Exemple #1
def IHS(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    I = np.mean(u_hs, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

    P = (pan - np.mean(pan)) * np.std(I, ddof=1) / np.std(pan,
                                                          ddof=1) + np.mean(I)

    I_IHS = u_hs + np.tile(P - I, (1, 1, C))

    I_IHS[I_IHS < 0] = 0
    I_IHS[I_IHS > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_IHS * 255)
Exemple #2
def Wavelet(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    pan = np.squeeze(pan)
    pc = pywt.wavedec2(pan, 'haar', level=2)

    rec = []
    for i in range(C):
        temp_dec = pywt.wavedec2(u_hs[:, :, i], 'haar', level=2)

        pc[0] = temp_dec[0]

        temp_rec = pywt.waverec2(pc, 'haar')
        temp_rec = np.expand_dims(temp_rec, -1)

    I_Wavelet = np.concatenate(rec, axis=-1)

    I_Wavelet[I_Wavelet < 0] = 0
    I_Wavelet[I_Wavelet > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_Wavelet * 255)
Exemple #3
def Brovey(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape
    ratio = int(np.round(M/m))
    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M/m)) == int(np.round(N/n))
    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)
    I = np.mean(u_hs, axis=-1)
    image_hr = (pan-np.mean(pan))*(np.std(I, ddof=1)/np.std(pan, ddof=1))+np.mean(I)
    image_hr = np.squeeze(image_hr)

    for i in range(C):
        temp = image_hr*u_hs[:, :, i]/(I+1e-8)
        temp = np.expand_dims(temp, axis=-1)
    I_Brovey = np.concatenate(I_Brovey, axis=-1) 
    return np.uint8(I_Brovey*255)
Exemple #4
def GFPCA(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    p = princomp(n_components=C)
    pca_hs = p.fit_transform(np.reshape(hs, (m * n, C)))

    pca_hs = np.reshape(pca_hs, (m, n, C))

    pca_hs = upsample_interp23(pca_hs, ratio)

    gp_hs = []
    for i in range(C):
        temp = guidedFilter(np.float32(pan),
                            np.float32(np.expand_dims(pca_hs[:, :, i], -1)),
        temp = np.expand_dims(temp, axis=-1)

    gp_hs = np.concatenate(gp_hs, axis=-1)

    I_GFPCA = p.inverse_transform(gp_hs)

    I_GFPCA[I_GFPCA < 0] = 0
    I_GFPCA[I_GFPCA > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_GFPCA * 255)
Exemple #5
def GS(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    #remove means from u_hs
    means = np.mean(u_hs, axis=(0, 1))
    image_lr = u_hs - means

    #sintetic intensity
    I = np.mean(u_hs, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    I0 = I - np.mean(I)

    image_hr = (pan - np.mean(pan)) * (np.std(I0, ddof=1) /
                                       np.std(pan, ddof=1)) + np.mean(I0)

    #computing coefficients
    g = []

    for i in range(C):
        temp_h = image_lr[:, :, i]
        c = np.cov(np.reshape(I0, (-1, )), np.reshape(temp_h, (-1, )), ddof=1)
        g.append(c[0, 1] / np.var(I0))
    g = np.array(g)

    #detail extraction
    delta = image_hr - I0
    deltam = np.tile(delta, (1, 1, C + 1))

    V = np.concatenate((I0, image_lr), axis=-1)

    g = np.expand_dims(g, 0)
    g = np.expand_dims(g, 0)

    g = np.tile(g, (M, N, 1))

    V_hat = V + g * deltam

    I_GS = V_hat[:, :, 1:]

    I_GS = I_GS - np.mean(I_GS, axis=(0, 1)) + means

    I_GS[I_GS < 0] = 0
    I_GS[I_GS > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_GS * 255)
Exemple #6
def SFIM(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    if np.mod(ratio, 2) == 0:
        ratio = ratio + 1

    pan = np.tile(pan, (1, 1, C))

    pan = (pan - np.mean(pan, axis=(0, 1))) * (
        np.std(u_hs, axis=(0, 1), ddof=1) /
        np.std(pan, axis=(0, 1), ddof=1)) + np.mean(u_hs, axis=(0, 1))

    kernel = np.ones((ratio, ratio))
    kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)

    I_SFIM = np.zeros((M, N, C))
    for i in range(C):
        lrpan = signal.convolve2d(pan[:, :, i],
        I_SFIM[:, :, i] = u_hs[:, :, i] * pan[:, :, i] / (lrpan + 1e-8)

    I_SFIM[I_SFIM < 0] = 0
    I_SFIM[I_SFIM > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_SFIM * 255)
Exemple #7
def PCA(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    image_hr = pan

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    p = princomp(n_components=C)
    pca_hs = p.fit_transform(np.reshape(u_hs, (M * N, C)))

    pca_hs = np.reshape(pca_hs, (M, N, C))

