Exemple #1
    def search(self, vobj):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(self.start, 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}
        came_from[self.start] = None
        cost_so_far[self.start] = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()

            if current == self.goal:

            for next in self.graph.neighbors(current):
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.graph.cost(
                    current, next)

                if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
                    cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(self.goal, next)
                    frontier.put(next, priority)
                    came_from[next] = current

        # Reconstruct path
        path = [current]
        while current != self.start:
            current = came_from[current]

        nppath = np.asarray(path[::-4]) * self.graph.gridsize
        return np.copy(nppath[:])
Exemple #2
def travel(dist_mat, startcity=0):
    optimal_tour = []
    u = Node()
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    opt_len = 0
    v = Node(level=0, path=[0])
    min_len = sys.maxsize
    v.bound = bound(dist_mat, v)
    while not pq.empty():
        v = pq.get()
        if v.bound < min_len:
            u.level = v.level + 1
            for i in filter(lambda x: x not in v.path, range(1, num_cities)):
                u.path = v.path[:]
                if u.level == num_cities - 2:
                    l = set(range(1, num_cities)) - set(u.path)

                    _len = length(dist_mat, u)
                    if _len < min_len:
                        min_len = _len
                        opt_len = _len
                        optimal_tour = u.path[:]
                    u.bound = bound(dist_mat, u)
                    if u.bound < min_len:
                # make a new node at each iteration!
                u = Node(level=u.level)

    return optimal_tour, opt_len
    def search(self, vobj):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(self.start, 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}
        came_from[self.start] = None
        cost_so_far[self.start] = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()

            if current == self.goal:

            for next in self.graph.neighbors(current):
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.graph.cost(current, next)

                if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
                    cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(self.goal, next)
                    frontier.put(next, priority)
                    came_from[next] = current

        # Reconstruct path
        path = [current]
        while current != self.start:
            current = came_from[current]

        nppath = np.asarray(path[::-4]) * self.graph.gridsize
        return np.copy(nppath[:])
Exemple #4
def compute_path(grid,start,goal,cost,heuristic):
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)      

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations, 
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells. 
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up    
    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))], 
             [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))],
             [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))],
             [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path =[['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
    x = start[0] 		
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]   
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g+h
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f,g=g))

    # your code: implement A*
    # Initially you may want to ignore theta, that is, plan in 2D.
    # To do so, set actions=forward, cost = [1, 1, 1, 1], and action_name = ['U', 'L', 'R', 'D']
    # Similarly, set parent=[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
    while open_set:
        node = open_set.pop()
        if node[0] == goal:
#finding child of node
#write function for finding child node
#setting the cost values for neighboring nodes
        neighbors = get_neighbors(node[0])
        for i in neighbors:
            x = i[0] 
            y = i[1]
            theta = i[2]
            h = heuristic[x][y]
            g = node[1].g + costfunction(node[0],i)
            f = g+h
            if i not in open_set or i not in closed_set:
            elif i in open_set and f < open_set.get(i).f:
        return path, closed_set
class TransactionPool:
    """Transaction pool for a miner"""

    def __init__(self, env, identifier, neighbourList, nodes, params):
        self.env = env
        self.identifier = identifier
        self.neighbourList = neighbourList
        self.params = params
        self.nodes = nodes
        self.transactionQueue = PriorityQueue()
        self.prevTransactions = []

    def getTransaction(self, transactionCount):
        """Returns transactionCount number of Transactions. Returns
		 top transactions based on miner reward"""
        return self.transactionQueue.get(transactionCount)

    def popTransaction(self, transactionCount):
        """Remove transactions from transaction pool. Called when transactions 
		are added by a received block or a block is mined."""
        poppedTransactions = self.transactionQueue.pop(transactionCount)

    def putTransaction(self, transaction, sourceLocation):
        """Add received transaction to the transaction pool and broadcast further"""
        destLocation = self.nodes[self.identifier].location
        delay = getTransmissionDelay(sourceLocation, destLocation)
        yield self.env.timeout(delay)
        if (
            not self.transactionQueue.isPresent(transaction)
            and transaction not in self.prevTransactions
            if self.params["verbose"] == "vv":
                    "%7.4f : %s accepted by %s"
                    % (self.env.now, transaction.identifier, self.identifier)
Exemple #6
    def a_star_search(self, h_type='zero', visualize=False):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()  # The OPENLIST
        frontier.put(self.start, 0)  # PUT START IN THE OPENLIST
        parent = {}  # parent, {loc: parent}
        # g function dict, {loc: f(loc)}, CLOSED LIST BASICALLY
        g = {}
        parent[self.start] = None
        g[self.start] = 0
        self.h_type = h_type
        if visualize:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            ax.set_xlim(-100, 100)
            ax.set_ylim(-100, 100)
        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get(
            )  # update current to be the item with best priority

            if visualize:
                ax.plot(current[0], current[1], "xc")

