def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred):
        calculate the loss of model prediction for one scale
        pred_xy_rel = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., 0:2])
        pred_wh_rel = y_pred[..., 2:4]
        pred_box_abs, pred_obj, pred_class = get_absolute_yolo_box(
            y_pred, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)
        pred_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(pred_box_abs)
        true_xy_abs, true_wh_abs, true_obj, true_class = tf.split(
            y_true, (2, 2, 1, self.num_classes), axis=-1)
        true_box_abs = tf.concat([true_xy_abs, true_wh_abs], axis=-1)
        true_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(true_box_abs)

        true_box_rel = get_relative_yolo_box(y_true, self.valid_anchors_wh)
        true_xy_rel = true_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        true_wh_rel = true_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        weight = 2 - true_wh_abs[..., 0] * true_wh_abs[..., 1]

        xy_loss = self.calc_xy_loss(true_obj, true_xy_rel, pred_xy_rel, weight)
        wh_loss = self.calc_wh_loss(true_obj, true_wh_rel, pred_wh_rel, weight)
        class_loss = self.calc_class_loss(true_obj, true_class, pred_class)

        ignore_mask = self.calc_ignore_mask(true_obj, true_box_abs,
        obj_loss = self.calc_obj_loss(true_obj, pred_obj, ignore_mask)

        return xy_loss + wh_loss + class_loss + obj_loss, (xy_loss, wh_loss,
Exemple #2
    def forward(self, y_true, y_pred):
            - y_pred to bbox_abs
            - get pred_xy_rel and pred_wh_rel
        pred_box_abs, pred_obj, pred_landmark, pred_box_rel = get_absolute_yolo_box(
            y_pred, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_landmarks)
        # print(self.valid_anchors_wh)
        # print('=' * 20, 'get_abs_pred', '*' * 20)
        # print(pred_box_abs.shape)
        # print(pred_obj.shape)
        # print(pred_landmark.shape)
        # print(pred_box_rel.shape)
        pred_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(pred_box_abs)
        pred_xy_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        pred_wh_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 2:4]
            - y_true to bbox_rel
            - get true_xy_rel and true_wh_rel
        true_box_rel, true_obj, true_landmark, true_box_abs = get_relative_yolo_box(
            y_true, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_landmarks)

        # print(true_obj)
        # print('=' * 20, 'get_rel_pred', '*' * 20)
        # print(true_box_rel.shape)
        # print(true_obj.shape)
        # print(true_landmark.shape)
        # print(true_box_abs.shape)
        true_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(true_box_abs)
        true_xy_rel = true_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        true_wh_rel = true_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        true_wh_abs = true_box_abs[..., 2:4]
        weight = 2 - true_wh_abs[..., 0] * true_wh_abs[..., 1]

        # print('=' * 20, 'calc_loss', '*' * 20)
        xy_loss = self.calc_xy_loss(true_xy_rel, pred_xy_rel, true_obj, weight)
        wh_loss = self.calc_xy_loss(true_wh_rel, pred_wh_rel, true_obj, weight)
        landmark_loss = self.calc_xy_loss(true_landmark, pred_landmark,
                                          true_obj, weight)
        ignore_mask = self.calc_ignore_mask(true_box_abs, pred_box_abs,

        # print('=' * 10, 'xy_loss', '=' * 10)
        # print(xy_loss)
        # print('=' * 10, 'wh_loss', '=' * 10)
        # print(wh_loss)
        # print('=' * 10, 'landmark_loss', '=' * 10)
        # print(landmark_loss)
        # print('-' * 10, 'obj_loss', '-' * 10)
        obj_loss = self.calc_obj_loss(true_obj, pred_obj, ignore_mask)

        return xy_loss + wh_loss + landmark_loss + obj_loss, (xy_loss, wh_loss,
Exemple #3
    def __call__(self, raw_yolo_outputs):
        boxes, objectness, class_probs = [], [], []

        for o in raw_yolo_outputs:
            batch_size = tf.shape(o[0])[0]
            num_classes = tf.shape(o[2])[-1]
            # needs to translate from xywh to y1x1y2x2 format
            boxes.append(tf.reshape(o[0], (batch_size, -1, 4)))
            objectness.append(tf.reshape(o[1], (batch_size, -1, 1)))
            class_probs.append(tf.reshape(o[2], (batch_size, -1, num_classes)))

        boxes = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(tf.concat(boxes, axis=1))

        objectness = tf.concat(objectness, axis=1)
        class_probs = tf.concat(class_probs, axis=1)

        scores = objectness
        scores = tf.reshape(scores,
                            (tf.shape(scores)[0], -1, tf.shape(scores)[-1]))

