Exemple #1
async def make_bitcoin_core_wallet(account_num=0, fname_pattern='bitcoin-core.txt'):
    from glob import dis
    import ustruct
    xfp = xfp2str(settings.get('xfp'))


    # make the data
    examples = []
    payload = ujson.dumps(list(generate_bitcoin_core_wallet(examples, account_num)))

    body = '''\
# Bitcoin Core Wallet Import File


## For wallet with master key fingerprint: {xfp}

Wallet operates on blockchain: {nb}

## Bitcoin Core RPC

The following command can be entered after opening Window -> Console
in Bitcoin Core, or using bitcoin-cli:

importmulti '{payload}'

## Resulting Addresses (first 3)

'''.format(payload=payload, xfp=xfp, nb=chains.current_chain().name)

    body += '\n'.join('%s => %s' % t for t in examples)

    body += '\n'

    await write_text_file(fname_pattern, body, 'Bitcoin Core')
Exemple #2
    async def done_apply(self, *a):
        # apply the passphrase.
        # - important to work on empty string here too.
        from stash import bip39_passphrase
        old_pw = str(bip39_passphrase)


        xfp = settings.get('xfp')

        msg = '''Above is the master key fingerprint of the new wallet.

Press X to abort and keep editing passphrase, OK to use the new wallet, or 1 to use and save to MicroSD'''

        ch = await ux_show_story(msg, title="[%s]" % xfp2str(xfp), escape='1')
        if ch == 'x':
            # go back!

        if ch == '1':
            await PassphraseSaver().append(xfp, pp_sofar)

Exemple #3
def generate_wasabi_wallet():
    # Generate the data for a JSON file which Wasabi can open directly as a new wallet.
    from main import settings
    import ustruct, version

    # bitcoin (xpub) is used, even for testnet case (ie. no tpub)
    # - altho, doesn't matter; the wallet operates based on it's own settings for test/mainnet
    #   regardless of the contents of the wallet file
    btc = chains.BitcoinMain

    with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
        xpub = btc.serialize_public(sv.derive_path("84'/0'/0'"))

    xfp = settings.get('xfp')
    txt_xfp = xfp2str(xfp)

    chain = chains.current_chain()
    assert chain.ctype in {'BTC', 'XTN'}, "Only Bitcoin supported"

    _, vers, _ = version.get_mpy_version()

    return dict(MasterFingerprint=txt_xfp,
Exemple #4
if '-s' in sys.argv:
    # MicroSD menu
    from main import numpad

if '-a' in sys.argv:
    # Address Explorer
    from main import numpad

if '--xfp' in sys.argv:
    # --xfp aabbccdd   => pretend we know that key (won't be able to sign)
    from ustruct import unpack
    from utils import xfp2str
    from ubinascii import unhexlify as a2b_hex

    xfp = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--xfp') + 1]
    sim_defaults['xfp'] = unpack(">I", a2b_hex(xfp))[0]
    print("Override XFP: " + xfp2str(sim_defaults['xfp']))

Exemple #5
    #    assert keys == ['mpsMLTNqBNrsQuYNmZPj7ifqqMTSnZMMWH', 'mjoj9a1cFNPhvFkbrwzNPTBCWxhteAJHE5',
    #                    'mkjqteuKMDApEzsZbdphtufvVPmCFafLhM', 'mvRSS7xmYBjDUEQsxvNefXLbwQHpwm76wb',
    #                    'mhGBcrA9xDuBWttQLZFGRBJHcGEZyQpT3b', 'mkYFhxXQY6mMZbKxcuk6j6FD2Ff1gX6zgC',
    #                    'mmgkFCdHKxCHuTMcJ9CPncRMA2UPainW6j', 'mg5fNCy7TJiZ8L4uxU3XerW2twNYAY3hmU',
    #                    'myY1Xmhx6CdvFn6uzdUDo5EM2HxmsPXPJB', 'mozpwp3z32g9vBZxbpN6ySxx7A5EWw4Zfi']

    addr = BitcoinMain.p2sh_address(AF_P2SH, script)
    assert addr[0] == '3'
    assert addr == '3Kt6KxjirrFS7GexJiXLLhmuaMzSbjp275'
    addr = BitcoinTestnet.p2sh_address(AF_P2SH, script)
    assert addr[0] == '2'
    assert addr == '2NBSJPhfkUJknK4HVyr9CxemAniCcRfhqp4'

    addr = BitcoinMain.p2sh_address(AF_P2WSH, script)
    assert addr[0:4] == 'bc1q', addr
    assert len(addr) >= 62
    assert addr == 'bc1qnjw7wy4e9tf4kkqaf43n2cyjwug0ystugum08c5j5hwhfncc4mkqftu4jr'

