def get_best_type2_roundtrip(self):
        [Buy(C_B)Buy(A_C)] Sell(A_B)
        A, B = self.pair  # use A_B notation instead of base, alt
        b =
        alt = B
        tx = 1 - b.xchg.trading_fee
        bids_ab = b.get_orders((A, B), "bids")  # people who are selling A_B
        for C, spread in self.type2_spreads.items():
            if spread > config.PROFIT_THRESH[B]:
                self.type2_roundtrips[C] = {}
                asks_cb = b.get_orders((C, B), "asks")  # people who are buying C_B
                asks_ac = b.get_orders((A, C), "asks")  # people who are buying A_C

                # minimum volume constraints
                min_cb = b.xchg.get_min_vol((A, C), asks_cb)  # how much DOGE we have to sell in the first trade
                min_ac = b.xchg.get_min_vol((C, B), asks_ac)  # how much LTC we have to sell in the second trade
                min_ab = b.xchg.get_min_vol((A, B), bids_ab)  # how much DOGE we have to buy in the third trade

                asks_cb_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(asks_cb, min_cb)  # buy exactly minimum quantity
                asks_ac_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_alt_volume(
                    asks_ac, min_cb * tx
                )  # can probably spend less than 0.01 LTC buying 0.01 DOGE
                v3 = utils.total_base_volume(asks_ac_clipped) * tx  # total DOGE we receive
                bids_ab_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(bids_ab, v3)  # sell all the DOGE for BTC

                # construct the orders that we submit
                o1 = Order(
                    pair=(C, B),
                o2 = Order(
                    pair=(A, C),
                o3 = Order(
                    pair=(A, B),

                self.type2_roundtrips[C]["orders"] = [o1, o2, o3]
                # these calculations should adequately take volume into account
                netA = o2.v * tx - o3.v
                netB = -utils.total_alt_volume(asks_cb_clipped) + utils.total_alt_volume(bids_ab_clipped) * tx
                netC = o1.v * tx - utils.total_alt_volume(asks_ac_clipped)

                self.type2_roundtrips[C]["profit"] = netB
                print("check ... ")
        # loop through C and choose the one with the largest profit
        return self._get_highest_profit(self.type2_roundtrips)
    def get_best_type1_roundtrip(self):
        sell(AC), sell(CB)
        A, B = self.pair  # use A_B notation instead of base, alt
        b =
        alt = B
        tx = 1 - b.xchg.trading_fee
        asks_ab = b.get_orders((A, B), "asks")  # people who are selling A_B
        for C, spread in self.type1_spreads.items():
            if spread > config.PROFIT_THRESH[alt]:
                self.type1_roundtrips[C] = {}
                bids_ac = b.get_orders((A, C), "bids")  # people who are buying A_C
                bids_cb = b.get_orders((C, B), "bids")  # people who are buying C_B
                # minimum volume constraints
                min_ac = b.xchg.get_min_vol((A, C), bids_ac)  # how much DOGE we have to sell in the first trade
                min_cb = b.xchg.get_min_vol((C, B), bids_cb)  # how much LTC we have to sell in the second trade
                min_ab = b.xchg.get_min_vol((A, B), asks_ab)  # how much DOGE we have to buy in the third trade
                # assuming value A << value C, first trade has to acquire enough LTC to perform the second trade
                bids_ac_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_alt_volume(bids_ac, min_ac / tx)
                # how much DOGE we sold to acquire 0.01 LTC
                v1 = utils.total_base_volume(bids_ac)
                # performing the second trade will net enough BTC to buy back at least 0.01 DOGE
                bids_cb_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(bids_cb, min_ac)
                # buy back exactly how much DOGE we spent in the first place
                asks_ab_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(asks_ab, v1 / tx)
                # construct the orders
                o1 = Order(
                    pair=(A, C),
                o2 = Order(
                    pair=(C, B),
                o3 = Order(
                    pair=(A, B),
                # test orders for profitability
                self.type1_roundtrips[C]["orders"] = [o1, o2, o3]

                netA = -o1.v + o3.v * tx
                netB = utils.total_alt_volume(bids_cb_clipped) * tx - utils.total_alt_volume(asks_ab_clipped)
                netC = utils.total_alt_volume(bids_ac_clipped) * tx - o2.v

