Exemple #1
 def clear(self):
     from utils import ObservableDict
     # only clear known variables
     for k in valid_vars & set(self.__dict__.keys()):
         del self.__dict__[k]
     self._groups      = {}
     self._filters     = ObservableDict()
     self._initialized = True
Exemple #2
    def LoadIncellFiles(self, properties_filename, sqlite_filename, incell_filenames):
        if os.path.exists(properties_filename):
            self._filename = properties_filename
            self._textfile = ""
            self._filters = ObservableDict()

        for incell_filename in incell_filenames:
            incell.parse_incell(sqlite_filename, incell_filename, self)
        self._initialized = True

        if not os.path.exists(properties_filename):
 def clear(self):
     from utils import ObservableDict
     # only clear known variables
     for k in valid_vars & set(self.__dict__.keys()):
         del self.__dict__[k]
     self._groups      = {}
     self._filters     = ObservableDict()
     self._initialized = True
    def LoadIncellFiles(self, properties_filename, sqlite_filename, incell_filenames):
        if os.path.exists(properties_filename):
            self._filename = properties_filename
            self._textfile = ""
            self._filters = ObservableDict()

        for incell_filename in incell_filenames:
            incell.parse_incell(sqlite_filename, incell_filename, self)
        self._initialized = True

        if not os.path.exists(properties_filename):
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter
        self._filename        = filename
        self._groups          = {}
        self._filters         = ObservableDict()
        self.gates            = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines     # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                                    'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'%(idx + 1, line))
                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None
                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None
                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                                          'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(group_name)
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.'%(group_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group'%(name))
                    self._groups[group_name] = val
                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                                          'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(filter_name)
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a group.'%(filter_name)
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".'%(filter_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter'%(name))
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)
                elif name == 'groups':
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                              'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'%(name))
                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank')
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d
                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'%(name))
        self._initialized = True
class Properties(Singleton):
    Loads and stores properties files.
    def __init__(self):
        super(Properties, self).__init__()        
        self._initialized = False
    def _filters_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self._filters.keys())
    def _groups_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self._groups.keys())
    def gates_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self.gates.keys())
    def __str__(self):
        for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
            if not str(k).startswith('_'):
                s += k+" = "+str(v)+"\n"
        return s
    def __getattr__(self, field):
        # The name may not be loaded for optional fields.
        if (not self.__dict__.has_key(field)) and (field in valid_vars):
            return None
            return self.__dict__[field]
    def __setattr__(self, field, val):
        self.__dict__[field] = val

    def show_load_dialog(self):
        Note: this is only used for loading properties files. To load Columbus 
        output files, use guiutils.show_load_dialog
        import wx
        if not wx.GetApp():
            raise Exception("Can't display load dialog without a wx App.")
        dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Select the file containing your properties.", style=wx.OPEN|wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR)
        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            filename = dlg.GetPath()
            os.chdir(os.path.split(filename)[0])  # wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR doesn't seem to work in the FileDialog, so I do it explicitly
            return True
            return False
    def parse_list_value(self, list_str):
        '''parses a list property given as a string and returns it as a list
        # If values are wrapped in backquotes (``) then split on "`,`" to
        # allow commas within list values (needed for building SQL queries into
        # lists)
        if list_str.strip().startswith("`") and list_str.strip().endswith("`"):
            return [v.strip() for v in list_str.strip()[1:-1].split("`,`") if v.strip() is not '']
        return [v.strip() for v in list_str.split(',') if v.strip() is not '']
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter
        self._filename        = filename
        self._groups          = {}
        self._filters         = ObservableDict()
        self.gates            = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines     # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                                    'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'%(idx + 1, line))
                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None
                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None
                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                                          'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(group_name)
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.'%(group_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group'%(name))
                    self._groups[group_name] = val
                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                                          'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(filter_name)
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a group.'%(filter_name)
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".'%(filter_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter'%(name))
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)
                elif name == 'groups':
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                              'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'%(name))
                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank')
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d
                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'%(name))
        self._initialized = True
    LoadFile = load_file

    def LoadIncellFiles(self, properties_filename, sqlite_filename, incell_filenames):
        if os.path.exists(properties_filename):
            self._filename = properties_filename
            self._textfile = ""
            self._filters = ObservableDict()
            self._groups = {}

        for incell_filename in incell_filenames:
            incell.parse_incell(sqlite_filename, incell_filename, self)
        self._initialized = True

        if not os.path.exists(properties_filename):
    def save_file(self, filename):
        Saves the file.
        This function skips vars that start with _ (underscore)
        import sqltools
        fd = open(filename, 'w')
        self._filename = filename
        # Write revision first
        import util.version
        __version__ = util.version.version_number
        fd.write('# CellProfiler Analyst revision: %s\n'%(__version__))
        fields_to_write = sorted([k for k, v in self.__dict__.items() 
                                  if not k.startswith('_') and v is not None])

        for field in fields_to_write:
            val = self.__getattr__(field)
            if type(val) == list:
                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
            elif field == 'gates':
                encoded = repr(dict([(k, g.encode()) for k, g in val.items() if not g.is_empty()]))
                fd.write('gates  =  %s\n'%(encoded))
                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, val))

