'):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'username', 'str'):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'password', 'str'):
            return 'password must be a string', 400

        # If username has an @-sign, then it's an email
        if '@' in body['username']:
            user = db_get('users', {'email': body['username'].strip().lower()},
            user = db_get('users',
                          {'username': body['username'].strip().lower()})

        if not user:
            return 'invalid username/password', 403
        if not check_password(body['password'], user['password']):
            return 'invalid username/password', 403

        # If the number of bcrypt rounds has changed, create a new hash.
        new_hash = None
        if config['bcrypt_rounds'] != extract_bcrypt_rounds(user['password']):
            new_hash = hash(body['password'], make_salt())

        cookie = make_salt()
            'tokens', {
                'id': cookie,
                'username': user['username'],
                'ttl': times() + session_length
        if new_hash:
                'users', {
                    'username': user['username'],
                    'password': new_hash,
                    'last_login': timems()
            db_set('users', {
                'username': user['username'],
                'last_login': timems()
        resp = make_response({})
        # We set the cookie to expire in a year, just so that the browser won't invalidate it if the same cookie gets renewed by constant use.
        # The server will decide whether the cookie expires.
                        max_age=365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
        return resp
Exemple #4
def current_user():
    now = times()
    user = session.get('user', {'username': '', 'email': ''})
    ttl = session.get('user-ttl', None)
    if ttl == None or now >= ttl:
        username = user['username']
        if username:
            db_user = DATABASE.user_by_username(username)

    return user
Exemple #5
    def login():
        body = request.json
        # Validations
        if not isinstance(body, dict):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('username'), str):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('password'), str):
            return 'password must be a string', 400

        # If username has an @-sign, then it's an email
        if '@' in body['username']:
            user = DATABASE.user_by_email(body['username'])
            user = DATABASE.user_by_username(body['username'])

        if not user:
            return 'invalid username/password', 403
        if not check_password(body['password'], user['password']):
            return 'invalid username/password', 403

        # If the number of bcrypt rounds has changed, create a new hash.
        new_hash = None
        if config['bcrypt_rounds'] != extract_bcrypt_rounds(user['password']):
            new_hash = hash(body['password'], make_salt())

        cookie = make_salt()
            'id': cookie,
            'username': user['username'],
            'ttl': times() + session_length
        if new_hash:
            DATABASE.record_login(user['username'], new_hash)
        resp = make_response({})

        # We set the cookie to expire in a year, just so that the browser won't invalidate it if the same cookie gets renewed by constant use.
        # The server will decide whether the cookie expires.
                        max_age=365 * 24 * 60 * 60)

        # Remember the current user on the session. This is "new style" logins, which should ultimately
        # replace "old style" logins (with the cookie above), as it requires fewer database calls.

        return resp
Exemple #6
    def record_quiz_answer(self, attempt_id, username, level, question_number,
                           answer, is_correct):
        """Update the current quiz record with a new answer.

        Uses a DynamoDB update to add to the exising record.
        key = {
            "user": username,
            "levelAttempt": str(level).zfill(4) + '_' + attempt_id,

        updates = {
            "attemptId": attempt_id,
            "level": level,
            "date": times(),
            "q" + str(question_number): dynamo.DynamoAddToList(answer),

        if is_correct:
            updates['correct'] = dynamo.DynamoAddToNumberSet(

        return QUIZ_ANSWERS.update(key, updates)
Exemple #7
    def recover():
        body = request.json
        # Validations
        if not isinstance(body, dict):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('username'), str):
            return 'body.username must be a string', 400

        # If username has an @-sign, then it's an email
        if '@' in body['username']:
            user = DATABASE.user_by_email(body['username'].strip().lower())
            user = DATABASE.user_by_username(body['username'].strip().lower())

        if not user:
            return 'invalid username', 403

        token = make_salt()
        hashed = hash(token, make_salt())