            # early exit if we reached our goal
            if current == self.goal:
            for next in self.graph.neighbors(current):
                g_next = g[current] + self.graph.cost(current, next)
                # if next location not in CLOSED LIST or its cost is less than before
                # Newer implementation
                if next not in g or g_next < g[next]:
                    g[next] = g_next
                    if self.h_type == 'zero':
                        priority = g_next
                        priority = g_next + self.heuristic(
                            self.goal, next, self.h_type)
                    frontier.put(next, priority)
                    parent[next] = current

        if visualize:
            ax.plot(parent[0], parent[1], "-r")

        self.parent = parent
        self.g = g
        return parent, g
Exemple #7
    def search_path(self, start, goal, heuristic, is_walkable):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(start, 0)
        came_from = {}
        came_from[start] = None

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()

            if current == goal:

            for next in self.neighbors(current, is_walkable):
                if next not in came_from:
                    priority = heuristic(goal, next)
                    frontier.put(next, priority)
                    came_from[next] = current

        if current != goal:
            return False

        return self.reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal)
Exemple #8
    def shortest_path(self, start_, end_, heuristic, undesired):
        assert self.is_node(start_) and self.is_node(end_)
        start_ = self.graph.get_node(start_)
        end_ = self.graph.get_node(end_)
        pq = PriorityQueue()

        # A* shortest path
        start_.cost = 0
        start_.visited = True
        pq.put(start_, 0.0)
        while not pq.is_empty():
            current = pq.get()
            if current.position == end_.position:
            for (neighbor, weight) in current.neighbors:
                if current.position == undesired or neighbor.position == undesired:
                    weight = 10000  # Mask out to avoid crossing
                g = current.cost + weight
                if not neighbor.visited or g <= neighbor.cost:
                    neighbor.cost = g
                    neighbor.parent = current
                    f = g + heuristic(neighbor.position, end_.position)
                    pq.put(neighbor, f)
                neighbor.visited = True

        # Unrol shortest path
        path = []
        node = end_
        while (node != None):
            if end_ != (0, 0) and node.cost >= 5000: return None
            if node == start_: break
            node = node.parent
        if node != start_:
            return None
        return path
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    g_value = 0
    h_value = heuristic[x][y]
    f = g_value + h_value
    parent_cost = [[[1000000000 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                    for col in range(len(grid))],
                   [[1000000000 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                    for col in range(len(grid))],
                   [[1000000000 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                    for col in range(len(grid))],
                   [[1000000000 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                    for col in range(len(grid))]]
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g_value))

    # Implement of A* algorithm:

    while open_set:
        node1, cost_new = open_set.pop()
        print('The current node is:', node1)
        if node1 == goal:
            while node1 != start:
                node0 = parent[node1[2]][node1[0]][node1[1]]
                action = rotate(node0, node1)
                node1 = node0
                path[node0[0]][node0[1]] = action_name[action + 1]
            return path, closed_set
        children = children_nodes(grid, node1)
        print('The children present are:', children)

        for child in children:
            direction = rotate(node1, child)
            cost_child, child_new = heuristics_value(cost_new, direction,
            if child not in open_set or closed_set:
                open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))

            if child in open_set:
                cost_need = open_set.get(child)
                cost_f = cost_need.f
                if cost_child < cost_f:
                    open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))

            if parent_cost[child[2]][child[0]][child[1]] > cost_child:
                parent_cost[child[2]][child[0]][child[1]] = cost_child
                    child[1]] = node1[0], node1[1], node1[2]
    return path, closed_set
Exemple #10
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations,
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells.
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up
    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]
    # The path of the car

    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g + h
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g))