        # Write new filters
        encoded = repr( dict([ (k, f.encode()) 
                              for k, f in self._filters.items() 
                              if isinstance(f,sqltools.Filter) and f.is_not_empty() ])
        fd.write('# These filters were created while using CPAnalyst. Do not edit.\n')
        fd.write('filters  =  %s\n'%(encoded))
        # write old groups and filters back as they were
        for line in StringIO(self._textfile):
            if not (line.strip().startswith('#') or line.strip()==''):
                (field, oldval) = line.split('=', 1)
                field = field.strip()
                if field.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    current_val = self._filters[field[len('filter_SQL_'):]]
                    # skip filters that were converted
                    if not isinstance(current_val, sqltools.Filter):
                if field.startswith('group_SQL_'):
##        # Write whole file out replacing any changed values
##        for line in StringIO(self._textfile):
##            if line.strip().startswith('#') or line.strip()=='':
##                fd.write(line)
##            else:
##                (name, oldval) = line.split('=', 1)    # split each side of the first eq sign
##                name = name.strip()
##                oldval = oldval.strip()
##                val = self.__getattr__(name)
##                if name in string_vars and str(val) == oldval:
##                    # write string fields back if they're the same
##                    fd.write(line)
##                elif name in list_vars and val == self.parse_list_value(oldval):
##                    # write list vars back if they're the same
##                    fd.write(line)
##                elif name.startswith('group') or name.startswith('filter'):
##                    # write old groups and filters back as they were
##                    fd.write(line)
##                else:
##                    # the field value has changed
##                    if type(val)==list:
##                        fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(name, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
##                    else:
##                        fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(name, val))
##                fields_to_write.remove(name)
##        fd.write('\n')
##        # Write out fields that weren't present in the file
##        for field in fields_to_write:
##            val = self.__getattr__(field)
##            if type(val)==list:
##                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
##            elif field == 'gates':
##                fd.write(repr(dict(zip(val.keys(), [g.encode() for g in val.values()]))))
##            else:
##                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, val))
##        fd.close()
    def clear(self):
        from utils import ObservableDict
        # only clear known variables
        for k in valid_vars & set(self.__dict__.keys()):
            del self.__dict__[k]
        self._groups      = {}
        self._filters     = ObservableDict()
        self._initialized = True
    def is_initialized(self):
        return self._initialized

    def field_defined(self, name):
        # field name exists and has a non-empty value.
        return self.__dict__.get(name, None) not in ['', None]
    def backwards_compatiblize(self):
        ''' Update any old fields to new ones in field_mappings.
        for old, new in field_mappings.items():
            if self.field_defined(old):
                logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field name has been '
                          'deprecated, use "%s" instead.'%(old, new)) 
                if not self.field_defined(new):
                    self.__dict__[new] = self.__dict__[old]
                    raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR: Both "%s" and "%s" were '
                        'found in your properties file. The field "%s" has been '
                        'deprecated and renamed to "%s". Please remove "%s" from '
                        'your properties file.'%(old, new, old, new, old))
                del self.__dict__[old]

    def Validate(self):
        '''Checks the validity of each field and their values.
        # update old fields
        # check that all required fields are defined
        for name in required_vars:
            assert self.field_defined(name), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is missing or empty.'%(name)
        assert self.db_type.lower() in ['mysql', 'sqlite'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (db_type): Value must be either "mysql" or "sqlite".'
        # BELOW: Check sometimes-optional fields, and print warnings etc
        if self.db_type.lower()=='sqlite':
            for field in ['db_port', 'db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_passwd',]:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=sqlite.'%(field))
            assert any([self.field_defined(field) for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file','db_sql_file','db_sqlite_file']]), \
                    'PROPERTIES ERROR: When using db_type=sqlite, you must also supply the fields "image_csv_file" and "object_csv_file" OR "db_sql_file" OR "db_sqlite_file". See the README.'
            if self.field_defined('db_sqlite_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sqlite_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sqlite_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sqlite_file)                
                    f = open(self.db_sqlite_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): SQLite database could not be found at "%s".'%('db_sqlite_file', self.db_sqlite_file)
            if self.field_defined('db_sql_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sql_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sql_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sql_file)
                    f = open(self.db_sql_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%('db_sql_file', self.db_sql_file)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    assert not self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s, db_sql_file): Both of these fields cannot be used at the same time.'%(field)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    if self.field_defined(field):
                        if not os.path.isabs(self.__dict__[field]):
                            # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                            # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                            self.__dict__[field] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.__dict__[field])

                            f = open(self.__dict__[field], 'r')
                            raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%(field, self.__dict__[field])                
        if self.db_type.lower()=='mysql':
            for field in ['db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user',]:
                assert self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is required with db_type=mysql.'%(field)
            if not self.field_defined('db_port'):
                self.db_port = '3306'
                logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default db_port=3306 for MySQL.')
            for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=mysql.'%(field))
        if self.field_defined('area_scoring_column'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Area scoring will be used.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_channel_colors'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): No value(s) specified. CPA will use a generic channel-color mapping.')
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']+['none' for x in range(97)]
        if not self.field_defined('channels_per_image'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (channels_per_image): No value(s) specified. CPA will assume 1 channel per image.')
            self.channels_per_image = ['1' for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if not self.field_defined('image_names'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_names): No value(s) specified. CPA will use generic channel names.')
            self.image_names = ['channel-%d'%(i+1) for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if len(self.image_channel_colors) < sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)):
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
            self.image_channel_colors += ['none' for x in range(min(sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)) - 3, 0))]
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): You did not '
                      'specify enough colors for all the channels in your images. '
                      'One color should be listed for each file column listed in '
                      'image_file_cols unless your images contain multiple '
                      'channels, in which case you need one for the sum of all '
                      'the channels specified by "channels_per_image". CPA, will '
                      'use channel colors %s for this run.'%(self.image_channel_colors,))

