Exemple #1
def ndFindNANA(inString): 
    # the list of strings to look for
    strings = ['CACA', 'GAGA', 'TATA', 'AAAA'] 

    # create an empty list that will store our threads
    threads = [ ] 

    # create an object that can store a nondeterministic solution
    # computed by other threads
    nonDetSolution = utils.NonDetSolution() 

    # create the threads that will perform the nondeterministic
    # computation
    for string in strings: 
        # create a thread that will execute 
        # findString(string, inString, nonDetSolution) when started
        t = Thread(target=findString, args = (string,inString,nonDetSolution)) 
        # append the newly-created thread to our list of threads
    # Perform the nondeterministic computation. By definition, this
    # means that each thread is started, and we get a return value if
    # either: (a) any thread reports a positive solution, or (b) all
    # threads report negative solutions.
    solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, nonDetSolution) 

    return solution 
def ndContainsNANA(inString): 
    # the list of strings to look for
    strings = ['CACA', 'GAGA', 'TATA', 'AAAA'] 

    # create an empty list that will store our threads
    threads = [ ] 

    # create an object that can store a nondeterministic solution computed by
    # other threads
    ndSoln = utils.NonDetSolution() 

    # create the threads that will perform the nondeterministic computation
    for s in strings: 
        # create a thread that will execute findString(s, inString, ndSoln)
        # when started; findString is a helper function defined below
        t = Thread(target=findString,    
                           args = (s, inString, ndSoln)) 
        # append the newly created thread to our list of threads
    # Perform the nondeterministic computation. By definition, this means
    # that each thread is started, and we get a return value if either (a)
    # any thread reports a positive solution, or (b) all threads report
    # negative solutions.
    solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, ndSoln) 

    return solution 
def ndFindNANAHelper(text, parentNdSoln, depth=0):
    if depth == maxDepth:
        # We are at a leaf of the computation tree.
        solution = findNANA(text)
        # We are at an internal node of the computation tree. Split the
        # given text into two halves, and launch new threads to search
        # each half separately.
        threads = []
        childNdSoln = utils.NonDetSolution()
        halfway = int(len(text) / 2)
        # We will split the input text in half, but we could get
        # unlucky and find that one of the desired substrings
        # straddles the point of the split. Therefore, extend both
        # halves by the maximum length of a desired substring.
        upperLimit = min(halfway + maxDesiredStringLen, len(text))
        lowerLimit = max(halfway - maxDesiredStringLen, 0)
        text1 = text[:upperLimit]
        text2 = text[lowerLimit:]
        t1 = Thread(target=ndFindNANAHelper,
                    args=(text1, childNdSoln, depth + 1))
        t2 = Thread(target=ndFindNANAHelper,
                    args=(text2, childNdSoln, depth + 1))
        solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, childNdSoln)
def hasMultipleOfK (nums):
    integers = []
    integers = map(int, input().split())
    k = int(input(":")).append(integers)
    mkSoln = utils.NonDetSolution() 
    for k in integers: 
        t = Thread(target=findInt, args = (k, nums, mkSoln)) 
    solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(integers, mkSoln) 
    return solution 
Exemple #5
def GthenOneT(inString):
    threads = [ ]
    ndSoln = utils.NonDetSolution()
    for i in range(0, len(inString)):
        if inString[i] == 'G':
            leftString = inString[:i]
            leftThread = Thread(target=findT, args = (leftString, ndSoln))
            rightString = inString[i+1:]
            rightThread = Thread(target=findT, args = (rightString, ndSoln))
    return utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, ndSoln)
Exemple #6
def findMultipleOfK():
    integers = []
    integers = map(int, input().split())
    output = []
    k = int(input(":")).append(integers)
    nonDetSolution = utils.NonDetSolution()
    for k in integers:
        if integers % k == 0:
        t = Thread(target=findInt, args = (integers,  nonDetSolution))
    solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(integers, nonDetSolution) 
    return solution
def ndFactor(inNum, K):
    num = int(inNum)
    numRt = int(math.sqrt(num))

    threads = []
    ndSoln = utils.NonDetSolution()

    numList = numpy.array_split(range(2, numRt + 1), K)
    for L in numList:
        t = Thread(target=findFactor, args=(L, num, ndSoln))

    solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, ndSoln)
    return solution
def main(args):

    M = int(args.inString)
    M_prime = int(np.sqrt(M))
    search_range = np.array([i + 2 for i in range(M_prime - 2)])

    splitted = np.array_split(search_range, args.K)

    ndSoln = utils.NonDetSolution()
    threads = []

    for split_range in splitted:
        t = Thread(target=factor_opt, args=(M, split_range, ndSoln))

    res = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, ndSoln)

    return res
Exemple #9
def ndFactorHelper(M, low, high, nonDetSolution):
    if high <= low:
        # There is nothing to search.
    elif high - low == 1:
        # The search interval includes only one possibility (low), so test it.
        if M % low == 0:
            # low is a factor of M, so store this solution
        # Split the search interval in two, and launch new threads to
        # search those intervals.
        threads = []
        childNdSoln = utils.NonDetSolution()
        mid = int((high + low) / 2)
        t1 = Thread(target=ndFactorHelper, args=(M, low, mid, childNdSoln))
        t2 = Thread(target=ndFactorHelper, args=(M, mid, high, childNdSoln))
        solution = utils.waitForOnePosOrAllNeg(threads, childNdSoln)