        final_boxes, final_scores, final_classes, valid_detections = self.batch_non_maximum_suppression(
            boxes, scores, class_probs, self.iou_thresh, self.score_thresh,

        return final_boxes, final_scores, final_classes, valid_detections
    def forward(self, raw_yolo_outputs):
        boxes, objectness, landmarks_coord = [], [], []

        for raw_yolo_out in raw_yolo_outputs:
            # raw_yolo_out : (bbox_abs, objectness, landmarks_probs, bbox_rel)
            # print(raw_yolo_out[1].shape)
            batch_size = raw_yolo_out[0].size(0)
            num_landmarks = raw_yolo_out[2].size(-1)
            boxes.append(raw_yolo_out[0].view(batch_size, -1, 4))
            # if raw_yolo_out[1].shape[1] == 26:
            #     pass
            #     # print(raw_yolo_out[1].contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, 1)[0][76])
            #     # val = 0
            #     # d_val = 0
            #     # for d, i in enumerate(raw_yolo_out[1].contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, 1)[0]):
            #     #     print(i)
            #     #     if i > val:
            #     #         val = i
            #     #         d_val = d
            #     # print(d_val, val)

            objectness.append(raw_yolo_out[1].contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, 1))
            landmarks_coord.append(raw_yolo_out[2].contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, num_landmarks))

        boxes = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(, dim=1))
        objectness =, dim=1)
        landmark_coord =, dim=1)

        return self.batch_non_maximum_suppression(boxes, objectness, landmark_coord)
    def forward(self, y_true, y_pred):
        # iou, ignore_mask 계산에 필요
        pred_box_abs, pred_obj, pred_class, pred_box_rel = get_absolute_yolo_box(
            y_pred, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)
        pred_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(pred_box_abs)
        pred_xy_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        pred_wh_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 2:4]
        # print(f'pred_box_abs: {pred_box_abs.shape}')
        # print(f'pred_xy_rel: {pred_xy_rel.shape}')
        # print(f'pred_wh_rel: {pred_wh_rel.shape}')

        # loss 계산에 필요
        true_box_rel, true_obj, true_class, true_box_abs = get_relative_yolo_box(
            y_true, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)

        true_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(true_box_abs)
        true_xy_rel = true_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        true_wh_rel = true_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        true_wh_abs = true_box_abs[..., 2:4]
        # print(f'true_box_abs: {true_box_abs.shape}')
        # print(f'true_box_rel: {true_box_rel.shape}')
        # print(f'true_obj_rel: {true_obj.shape}')

        # w, h를 통해 작은 box detect를 위한 조정
        weight = 2 - true_wh_abs[..., 0] * true_wh_abs[..., 1]

        xy_loss = self.calc_xywh_loss(true_xy_rel, pred_xy_rel, true_obj,
        wh_loss = self.calc_xywh_loss(true_wh_rel, pred_wh_rel, true_obj,
        class_loss = self.calc_class_loss(true_obj, true_class, pred_class)
        ignore_mask = self.calc_ignore_mask(true_box_abs, pred_box_abs,
        # print(f'ignore_mask: {ignore_mask.shape}')
        obj_loss = self.calc_obj_loss(true_obj, pred_obj, ignore_mask)

        # print(f'xy_loss : {xy_loss}')
        # print(f'wh_loss : {wh_loss}')
        # print(f'class_loss : {class_loss}')
        # print(f'ignore_mask : {ignore_mask}')
        # print(f'obj_loss : {obj_loss}')
        return xy_loss + wh_loss + class_loss + obj_loss, (xy_loss, wh_loss,
Exemple #6
    def forward(self, y_true, y_pred):

        # print(y_true[0][idx[0]][idx[1]][idx[2]][:5])
        # print(y_pred[0][idx[0]][idx[1]][idx[2]][:5])
        # iou, ignore_mask 계산에 필요
        pred_box_abs, pred_obj, pred_class, pred_box_rel = get_absolute_yolo_box(
            y_pred, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)
        pred_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(pred_box_abs)
        pred_xy_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        pred_wh_rel = pred_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        # loss 계산에 필요
        # print('======', y_true[0][idx[0]][idx[1]][idx[2]][:5])
        true_box_rel, true_obj, true_class, true_box_abs = get_relative_yolo_box(
            y_true, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)
        # print(true_box_rel)
        # print(true_box_rel[0][9][4][2])
        # print(true_obj[0][9][4][2])

        true_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(true_box_abs)
        true_xy_rel = true_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        true_wh_rel = true_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        true_wh_abs = true_box_abs[..., 2:4]