            'id': user['username'],
            'token': hashed,
            'ttl': times() + session_length

        if is_testing_request(request):
            # If this is an e2e test, we return the email verification token directly instead of emailing it.
            return jsonify({'username': user['username'], 'token': token}), 200
                'recover_password', user['email'], requested_lang(),
                os.getenv('BASE_URL') + '/reset?username='******'username']) + '&token=' +
            return '', 200
Exemple #8
    if isinstance(module, list):
        modules += module

if commandArgs.type == 'none':
    #from motor.motor import Motor
elif commandArgs.type == "dummy":
    from motor.motor import DummyMotor
elif commandArgs.type == 'motor_hat':
    from motor.motorhat import MotorHat
    forward = json.loads(commandArgs.forward)
    backward = times(forward, -1)
    left = json.loads(commandArgs.left)
    right = times(left, -1)
    straightDelay = commandArgs.straight_delay
    turnDelay = commandArgs.turn_delay
    add(MotorHat(commandArgs.driving_speed, commandArgs.day_speed, commandArgs.night_speed, forward, backward, left, right, straightDelay, turnDelay))
elif commandArgs.type == 'gopigo2':
    from motor.gopigo2 import GoPiGo2
elif commandArgs.type == 'gopigo3':
    from motor.gopigo3 import GoPiGo3
elif commandArgs.type == 'l298n':
    from motor.l298n import L298N
elif commandArgs.type == 'motozero':
Exemple #9
    def signup():
        body = request.json
        # Validations, mandatory fields
        if not type_check(body, 'dict'):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'username', 'str'):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if '@' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain an @-sign', 400
        if ':' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain a colon', 400
        if len(body['username'].strip()) < 3:
            return 'username must be at least three characters long', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'password', 'str'):
            return 'password must be a string', 400
        if len(body['password']) < 6:
            return 'password must be at least six characters long', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'email', 'str'):
            return 'email must be a string', 400
        if not re.match(
            return 'email must be a valid email', 400
        # Validations, optional fields
        if 'country' in body:
            if not body['country'] in countries:
                return 'country must be a valid country', 400
        if 'birth_year' in body:
            if not object_check(
                    body, 'birth_year',
                    'int') or body['birth_year'] <= 1900 or body[
                        'birth_year'] > datetime.datetime.now().year:
                return 'birth_year must be a year between 1900 and ' + datetime.datetime.now(
                ).year, 400
        if 'gender' in body:
            if body['gender'] != 'm' and body['gender'] != 'f' and body[
                    'gender'] != 'o':
                return 'gender must be m/f/o', 400

        user = db_get('users', {'username': body['username'].strip().lower()})
        if user:
            return 'username exists', 403
        email = db_get('users', {'email': body['email'].strip().lower()}, True)
        if email:
            return 'email exists', 403

        hashed = hash(body['password'], make_salt())

        token = make_salt()
        hashed_token = hash(token, make_salt())
        username = body['username'].strip().lower()
        email = body['email'].strip().lower()

        if env and 'subscribe' in body and body['subscribe'] == True:
            # If we have a Mailchimp API key, we use it to add the subscriber through the API
            if os.getenv('MAILCHIMP_API_KEY') and os.getenv(
                # The first domain in the path is the server name, which is contained in the Mailchimp API key
                request_path = 'https://' + os.getenv(
                        '-')[1] + '.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/' + os.getenv(
                            'MAILCHIMP_AUDIENCE_ID') + '/members'
                request_headers = {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    'Authorization': 'apikey ' + os.getenv('MAILCHIMP_API_KEY')
                request_body = {'email_address': email, 'status': 'subscribed'}
                r = requests.post(request_path,

                subscription_error = None
                if r.status_code != 200 and r.status_code != 400:
                    subscription_error = True
                # We can get a 400 if the email is already subscribed to the list. We should ignore this error.
                if r.status_code == 400 and not re.match(
                        '.*already a list member', r.text):
                    subscription_error = True
                # If there's an error in subscription through the API, we report it to the main email address
                if subscription_error:
                        'ERROR - Subscription to Hedy newsletter on signup',
                        email, '<p>' + email + '</p><pre>Status:' +
                        str(r.status_code) + '    Body:' + r.text + '</pre>')
            # Otherwise, we send an email to notify about this to the main email address
                           'Subscription to Hedy newsletter on signup', email,
                           '<p>' + email + '</p>')

        user = {
            'username': username,
            'password': hashed,
            'email': email,
            'created': timems(),
            'verification_pending': hashed_token

        if 'country' in body:
            user['country'] = body['country']
        if 'birth_year' in body:
            user['birth_year'] = body['birth_year']
        if 'gender' in body:
            user['gender'] = body['gender']

        db_set('users', user)