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_path_cols), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_file_cols and image_path_cols must have an equal number of values.'
        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.channels_per_image), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: channels_per_image must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_names), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_names must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'
        if self.field_defined('image_channel_blend_modes'):
            for mode in self.image_channel_blend_modes:
                assert mode in ['add', 'subtract', 'solid'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (image_channel_blend_modes): Blend modes must list of modes (1 for each image channel). Valid modes are add, subtract and solid.'
        if not self.field_defined('classifier_ignore_columns'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (classifier_ignore_columns): No value(s) specified. Classifier will use ALL NUMERIC per_object columns when training.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default image_buffer_size=1')
            self.image_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('tile_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default tile_buffer_size=1')
            self.tile_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('object_name'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (object_name): No object name specified, will use default: "object_name=cell,cells"')
            self.object_name = ['cell', 'cells']
            # if it is defined make sure they do it correctly
            assert len(self.object_name)==2, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (object_name): Found %d names instead of 2! This field should contain the singular and plural name of the objects you are classifying. (Example: object_name=cell,cells)'%(len(self.object_name))

        if self.field_defined('training_set'):
            if not os.path.isabs(self.training_set):
                # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                self.training_set = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.training_set)
                f = open(self.training_set)
                logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (training_set): Training set at "%s" could not be found.'%(self.training_set))
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Training set found at "%s"'%(self.training_set))
        if self.field_defined('class_table'):
            assert self.class_table != self.image_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as image_table!'
            assert self.class_table != self.object_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as object_table!'
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Per-Object classes will be written to table "%s"'%(self.class_table))
        if not self.field_defined('plate_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        if not self.field_defined('well_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        # plate_shape
        # This field can be set directly, otherwise it is set indirectly by the plate_type field
        if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
            if len(self.__dict__['plate_shape']) != 2:
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0])
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1])
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
        # plate_type
        # This field is used to set the plate_shape field indirectly
        if not self.field_defined('plate_type'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_type): Field is required for plate viewer')
            if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
                assert self.plate_shape == supported_plate_types[self.__dict__['plate_type']], "Your properties file has incompatible values for plate_type and plate_shape."
            if self.__dict__['plate_type'] not in supported_plate_types.keys():
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_type. Supported plate type are: %s.'
                                %(self.__dict__['plate_type'], ', '.join(supported_values)))
            self.plate_shape = supported_plate_types[self.__dict__['plate_type']]
        if self.field_defined('check_tables') and self.check_tables.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.check_tables = 'no'
        elif not self.field_defined('check_tables') or self.check_tables.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (check_tables): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "yes".'%(self.check_tables))
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
        if self.use_larger_image_scale in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') or self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        elif self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') and self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (use_larger_image_scale): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.use_larger_image_scale))
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        if self.rescale_object_coords in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') or self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        elif self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') and self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (rescale_object_coords): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.rescale_object_coords))
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        if not self.field_defined('well_format'):
            self.well_format = 'A01'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_format): Field was not defined, using default format of "A01".')
        if not self.field_defined('link_tables_table'):
            self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_tables_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('link_columns_table'):
            self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_columns_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('gates'):
            from utils import ObservableDict
            self.gates = ObservableDict()
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter
        self._filename        = filename
        self._groups          = {}
        self._filters         = ObservableDict()
        self.gates            = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines     # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                                    'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'%(idx + 1, line))
                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None
                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None
                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                                        'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                                        'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception('Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(group_name))
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception('Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.'%(group_name))
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group'%(name))
                    self._groups[group_name] = val
                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                                        'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                                        'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception('Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(filter_name))
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception('Name "%s" is already taken for a group.'%(filter_name))
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".'%(filter_name))
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter'%(name))
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)
                elif name == 'groups':
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                              'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'%(name))
                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank')
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.')
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d
                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.')
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'%(name))
        #if classification_type is defined
        if self.field_defined('classification_type') and self.classification_type.lower() in ['image']:
            self.classification_type = 'image'
            #2 cases:
            # object_table/object_id/cell_x_loc/cell_y_loc exist and point to a table/view of object tables
            # object_table/object_id/cell_x_loc/cell_y_loc don't exist

            self.object_table = self.image_table + '_objecttable'

            self.object_id = 'ObjectNumber'
            self.cell_x_loc = 'Image_x_loc'
            self.cell_y_loc = 'Image_y_loc'
            self.object_name = ['image','images']

            # image_width and image_height refer to the full image width and height while 
            # image_tile_size refers to the size of tiles for classification
            # NB: if image_width and image_height are defined, they override image_tile_size
            if self.field_defined('image_width') and self.field_defined('image_height'):
                self.image_width, self.image_height = int(self.image_width), int(self.image_height)
                self.image_tile_size = min([self.image_width,self.image_height])

            self.image_tile_size = int(self.image_tile_size)
            self.classification_type = "object"