    # your code: implement A*

    # Initially you may want to ignore theta, that is, plan in 2D.
    # To do so, set actions=forward, cost = [1, 1, 1, 1], and action_name = ['U', 'L', 'R', 'D']
    # Similarly, set parent=[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
    while open_set:
        node = open_set.pop()
        if (node[0] == goal):
        # Finding child for each node.
        neighbours = find_child(node[0])

        for neighbour in neighbours:
            g = node[1].g + cost_neigh(neighbour, node[0])
            x = neighbour[0]
            y = neighbour[1]
            theta = neighbour[2]
            h = heuristic[x][y]
            f = g + h

            if (neighbour not in open_set or neighbour not in closed_set):
                open_set.put(neighbour, Value(f, g))
                a = parent[theta][x][y]
                if (a == ' ' or f < a[1].g + cost_neigh(neighbour, a[0]) + h):
                    parent[theta][x][y] = node

            elif (neighbour in open_set and f < open_set.get(neighbour).f):
                open_set.put(neighbour, Value(f, g))
                if (a == ' ' or f < a[1].g + cost_neigh(neighbour, a[0]) + h):
                    parent[theta][x][y] = node

    g = goal
    d = []
    while (g != start):
        g = parent[g[2]][g[0]][g[1]][0]


    direction_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(d) - 1):
        direction = get_direction(d[i + 1], d[i])


    for i in range(0, len(d)):
        x = d[i][0]
        y = d[i][1]
        path[x][y] = direction_list[i]

    return path, closed_set
Exemple #11
class NodeFull(NodeBase):
    def __init__(self, config):
        Implements full node that not only tracks other nodes, but also
        maintains full blockchain, accepts transactions and mines new blocks.
        super(NodeFull, self).__init__(config)
        self._hash_prev = None
        self._blockchain = set()

        # Producer-consumer queues for exchanging data with the mining thread
        self._transaction_queue = PriorityQueue(f_priority=favor_higher_fees)

        self._mining = config.mining

        # Launch mining and block and transaction discovery
        if self._mining:
            Thread(target=self.mine, name="mine").start()

        # Launch transaction generating and sharing
        if config.gen_transactions:





    def add_genesis_block(self):
        Assembles genesis block, the first block in the blockchain.
        It is hardcoded and the same for every mining node.
        coinbase_transaction = self.create_coinbase_transaction(

        transactions = [coinbase_transaction]

        genesis_block = blockchain.Block(

        self._hash_prev = genesis_block.hash

    def maybe_add_block(self, block):
        for transaction in block.transactions:


    def maybe_add_transaction(self, transaction):
        transactions = [
            tx for block in list(self._blockchain)
            for tx in list(block.transactions)

        # Skip adding transaction that is already in the blockchain
        if transaction in transactions:

        # Skip adding transaction that is already queued
        if transaction in self._transaction_queue.items:


    def generate_transactions(self):
        Generates random transactions

        transaction_generator = blockchain.TransactionGeneratorFake(

        while True:
            if len(self._transaction_queue.items) < 10:
                console.debug("generating transaction")
                transaction = transaction_generator.generate()

    def create_coinbase_transaction(self, dest_key=None):
        Creates a coinbase transaction. This transaction is included as the
        first transaction of the block and is creating a fixed amount of coins

        coinbase_output = blockchain.TransactionOutput(
            key=dest_key or self._ecdsa.public_key)

        coinbase_tx = blockchain.Transaction(

        return coinbase_tx

    def mine(self):
        Mines new blocks


        while self._mining:
            coinbase_transaction = self.create_coinbase_transaction()
            transactions = [coinbase_transaction]

            for _ in range(constants.BLOCK_MAX_TRANSACTIONS - 1):
                # transaction = self._transaction_generator.generate()
                transaction = self._transaction_queue.get()

            block = blockchain.Block(

            console.info("Mining a new block:" + " " * 32 +

            found = False
            while not found:
                found = self.mine_one_iteration(block)
                # Throttle mining to reduce CPU load (for the demo)
                time.sleep(self._config.mining_throttle_ms / 1000)

    def mine_one_iteration(self, block: blockchain.Block):
        Perform one iteration of block mining (increments the nonce once)

        found, nonce, curr_hash = block.mine_one()