        # We automatically login the user
        cookie = make_salt()
            'tokens', {
                'id': cookie,
                'username': user['username'],
                'ttl': times() + session_length
        db_set('users', {'username': user['username'], 'last_login': timems()})

        # If on local environment, we return email verification token directly instead of emailing it, for test purposes.
        if not env:
            resp = make_response({'username': username, 'token': hashed_token})
        # Otherwise, we send an email with a verification link and we return an empty body
                'welcome_verify', email, requested_lang(),
                os.getenv('BASE_URL') + '/auth/verify?username='******'&token=' +
            resp = make_response({})

        # We set the cookie to expire in a year, just so that the browser won't invalidate it if the same cookie gets renewed by constant use.
        # The server will decide whether the cookie expires.
                        max_age=365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
        return resp
Exemple #10

from utils import times

a = "itsource  "
b = 10
s = times(a, b)
print "The multiplication of {0} and {1} is: \n{2}".format(a, b, s)
Exemple #11
    def signup():
        body = request.json
        # Validations, mandatory fields
        if not isinstance(body, dict):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('username'), str):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if '@' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain an @-sign', 400
        if ':' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain a colon', 400
        if len(body['username'].strip()) < 3:
            return 'username must be at least three characters long', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('password'), str):
            return 'password must be a string', 400
        if len(body['password']) < 6:
            return 'password must be at least six characters long', 400
        if not isinstance(body.get('email'), str):
            return 'email must be a string', 400
        if not valid_email(body['email']):
            return 'email must be a valid email', 400
        # Validations, optional fields
        if 'country' in body:
            if not body['country'] in countries:
                return 'country must be a valid country', 400
        if 'birth_year' in body:
            if not isinstance(body.get('birth_year'),
                              int) or body['birth_year'] <= 1900 or body[
                                  'birth_year'] > datetime.datetime.now().year:
                return 'birth_year must be a year between 1900 and ' + datetime.datetime.now(
                ).year, 400
        if 'gender' in body:
            if body['gender'] != 'm' and body['gender'] != 'f' and body[
                    'gender'] != 'o':
                return 'gender must be m/f/o', 400
        if 'prog_experience' in body and body['prog_experience'] not in [
                'yes', 'no'
            return 'If present, prog_experience must be "yes" or "no"', 400
        if 'experience_languages' in body:
            if not isinstance(body['experience_languages'], list):
                return 'If present, experience_languages must be an array', 400
            for language in body['experience_languages']:
                if language not in [
                        'scratch', 'other_block', 'python', 'other_text'
                    return 'Invalid language: ' + str(language), 400

        user = DATABASE.user_by_username(body['username'].strip().lower())
        if user:
            return 'username exists', 403
        email = DATABASE.user_by_email(body['email'].strip().lower())
        if email:
            return 'email exists', 403

        hashed = hash(body['password'], make_salt())

        token = make_salt()
        hashed_token = hash(token, make_salt())
        username = body['username'].strip().lower()
        email = body['email'].strip().lower()

        if not is_testing_request(
                request) and 'subscribe' in body and body['subscribe'] == True:
            # If we have a Mailchimp API key, we use it to add the subscriber through the API
            if os.getenv('MAILCHIMP_API_KEY') and os.getenv(
                # The first domain in the path is the server name, which is contained in the Mailchimp API key
                request_path = 'https://' + os.getenv(
                        '-')[1] + '.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/' + os.getenv(
                            'MAILCHIMP_AUDIENCE_ID') + '/members'
                request_headers = {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    'Authorization': 'apikey ' + os.getenv('MAILCHIMP_API_KEY')
                request_body = {'email_address': email, 'status': 'subscribed'}
                r = requests.post(request_path,

                subscription_error = None
                if r.status_code != 200 and r.status_code != 400:
                    subscription_error = True
                # We can get a 400 if the email is already subscribed to the list. We should ignore this error.
                if r.status_code == 400 and not re.match(
                        '.*already a list member', r.text):
                    subscription_error = True
                # If there's an error in subscription through the API, we report it to the main email address
                if subscription_error:
                        'ERROR - Subscription to Hedy newsletter on signup',
                        email, '<p>' + email + '</p><pre>Status:' +
                        str(r.status_code) + '    Body:' + r.text + '</pre>')
            # Otherwise, we send an email to notify about this to the main email address
                           'Subscription to Hedy newsletter on signup', email,
                           '<p>' + email + '</p>')

        user = {
            'username': username,
            'password': hashed,
            'email': email,
            'created': timems(),
            'verification_pending': hashed_token,
            'last_login': timems()

        for field in [
                'country', 'birth_year', 'gender', 'prog_experience',
            if field in body:
                if field == 'experience_languages' and len(body[field]) == 0:
                user[field] = body[field]