        # For image gallery
        if self.field_defined('image_size'):
            self.image_size = int(self.image_size)
            self.image_size = self.image_tile_size


        #if check_tables is defined
        if self.field_defined('check_tables') and self.check_tables.lower() in ['yes']:
            self.object_table = self.object_table + '_checked'
        self._initialized = True
Exemple #8
    def Validate(self):
        '''Checks the validity of each field and their values.
        # update old fields
        # check that all required fields are defined
        for name in required_vars:
            assert self.field_defined(name), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is missing or empty.'%(name)
        assert self.db_type.lower() in ['mysql', 'sqlite'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (db_type): Value must be either "mysql" or "sqlite".'
        # BELOW: Check sometimes-optional fields, and print warnings etc
        if self.db_type.lower()=='sqlite':
            for field in ['db_port', 'db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_passwd',]:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=sqlite.'%(field))
            assert any([self.field_defined(field) for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file','db_sql_file','db_sqlite_file']]), \
                    'PROPERTIES ERROR: When using db_type=sqlite, you must also supply the fields "image_csv_file" and "object_csv_file" OR "db_sql_file" OR "db_sqlite_file". See the README.'
            if self.field_defined('db_sqlite_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sqlite_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sqlite_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sqlite_file)                
                    f = open(self.db_sqlite_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): SQLite database could not be found at "%s".'%('db_sqlite_file', self.db_sqlite_file)
            if self.field_defined('db_sql_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sql_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sql_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sql_file)
                    f = open(self.db_sql_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%('db_sql_file', self.db_sql_file)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    assert not self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s, db_sql_file): Both of these fields cannot be used at the same time.'%(field)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    if self.field_defined(field):
                        if not os.path.isabs(self.__dict__[field]):
                            # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                            # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                            self.__dict__[field] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.__dict__[field])

                            f = open(self.__dict__[field], 'r')
                            raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%(field, self.__dict__[field])                
        if self.db_type.lower()=='mysql':
            for field in ['db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user',]:
                assert self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is required with db_type=mysql.'%(field)
            if not self.field_defined('db_port'):
                self.db_port = '3306'
                logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default db_port=3306 for MySQL.')
            for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=mysql.'%(field))
        if self.field_defined('area_scoring_column'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Area scoring will be used.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_channel_colors'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): No value(s) specified. CPA will use a generic channel-color mapping.')
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']+['none' for x in range(97)]
        if not self.field_defined('channels_per_image'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (channels_per_image): No value(s) specified. CPA will assume 1 channel per image.')
            self.channels_per_image = ['1' for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if not self.field_defined('image_names'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_names): No value(s) specified. CPA will use generic channel names.')
            self.image_names = ['channel-%d'%(i+1) for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if len(self.image_channel_colors) < sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)):
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
            self.image_channel_colors += ['none' for x in range(min(sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)) - 3, 0))]
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): You did not '
                      'specify enough colors for all the channels in your images. '
                      'One color should be listed for each file column listed in '
                      'image_file_cols unless your images contain multiple '
                      'channels, in which case you need one for the sum of all '
                      'the channels specified by "channels_per_image". CPA, will '
                      'use channel colors %s for this run.'%(self.image_channel_colors,))

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_path_cols), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_file_cols and image_path_cols must have an equal number of values.'
        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.channels_per_image), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: channels_per_image must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_names), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_names must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'
        if self.field_defined('image_channel_blend_modes'):
            for mode in self.image_channel_blend_modes:
                assert mode in ['add', 'subtract', 'solid'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (image_channel_blend_modes): Blend modes must list of modes (1 for each image channel). Valid modes are add, subtract and solid.'
        if not self.field_defined('classifier_ignore_columns'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (classifier_ignore_columns): No value(s) specified. Classifier will use ALL NUMERIC per_object columns when training.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default image_buffer_size=1')
            self.image_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('tile_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default tile_buffer_size=1')
            self.tile_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('object_name'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (object_name): No object name specified, will use default: "object_name=cell,cells"')
            self.object_name = ['cell', 'cells']
            # if it is defined make sure they do it correctly
            assert len(self.object_name)==2, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (object_name): Found %d names instead of 2! This field should contain the singular and plural name of the objects you are classifying. (Example: object_name=cell,cells)'%(len(self.object_name))

