#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from utils import GeoServerRESTRunner if __name__ == '__main__': runner = GeoServerRESTRunner() with runner.session() as s: response = runner.assert_get( s, '/workspaces/kartoza/datastores/gis/featuretypes/district_boundary' ) if response.ok: print('Resource exists.') print() exit(0) data = { 'featureType': { 'name': 'district_boundary', 'nativeName': 'district_boundary', 'title': 'district_boundary', 'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'metadata': { 'entry': [{ '@key': 'JDBC_VIRTUAL_TABLE', 'virtualTable': { 'name': 'district_boundary',
'/workspaces/kartoza/layers/{layer_name}.json'.format( layer_name=layer_name), json={ 'layer': { 'defaultStyle': { 'name': style_name } } } ) return response if __name__ == '__main__': runner = GeoServerRESTRunner() with runner.session() as s: layer_and_style = [ { 'layer_name': 'district_boundary', 'style_name': 'red_outline', }, { 'layer_name': 'sub_district_boundary', 'style_name': 'red_outline', }, { 'layer_name': 'village_boundary', 'style_name': 'red_outline', },
'/workspaces/kartoza/styles/{style_name}'.format( style_name=style_name), data=data, headers={ 'Content-type': 'application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml' } ) runner.print_response(response) return response if __name__ == '__main__': runner = GeoServerRESTRunner() with runner.session() as s: styles = [ 'red_outline', 'building_vulnerability', 'exposed_roads', 'flood_depth_class', 'osm_buildings', 'osm_roads', 'osm_waterways_scale', 'district_map', 'sub_district_map', 'village_map', 'osm_admin_web', 'BlueprintBuildings',
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from utils import GeoServerRESTRunner if __name__ == '__main__': runner = GeoServerRESTRunner() with runner.session() as s: response = runner.assert_get(s, '/workspaces/kartoza/datastores/gis') if response.ok: print('Resource exists.') print() exit(0) data = { 'dataStore': { 'name': 'gis', 'type': 'PostGIS', 'connectionParameters': { 'database': os.environ.get('GEOSERVER_STORE_POSTGRES_DB'), 'schema': 'public', 'host': os.environ.get('GEOSERVER_STORE_POSTGRES_HOST'), 'user': os.environ.get('GEOSERVER_STORE_POSTGRES_USER'), 'passwd': os.environ.get('GEOSERVER_STORE_POSTGRES_PASS'), 'port': os.environ.get('GEOSERVER_STORE_POSTGRES_PORT'), 'dbtype': 'postgis' } }
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from utils import GeoServerRESTRunner if __name__ == '__main__': runner = GeoServerRESTRunner() with runner.session() as s: response = runner.assert_get( s, '/workspaces/kartoza/layergroups/flood_map') if response.ok: print('Resource exists.') print() exit(0) data = { 'layerGroup': { 'name': 'flood_map', 'mode': 'SINGLE', 'title': 'flood map', 'publishables': { 'published': [{ '@type': 'layer', 'name': 'flood_map_district', }, { '@type': 'layer', 'name': 'flood_map_sub_district', }, {