        # We automatically login the user
        cookie = make_salt()
            'id': cookie,
            'username': user['username'],
            'ttl': times() + session_length

        # If this is an e2e test, we return the email verification token directly instead of emailing it.
        if is_testing_request(request):
            resp = make_response({'username': username, 'token': hashed_token})
        # Otherwise, we send an email with a verification link and we return an empty body
                'welcome_verify', email, requested_lang(),
                os.getenv('BASE_URL', 'http://localhost') +
                '/auth/verify?username='******'&token=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(hashed_token))
            resp = make_response({})

        # We set the cookie to expire in a year, just so that the browser won't invalidate it if the same cookie gets renewed by constant use.
        # The server will decide whether the cookie expires.
                        max_age=365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
        return resp
Exemple #12
    def signup():
        body = request.json
        # Validations, mandatory fields
        if not type_check(body, 'dict'):
            return 'body must be an object', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'username', 'str'):
            return 'username must be a string', 400
        if '@' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain an @-sign', 400
        if ':' in body['username']:
            return 'username cannot contain a colon', 400
        if len(body['username'].strip()) < 3:
            return 'username must be at least three characters long', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'password', 'str'):
            return 'password must be a string', 400
        if len(body['password']) < 6:
            return 'password must be at least six characters long', 400
        if not object_check(body, 'email', 'str'):
            return 'email must be a string', 400
        if not re.match(
            return 'email must be a valid email', 400
        # Validations, optional fields
        if 'country' in body:
            if not body['country'] in countries:
                return 'country must be a valid country', 400
        if 'birth_year' in body:
            if not object_check(
                    body, 'birth_year',
                    'int') or body['birth_year'] <= 1900 or body[
                        'birth_year'] > datetime.datetime.now().year:
                return 'birth_year must be a year between 1900 and ' + datetime.datetime.now(
                ).year, 400
        if 'gender' in body:
            if body['gender'] != 'm' and body['gender'] != 'f' and body[
                    'gender'] != 'o':
                return 'gender must be m/f/o', 400

        user = db_get('users', {'username': body['username'].strip().lower()})
        if user:
            return 'username exists', 403
        email = db_get('users', {'email': body['email'].strip().lower()}, True)
        if email:
            return 'email exists', 403

        hashed = hash(body['password'], make_salt())

        token = make_salt()
        hashed_token = hash(token, make_salt())
        username = body['username'].strip().lower()
        email = body['email'].strip().lower()

        if env and 'subscribe' in body and body['subscribe'] == True:
                       'Subscription to Hedy newsletter on signup', email,
                       '<p>' + email + '</p>')

        user = {
            'username': username,
            'password': hashed,
            'email': email,
            'created': timems(),
            'verification_pending': hashed_token

        if 'country' in body:
            user['country'] = body['country']
        if 'birth_year' in body:
            user['birth_year'] = body['birth_year']
        if 'gender' in body:
            user['gender'] = body['gender']

        db_set('users', user)

        # We automatically login the user
        cookie = make_salt()
            'tokens', {
                'id': cookie,
                'username': user['username'],
                'ttl': times() + session_length
        db_set('users', {'username': user['username'], 'last_login': timems()})

        # If on local environment, we return email verification token directly instead of emailing it, for test purposes.
        if not env:
            resp = make_response({'username': username, 'token': hashed_token})
        # Otherwise, we send an email with a verification link and we return an empty body
                'welcome_verify', email, requested_lang(),
                os.getenv('BASE_URL') + '/auth/verify?username='******'&token=' +
            resp = make_response({})

        resp.set_cookie(cookie_name, value=cookie, httponly=True, path='/')
        return resp
Exemple #13
def remember_current_user(db_user):
    session['user-ttl'] = times() + 5 * 60
    session['user'] = pick(db_user, 'username', 'email', 'is_teacher')