        if self.field_defined('training_set'):
            if not os.path.isabs(self.training_set):
                # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                self.training_set = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.training_set)
                f = open(self.training_set)
                logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (training_set): Training set at "%s" could not be found.'%(self.training_set))
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Training set found at "%s"'%(self.training_set))
        if self.field_defined('class_table'):
            assert self.class_table != self.image_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as image_table!'
            assert self.class_table != self.object_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as object_table!'
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Per-Object classes will be written to table "%s"'%(self.class_table))
        if not self.field_defined('plate_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        if not self.field_defined('well_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        # plate_shape
        # This field can be set directly, otherwise it is set indirectly by the plate_type field
        if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
            if len(self.__dict__['plate_shape']) != 2:
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0])
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1])
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
        # plate_type
        # This field is used to set the plate_shape field indirectly
        if not self.field_defined('plate_type'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_type): Field is required for plate viewer')
            if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: You have defined plate_type and plate_shape in your properties file. Please use one or the other.')
            if self.__dict__['plate_type'] not in supported_plate_types.keys():
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_type. Supported plate type are: %s.'
                                %(self.__dict__['plate_type'], ', '.join(supported_values)))
            self.plate_shape = supported_plate_types[self.__dict__['plate_type']]
        if self.field_defined('check_tables') and self.check_tables.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.check_tables = 'no'
        elif not self.field_defined('check_tables') or self.check_tables.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (check_tables): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "yes".'%(self.check_tables))
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
        if self.use_larger_image_scale in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') or self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        elif self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') and self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (use_larger_image_scale): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.use_larger_image_scale))
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        if self.rescale_object_coords in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') or self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        elif self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') and self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (rescale_object_coords): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.rescale_object_coords))
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        if not self.field_defined('well_format'):
            self.well_format = 'A01'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_format): Field was not defined, using default format of "A01".')
        if not self.field_defined('link_tables_table'):
            self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_tables_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('link_columns_table'):
            self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_columns_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('gates'):
            from utils import ObservableDict
            self.gates = ObservableDict()
Exemple #9
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter
        self._filename        = filename
        self._groups          = {}
        self._filters         = ObservableDict()
        self.gates            = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines     # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                                    'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'%(idx + 1, line))
                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None
                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None
                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                                          'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(group_name)
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.'%(group_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group'%(name))
                    self._groups[group_name] = val
                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                                          'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(filter_name)
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a group.'%(filter_name)
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".'%(filter_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter'%(name))
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)
                elif name == 'groups':
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                              'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'%(name))
                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank')
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d
                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'%(name))
        self._initialized = True
Exemple #10
class Properties(Singleton):
    Loads and stores properties files.
    def __init__(self):
        super(Properties, self).__init__()        
        self._initialized = False
    def _filters_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self._filters.keys())
    def _groups_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self._groups.keys())
    def gates_ordered(self):
        return sorted(self.gates.keys())
    def __str__(self):
        for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
            if not str(k).startswith('_'):
                s += k+" = "+str(v)+"\n"
        return s
    def __getattr__(self, field):
        # The name may not be loaded for optional fields.
        if (not self.__dict__.has_key(field)) and (field in valid_vars):
            return None
            return self.__dict__[field]
    def __setattr__(self, field, val):
        self.__dict__[field] = val

    def show_load_dialog(self):
        Note: this is only used for loading properties files. To load Columbus 
        output files, use guiutils.show_load_dialog
        import wx
        if not wx.GetApp():
            raise Exception("Can't display load dialog without a wx App.")
        dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Select the file containing your properties.", style=wx.OPEN|wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR)
        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            filename = dlg.GetPath()
            os.chdir(os.path.split(filename)[0])  # wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR doesn't seem to work in the FileDialog, so I do it explicitly
            return True
            return False
    def parse_list_value(self, list_str):
        '''parses a list property given as a string and returns it as a list
        # If values are wrapped in backquotes (``) then split on "`,`" to
        # allow commas within list values (needed for building SQL queries into
        # lists)
        if list_str.strip().startswith("`") and list_str.strip().endswith("`"):
            return [v.strip() for v in list_str.strip()[1:-1].split("`,`") if v.strip() is not '']
        return [v.strip() for v in list_str.split(',') if v.strip() is not '']
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter
        self._filename        = filename
        self._groups          = {}
        self._filters         = ObservableDict()
        self.gates            = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines     # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                                    'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'%(idx + 1, line))
                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None
                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None
                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                                          'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(group_name)
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.'%(group_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group'%(name))
                    self._groups[group_name] = val
                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                                          'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                                          'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.'%(name))
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.'%(filter_name)
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a group.'%(filter_name)
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".'%(filter_name)
                    if not val:
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter'%(name))
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)
                elif name == 'groups':
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                              'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'%(name))
                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                        logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank')
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d
                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'%(name))
        self._initialized = True
    LoadFile = load_file

    def LoadIncellFiles(self, properties_filename, sqlite_filename, incell_filenames):
        if os.path.exists(properties_filename):
            self._filename = properties_filename
            self._textfile = ""
            self._filters = ObservableDict()

        for incell_filename in incell_filenames:
            incell.parse_incell(sqlite_filename, incell_filename, self)
        self._initialized = True

        if not os.path.exists(properties_filename):
    def save_file(self, filename):
        Saves the file.
        This function skips vars that start with _ (underscore)
        import sqltools
        fd = open(filename, 'w')
        self._filename = filename
        # Write revision first
        if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
            import cpa_version
            __version__ = cpa_version.VERSION
            __version__ = int(re.sub("\D", "", __version__))
                version, error = subprocess.Popen(["svnversion", "-n", 
                if error:
                    logging.error("Failed to find svn version.")
                    __version__ = -1
                    __version__ = version.split(':')[-1]
                    __version__ = int(re.sub("\D", "", __version__))
            except OSError:
                logging.error("Failed to find svn version. Do you have svn installed?")
                __version__ = -1
        fd.write('# CellProfiler Analyst revision: %s\n'%(__version__))
        fields_to_write = sorted([k for k, v in self.__dict__.items() 
                                  if not k.startswith('_') and v is not None])

        for field in fields_to_write:
            val = self.__getattr__(field)
            if type(val) == list:
                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
            elif field == 'gates':
                encoded = repr(dict([(k, g.encode()) for k, g in val.items() if not g.is_empty()]))
                fd.write('gates  =  %s\n'%(encoded))
                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, val))

