Exemple #1
    def _getStringList(self, thisTile):

        conn = self._getS3Connection()

        bucketRef = None
        keyID = None

            bucketRef = conn.get_bucket(self.bucketPrefix)
        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils

            errStr = "Opening key %s" % (keyID)
            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", errStr, e)

        strEdges = None
        tileID = thisTile.getID()
        keyRef = None

            keyRef = bucketRef.get_key(thisTile.getID())
            strEdges = keyRef.get_contents_as_string()
        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils

            errStr = "Reading bucket key: %s" % (tileID)
            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", errStr, e)

        resultList = []
        someLines = strEdges.split("\n")
        listLen = len(someLines)
        count = 0

        while len(someLines) > 0:
            aLine = someLines.pop()
            if len(aLine) > 0:


        return resultList
Exemple #2
    def _getStringList (self, thisTile):
        conn = self._getS3Connection ()

        bucketRef = None
        keyID = None 

            bucketRef =conn.get_bucket ( self.bucketPrefix );
        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            errStr = 'Opening key %s' %( keyID )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', errStr,   e )

        strEdges = None
        tileID = thisTile.getID ()
        keyRef = None

            keyRef = bucketRef.get_key ( thisTile.getID ())
            strEdges = keyRef.get_contents_as_string() 
        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            errStr = 'Reading bucket key: %s' %( tileID )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', errStr,   e )

        resultList = []
        someLines = strEdges.split ('\n')
        listLen = len ( someLines )
        count = 0

        while (len ( someLines ) > 0 ):
            aLine = someLines.pop ()
            if len (aLine ) > 0:
                resultList.append ( aLine )

        conn.close ()

        return resultList
Exemple #3
    def _getS3Connection (self):

        if 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' in os.environ:
            AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
        else :
            errStr ="AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID not set"
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', errStr,   '' )

        if 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ:
        else :
            errStr ="AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY not set"
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', errStr,   '' )

            conn = S3Connection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)

        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', 'creating AWS connection',   e )
            return conn
Exemple #4
    def _getS3Connection(self):

        if "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" in os.environ:
            AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]
            errStr = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID not set"
            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", errStr, "")

        if "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" in os.environ:
            errStr = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY not set"
            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", errStr, "")

            conn = S3Connection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)

        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils

            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", "creating AWS connection", e)
            return conn
    def getKeys (self):
        Return a list of all of the Tile (key)s currently held in the repository

        lst= []
            for key,val in self.iteritems ():
                lst.append ( key ) 
        except Exception as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'GraphRepository', \
                            'Iterating repository, at key %s:' %(key), e )

        return lst
Exemple #6
    def loadEdgeGraphForTile (self, thisTile):


        A graph G is defined so:
        G = { nodeA:  { nodeB : cost_A-B, nodeC: cost_A-C },
              nodeB:  { nodeA : cost_B-A                  },
              nodeC:  { nodeC : cost_C-A                  }

        where cost_X_Y is in an instance of DataStructures.Edge 
        The graph created here will be a subclass of:
        - dict 
        - gis.Tile



            strList = self._getStringList ( thisTile )

            graph = {}

            for thisLine in strList:

                thisEdge = self._createEdgeFromLine (thisLine)

                # note, do not implement reverse costs/Edges at this
                # stage, to reduce memory requirement

                graph.setdefault ( thisEdge.sourceNode, {} ) 
                graph[thisEdge.sourceNode][thisEdge.targetNode] = thisEdge

                graph.setdefault ( thisEdge.targetNode, {} ) 
                graph[thisEdge.targetNode][thisEdge.sourceNode] = thisEdge

        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )

            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStore', \
                            'loadEdgeGraphForTile',   e )

        return graph 
Exemple #7
    def _getStringList(self, thisTile):

        Search for lines in the file that are in Tile thisTile
        return a list of those matched lines.

        lstLines = []


            fs = open(self.filePath, "r")

            if self.hasHeader:

            allLines = fs.readlines()

            for thisLine in allLines:

                #               print thisLine

                cols = thisLine.split("|")
                centroidWKT = cols[8]

                # centroidWKT is like "POINT (0.2343 0.2332432)"
                tmpList = centroidWKT.replace("POINT(", "").replace(")", "").split(" ")
                X = float(tmpList[0])
                Y = float(tmpList[1])

                # Find the integer "floor" value of x & y co-ordinates
                xVal = int(math.floor(X))
                yVal = int(math.floor(Y))

                if Tile(xVal, yVal) == thisTile:


        except IOError as e:
            import traceback, utils

            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "FileDataStore", "open/read file", e)

        return lstLines
Exemple #8
    def loadEdgeGraphForTile(self, thisTile):


        A graph G is defined so:
        G = { nodeA:  { nodeB : cost_A-B, nodeC: cost_A-C },
              nodeB:  { nodeA : cost_B-A                  },
              nodeC:  { nodeC : cost_C-A                  }

        where cost_X_Y is in an instance of DataStructures.Edge 
        The graph created here will be a subclass of:
        - dict 
        - gis.Tile



            strList = self._getStringList(thisTile)

            graph = {}

            for thisLine in strList:

                thisEdge = self._createEdgeFromLine(thisLine)

                # note, do not implement reverse costs/Edges at this
                # stage, to reduce memory requirement

                graph.setdefault(thisEdge.sourceNode, {})
                graph[thisEdge.sourceNode][thisEdge.targetNode] = thisEdge

                graph.setdefault(thisEdge.targetNode, {})
                graph[thisEdge.targetNode][thisEdge.sourceNode] = thisEdge

        except (AWSConnectionError, Exception) as e:
            import traceback, utils


            raise AppError(utils.timestampStr(), "DataStore", "loadEdgeGraphForTile", e)

        return graph
Exemple #9
    def _getStringList (self, thisTile):