    I = pca_hs[:, :, 0]

    image_hr = (image_hr - np.mean(image_hr)) * np.std(I, ddof=1) / np.std(
        image_hr, ddof=1) + np.mean(I)

    pca_hs[:, :, 0] = image_hr[:, :, 0]

    I_PCA = p.inverse_transform(pca_hs)

    I_PCA = I_PCA - np.mean(I_PCA, axis=(0, 1)) + np.mean(u_hs)

    I_PCA[I_PCA < 0] = 0
    I_PCA[I_PCA > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_PCA * 255)
Exemple #8
def MTF_GLP(pan, hs, sensor='gaussian'):
    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape
    ratio = int(np.round(M/m))
    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M/m)) == int(np.round(N/n))
    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)
    image_hr = np.tile(pan, (1, 1, C))
    image_hr = (image_hr - np.mean(image_hr, axis=(0,1)))*(np.std(u_hs, axis=(0, 1), ddof=1)/np.std(image_hr, axis=(0, 1), ddof=1))+np.mean(u_hs, axis=(0,1))
#    print(image_hr.shape)
    pan_lp = np.zeros_like(u_hs)
    N =31
    fcut = 1/ratio
    match = 0
    if sensor == 'gaussian':
        sig = (1/(2*(2.772587)/ratio**2))**0.5
        kernel = np.multiply(cv2.getGaussianKernel(9, sig), cv2.getGaussianKernel(9,sig).T)
        for i in range(C):
            temp = signal.convolve2d(image_hr[:, :, i], kernel, mode='same', boundary = 'wrap')
            temp = temp[0::ratio, 0::ratio]
            temp = np.expand_dims(temp, -1)
        t = np.concatenate(t, axis=-1)
        pan_lp = upsample_interp23(t, ratio)
    elif sensor == None:
        GNyq = 0.3*np.ones((C,))
    elif sensor=='QB':
        GNyq = np.asarray([0.34, 0.32, 0.30, 0.22],dtype='float32')    # Band Order: B,G,R,NIR
    elif sensor=='IKONOS':
        match=1           #MTF usage
        GNyq = np.asarray([0.26,0.28,0.29,0.28],dtype='float32')    # Band Order: B,G,R,NIR
    elif sensor=='GeoEye1':
        match=1             # MTF usage
        GNyq = np.asarray([0.23,0.23,0.23,0.23],dtype='float32')    # Band Order: B,G,R,NIR   
    elif sensor=='WV2':
        match=1            # MTF usage
        GNyq = [0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.27]
    elif sensor=='WV3':
        match=1             #MTF usage
        GNyq = 0.29 * np.ones(8)
    if match==1:
        t = []
        for i in range(C):
            alpha = np.sqrt(N*(fcut/2)**2/(-2*np.log(GNyq)))
            H = np.multiply(cv2.getGaussianKernel(N, alpha[i]), cv2.getGaussianKernel(N, alpha[i]).T)
            HD = H/np.max(H)
            h = fir_filter_wind(HD, kaiser2d(N, 0.5))
            temp = signal.convolve2d(image_hr[:, :, i], np.real(h), mode='same', boundary = 'wrap')
            temp = temp[0::ratio, 0::ratio]
            temp = np.expand_dims(temp, -1)
        t = np.concatenate(t, axis=-1)
        pan_lp = upsample_interp23(t, ratio)
    I_MTF_GLP = u_hs + image_hr - pan_lp        
    return np.uint8(I_MTF_GLP*255)
Exemple #9
def PNN(hrms, lrhs, sensor = None):
    this is an zero-shot learning method with deep learning (PNN)
    hrms: numpy array with MXNXc
    lrhs: numpy array with mxnxC
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)
    M, N, c = hrms.shape
    m, n, C = lrhs.shape
    stride = 8
    training_size=32#training patch size
    testing_size=400#testing patch size
    reconstructing_size=320#reconstructing patch size
    left_pad = (testing_size-reconstructing_size)//2