        sys.stdout.write("Nonce: {:010d} | Hash : {:}\r".format(
            nonce, bin_str(bytes_to_int(curr_hash), pad=service.hash_f.bits)))

        if found:
            console.info("Found a new block:" + " " * 32 +
            self._hash_prev = block.hash

        return found

    def discover_transactions(self):
        if self._config.transaction_discovery_interval >= 0:
            while True:
                known_peers = set(self._known_peers)
                for peer in known_peers:
                    transactions = peer.get_transactions()
                    for transaction in transactions:

    def share_transactions(self):
        if self._config.transaction_sharing_interval >= 0:
            while True:
                known_peers = set(self._known_peers)
                transactions = self._transaction_queue.items
                for peer in known_peers:

    def discover_blocks(self):
        if self._config.block_discovery_interval >= 0:
            while True:
                known_peers = set(self._known_peers)
                for peer in known_peers:
                    blocks = peer.get_blocks()
                    for block in blocks:

    def share_blocks(self):
        if self._config.block_sharing_interval >= 0:
            while True:
                known_peers = set(self._known_peers)
                blocks = list(self._blockchain)
                for peer in known_peers:

    def get_transactions(self, _, __):
        RPC server handler triggered on get_transactions RPC call

        transactions = list(self._transaction_queue.items)
        for transaction in transactions:
            yield transaction.to_proto()

    def send_transactions(self, transactions: Iterable, _):
        RPC server handler triggered on send_transactions RPC call

        for transaction in transactions:
            transaction = blockchain.Transaction.from_proto(transaction)
            if transaction is not None:

        return service.messages.Empty()

    def get_blocks(self, _, __):
        RPC server handler triggered on get_blocks RPC call
        blocks = list(self._blockchain)
        for block in blocks:
            yield block.to_proto()

    def send_blocks(self, blocks: Iterable, _):
        RPC server handler triggered on send_blocks RPC call
        for block in blocks:
            block = blockchain.Block.from_proto(block)
            if block is not None:

        return service.messages.Empty()
Exemple #12
def dijkstra(grid, start, goal, cost):  #dijkstra algorithm
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    l = []

    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
    dist = [[float('inf') for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
            for col in range(len(grid))]
    parent = [['NULL' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
              for col in range(len(grid))]
                 Value(f=dist[start[0]][start[1]], g=(goal[2], 'null')))
    path[goal[0]][goal[1]] = '*'

    for x in range(len(grid)):
        for y in range(len(grid[0])):
            if ((x, y) != (goal[0], goal[1])):
                dist[x][y] = float('inf')
                parent[x][y] = 'NULL'
                open_set.put((x, y), Value(f=dist[x][y], g=('NULL', 'NULL')))
    open_set.put(goal[:2], Value(f=0, g=(goal[2], 'null')))
    dist[goal[0]][goal[1]] = 0

    while (len(open_set) != 0):
        curr_node = open_set.pop()
        if (curr_node[0][:2] != goal[:2]):
            path[l[-1][0]][l[-1][1]] = curr_node[1].g[1]
        x_current = curr_node[0][0]  #row of current node
        y_current = curr_node[0][1]  #col of current node
        o_current = curr_node[1].g[0]  #orientation of current node
        if (curr_node[0] == start[:2]):
            print("get path! ")

        for i_act, act in enumerate(action):
            o_next = (o_current - act) % 4  #orientation of next node
            x_next = x_current - forward[o_next][0]  #row of next node
            y_next = y_current - forward[o_next][1]  #col of next node
            n_act = action_name[
                i_act]  #action to get this next node, this cause the one step delay in the display

            if (x_next >= 0 and x_next < len(grid) and y_next >= 0
                    and y_next < len(grid[0])
                ):  #filter the available child (map boundery and barrier)
                if (grid[x_next][y_next] == 0):
                    F_cost = cost[i_act] + dist[x_current][
                        y_current]  #calculate f(n) = g(n)
                    F_raw = dist[x_next][y_next]
                    if (((x_next, y_next, o_next) not in closed_set)
                            and F_cost < F_raw):  #child not in closed_set
                        open_set.get((x_next, y_next)).f = F_cost
                        open_set.get((x_next, y_next)).g = (o_next, n_act)
                        dist[x_next][y_next] = F_cost
                        parent[x_next][y_next] = (x_current, y_current,

    if (curr_node[0][:2] != start[:2]): print("fail to find the path!")
    return path, closed_set, parent
Exemple #13
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations,
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells.
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up