        # w, h를 통해 작은 box detect를 위한 조정
        weight = 2 - true_wh_abs[..., 0] * true_wh_abs[..., 1]

        xy_loss = self.calc_xywh_loss(true_xy_rel, pred_xy_rel, true_obj,
        wh_loss = self.calc_xywh_loss(true_wh_rel, pred_wh_rel, true_obj,
        class_loss = self.calc_class_loss(true_obj, true_class, pred_class)
        ignore_mask = self.calc_ignore_mask(true_box_abs, pred_box_abs,
        obj_loss = self.calc_obj_loss(true_obj, pred_obj, ignore_mask)

        return xy_loss + wh_loss + class_loss + obj_loss, (xy_loss, wh_loss,
Exemple #7
    def forward(self, raw_yolo_output):
        boxes, objectness, class_prob = [], [], []

        # raw_yolo_out (bbox_abs, objectness, class_probs, bbox_rel)
        for raw_yolo_out in raw_yolo_output:
            batch_size = raw_yolo_out[0].size(0)
            num_classes = raw_yolo_out[2].size(-1)

            boxes.append(raw_yolo_out[0].view(batch_size, -1, 4))
                batch_size, -1, 1))
                batch_size, -1, num_classes))

        boxes = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(, dim=1))
        objectness =, dim=1)
        class_prob =, dim=1)

        scores = objectness
        scores_shape = scores.shape
        scores = torch.reshape(scores, [scores_shape[0], -1, scores_shape[-1]])

        return self.batch_non_maximum_suppression(boxes, scores, class_prob)
Exemple #8
    def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred):
        calculate the loss of model prediction for one scale
        # for xy and wh, I seperated them into two groups with different suffix
        # suffix rel (relative) means that its coordinates are relative to cells
        # basically (tx, ty, tw, th) format from the paper
        # _rel is used to calcuate the loss
        # suffix abs (absolute) means that its coordinates are absolute with in whole image
        # basically (bx, by, bw, bh) format from the paper
        # _abs is used to calcuate iou and ignore mask

        # split y_pred into xy, wh, objectness and one-hot classes
        # pred_xy_rel: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # pred_wh_rel: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # TODO: Add comment for the sigmoid here
        pred_xy_rel = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., 0:2])
        pred_wh_rel = y_pred[..., 2:4]

        # this box is used to calculate iou, NOT loss. so we can't use
        # cell offset anymore and have to transform it into true values
        # both pred_obj and pred_class has been sigmoid'ed here
        # pred_xy_abs: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # pred_wh_abs: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # pred_obj: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 1)
        # pred_class: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, num_classes)
        pred_box_abs, pred_obj, pred_class = get_absolute_yolo_box(
            y_pred, self.valid_anchors_wh, self.num_classes)
        pred_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(pred_box_abs)

        # split y_true into xy, wh, objectness and one-hot classes
        # pred_xy_abs: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # pred_wh_abs: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 2)
        # pred_obj: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 1)
        # pred_class: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, num_classes)
        true_xy_abs, true_wh_abs, true_obj, true_class = tf.split(
            y_true, (2, 2, 1, self.num_classes), axis=-1)
        true_box_abs = tf.concat([true_xy_abs, true_wh_abs], axis=-1)
        true_box_abs = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(true_box_abs)

        # true_box_rel: (batch, grid, grid, anchor, 4)
        true_box_rel = get_relative_yolo_box(y_true, self.valid_anchors_wh)
        true_xy_rel = true_box_rel[..., 0:2]
        true_wh_rel = true_box_rel[..., 2:4]

        # some adjustment to improve small box detection, note the (2-truth.w*truth.h) below
        weight = 2 - true_wh_abs[..., 0] * true_wh_abs[..., 1]

        # YoloV2:
        # "If the cell is offset from the top left corner of the image by (cx , cy)
        # and the bounding box prior has width and height pw , ph , then the predictions correspond to:"
        # to calculate the iou and determine the ignore mask, we need to first transform
        # prediction into real coordinates (bx, by, bw, bh)

        # YoloV2:
        # "This ground truth value can be easily computed by inverting the equations above."
        # to calculate loss and differentiation, we need to transform ground truth into
        # cell offset first like demonstrated here:
        xy_loss = self.calc_xy_loss(true_obj, true_xy_rel, pred_xy_rel, weight)
        wh_loss = self.calc_wh_loss(true_obj, true_wh_rel, pred_wh_rel, weight)
        class_loss = self.calc_class_loss(true_obj, true_class, pred_class)

        # use the absolute yolo box to calculate iou and ignore mask
        ignore_mask = self.calc_ignore_mask(true_obj, true_box_abs,
        obj_loss = self.calc_obj_loss(true_obj, pred_obj, ignore_mask)

        # YoloV1: Function (3)
        return xy_loss + wh_loss + class_loss + obj_loss, (xy_loss, wh_loss,