                self.type1_roundtrips[C]["profit"] = netB
        return self._get_highest_profit(self.type1_roundtrips)
    def get_clipped_base_volume(self, orders, desired_base_vol):
        # it is already assumed that the orders are base_alt
        # reduces given array of orders to match specific base vol
        # borrowed from the original profit calculator

        i = 1
        while utils.total_base_volume(orders[:i]) < desired_base_vol:
            i += 1
            if i > len(orders):
                # not enough orders in the orderbook!
                print('Not enough orders in orderbook to satisfy required base volume!')
        # cor
        base_remainder = utils.total_base_volume(orders[:i]) - desired_base_vol
        # convert back to units base and subtract from last order
        orders[i-1].v -= base_remainder
        return orders[:i]
    def get_clipped_base_volume(self, orders, desired_base_vol):
        # it is already assumed that the orders are base_alt
        # reduces given array of orders to match specific base vol
        # borrowed from the original profit calculator

        i = 1
        while utils.total_base_volume(orders[:i]) < desired_base_vol:
            i += 1
            if i > len(orders):
                # not enough orders in the orderbook!
                print('Not enough orders in orderbook to satisfy required base volume!')
        # cor
        base_remainder = utils.total_base_volume(orders[:i]) - desired_base_vol
        # convert back to units base and subtract from last order
        orders[i-1].v -= base_remainder
        return orders[:i]
    def clip_orders(self, orders, desired_volume):
        # given an array of bid or ask orders,
        # and a desired volume, resize the orders so that
        # the total volume == desired_volume
        #total_volume = lambda arr : sum([a.v for a in arr])
        # volume = total_volume(orders) # original volume, in units base
        i = 1
        while total_base_volume(orders[:i]) < desired_volume:
            i += 1
            if i > len(orders):
                # not enough orders in the orderbook!
        # more than likely, adding on the last order tacked on a bit of overshoot.
        # the remainder MUST be spanned by last order (i.e. cannot be in the second
        # to last otherwise we would have caught it)
        if desired_volume is None:
            wtf = 1

        remainder = total_base_volume(orders[:i]) - desired_volume
        last_order = orders[i-1]
        orders[i-1] = Order(last_order.p, last_order.v - remainder)
        return orders[:i]
    def clip_orders(self, orders, desired_volume):
        # given an array of bid or ask orders,
        # and a desired volume, resize the orders so that
        # the total volume == desired_volume
        #total_volume = lambda arr : sum([a.v for a in arr])
        # volume = total_volume(orders) # original volume, in units base
        i = 1
        while total_base_volume(orders[:i]) < desired_volume:
            i += 1
            if i > len(orders):
                # not enough orders in the orderbook!
        # more than likely, adding on the last order tacked on a bit of overshoot.
        # the remainder MUST be spanned by last order (i.e. cannot be in the second
        # to last otherwise we would have caught it)
        if desired_volume is None:
            wtf = 1

        remainder = total_base_volume(orders[:i]) - desired_volume
        last_order = orders[i - 1]
        orders[i - 1] = Order(last_order.p, last_order.v - remainder)
        return orders[:i]
Exemple #7
    def get_best_type2_roundtrip(self):
        [Buy(C_B)Buy(A_C)] Sell(A_B)
        A, B = self.pair  # use A_B notation instead of base, alt
        b =
        alt = B
        tx = 1 - b.xchg.trading_fee
        bids_ab = b.get_orders((A, B), 'bids')  # people who are selling A_B
        for C, spread in self.type2_spreads.items():
            if spread > config.PROFIT_THRESH[B]:
                self.type2_roundtrips[C] = {}
                asks_cb = b.get_orders((C, B),
                                       'asks')  # people who are buying C_B

                # people who are buying A_C
                #asks_ac = b.get_orders((A,C), 'asks')
                asks_ac = b.get_orders((C, A), 'asks')

