Exemple #1
	def orient( self, _orientchildless=True, _rotateOrder=None ) :		
		# get the rotation order we're after		
		if( not _rotateOrder ) :
			_rotateOrder = settings.rotationorder

		# check we have a child to aim to and decide of aim vectors
		aimvector = utils.aim_axis_to_vectors( _rotateOrder )[0]
		upvector = utils.aim_axis_to_vectors( _rotateOrder )[1]

		aim = aimvector
		children = self.getChildren()
		parent = self.getParent()		
		if( not parent ) : parent = self
		if( len( children ) < 1 ) :
			if( not _orientchildless ) :
				utils.wrn( '%s has no children. Skipping orient...' % ( self.name() ) )
				return False
			else :
				aim = [ a * b for a, b in zip( aimvector, [-1] * 3 ) ]

		pm.select( None )

		# create children average aim locator
		childrenlocator = pm.spaceLocator()
		if( len( children ) ) :			
			pm.delete( pm.pointConstraint( children + [ childrenlocator ], mo=False ) )
		else :
			childrenlocator.setTranslation( parent.getTranslation( space='world' ), space='world' )

		# create up aim locator and aim self to it
		uplocator = pm.spaceLocator()
		pm.delete( pm.pointConstraint( [ parent, self, childrenlocator, uplocator ], mo=False ) )
		pm.delete( pm.aimConstraint( [ self, uplocator ], mo=False, wut='object', wuo=parent ) )
		uplocator.translateBy( ( 0, 0, 0.5 ) )

		# unparent children, aim the joint to the average of it's children, then reparent children
		for joint in children : joint.setParent( None )
		pm.delete( pm.aimConstraint( 
			[ childrenlocator, self ],
		) )
		pm.makeIdentity( self, a=True, r=True )
		for joint in children : joint.setParent( self )

		# tidy up
		pm.delete( childrenlocator )
		pm.delete( uplocator )
		pm.select( self )

		return True
Exemple #2
	def connect_rigs( self, _blendcontrol=None ) :

		# get the object the blend attr should be added to
		blendcontrol = _blendcontrol
		if( not blendcontrol ) :
			blendcontrolname = utils.name_from_tags( settings.staticcontrols[ 'ikfkblend' ], 'control' )
			blendcontrol = pm.PyNode( blendcontrolname )

		try :
			# create the blend attr
			blendattrname = utils.name_from_tags( self.tree_root().name, 'blend' )
			self.blendattr = utils.add_set_attr( blendcontrol, blendattrname, 0.0 )
		except :
			utils.err( 'Could not create blend attribute on %s' % ( blendcontrol ) )
			return False

		# blend between rigs onto blendjointchain

		jointchains = self.tree_children( 'jointchain' )
		if( len( jointchains ) != 1 ) :
			utils.err( '%s does not have ONE jointchain in it\'s children. Not sure which to use as the blend chain.' % ( self ) )
			return False
		blendjoints = jointchains[0].all_joints()
		rigs = self.tree_children( '.*Rig' )
		multdivdict = {}

		# set min/max values for blendattr
		self.blendattr.setMin( 0 )
		self.blendattr.setMax( len( self.tree_children( '.*Rig' ) ) - 1 )

		for i, rig in enumerate( rigs ) :	
			for jointchain in rig.tree_children( 'jointchain' ) :
				rigjoints = jointchain.all_joints()
				if( len( rigjoints ) != len( blendjoints ) ) :
					utils.wrn( '%s has a different number of joints to %s. Skipping...' % ( jointchain, jointchains[0] ) )

				# create a triangle curve with float time offset by j
				# by overlapping each triangle, n number of rigs can be blended
				# _/\____     
				# __/\___   this is how 3 rigs would blend together
				# ___/\__

				animcurve = pm.nodetypes.AnimCurveUL()
				animcurve.rename( utils.name_from_tags( self.tree_root().name, 'blend', rig.PARTNAME, 'animcurveUL' ) )

				offset = i
				pm.setKeyframe( animcurve, f=-1 + offset, v=0 )
				pm.setKeyframe( animcurve, f=0 	+ offset, v=1 )
				pm.setKeyframe( animcurve, f=1 	+ offset, v=0 )
				self.blendattr >> animcurve.input

				multdivdict[ rig ] = []

				for rigjoint in rigjoints :
					# vary input of joints rotation by animcurve output
					multdiv = pm.nodetypes.MultiplyDivide()
					multdiv.rename( utils.name_from_tags( rigjoint, 'blend', rig.PARTNAME, 'multiplydivide' ) )
					multdivdict[ rig ].append( multdiv )
					# connect animcurev and rotate to multdiv
					animcurve.output 	>> multdiv.input1X
					animcurve.output 	>> multdiv.input1Y
					animcurve.output 	>> multdiv.input1Z
					rigjoint.rotate		>> multdiv.input2

				for j, blendjoint in enumerate( blendjoints ) :
					# use a PMA node to blend between the rigs
					pma = pm.nodetypes.PlusMinusAverage()
					pma.rename( utils.name_from_tags( blendjoint, 'blend', rig.PARTNAME, 'plusminusaverage' ) )
					pma.operation.set( 1 )

					# connect everything up
					k = 0
					for rig, multdivlist in multdivdict.iteritems() :
						multdivlist[j].output >> pma.input3D[k]
						k += 1

					pma.output3D >> blendjoint.rotate