        Search for lines in the file that are in Tile thisTile
        return a list of those matched lines.

        lstLines = []


           fs = open ( self.filePath, 'r' )

           if (self.hasHeader): 
               fs.readline ()

           allLines = fs.readlines ()

           for thisLine in allLines:

#               print thisLine

               cols = thisLine.split ("|")
               centroidWKT= cols [8]

               # centroidWKT is like "POINT (0.2343 0.2332432)"
               tmpList = centroidWKT.replace ('POINT(','' ).replace ( ')','' ).split (" ")
               X     = float (tmpList[0] )
               Y     = float (tmpList[1] )

               # Find the integer "floor" value of x & y co-ordinates
               xVal = int (math.floor ( X ) )
               yVal = int (math.floor ( Y ) )

               if ( Tile ( xVal , yVal ) == thisTile  ):
                   lstLines.append ( thisLine )

           fs.close ()

        except IOError as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'FileDataStore', 'open/read file',   e )
        return lstLines
    def __getitem__(self, key):

        Superficially this needs to get the value matching the key in 
        which every sub graph is being accessed. 

        Matters are slightly more complicated. Consider a basic 
        G = { nodeA:  { nodeB : cost_A-B, nodeC: cost_A-C },
              nodeB:  { nodeA : cost_B-A                  },
              nodeC:  { nodeC : cost_C-A                  }

        1. If CompositeGraph replaces G then "values" are 
           in fact sub-dictionaries

        2. It is possible for two graphs to contain 'from' nodes
           that link to the same 'to node. To handle this, it is
           necessary to return a graph that includes the values of
           all child graphs.

        lstAvailableGraphs = []
        lstAvailableGraphs = self.GraphRepository.getGraphs ()

        lstResults = []

        for eachGraph in lstAvailableGraphs:
            # create a list of (key,val) tuples
            if key in eachGraph:

                dictResult = eachGraph[key]
                lstResults =lstResults + \
                           [(akey,val) for akey,val in dictResult.iteritems()]

        if len (lstResults) == 0:
            print "failed to find key %s " %(key)
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStructures.DynamicGraph', \
                            'Failed to find key "%s" in CompositeGraph:' %(key), 'AppError' )

        # note: the next line will flatten out any duplicates.
        return dict ( lstResults ) # generate dict from key/val pairs
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Superficially this needs to get the value matching the key in 
        which every sub graph is being accessed. 

        Matters are slightly more complicated. Consider a basic 
        G = { nodeA:  { nodeB : cost_A-B, nodeC: cost_A-C },
              nodeB:  { nodeA : cost_B-A                  },
              nodeC:  { nodeC : cost_C-A                  }

        1. If CompositeGraph replaces G then "values" are 
           in fact sub-dictionaries

        2. It is possible for two graphs to contain 'from' nodes
           that link to the same 'to node. To handle this, it is
           necessary to return a graph that includes the values of
           all child graphs.


        lstAvailableGraphs = []
        lstAvailableGraphs = self.GraphRepository.getGraphs()

        lstResults = []

        for eachGraph in lstAvailableGraphs:
            # create a list of (key,val) tuples
            if key in eachGraph:

                dictResult = eachGraph[key]
                lstResults =lstResults + \
                           [(akey,val) for akey,val in dictResult.iteritems()]

        if len(lstResults) == 0:
            print "failed to find key %s " % (key)
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'DataStructures.DynamicGraph', \
                            'Failed to find key "%s" in CompositeGraph:' %(key), 'AppError' )

        # note: the next line will flatten out any duplicates.
        return dict(lstResults)  # generate dict from key/val pairs
    def __getitem__(self, key):

        Handle  case in which a Tile OBJECT is used 
        Also increment the frequency counter for this tile.


        keyStr = str (key ) # key might be a Tile object

            val = dict.__getitem__(self, keyStr )
        except KeyError as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'GraphRepository', \
                            'Tile with key: %s not found in GraphRepository' %(keyStr), e )

        if keyStr in self.accessFrequency:
           self.accessFrequency [keyStr] = self.accessFrequency [keyStr] + 1
           self.accessFrequency [keyStr] = 1
        return val
Exemple #13
def geocode (txtLocation):


    Pass txtLocation to the Nominatum geocoder API.

    All being well, return a dict object with structure

    {place_name = a, longitude=b, latitude = c }


    resultDict = None

        txtLocationFmt = txtLocation.replace ( ' ', '%20' )

        URL         = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/"+\
                      "search?q=%s&format=xml" %(txtLocationFmt)

            response = urllib2.urlopen (URL)

        except Exception as e:

            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'Geocoder.geocode', \
                            'Connecting to nomatum site for search: %s' %(txtLocation), e )

        parser = make_parser()
        encoding = response.headers.getparam('charset')

        resultDict = {'lon':None, 'lat':None, 'display_name': None}

        XMLText = response.read().decode(encoding)



            parser.setContentHandler(FirstMatchParser (resultDict) )

        except Exception as e:
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'Geocoder.geocode', \
                            'Seting content handler for search: %s' %(txtLocation), e )

        abytes = io.BytesIO(XMLText.encode('utf8'))


            parser.parse ( abytes )

        except Exception as e:
            print "here %s" %(e)
            import traceback, utils
            utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
            raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'Geocoder.geocode', \
                        'Doing parse for search string : %s' %(txtLocation), e )

    except Exception as e:
        import traceback, utils
        utils.logError ( traceback.format_exc() )
        raise AppError (utils.timestampStr (), 'Geocoder.geocode', \
                        'General error for search : %s' %(txtLocation), e )

    return resultDict