Exemple #1
def parse_poscar(filename):
    '''Parses POSCAR file. Returns 3x3 float array
    containing unit cell vectors as rows, Nx3
    array containing fractional positions of atoms,
    N being number of atoms and a list of chemical
        gl = Getlines(filename)
        post_error('Unable to open "{0}" for reading.'.format(filename))

    # Skip the comment line

    # Read the scaling factor
    f = float(gl.get_next())

    # Read the unit cell vectors
    cell = np.zeros((3, 3), float)

    cell[0] = f * np.array(gl.get_next().split(), float)
    cell[1] = f * np.array(gl.get_next().split(), float)
    cell[2] = f * np.array(gl.get_next().split(), float)

    # Read the chemical symbols
    syms = gl.get_next().split()

    # Read the atom counts
    counts = np.array(gl.get_next().split(), int)

    # Get the number of atoms
    natoms = np.sum(counts)

    # Rearrange into the long list of chemical symbols
    symbols = []

    for s, c in zip(syms, counts):
        symbols += [s] * c

    # Cartesian or fractional coordinates?
    ctype = gl.get_next()[0].lower()

    if ctype == 'c':
        mult = np.linalg.inv(cell)
    elif ctype == 'd':
        mult = np.eye(3)
        post_error('"{0}" is unknown POSCAR option'.format(plines[7].strip()))

    # Allocate storage for positions
    spos = np.zeros((len(symbols), 3))

    # Read the positions
    for i in xrange(len(symbols)):
        spos[i] = np.array(gl.get_next().split()[:3], float)

    return cell, spos, symbols
Exemple #2
def parse_procar(filename):
    '''This function parses a PROCAR file. It returns a tuple
    consisting of following elements:
    orbitals    - (norbs) string array of orbital labels (s, px, py etc...)
    kpoints     - (npoints,3) float array of k-point coordinates
    kweights    - (npoints) float array of k-point weights
    bands       - (npoints,nbands,nspin) float array of band energies
    occupancies - (npoints,nbands,nspin) float array of band occupancies
    weights     - (npoints,nions*norbs,nbands,ndim,nspin) float array
                  of orbital weights
    phases      - (npoints,nions*norbs,nbands,nspin) complex array of
                  phases of orbital weights if LORBIT=12, otherwise None
    norbs   - number of orbitals (It can be 9 or 16 with f orbitals)
    npoints - number of k-points
    nbands  - number of bands
    nspin   - number of spins (1 for non spin-polarized, 2 otherwise)
    nions   - number of atoms
    ndim    - orbital weight dimensionality (1 for collinear, 4 otherwise)

        gl = Getlines(filename)
        post_error('Unable to open "{0}" for reading.'.format(filename))

    header_1 = gl.get_next()
    header_2 = gl.get_next().split()

    npoints = int(header_2[3])
    nbands = int(header_2[7])
    nions = int(header_2[-1])

    # Remember the position in file
    start = gl.tell()

    # Skip two lines containing first k-point and band

    # Determine the number of orbitals
    orbitals = gl.get_next().split()[1:-1]

    norbs = len(orbitals)

    # Allocate maximal storage. In case calculation was
    # non spin-polarized or collinear we can just trim
    # the excess components at the end
    kpoints = np.zeros((npoints, 3), float)
    kweights = np.zeros(npoints, float)
    bands = np.zeros((npoints, nbands, 2), float)
    occupancies = np.zeros((npoints, nbands, 2), float)
    weights = np.zeros((npoints, nions * norbs, nbands, 4, 2), float)

    dim = 0

    # Determine if the calculation was non-collinear
    # by counting how many lines in the first band
    # block begin with tot. That number will be equal
    # to the number of sub-blocks for orbital weights
    # (1 in case of collinear and 4 otherwise)
    while True:
        line = gl.get_next()

        if line.startswith('tot'):
            dim += 1
        elif line.startswith('band'):

    # This function will read block of absolute weights
    # for i-th k-point, j-th band and s-th spin component
    def get_absweights(i, j, s):
        # Skip line with orbital names

        # k loops over total, mx, my and mz
        for k in xrange(dim):
            # l goes over ions
            for l in xrange(nions):
                weights[i,l*norbs:(l+1)*norbs,j,k,s] = \
                    np.array(gl.get_next().split()[1:-1], float)

            # Skip line with totals

    # Check whether phase information is included
    if '+ phase' in header_1:
        # Allocate storage for phases
        phases = np.zeros((npoints, nions * norbs, nbands, 2), complex)

        # Declare nested function that handles
        # parsing of complex weights
        def get_weights(i, j, s):
            # Read abs values of weights
            get_absweights(i, j, s)

            # Skip line with orbital names

            for k in xrange(nions):
                # Get real part
                phases[i,k*norbs:(k+1)*norbs,j,s] = \
                    np.array(gl.get_next().split()[1:], float)
                # Get imaginary part
                phases[i,k*norbs:(k+1)*norbs,j,s] += \
                    1j*np.array(gl.get_next().split()[1:], float)
        # Phases are None in this case
        phases = None

        # In this case we just have absolutes of weights
        # No need for a new function
        get_weights = get_absweights

    # Go back to the beginning of the first k-point

    for i in xrange(npoints):
        # Parse k-point coordinates
        temp = gl.get_next()
        problem_index = []
        for ic in range(len(temp) - 1):
            if temp[ic] <= '9' and temp[ic] >= '0' and temp[ic + 1] == '-':
        if len(problem_index):
            addition = 0
            for ic in problem_index:
                temp = temp[:ic + 1 + addition] + ' ' + temp[ic + 1 +
                addition += 1
        print temp
        k_line = temp.split()
        kpoints[i] = np.array(k_line[3:6], float)
        kweights[i] = float(k_line[-1])

        for j in xrange(nbands):
            # Parse band energy
            band_line = gl.get_next().split()

            bands[i, j, 0] = float(band_line[4])
            occupancies[i, j, 0] = float(band_line[-1])

            # Parse orbital weights
            get_weights(i, j, 0)

    # Seek now for the second spin component
    res = gl.get_next(False)

    # If there is no second spin component, finish by
    # returning just the first component
    if res is None:
        # Trim the second spin component
        bands = bands[:, :, :1]
        occupancies = occupancies[:, :, :1]
        weights = weights[:, :, :, :dim, :1]

        if phases is not None:
            phases = phases[:, :, :, :1]

        return orbitals, kpoints, kweights, bands, occupancies, \
            weights, phases

    # Otherwise, read bands and weights for the second component
    for i in xrange(npoints):
        # Skip k-point coordinates

        for j in xrange(nbands):
            # Parse band energy
            band_line = gl.get_next().split()

            bands[i, j, 1] = float(band_line[4])
            occupancies[i, j, 1] = float(band_line[-1])

            # Parse orbital weights
            get_weights(i, j, 1)

    return orbitals, kpoints, kweights, bands, occupancies, \
        weights[:,:,:,:dim,:], phases