        # Write new filters
        encoded = repr( dict([ (k, f.encode()) 
                              for k, f in self._filters.items() 
                              if isinstance(f,sqltools.Filter) and f.is_not_empty() ])
        fd.write('# These filters were created while using CPAnalyst. Do not edit.\n')
        fd.write('filters  =  %s\n'%(encoded))
        # write old groups and filters back as they were
        for line in StringIO(self._textfile):
            if not (line.strip().startswith('#') or line.strip()==''):
                (field, oldval) = line.split('=', 1)
                field = field.strip()
                if field.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    current_val = self._filters[field[len('filter_SQL_'):]]
                    # skip filters that were converted
                    if not isinstance(current_val, sqltools.Filter):
                if field.startswith('group_SQL_'):
##        # Write whole file out replacing any changed values
##        for line in StringIO(self._textfile):
##            if line.strip().startswith('#') or line.strip()=='':
##                fd.write(line)
##            else:
##                (name, oldval) = line.split('=', 1)    # split each side of the first eq sign
##                name = name.strip()
##                oldval = oldval.strip()
##                val = self.__getattr__(name)
##                if name in string_vars and str(val) == oldval:
##                    # write string fields back if they're the same
##                    fd.write(line)
##                elif name in list_vars and val == self.parse_list_value(oldval):
##                    # write list vars back if they're the same
##                    fd.write(line)
##                elif name.startswith('group') or name.startswith('filter'):
##                    # write old groups and filters back as they were
##                    fd.write(line)
##                else:
##                    # the field value has changed
##                    if type(val)==list:
##                        fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(name, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
##                    else:
##                        fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(name, val))
##                fields_to_write.remove(name)
##        fd.write('\n')
##        # Write out fields that weren't present in the file
##        for field in fields_to_write:
##            val = self.__getattr__(field)
##            if type(val)==list:
##                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, ', '.join([str(v) for v in val if v])))
##            elif field == 'gates':
##                fd.write(repr(dict(zip(val.keys(), [g.encode() for g in val.values()]))))
##            else:
##                fd.write('%s  =  %s\n'%(field, val))
##        fd.close()
    def clear(self):
        from utils import ObservableDict
        # only clear known variables
        for k in valid_vars & set(self.__dict__.keys()):
            del self.__dict__[k]
        self._groups      = {}
        self._filters     = ObservableDict()
        self._initialized = True
    def is_initialized(self):
        return self._initialized

    def field_defined(self, name):
        # field name exists and has a non-empty value.
        return self.__dict__.get(name, None) not in ['', None]
    def backwards_compatiblize(self):
        ''' Update any old fields to new ones in field_mappings.
        for old, new in field_mappings.items():
            if self.field_defined(old):
                logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field name has been '
                          'deprecated, use "%s" instead.'%(old, new)) 
                if not self.field_defined(new):
                    self.__dict__[new] = self.__dict__[old]
                    raise Exception, ('PROPERTIES ERROR: Both "%s" and "%s" were '
                        'found in your properties file. The field "%s" has been '
                        'deprecated and renamed to "%s". Please remove "%s" from '
                        'your properties file.'%(old, new, old, new, old))
                del self.__dict__[old]

    def Validate(self):
        '''Checks the validity of each field and their values.
        # update old fields
        # check that all required fields are defined
        for name in required_vars:
            assert self.field_defined(name), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is missing or empty.'%(name)
        assert self.db_type.lower() in ['mysql', 'sqlite'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (db_type): Value must be either "mysql" or "sqlite".'
        # BELOW: Check sometimes-optional fields, and print warnings etc
        if self.db_type.lower()=='sqlite':
            for field in ['db_port', 'db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_passwd',]:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=sqlite.'%(field))
            assert any([self.field_defined(field) for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file','db_sql_file','db_sqlite_file']]), \
                    'PROPERTIES ERROR: When using db_type=sqlite, you must also supply the fields "image_csv_file" and "object_csv_file" OR "db_sql_file" OR "db_sqlite_file". See the README.'
            if self.field_defined('db_sqlite_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sqlite_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sqlite_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sqlite_file)                
                    f = open(self.db_sqlite_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): SQLite database could not be found at "%s".'%('db_sqlite_file', self.db_sqlite_file)
            if self.field_defined('db_sql_file'):
                if not os.path.isabs(self.db_sql_file):
                    # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                    # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                    self.db_sql_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.db_sql_file)
                    f = open(self.db_sql_file, 'r')
                    raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%('db_sql_file', self.db_sql_file)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    assert not self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s, db_sql_file): Both of these fields cannot be used at the same time.'%(field)
                for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                    if self.field_defined(field):
                        if not os.path.isabs(self.__dict__[field]):
                            # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                            # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                            self.__dict__[field] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.__dict__[field])