    |     rec     |
    |   -------   |
    |   |     |   |
    |   |     |   |
    |   -------   |
    |             |
    ratio = int(np.round(M/m))
    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M/m)) == int(np.round(N/n))
    train_hrhs_all = []
    train_hrms_all = []
    train_lrhs_all = []
    used_hrhs = lrhs
    used_lrhs = lrhs
    used_lrhs, used_hrms = downgrade_images(used_lrhs, hrms, ratio, sensor=sensor)
    print(used_lrhs.shape, used_hrms.shape)
    used_lrhs = upsample_interp23(used_lrhs, ratio)
    """crop images"""
    print('croping images...')
    for j in range(0, used_hrms.shape[0]-training_size, stride):
        for k in range(0, used_hrms.shape[1]-training_size, stride):
            temp_hrhs = used_hrhs[j:j+training_size, k:k+training_size, :]
            temp_hrms = used_hrms[j:j+training_size, k:k+training_size, :]
            temp_lrhs = used_lrhs[j:j+training_size, k:k+training_size, :]
    train_hrhs_all = np.array(train_hrhs_all, dtype='float16')
    train_hrms_all = np.array(train_hrms_all, dtype='float16')
    train_lrhs_all = np.array(train_lrhs_all, dtype='float16')
    index = [i for i in range(train_hrhs_all.shape[0])]
#    random.seed(2020)
    train_hrhs = train_hrhs_all[index, :, :, :]
    train_hrms= train_hrms_all[index, :, :, :]
    train_lrhs = train_lrhs_all[index, :, :, :]
    print(train_hrhs.shape, train_hrms.shape, train_lrhs.shape)
    """train net"""
    def lr_schedule(epoch):
        """Learning Rate Schedule
        # Arguments
            epoch (int): The number of epochs
        # Returns
            lr (float32): learning rate
        lr = 5e-4
        if epoch > 40:
            lr *= 1e-2
        elif epoch > 20:
            lr *= 1e-1
        return lr
    lr_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(lr_schedule, verbose=1)
    checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='./weights/PNN_model.h5',
    callbacks = [lr_scheduler, checkpoint]
    model = pnn_net(lrhs_size=(training_size, training_size, C), hrms_size=(training_size, training_size, c))
    model.fit( x=[train_lrhs, train_hrms],
    model = pnn_net(lrhs_size=(testing_size, testing_size, C), hrms_size=(testing_size, testing_size, c))
    new_M = min(M, m*ratio)
    new_N = min(N, n*ratio)
    print('output image size:', new_M, new_N)
    test_label = np.zeros((new_M, new_N, C), dtype = 'uint8')
    used_lrhs = lrhs[:new_M//ratio, :new_N//ratio, :]
    used_hrms = hrms[:new_M, :new_N, :]
    used_lrhs = upsample_interp23(used_lrhs, ratio)
    used_lrhs = np.expand_dims(used_lrhs, 0)
    used_hrms = np.expand_dims(used_hrms, 0)
    used_lrhs = np.pad(used_lrhs, ((0, 0), (left_pad, testing_size), (left_pad, testing_size), (0, 0)), mode='symmetric')
    used_hrms = np.pad(used_hrms, ((0, 0), (left_pad, testing_size), (left_pad, testing_size), (0, 0)), mode='symmetric')
    for h in tqdm(range(0, new_M, reconstructing_size)):
        for w in range(0, new_N, reconstructing_size):
            temp_lrhs = used_lrhs[:, h:h+testing_size, w:w+testing_size, :]
            temp_hrms = used_hrms[:, h:h+testing_size, w:w+testing_size, :]
            fake = model.predict([temp_lrhs, temp_hrms])
            fake = np.clip(fake, 0, 1)
            fake.shape=(testing_size, testing_size, C)
            fake = fake[left_pad:(testing_size-left_pad), left_pad:(testing_size-left_pad)]
            fake = np.uint8(fake*255)
            if h+testing_size>new_M:
                fake = fake[:new_M-h, :, :]
            if w+testing_size>new_N:
                fake = fake[:, :new_N-w, :]
            test_label[h:h+reconstructing_size, w:w+reconstructing_size]=fake
    del model
    return np.uint8(test_label)
Exemple #10
def GSA(pan, hs):

    M, N, c = pan.shape
    m, n, C = hs.shape

    ratio = int(np.round(M / m))

    print('get sharpening ratio: ', ratio)
    assert int(np.round(M / m)) == int(np.round(N / n))

    u_hs = upsample_interp23(hs, ratio)

    #remove means from u_hs
    means = np.mean(u_hs, axis=(0, 1))
    image_lr = u_hs - means

    #remove means from hs
    image_lr_lp = hs - np.mean(hs, axis=(0, 1))

    #sintetic intensity
    image_hr = pan - np.mean(pan)
    image_hr0 = cv2.resize(image_hr, (n, m), cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    image_hr0 = np.expand_dims(image_hr0, -1)

    alpha = estimation_alpha(image_hr0,
                             np.concatenate((image_lr_lp, np.ones((m, n, 1))),

    I = np.dot(np.concatenate((image_lr, np.ones((M, N, 1))), axis=-1), alpha)

    I0 = I - np.mean(I)

    #computing coefficients
    g = []

    for i in range(C):
        temp_h = image_lr[:, :, i]
        c = np.cov(np.reshape(I0, (-1, )), np.reshape(temp_h, (-1, )), ddof=1)
        g.append(c[0, 1] / np.var(I0))
    g = np.array(g)

    #detail extraction
    delta = image_hr - I0
    deltam = np.tile(delta, (1, 1, C + 1))

    V = np.concatenate((I0, image_lr), axis=-1)

    g = np.expand_dims(g, 0)
    g = np.expand_dims(g, 0)

    g = np.tile(g, (M, N, 1))

    V_hat = V + g * deltam

    I_GSA = V_hat[:, :, 1:]

    I_GSA = I_GSA - np.mean(I_GSA, axis=(0, 1)) + means

    I_GSA[I_GSA < 0] = 0
    I_GSA[I_GSA > 1] = 1

    return np.uint8(I_GSA * 255)