                # minimum volume constraints
                # how much DOGE we have to sell in the first trade
                #min_cb = b.xchg.get_min_vol((A,C), asks_cb)
                min_cb = b.xchg.get_min_vol((C, A), asks_cb)
                # how much LTC we have to sell in the second trade
                min_ac = b.xchg.get_min_vol((C, B), asks_ac)
                min_ab = b.xchg.get_min_vol(
                    (A, B),
                    bids_ab)  # how much DOGE we have to buy in the third trade

                asks_cb_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(
                    asks_cb, min_cb)  # buy exactly minimum quantity
                asks_ac_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_alt_volume(
                    asks_ac, min_cb * tx
                )  # can probably spend less than 0.01 LTC buying 0.01 DOGE

                #print ('type of asks_cb_clipped: %s ' % str(type(asks_cb_clipped)))
                #print ('type of asks_ac_clipped: %s ' % str(type(asks_ac_clipped)))

                # total DOGE we receive
                v3 = utils.total_base_volume(asks_ac_clipped) * tx
                bids_ab_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(
                    bids_ab, v3)  # sell all the DOGE for BTC

                #print ('type of bids_ab_clipped: %s ' % str(type(bids_ab_clipped)))

                # construct the orders that we submit
                o1 = Order(utils.highest_price(asks_cb_clipped),
                           pair=(C, B))
                o2 = Order(utils.highest_price(asks_ac_clipped),
                           pair=(A, C))
                o3 = Order(utils.lowest_price(bids_ab_clipped),
                           pair=(A, B))

                self.type2_roundtrips[C]["orders"] = [o1, o2, o3]
                # these calculations should adequately take volume into account
                netA = o2.v * tx - o3.v
                netB = -utils.total_alt_volume(
                    asks_cb_clipped) + utils.total_alt_volume(
                        bids_ab_clipped) * tx
                netC = o1.v * tx - utils.total_alt_volume(asks_ac_clipped)

                self.type2_roundtrips[C]["profit"] = netB
                #print('check ... ')

        # loop through C and choose the one with the largest profit
        return self._get_highest_profit(self.type2_roundtrips)
Exemple #8
    def get_best_type1_roundtrip(self):
        sell(AC), sell(CB)
        A, B = self.pair  # use A_B notation instead of base, alt
        b =
        alt = B
        tx = 1 - b.xchg.trading_fee
        asks_ab = b.get_orders((A, B), 'asks')  # people who are selling A_B
        for C, spread in self.type1_spreads.items():
            if spread > config.PROFIT_THRESH[alt]:
                self.type1_roundtrips[C] = {}
                bids_ac = b.get_orders((A, C),
                                       'bids')  # people who are buying A_C
                bids_cb = b.get_orders((C, B),
                                       'bids')  # people who are buying C_B
                # minimum volume constraints
                min_ac = b.xchg.get_min_vol(
                    (A, C), bids_ac
                )  # how much DOGE we have to sell in the first trade
                min_cb = b.xchg.get_min_vol(
                    (C, B), bids_cb
                )  # how much LTC we have to sell in the second trade
                min_ab = b.xchg.get_min_vol(
                    (A, B),
                    asks_ab)  # how much DOGE we have to buy in the third trade
                # assuming value A << value C, first trade has to acquire enough LTC to perform the second trade
                bids_ac_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_alt_volume(
                    bids_ac, min_ac / tx)
                # how much DOGE we sold to acquire 0.01 LTC
                v1 = utils.total_base_volume(bids_ac)
                # performing the second trade will net enough BTC to buy back at least 0.01 DOGE
                bids_cb_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(
                    bids_cb, min_ac)
                # buy back exactly how much DOGE we spent in the first place
                asks_ab_clipped = b.xchg.get_clipped_base_volume(
                    asks_ab, v1 / tx)
                # construct the orders
                o1 = Order(utils.lowest_price(bids_ac_clipped),
                           pair=(A, C))
                o2 = Order(utils.lowest_price(bids_cb_clipped),
                           pair=(C, B))
                o3 = Order(utils.highest_price(asks_ab_clipped),
                           pair=(A, B))
                # test orders for profitability
                self.type1_roundtrips[C]["orders"] = [o1, o2, o3]

                netA = -o1.v + o3.v * tx
                netB = utils.total_alt_volume(
                    bids_cb_clipped) * tx - utils.total_alt_volume(
                netC = utils.total_alt_volume(bids_ac_clipped) * tx - o2.v

                self.type1_roundtrips[C]["profit"] = netB
        return self._get_highest_profit(self.type1_roundtrips)