def rca(functionNode): logger = functionNode.get_logger()"==>>>> in rca (root cause analysis " + functionNode.get_browse_path()) progressNode = functionNode.get_child("control").get_child("progress") progressNode.set_value(0.1) variables = functionNode.get_child("selectedVariables").get_leaves() tag = functionNode.get_child("selectedTags").get_value() #only one tag annotations = functionNode.get_child("annotations").get_leaves() feature = functionNode.get_child("selectedFeatures").get_value() algo = functionNode.get_child("selectedAlgorithms").get_value() target = functionNode.get_child("selectedTarget").get_target() p = Progress(progressNode) p.set_divisor(len(annotations) / 0.5) p.set_offset(0.1) #now create the data as x-y results = {"x": [], "y": []} var = variables[0] #now iterate over all annotations of the matching type and create feature for idx, anno in enumerate(annotations): p.set_progress(idx) if (anno.get_child("type").get_value() == "time") and (tag in anno.get_child("tags").get_value()): startTime = anno.get_child("startTime").get_value() endTime = anno.get_child("endTime").get_value() data = var.get_time_series(startTime, endTime) #now create the feature feat = calc_feature(data["values"], feature) targetValue = get_target( target, (date2secs(startTime) + date2secs(endTime)) / 2) if feat and targetValue and numpy.isfinite( feat) and numpy.isfinite(targetValue): results["x"].append(feat) results["y"].append(targetValue) else: logger.warning( f"no result for {var.get_name} @ {startTime}, anno:{tag}, feat:{feat}, target: {target}" ) #now we have all the x-y progressNode.set_value(0.7) fig = figure(title="x-y Correlation Plot " + var.get_name(), tools=[PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool()], plot_height=300, x_axis_label=feature + "(" + var.get_name() + ") @ " + tag, y_axis_label=target.get_name()) fig.toolbar.logo = None curdoc().theme = Theme(json=themes.darkTheme) fig.xaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor fig.yaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor fig.scatter(x=results["x"], y=results["y"], size=5, fill_color="#d9b100", marker="o") fileName = functionNode.get_child("outputFileName").get_value() filePath = os.path.join(myDir, './../web/customui/' + fileName) progressNode.set_value(0.8) output_file( filePath, mode="inline" ) #inline: put the bokeh .js into this html, otherwise the default cdn will be taken, might cause CORS problems) save(fig) #print(results) return True
def varstatistics(functionNode): logger = functionNode.get_logger()"==>>>> statistics " + functionNode.get_browse_path()) progressNode = functionNode.get_child("control").get_child("progress") progressNode.set_value(0) #functionNode.get_child("control.signal").set_value(None) vars = functionNode.get_child("variable").get_targets() widget = functionNode.get_child("widget").get_target() bins = functionNode.get_child("bins").get_value() tags = functionNode.get_child("annotations").get_value() startTime = date2secs(widget.get_child("startTime").get_value()) endTime = date2secs(widget.get_child("endTime").get_value()) vars = {var.get_id(): {"node": var} for var in vars} #first 30% progress: prog = Progress(progressNode) progressNode.set_value(0.1) prog.set_offset(0.1) #prog.set_divisor() if tags: allAnnoNodes = widget.get_child( "hasAnnotation.annotations").get_leaves() allAnnos = [] prog.set_divisor(len(allAnnoNodes) / 0.2) for index, node in enumerate(allAnnoNodes): prog.set_progress(index) if node.get_child("type").get_value() == "time": thisTags = node.get_child("tags").get_value() if any(tag in tags for tag in thisTags): anno = {} for child in node.get_children(): anno[child.get_name()] = child.get_value() if date2secs(anno["startTime"]) >= startTime and date2secs( anno["endTime"] ) <= endTime: #take this anno only if it is inside the current start/end time allAnnos.append(anno) if allAnnos == []: give_up(functionNode, "no matching annotations in