    addr = BitcoinTestnet.p2sh_address(AF_P2WSH, script)
    assert addr[0:4] == 'tb1q', addr
    assert len(addr) >= 62
    assert addr == 'tb1qnjw7wy4e9tf4kkqaf43n2cyjwug0ystugum08c5j5hwhfncc4mkq7r26gv'

if 1:
    from utils import xfp2str, str2xfp

    assert xfp2str(0x10203040) == '40302010'
    for i in 0, 1, 0x12345678:
        assert str2xfp(xfp2str(i)) == i
Exemple #6
        sim_defaults['multisig'] = [["CC-2-of-4", [2, 4], [[1130956047, "tpubDF2rnouQaaYrUEy2JM1YD3RFzew4onawGM4X2Re67gguTf5CbHonBRiFGe3Xjz7DK88dxBFGf2i7K1hef3PM4cFKyUjcbJXddaY9F5tJBoP"], [3503269483, "tpubDFcrvj5n7gyatVbr8dHCUfHT4CGvL8hREBjtxc4ge7HZgqNuPhFimPRtVg6fRRwfXiQthV9EBjNbwbpgV2VoQeL1ZNXoAWXxP2L9vMtRjax"], [2389277556, "tpubDExj5FnaUnPAjjgzELoSiNRkuXJG8Cm1pbdiA4Hc5vkAZHphibeVcUp6mqH5LuNVKbtLVZxVSzyja5X26Cfmx6pzRH6gXBUJAH7MiqwNyuM"], [3190206587, "tpubDFiuHYSJhNbHaGtB5skiuDLg12tRboh2uVZ6KGXxr8WVr28pLcS7F3gv8SsHFa2tm1jtx3VAuw56YfgRkdo6DXyfp51oygTKY3nJFT5jBMt"]], {"pp": "48'/1'/0'/1'", "ch": "XTN", "ft": 26}]]
        # P2SH: 2of4 using BIP39 passwords: "Me", "Myself", "and I", and (empty string) on simulator
        sim_defaults['multisig'] = [['MeMyself', [2, 4], [[3503269483, 'tpubD9429UXFGCTKJ9NdiNK4rC5ygqSUkginycYHccqSg5gkmyQ7PZRHNjk99M6a6Y3NY8ctEUUJvCu6iCCui8Ju3xrHRu3Ez1CKB4ZFoRZDdP9'], [2389277556, 'tpubD97nVL37v5tWyMf9ofh5rznwhh1593WMRg6FT4o6MRJkKWANtwAMHYLrcJFsFmPfYbY1TE1LLQ4KBb84LBPt1ubvFwoosvMkcWJtMwvXgSc'], [3190206587, 'tpubD9ArfXowvGHnuECKdGXVKDMfZVGdephVWg8fWGWStH3VKHzT4ph3A4ZcgXWqFu1F5xGTfxncmrnf3sLC86dup2a8Kx7z3xQ3AgeNTQeFxPa'], [1130956047, 'tpubD8NXmKsmWp3a3DXhbihAYbYLGaRNVdTnr6JoSxxfXYQcmwVtW2hv8QoDwng6JtEonmJoL3cNEwfd2cLXMpGezwZ2vL2dQ7259bueNKj9C8n']], {'ch': 'XTN', 'pp': "45'"}]]
    sim_defaults['fee_limit'] = -1

if '--xfp' in sys.argv:
    # --xfp aabbccdd   => pretend we know that key (won't be able to sign)
    from ustruct import unpack
    from utils import xfp2str
    from ubinascii import unhexlify as a2b_hex

    xfp = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--xfp') + 1]
    sim_defaults['xfp'] = unpack("<I", a2b_hex(xfp))[0]
    print("Override XFP: " + xfp2str(sim_defaults['xfp']))

if '--seed' in sys.argv:
    # --xfp aabbccdd   => pretend we know that key (won't be able to sign)
    from ustruct import unpack
    from utils import xfp2str
    from seed import set_seed_value
    from main import pa, settings

    words = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--seed') + 1].split(' ')
    assert len(words) == 24, "Expected 24 space-separated words: add some quotes"
    pa.pin = b'12-12'
    settings.set('terms_ok', 1)
    settings.set('_skip_pin', '12-12')
    settings.set('chain', 'XTN')
Exemple #7
# (c) Copyright 2020 by Coinkite Inc. This file is covered by license found in COPYING-CC.
# load up the simulator w/ indicated encoded secret. could be xprv/words/etc.
from sim_settings import sim_defaults
import stash, chains
from h import b2a_hex
from pincodes import pa
from nvstore import settings
from stash import SecretStash, SensitiveValues
from utils import xfp2str

settings.current = dict(sim_defaults)

import main

print("New key in effect: %s" % settings.get('xpub', 'MISSING'))
print("Fingerprint: %s" % xfp2str(settings.get('xfp', 0)))