    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # creating a node cost list similar in structure to parent list with inital value of 100
    # used to determine whether the parent list needs to be updated for a particular child
    # if the new cost to reach a child is less than the previous calculated cost
    # then parent list and node_cost list will be updated with new found parent node and cost
    node_cost = [[[100 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                  for col in range(len(grid))],
                 [[100 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                  for col in range(len(grid))],
                 [[100 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                  for col in range(len(grid))],
                 [[100 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
                  for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g + h
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g))

    # your code: implement A*
    while open_set:  #code runs in loop as long as there is a node in open_set
        current_node, current_value = open_set.pop(
        )  #current node is minimum from open_set

        if current_node == goal:  #to stop the code once goal is reached
            closed_set.add(current_node)  #adding goal to closed_set
            while current_node != start:  #to back track, from end to start, loop runs till we backtrack to start node
                parent_node = parent[current_node[2]][current_node[0]][
                        1]]  #accessing parent list to find the parent node of current node
                action = move_action(
                    parent_node, current_node
                )  #to determine what action was required to move from parent node to current node
                path[parent_node[0]][parent_node[1]] = action_name[
                    action +
                    1]  #updating path list with action required to move from parent to child node
                current_node = parent_node  #now parent node becomes current node before path identification code runs again
            return path, closed_set

        closed_set.add(current_node)  #adding current node to closed_set

        neighbours = find_neighbour(
            grid, current_node
        )  #to determine the list of feasible children for current node
        for neighbour in neighbours:  #running through all feasible childs
            actions = move_action(
                current_node, neighbour
            )  #determining action required to move from current node to child node
            total_cost_neighbour, step_cost_neighbour = find_value(
                actions, current_value, neighbour
            )  #calculating total & path cost for moving to child node
            if neighbour not in open_set or closed_set:  # if child is not present in open or closed set then add to open_set
                    Value(f=total_cost_neighbour, g=step_cost_neighbour))
            # incase child is present in open set then new & old value are compared and if new value is low then it is updated
            elif neighbour in open_set:
                f_prev = open_set.get(
                    neighbour)  #accessing old value of child from open_set
                f_prev_f = f_prev.f
                if total_cost_neighbour < f_prev_f:  #comparing old and new values
                        Value(f=total_cost_neighbour, g=step_cost_neighbour)
                    )  #updating open set if new value is less than old value

            #if cost to travel to child is found to be lesser than previously calculated cost for the child then its parent and cost is updated
            if node_cost[neighbour[2]][neighbour[0]][
                    neighbour[1]] > total_cost_neighbour:
                    1]] = current_node[0], current_node[1], current_node[
                        2]  #updating parent node
                    neighbour[1]] = total_cost_neighbour  #updating cost

    # Initially you may want to ignore theta, that is, plan in 2D.
    # To do so, set actions=forward, cost = [1, 1, 1, 1], and action_name = ['U', 'L', 'R', 'D']
    # Similarly, set parent=[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
    return path, closed_set
Exemple #14
    def search(self, start, goal):
        Perform the search. If given a new graph, replace the current one with it, and start fresh.
        Also, if specified, start fresh with the current graph. This is non-recursive and can therefore
        run infinitely until memory is exhausted.
        :param start: The node to start from
        :param goal: The node to go to
        # start with a Priority Queue to hold the nodes to visit.
        # A priority queue means we'll visit the most promising nodes first
        # because they'll get higher priority
        to_visit = PriorityQueue()
        # But for now, we need to start by only knowing where we're at. It has lowest
        # priority because when you're trying to catch someone, (in this case) it's
        # best to keep moving
        to_visit.put(start, 0)
        # Yay hash tables! This will store the path we took while visiting nodes. Sorta kinda
        # like a linked list, but not (almost)
        visited = dict()
        # Woo hash tables! Here we'll store hashes of the nodes (tuples) we visit
        # and their costs
        costs = dict()
        # We've visited where we're starting from. It's nice and all, but the scenery is
        # kinda bland. Oh and we didn't arrive here from anywhere, so the previous node
        # is nothing.
        visited[start] = None
        # It didn't cost us anything to get here, which is nice since I'm pretty broke
        costs[start] = 0

