Exemple #1
def monthly(sheet: Worksheet, db: AccountDatabase):
    y = db.distinct('YEAR').__next__()[0]
    header = (['单位全名', '邮编'] + ['{}月合计'.format(i + 1)
                                for i in range(12)] + ['年合计'])
    for i, j in enumerate(header):
        sheet.write(0, i, j, BORDC)
        sheet.col(i).width_mismatch = True
        sheet.col(i).width = 3400 if i < 1 else 2100

    clients = []
    for cli in db.sales_map.values():
        clients += cli

    for i, cli in enumerate(clients, 1):
        sheet.write(i, 0, cli, BORD)
        sheet.write(i, 1, db.client_map[cli], BORDC)
        rsum = 0
        for j in range(1, 13):
            whr = 'MONTH={} AND CLIENT={} AND BASIC=1'.format(j, repr(cli))
            val = db.select('SUM(WEIGHT)', whr).__next__()[0]
            val = val / 1000 if val else 0
            sheet.write(i, j + 1, val if val else '', BORD)
            rsum += val if val else 0
        sheet.write(i, 14, rsum, BORD)
Exemple #2
def salesman(sheet: Worksheet, db: AccountDatabase):
    s = db.distinct('SALES').__next__()[0]
    clients = db.sorted_one('CLIENT')

    for i, j in enumerate(HEADER):
        sheet.write(0, i, j, BORDC)
        sheet.col(i).width_mismatch = True
        sheet.col(i).width = 3400 if i < 1 else 2100
    nrow = 1

    write_sales(sheet, db, s, nrow)
Exemple #3
def handle(manifest: Sheet, client_list: Sheet, does_sales: bool,
           does_annually: bool, does_monthly: bool):
    db = AccountDatabase(manifest, ARGS, 10)
    workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

    db.add_order('SALES', SALESMEN)
    db.add_order('KIND', KINDS)

    # add y, m, d to table
    dates = [i[0] for i in db.distinct('DATE')]
    db.add_colume('YEAR INT', 'MONTH INT', 'DAY INT')
    for i in dates:
        t = time.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d')
        s = 'YEAR={}, MONTH={}, DAY={}'.format(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday)
        db.update(s, 'DATE={}'.format(repr(i)))

    years = db.sorted_one('YEAR')
    months = db.sorted_one('MONTH', 'YEAR={}'.format(years[-1]))

    # add basic_flag to table
    db.add_colume('BASIC INT')
    for i in KINDS:
        db.update('BASIC=1', 'KIND={}'.format(repr(i)))

    # add sales_map to table
    if does_sales or does_monthly:
        db.add_colume('SALES CHAR(16)')
        db.client_map = make_client_map(client_list)
        clients = [i[0] for i in db.distinct('CLIENT')]
        for cli in clients:
            sal = db.client_map.setdefault(cli, '其他')
            if sal == '其他':

        db.sales_map = {}
        for cli, sal in db.client_map.items():
            db.sales_map.setdefault(sal, []).append(cli)
        for clis in db.sales_map.values():

    # write salesmen
    if does_sales:
        sales = db.sorted_one('SALES')
        for s in sales:
            salesman(workbook.add_sheet(s), db)

    # write anually
    if does_annually:
        for y in years:
            annually(workbook.add_sheet('{}总(料型)'.format(y)), db)

    # write monthly
    if does_monthly:
        for y in years:
            monthly(workbook.add_sheet('{}总(客户)'.format(y)), db)

    y, m = years[-1], months[-1]
    cur = db.distinct('DAY', 'YEAR={} AND MONTH={}'.format(y, m))
    d = max([i[0] for i in cur])
    path = '{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d}-销量邮件表.xls'.format(y % 100, m, d)