Exemple #8
def generate_public_contents():
    # Generate public details about wallet.
    # simple text format:
    #   key = value
    # or #comments
    # but value is JSON
    from main import settings
    from public_constants import AF_CLASSIC

    num_rx = 5

    chain = chains.current_chain()

    with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:

        yield ('''\
# Coldcard Wallet Summary File
## For wallet with master key fingerprint: {xfp}

Wallet operates on blockchain: {nb}

For BIP44, this is coin_type '{ct}', and internally we use
symbol {sym} for this blockchain.


Do **not** deposit to any address in this file unless you have a working
wallet system that is ready to handle the funds at that address!

## Top-level, 'master' extended public key ('m/'):


What follows are derived public keys and payment addresses, as may
be needed for different systems.


        for name, path, addr_fmt in chains.CommonDerivations:

            if '{coin_type}' in path:
                path = path.replace('{coin_type}', str(chain.b44_cointype))

            if '{' in name:
                name = name.format(core_name=chain.core_name)

            show_slip132 = ('Core' not in name)

            yield ('''## For {name}: {path}\n\n'''.format(name=name,
            yield (
                '''First %d receive addresses (account=0, change=0):\n\n''' %

            submaster = None
            for i in range(num_rx):
                subpath = path.format(account=0, change=0, idx=i)

                # find the prefix of the path that is hardneded
                if "'" in subpath:
                    hard_sub = subpath.rsplit("'", 1)[0] + "'"
                    hard_sub = 'm'

                if hard_sub != submaster:
                    # dump the xpub needed

                    if submaster:
                        yield "\n"

                    node = sv.derive_path(hard_sub, register=False)
                    yield ("%s => %s\n" %
                           (hard_sub, chain.serialize_public(node)))
                    if show_slip132 and addr_fmt != AF_CLASSIC and (
                            addr_fmt in chain.slip132):
                        yield (
                            "%s => %s   ##SLIP-132##\n" %
                            (hard_sub, chain.serialize_public(node, addr_fmt)))

                    submaster = hard_sub
                    del node

                # show the payment address
                node = sv.derive_path(subpath, register=False)
                yield ('%s => %s\n' % (subpath, chain.address(node, addr_fmt)))

                del node

            yield ('\n\n')

    from multisig import MultisigWallet
    if MultisigWallet.exists():
        yield '\n# Your Multisig Wallets\n\n'
        from uio import StringIO

        for ms in MultisigWallet.get_all():
            fp = StringIO()

            print("\n---\n", file=fp)

            yield fp.getvalue()
            del fp
Exemple #9
    async def confirm_import(self):
        # prompt them about a new wallet, let them see details and then commit change.
        M, N = self.M, self.N

        if M == N == 1:
            exp = 'The one signer must approve spends.'
        if M == N:
            exp = 'All %d co-signers must approve spends.' % N
        elif M == 1:
            exp = 'Any signature from %d co-signers will approve spends.' % N
            exp = '{M} signatures, from {N} possible co-signers, will be required to approve spends.'.format(
                M=M, N=N)

        # Look for duplicate case.
        is_dup, diff_count = self.has_dup()

        if not is_dup:
            story = 'Create new multisig wallet?'
        elif diff_count:
            story = '''\
CAUTION: This updated wallet has %d different XPUB values, but matching fingerprints \
and same M of N. Perhaps the derivation path has changed legitimately, otherwise, much \
DANGER!''' % diff_count
            story = 'Update existing multisig wallet?'
        story += '''\n
Wallet Name:

Policy: {M} of {N}



Press (1) to see extended public keys, \
OK to approve, X to cancel.'''.format(M=M,
                                      deriv=self.common_prefix or 'unknown')

        while 1:
            ch = await ux_show_story(story, escape='1')

            if ch == '1':
                # Show the xpubs; might be 2k or more rendered.
                msg = uio.StringIO()

                for idx, (xfp, xpub) in enumerate(self.xpubs):
                    if idx:

                    # Not showing index numbers here because order
                    # is non-deterministic both here, our storage, and in usage.
                    msg.write('%s:\n%s' % (xfp2str(xfp), xpub))

                await ux_show_story(msg, title='%d of %d' % (self.M, self.N))


            if ch == 'y':
                # save to nvram, may raise MultisigOutOfSpace
                if is_dup:
                await ux_dramatic_pause("Saved.", 2)

        return ch
Exemple #10
    def validate_script(self, redeem_script, subpaths=None, xfp_paths=None):
        # Check we can generate all pubkeys in the redeem script, raise on errors.
        # - working from pubkeys in the script, because duplicate XFP can happen
        # redeem_script: what we expect and we were given
        # subpaths: pubkey => (xfp, *path)
        # xfp_paths: (xfp, *path) in same order as pubkeys in redeem script
        from psbt import path_to_str

        subpath_help = []
        used = set()
        ch = self.chain

        M, N, pubkeys = disassemble_multisig(redeem_script)
        assert M == self.M and N == self.N, 'wrong M/N in script'

        for pk_order, pubkey in enumerate(pubkeys):
            check_these = []

            if subpaths:
                # in PSBT, we are given a map from pubkey to xfp/path, use it
                # while remembering it's potentially one-2-many
                assert pubkey in subpaths, "Unexpected pubkey"
                xfp, *path = subpaths[pubkey]

                for xp_idx, (wxfp, xpub) in enumerate(self.xpubs):
                    if wxfp != xfp: continue
                    if xp_idx in used: continue  # only allow once
                    check_these.append((xp_idx, path))
                # Without PSBT, USB caller must provide xfp+path
                # in same order as they occur inside redeem script.
                # Working solely from the redeem script's pubkeys, we
                # wouldn't know which xpub to use, nor correct path for it.
                xfp, *path = xfp_paths[pk_order]

                for xp_idx in self.xpubs_with_xfp(xfp):
                    if xp_idx in used: continue  # only allow once
                    check_these.append((xp_idx, path))

            here = None
            for xp_idx, path in check_these:
                # matched fingerprint, try to make pubkey that needs to match
                xpub = self.xpubs[xp_idx][1]

                node = ch.deserialize_node(xpub, AF_P2SH)
                assert node
                dp = node.depth()

                if not (1 <= dp <= len(path)):
                    # obscure case: xpub isn't deep enough to represent
                    # indicated path... not wrong really.

                for sp in path[dp:]:
                    assert not (sp & 0x80000000), 'hard deriv'
                    node.derive(sp)  # works in-place

                found_pk = node.public_key()

                # Document path(s) used. Not sure this is useful info to user tho.
                # - Do not show what we can't verify: we don't really know the hardeneded
                #   part of the path from fingerprint to here.
                here = '(m=%s)\n' % xfp2str(xfp)
                if dp != len(path):
                    here += 'm' + ('/_' * dp) + path_to_str(path[dp:], '/', 0)

                if found_pk != pubkey:
                    # Not a match but not an error by itself, since might be
                    # another dup xfp to look at still.

                    #print('pk mismatch: %s => %s != %s' % (
                    #                here, b2a_hex(found_pk), b2a_hex(pubkey)))


                msg = 'pk#%d wrong' % (pk_order + 1)
                if here:
                    msg += ', tried: ' + here
                raise AssertionError(msg)

            if pk_order:
                # verify sorted order
                assert bytes(pubkey) > bytes(
                    pubkeys[pk_order - 1]), 'BIP67 violation'

        assert len(used) == self.N, 'not all keys used: %d of %d' % (len(used),

        return subpath_help
Exemple #11
async def export_multisig_xpubs(*a):
    # WAS: Create a single text file with lots of docs, and all possible useful xpub values.
    # THEN: Just create the one-liner xpub export value they need/want to support BIP45
    # NOW: Export JSON with one xpub per useful address type and semi-standard derivation path
    # Consumer for this file is supposed to be ourselves, when we build on-device multisig.
    from main import settings
    xfp = xfp2str(settings.get('xfp', 0))
    chain = chains.current_chain()

    fname_pattern = 'ccxp-%s.json' % xfp

    msg = '''\
This feature creates a small file containing \
the extended public keys (XPUB) you would need to join \
a multisig wallet using the 'Create Airgapped' feature.