        # While we have things in the queue to visit, check out the neighbors
        # and see if they're worth visiting. I mean, I'm sure they're lovely people
        # and all, but if they can't get us to our destination, then we don't need to
        # waste our time. It's the capitalist way! Also, they're weird and have electric
        # lawnmowers.
        while not to_visit.is_empty:
            # Travel to the next best node
            current = to_visit.get()
            # Hey! We got to where we needed to go!
            if current == goal:
            # Here's where we figure out if we're gonna be neighborly and visit nodes
            # surrounding us. Reasons for not visiting our neighbors:
            #  1) They're a wall. It'd look weird to visit a wall
            #  2) It'd be more costly to visit them than others.
            #  3) They support Trump
            #  4) They use electric lawnmowers
            #  5) They're clingy
            #  6) They always ask for a cup of sugar but when you try to reciprocate,
            #     they're always suddenly out
            #  7) They listen to Insane Clown Posse
            for next in self.board.nodes_to_visit(current):
                new_cost = costs[current] + self.board.cost(next)
                # See item two in the above list
                if next not in costs or new_cost < costs.get(next, Infinity):
                    # Oh hey, it's cheaper to visit them than not. Cool!
                    # Record the cost of visiting the neighbor
                    costs[next] = new_cost
                    # Figure out where they stand on your priorities list
                    # and put them in the Queue. Hermes would be proud
                    to_visit.put(next, new_cost + AStar.heuristic(goal, next))
                    # Mark down how you got to them
                    visited[next] = current
        # Okay, we've figured out a path. It's... somewhere in here. Hrm...
        return visited, costs
Exemple #15
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations,
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells.
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up
    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g + h

    # your code: implement A*
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g))
    while open_set.__len__() != 0:
        node = open_set.pop()
        g = node[1].g
        x = node[0][0]
        y = node[0][1]
        theta = node[0][2]
        #if reach the goal, break
        if (node[0] == goal):
        for idx, act in enumerate(action):
            new_theta = (theta + act) % 4
            #use orientation to determine the position
            new_x = x + forward[new_theta][0]
            new_y = y + forward[new_theta][1]
            #to make sure it won't break the node is naviable
            if (new_x < 0 or new_x > 4 or new_y < 0 or new_y > 5
                    or grid[new_x][new_y] == 1):
            new_g = g + cost[idx]
            new_h = heuristic[new_x][new_y]
            new_f = new_g + new_h
            child = [(new_x, new_y, new_theta), Value(f=new_f, g=new_g)]
            if (child[0] not in closed_set and child[0] not in open_set):
                open_set.put(child[0], child[1])
                parent[new_theta][new_x][new_y] = (action_name[idx], node[0])
            #if the cost decreased, add it to the openlist
            elif (open_set.has(child[0]) and open_set.get(child[0]).g > new_g):
                open_set.put(child[0], child[1])
                parent[new_theta][new_x][new_y] = (action_name[idx], node[0])
            #recording the path in parent

    #reach the goal
    path[x][y] = '*'
    #find out the path by recalling step by step
    while (x, y, theta) != start:
        pre_step = parent[theta][x][y]
        x = pre_step[1][0]
        y = pre_step[1][1]
        theta = pre_step[1][2]
        path[x][y] = pre_step[0]

    # Initially you may want to ignore theta, that is, plan in 2D.
    # To do so, set actions=forward, cost = [1, 1, 1, 1], and action_name = ['U', 'L', 'R', 'D']
    # Similarly, set parent=[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    return path, closed_set
Exemple #16
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations,
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells.
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up
    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g + h
    children = []
    # print(start)