                            f = open(self.__dict__[field], 'r')
                            raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): File "%s" could not be found.'%(field, self.__dict__[field])                
        if self.db_type.lower()=='mysql':
            for field in ['db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user',]:
                assert self.field_defined(field), 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Field is required with db_type=mysql.'%(field)
            if not self.field_defined('db_port'):
                self.db_port = '3306'
                logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default db_port=3306 for MySQL.')
            for field in ['image_csv_file','object_csv_file']:
                if self.field_defined(field):
                    logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Field not required with db_type=mysql.'%(field))
        if self.field_defined('area_scoring_column'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Area scoring will be used.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_channel_colors'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): No value(s) specified. CPA will use a generic channel-color mapping.')
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']+['none' for x in range(97)]
        if not self.field_defined('channels_per_image'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (channels_per_image): No value(s) specified. CPA will assume 1 channel per image.')
            self.channels_per_image = ['1' for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if not self.field_defined('image_names'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_names): No value(s) specified. CPA will use generic channel names.')
            self.image_names = ['channel-%d'%(i+1) for i in range(len(self.image_file_cols))]

        if len(self.image_channel_colors) < sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)):
            self.image_channel_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
            self.image_channel_colors += ['none' for x in range(min(sum(map(int, self.channels_per_image)) - 3, 0))]
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (image_channel_colors): You did not '
                      'specify enough colors for all the channels in your images. '
                      'One color should be listed for each file column listed in '
                      'image_file_cols unless your images contain multiple '
                      'channels, in which case you need one for the sum of all '
                      'the channels specified by "channels_per_image". CPA, will '
                      'use channel colors %s for this run.'%(self.image_channel_colors,))

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_path_cols), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_file_cols and image_path_cols must have an equal number of values.'
        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.channels_per_image), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: channels_per_image must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'

        assert len(self.image_file_cols) == len(self.image_names), \
               'PROPERTIES ERROR: image_names must have the same number of values as image_file_cols  and image_path_cols.'
        if self.field_defined('image_channel_blend_modes'):
            for mode in self.image_channel_blend_modes:
                assert mode in ['add', 'subtract', 'solid'], 'PROPERTIES ERROR (image_channel_blend_modes): Blend modes must list of modes (1 for each image channel). Valid modes are add, subtract and solid.'
        if not self.field_defined('classifier_ignore_columns'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (classifier_ignore_columns): No value(s) specified. Classifier will use ALL NUMERIC per_object columns when training.')
        if not self.field_defined('image_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default image_buffer_size=1')
            self.image_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('tile_buffer_size'):
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Using default tile_buffer_size=1')
            self.tile_buffer_size = '1'
        if not self.field_defined('object_name'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (object_name): No object name specified, will use default: "object_name=cell,cells"')
            self.object_name = ['cell', 'cells']
            # if it is defined make sure they do it correctly
            assert len(self.object_name)==2, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (object_name): Found %d names instead of 2! This field should contain the singular and plural name of the objects you are classifying. (Example: object_name=cell,cells)'%(len(self.object_name))

        if self.field_defined('training_set'):
            if not os.path.isabs(self.training_set):
                # Make relative paths relative to the props file location
                # TODO: This sholdn't be permanent
                self.training_set = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), self.training_set)
                f = open(self.training_set)
                logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (training_set): Training set at "%s" could not be found.'%(self.training_set))
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Training set found at "%s"'%(self.training_set))
        if self.field_defined('class_table'):
            assert self.class_table != self.image_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as image_table!'
            assert self.class_table != self.object_table, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (class_table): class_table cannot be the same as object_table!'
            logging.info('PROPERTIES: Per-Object classes will be written to table "%s"'%(self.class_table))
        if not self.field_defined('plate_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        if not self.field_defined('well_id'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_id): Field is required for plate map viewer.')
        # plate_shape
        # This field can be set directly, otherwise it is set indirectly by the plate_type field
        if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
            if len(self.__dict__['plate_shape']) != 2:
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][0])
                self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1] = int(self.__dict__['plate_shape'][1])
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_shape. Expected: rows, cols'
        # plate_type
        # This field is used to set the plate_shape field indirectly
        if not self.field_defined('plate_type'):
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (plate_type): Field is required for plate viewer')
            if self.field_defined('plate_shape'):
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: You have defined plate_type and plate_shape in your properties file. Please use one or the other.')
            if self.__dict__['plate_type'] not in supported_plate_types.keys():
                raise Exception('PROPERTIES ERROR: invalid value (%s) for plate_type. Supported plate type are: %s.'
                                %(self.__dict__['plate_type'], ', '.join(supported_values)))
            self.plate_shape = supported_plate_types[self.__dict__['plate_type']]
        if self.field_defined('check_tables') and self.check_tables.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.check_tables = 'no'
        elif not self.field_defined('check_tables') or self.check_tables.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (check_tables): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "yes".'%(self.check_tables))
            self.check_tables = 'yes'
        if self.use_larger_image_scale in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') or self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        elif self.field_defined('use_larger_image_scale') and self.use_larger_image_scale.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.use_larger_image_scale = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (use_larger_image_scale): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.use_larger_image_scale))
            self.use_larger_image_scale = False
        if self.rescale_object_coords in [True, False]:
        elif not self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') or self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'f', 'n']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        elif self.field_defined('rescale_object_coords') and self.rescale_object_coords.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 't', 'y']:
            self.rescale_object_coords = True
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (rescale_object_coords): Field value "%s" is invalid. Replacing with "false".'%(self.rescale_object_coords))
            self.rescale_object_coords = False
        if not self.field_defined('well_format'):
            self.well_format = 'A01'
            logging.warn('PROPERTIES WARNING (well_format): Field was not defined, using default format of "A01".')
        if not self.field_defined('link_tables_table'):
            self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_tables_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_tables_table = '_link_tables_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('link_columns_table'):
            self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s_%s_'%(self.image_table, (self.object_table or ''))
            if len(self.link_columns_table) >= 64:
                from hashlib import md5
                self.link_columns_table = '_link_columns_%s'%(md5(self.image_table+(self.object_table or '')).hexdigest())
        if not self.field_defined('gates'):
            from utils import ObservableDict
            self.gates = ObservableDict()
    def load_file(self, filename):
        ''' Loads variables in from a properties file. '''
        from sqltools import Gate, Filter, OldFilter