The public keys exported are:


OK to continue. X to abort.

    resp = await ux_show_story(msg)
    if resp != 'y': return

        with CardSlot() as card:
            fname, nice = card.pick_filename(fname_pattern)
            # do actual write: manual JSON here so more human-readable.
            with open(fname, 'wt') as fp:
                with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
                    for deriv, name, fmt in [
                        ("m/45'", 'p2sh', AF_P2SH),
                        ("m/48'/{coin}'/0'/1'", 'p2wsh_p2sh', AF_P2WSH_P2SH),
                        ("m/48'/{coin}'/0'/2'", 'p2wsh', AF_P2WSH)

                        dd = deriv.format(coin=chain.b44_cointype)
                        node = sv.derive_path(dd)
                        xp = chain.serialize_public(node, fmt)
                        fp.write('  "%s_deriv": "%s",\n' % (name, dd))
                        fp.write('  "%s": "%s",\n' % (name, xp))

                fp.write('  "xfp": "%s"\n}\n' % xfp)

    except CardMissingError:
        await needs_microsd()
    except Exception as e:
        await ux_show_story('Failed to write!\n\n\n' + str(e))

    msg = '''BIP45 multisig xpub file written:\n\n%s''' % nice
    await ux_show_story(msg)
    def check_xpub(cls, xfp, xpub, deriv, expect_chain, my_xfp, xpubs):
        # Shared code: consider an xpub for inclusion into a wallet, if ok, append
        # to list: xpubs with a tuple: (xfp, deriv, xpub)
        # return T if it's our own key
        # - deriv can be None, and in very limited cases can recover derivation path
        # - could enforce all same depth, and/or all depth >= 1, but
        #   seems like more restrictive than needed, so "m" is allowed

            # Note: addr fmt detected here via SLIP-132 isn't useful
            node, chain, _ = import_xpub(xpub)
            raise AssertionError('unable to parse xpub')

        assert node.private_key() == None       # 'no privkeys plz'
        assert chain.ctype == expect_chain      # 'wrong chain'

        depth = node.depth()

        if depth == 1:
            if not xfp:
                # allow a shortcut: zero/omit xfp => use observed parent value
                xfp = swab32(node.fingerprint())
                # generally cannot check fingerprint values, but if we can, do so.
                assert swab32(node.fingerprint()) == xfp, 'xfp depth=1 wrong'

        assert xfp, 'need fingerprint'          # happens if bare xpub given

        # In most cases, we cannot verify the derivation path because it's hardened
        # and we know none of the private keys involved.
        if depth == 1:
            # but derivation is implied at depth==1
            guess = keypath_to_str([node.child_num()], skip=0)

            if deriv:
                assert guess == deriv, '%s != %s' % (guess, deriv)
                deriv = guess           # reachable? doubt it

        assert deriv, 'empty deriv'         # or force to be 'm'?

        # path length of derivation given needs to match xpub's depth
        assert deriv[0] == 'm'
        p_len = deriv.count('/')
        assert p_len == depth, 'deriv %d != %d xpub depth (xfp=%s)' % (
                                        p_len, depth, xfp2str(xfp))

        if xfp == my_xfp:
            # its supposed to be my key, so I should be able to generate pubkey
            # - might indicate collision on xfp value between co-signers,
            #   and that's not supported
            with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
                chk_node = sv.derive_path(deriv)
                assert node.public_key() == chk_node.public_key(), \
                            "(m=%s)/%s wrong pubkey" % (xfp2str(xfp), deriv[2:])

        # serialize xpub w/ BIP32 standard now.
        # - this has effect of stripping SLIP-132 confusion away
        xpubs.append((xfp, deriv, chain.serialize_public(node, AF_P2SH)))

        return (xfp == my_xfp)
Exemple #13
def generate_bitcoin_core_wallet(account_num, example_addrs):
    # Generate the data for an RPC command to import keys into Bitcoin Core
    # - yields dicts for json purposes
    from descriptor import append_checksum
    import ustruct

    from public_constants import AF_P2WPKH

    chain = chains.current_chain()

    derive = "84'/{coin_type}'/{account}'".format(account=account_num,

    with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
        prefix = sv.derive_path(derive)
        xpub = chain.serialize_public(prefix)

        for i in range(3):
            sp = '0/%d' % i
            node = sv.derive_path(sp, master=prefix)
            a = chain.address(node, AF_P2WPKH)
            example_addrs.append(('m/%s/%s' % (derive, sp), a))

    xfp = settings.get('xfp')
    txt_xfp = xfp2str(xfp).lower()

    chain = chains.current_chain()

    _, vers, _ = version.get_mpy_version()

    for internal in [False, True]:
        desc = "wpkh([{fingerprint}/{derive}]{xpub}/{change}/*)".format(
            derive=derive.replace("'", "h"),
            change=(1 if internal else 0))

        desc = append_checksum(desc)

        # for importmulti
        imm = {
            'desc': desc,
            'range': [0, 1000],
            'timestamp': 'now',
            'internal': internal,
            'keypool': True,
            'watchonly': True

        # for importdescriptors
        imd = {
            'desc': desc,
            'active': True,
            'timestamp': 'now',
            'internal': internal,
        if not internal:
            imd['label'] = "Coldcard " + txt_xfp

        yield (imm, imd)