    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g))

    while open_set:
        node, new_cost = open_set.pop()
        print('The current node is:', node)
        if node == goal:
            return path, closed_set

        row_grid = len(grid) - 1  #4   Boundry of the grids
        column_grid = (len(grid[0])) - 1  #5
        x1 = node[0]  #Parrent x co-ordinate
        y1 = node[1]  # Parrent y co-ordinate
        theta1 = node[2]  # Parrent orientation
        f1 = new_cost.f  #Parent total cost
        h = heuristic[x1][y1]  #Heuristic of parrent
        g1 = new_cost.g  #Path cost of parrent
        neighbor = []
        f12 = []
        h12 = []
        g12 = []
        for i in range(len(action)):
            temp_dir = collections.deque(
            )  # creating a deque tuple            # 0 N   :::: 1 west     2 south :::: east 3
            index = theta1  # orientation of the Parent
            child_index = action[i]  # possible index of the child
            n = -1 * child_index
            child_theta = temp_dir[
                theta1]  # using the index of the parent to find out the current orientation of the child
            """ calculating the distances of children"""

            x_pos = node[0] + forward[child_theta][
                0]  # this gives the position of x,y of the child
            y_pos = node[1] + forward[child_theta][1]
            pos = (x_pos, y_pos, child_theta)
            g1 = []
            if (pos[0] > row_grid or pos[1] > (column_grid) or pos[1] < 0
                    or pos[0] < 0):
            elif (grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] == 1):
                h1 = heuristic[x_pos][
                    y_pos]  # heuristic of neighbor that is dist from the goal
                g1 = new_cost.g + cost[i]  # path function
                f1 = g1 + h1  # total cost
                f12 = np.append(f12, f1)
                g12 = np.append(g12, g1)
                h12 = np.append(h12, h1)

            gmin = min(g12)
            posi = np.argmin(g12)
            c = 0

            for neigh in neighbor:  #Condition for child which is closest to the goal
                if neigh not in open_set or neigh not in closed_set:
                    open_set.put(neigh, Value(f=f12[c], g=g12[c]))
                    # print(open_set.get(neigh).g)

                elif neigh in open_set and gmin < open_set.get(neigh).g:
                    open_set.put(neigh, Value(f=f12[c], g=g12[c]))
                    # print("ggggggggg")
                c = c + 1
            c = 0

    return path, closed_set
    def search(self, vobj):
        """The Hybrid State A* search algorithm."""

        tic = time.clock()

        get_grid_id = self.graph.get_grid_id

        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(list(self.start), 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}

        came_from[tuple(self.start)] = None
        cost_so_far[get_grid_id(self.start)] = 0

        dubins_path = False

        num_nodes = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()

            if num_nodes % self.dubins_expansion_constant == 0:
                dpath,_ = dubins.path_sample(current, self.goal, self.turning_radius, self.step_size)
                if not self.map.is_occupied_discrete(dpath):
                    # Success. Dubins expansion possible.
                    self.path_found = True
                    dubins_path = True

            if np.linalg.norm(current[0:2] - self.goal[0:2]) < self.eps \
               and np.abs(current[2]-self.goal[2]) < np.pi/8:
                self.path_found = True

            for next in self.graph.neighbors(current, vobj.model.est_r_max):
                new_cost = cost_so_far[get_grid_id(current)] + \
                           self.graph.cost(current, next)

                if get_grid_id(next) not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[get_grid_id(next)]:
                    cost_so_far[get_grid_id(next)] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + heuristic(self.goal, next)
                    frontier.put(list(next), priority)
                    came_from[tuple(next)] = current

            num_nodes += 1
        # Reconstruct path
        path = [current]
        while tuple(current) != tuple(self.start):
            current = came_from[tuple(current)]

        if dubins_path:
            path = np.array(path[::-1] + dpath)
            path = np.array(path[::-2])

        print "Hybrid A-star CPU time: %.3f. Nodes expanded: %d" % ( time.clock() - tic, num_nodes)
        #print self.start

        return np.copy(path)
Exemple #18
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G = nx.karate_club_graph()
for edge in G.edges():
    G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = random.randint(1, 10)

source = 2
goal = 3

ref_nodes = PriorityQueue()
ref_nodes.put(source, 0)
dist_so_far = {}
came_from = {}
dist_so_far[source] = 0

while not ref_nodes.empty():
    current = ref_nodes.get()

    if current == goal:

    for next_node in G.neighbors(current):
        new_dist = dist_so_far[current] + G[current][next_node]['weight']
        if next_node not in dist_so_far or new_dist < dist_so_far[next_node]:
            dist_so_far[next_node] = new_dist
            ref_nodes.put(next_node, new_dist)
            came_from[next_node] = current

    def search(self, vobj):
        """The Hybrid State A* search algorithm."""