        self._filename = filename
        self._groups = {}
        self._filters = ObservableDict()
        self.gates = ObservableDict()

        f = open(filename, 'U')
        lines = f.read()
        self._textfile = lines  # store raw file
        lines = lines.split('\n')

        for idx in xrange(len(lines)):
            line = lines[idx]
            # skip commented and empty lines
            if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '':
                    (name, val) = line.split('=', 1)
                    name = name.strip()
                    val = val.strip()
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception(
                        'PROPERTIES ERROR: Could not parse line #%d\n'
                        'Did you accidentally load your training set instead of your properties file?'
                        % (idx + 1, line))

                if name in string_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = val or None

                elif name in list_vars:
                    self.__dict__[name] = self.parse_list_value(val) or None

                elif name.startswith('group_SQL_'):
                    group_name = name[10:]
                    if group_name == '':
                        raise Exception, (
                            'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "group_SQL_" should be followed by a group name.\n'
                            'Example: "group_SQL_MyGroup = <QUERY>" would define a group named "MyGroup" defined by\n'
                            'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.' %
                    if group_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Group "%s" is defined twice in properties file.' % (
                    if group_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a filter.' % (
                    if not val:
                            'PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined group' %
                    self._groups[group_name] = val

                elif name.startswith('filter_SQL_'):
                    # Load old-style SQL filters:
                    filter_name = name[11:]
                    if filter_name == '':
                        raise Exception, (
                            'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): "filter_SQL_" should be followed by a filter name.\n'
                            'Example: "filter_SQL_MyFilter = <QUERY>" would define a filter named "MyFilter" defined by\n'
                            'a MySQL query "<QUERY>". See the README.' %
                    if filter_name in self._filters.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Filter "%s" is defined twice in properties file.' % (
                    if filter_name in self._groups.keys():
                        raise Exception, 'Name "%s" is already taken for a group.' % (
                    if re.search('\W', filter_name):
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (%s): Filter names may only contain alphanumeric characters and "_".' % (
                    if not val:
                            'PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): Undefined filter' %
                    self._filters[filter_name] = OldFilter(val)

                elif name == 'groups':
                        'PROPERTIES WARNING (%s): This field is no longer necessary in the properties file.\n'
                        'Only the group_SQL_XXX and filter_SQL_XXX fields are needed when defining groups and filters.'
                        % (name))

                elif name == 'filters':
                    # Load new-style filters
                    if val.strip() == '':
                            'PROPERTIES WARNING (filters): Field should not be left blank'
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (filters): Error parsing filters. Check the "filters" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self._filters[k] = Filter.decode(v)
                    del d

                elif name == 'gates':
                    d = eval(val)
                    if type(d) != dict:
                        raise Exception, 'PROPERTIES ERROR (gates): Error parsing gates. Check the "gates" field in your properties file.'
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        self.gates[k] = Gate.decode(v)
                    del d

                        'PROPERTIES WARNING: Unrecognized field "%s" in properties file'
                        % (name))


        #if classification_type is defined
        if self.field_defined('classification_type'
                              ) and self.classification_type.lower() in [
            self.classification_type = 'image'
            #2 cases:
            # object_table/object_id/cell_x_loc/cell_y_loc exist and point to a table/view of object tables
            # object_table/object_id/cell_x_loc/cell_y_loc don't exist

            self.object_table = self.image_table + '_ObjectTable'

            self.object_id = 'ObjectNumber'
            self.cell_x_loc = 'Image_x_loc'
            self.cell_y_loc = 'Image_y_loc'
            self.object_name = ['image', 'images']

            # image_width and image_height refer to the full image width and height while
            # image_tile_size refers to the size of tiles for classification
            # NB: if image_width and image_height are defined, they override image_tile_size
            if self.field_defined('image_width') and self.field_defined(
                self.image_width, self.image_height = int(
                    self.image_width), int(self.image_height)
                self.image_tile_size = min(
                    [self.image_width, self.image_height])

            self.image_tile_size = int(self.image_tile_size)
            self.classification_type = "object"

        # For image gallery
        if self.field_defined('image_size'):
            self.image_size = int(self.image_size)
            self.image_size = self.image_tile_size


        #if check_tables is defined
        if self.field_defined(
                'check_tables') and self.check_tables.lower() in ['yes']:
            self.object_table = self.object_table + '_Checked'
        self._initialized = True