        tic = time.clock()

        get_grid_id = self.graph.get_grid_id

        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(list(self.start), 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}

        came_from[tuple(self.start)] = None
        cost_so_far[get_grid_id(self.start)] = 0

        dubins_path = False

        num_nodes = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()

            if num_nodes % self.dubins_expansion_constant == 0:
                dpath,_ = dubins.path_sample(current, self.goal, self.turning_radius, self.step_size)
                if not self.map.is_occupied_discrete(dpath):
                    # Success. Dubins expansion possible.
                    self.path_found = True
                    dubins_path = True

            if np.linalg.norm(current[0:2] - self.goal[0:2]) < self.eps \
               and np.abs(current[2]-self.goal[2]) < np.pi/8:
                self.path_found = True

            for next in self.graph.neighbors(current, vobj.model.est_r_max):
                new_cost = cost_so_far[get_grid_id(current)] + \
                           self.graph.cost(current, next)

                if get_grid_id(next) not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[get_grid_id(next)]:
                    cost_so_far[get_grid_id(next)] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + heuristic(self.goal, next)
                    frontier.put(list(next), priority)
                    came_from[tuple(next)] = current

            num_nodes += 1
        # Reconstruct path
        path = [current]
        while tuple(current) != tuple(self.start):
            current = came_from[tuple(current)]

        if dubins_path:
            path = np.array(path[::-1] + dpath)
            path = np.array(path[::-2])

        print("Hybrid A-star CPU time: %.3f. Nodes expanded: %d" % ( time.clock() - tic, num_nodes))

        return np.copy(path)
Exemple #20
def compute_path(grid, start, goal, cost, heuristic):

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use thePriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    # Keep track of the parent of each node. Since the car can take 4 distinct orientations,
    # for each orientation we can store a 2D array indicating the grid cells.
    # E.g. parent[0][2][3] will denote the parent when the car is at (2,3) facing up
    parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))],
              [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
               for col in range(len(grid))]]

    # The path of the car
    path = [['-' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    x = start[0]
    y = start[1]
    theta = start[2]
    h = heuristic[x][y]
    g = 0
    f = g + h
    open_set.put(start, Value(f=f, g=g))

    # your code: implement A*

    # Initially you may want to ignore theta, that is, plan in 2D.
    # To do so, set actions=forward, cost = [1, 1, 1, 1], and action_name = ['U', 'L', 'R', 'D']
    # Similarly, set parent=[[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]

    path[goal[0]][goal[1]] = '*'
    l = []

    while (len(open_set) != 0):
        curr_node = open_set.pop()
        if (curr_node[0][:2] != start[:2]):
            path[l[-1][0]][l[-1][1]] = curr_node[1].g
        if (curr_node[0] == goal):
            print("get path!")
        x_current = curr_node[0][0]  #row of current node
        y_current = curr_node[0][1]  #col of current node
        o_current = curr_node[0][2]  #orientation of current node

        for i_act, act in enumerate(action):
            o_next = (o_current + act) % 4  #orientation of next node
            x_next = x_current + forward[o_next][0]  #row of next node
            y_next = y_current + forward[o_next][1]  #col of next node
            n_act = action_name[
                i_act]  #action to get this next node, this cause the one step delay in the display

            if (x_next >= 0 and x_next < len(grid) and y_next >= 0
                    and y_next < len(grid[0])
                ):  #filter the available child (map boundery and barrier)
                if (grid[x_next][y_next] == 0):
                    F_cost = cost[i_act] + heuristic[x_next][
                        y_next]  # abs(x_next - goal[0]) + abs(y_next - goal[1]) #calculate the f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
                    if ((not open_set.has((x_next, y_next, o_next)))
                            or (not closed_set.has((x_next, y_next, o_next)))):
                        open_set.put((x_next, y_next, o_next),
                                     Value(f=F_cost, g=n_act))
                        #parent[x_next][y_next] = (x_next, y_next, o_next)
                    elif (open_set.has((x_next, y_next, o_next))
                          and F_cost < open_set.get(
                              (x_next, y_next, o_next)).f):
                        open_set.get((x_next, y_next, o_next)).f = F_cost
                        open_set.get((x_next, y_next, o_next)).g = n_act

    if (curr_node[0] != goal): print("fail to find the path!")
    return path, closed_set