selected time") return False else: allAnnos = [] progressNode.set_value(0.3) logger.debug(f"statistics annotations to look at: {len(allAnnos)}") prog.set_offset(0.3) totalAnnos = max(len(allAnnos), 1) totalCount = len(vars) * totalAnnos prog.set_divisor(totalCount / 0.3) totalValids = 0 for varIndex, var in enumerate(vars): info = vars[var] if tags: #iterate over all start and end times values = numpy.asarray([], dtype=numpy.float64) for annoIndex, anno in enumerate(allAnnos): thisValues = info["node"].get_time_series( anno["startTime"], anno["endTime"])["values"] values = numpy.append(values, thisValues) myCount = varIndex * totalAnnos + annoIndex prog.set_progress(myCount) else: values = info["node"].get_time_series(startTime, endTime)["values"] valids = numpy.count_nonzero(~numpy.isfinite(values)) totalValids += valids hist, edges = numpy.histogram(values, bins=bins) hist = hist / len(values) #normalize info["hist"] = hist info["edges"] = edges #make a plot if totalValids == 0: give_up( functionNode, "all Variables are have no data in the time and annotations selected" ) return False progressNode.set_value(0.6) hover1 = HoverTool(tooltips=[('x,y', '$x,$y')], mode='mouse') hover1.point_policy = 'snap_to_data' hover1.line_policy = "nearest" tools = [ PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool(), hover1 ] title = "Statistics of " + str( [info["node"].get_name() for var, info in vars.items()]) if tags: title = title + " in annotation: " + str(tags) fig = figure(title=title, tools=tools, plot_height=300) fig.toolbar.logo = None curdoc().theme = Theme(json=themes.darkTheme) fig.xaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor fig.yaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor for index, var in enumerate(vars): info = vars[var] col = themes.darkLineColors[index] hist = info["hist"] edges = info["edges"] fig.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color=col, line_color=col, alpha=0.8, legend_label=info["node"].get_name()) fig.legend.location = "top_left" fileName = functionNode.get_child("fileName").get_value() filePath = os.path.join(myDir, './../web/customui/' + fileName) # now make the trend box plot, but only for tags # for each variable we create statistics for the annotations and prepare the data # {"node":Node(), "boxLower":[], "boxUpper", "mean", "limitUpper", "limitLower"} # startTime = date2secs(widget.get_child("startTime").get_value( )) #we only take tags that are inside the current zoom of the widgets endTime = date2secs(widget.get_child("endTime").get_value()) boxPlots = [] allTimes = [] if tags: for index, var in enumerate(vars): info = { "node": vars[var]["node"], "boxLower": [], "boxUpper": [], "median": [], "time": [], "limitUpper": [], "limitLower": [], "mean": [] } for anno in allAnnos: data = info["node"].get_time_series(anno["startTime"], anno["endTime"]) if len(data["values"]): data["values"] = data["values"][numpy.isfinite( data["values"])] #remove the nan if len(data["values"]): #make the statistics info["time"].append(numpy.median(data["__time"]) * 1000) allTimes.append(numpy.median(data["__time"]) * 1000) info["limitLower"].append( numpy.quantile(data["values"], 0.01)) info["limitUpper"].append( numpy.quantile(data["values"], 0.99)) info["boxLower"].append( numpy.quantile(data["values"], 0.25)) info["boxUpper"].append( numpy.quantile(data["values"], 0.75)) info["median"].append(numpy.median(data["values"])) info["mean"].append(numpy.mean(data["values"])) boxPlots.append(info) format = "%Y-%m-%d-T%H:%M:%S" custom = """var local = moment(value).tz('UTC'); return local.format();""" #%self.server.get_settings()["timeZone"] hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('date', '@x{%F}')], formatters={'@x': CustomJSHover(code=custom)}, mode='mouse') hover.point_policy = 'snap_to_data' hover.line_policy = "nearest" tools = [ PanTool(), BoxZoomTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResetTool(), hover, SaveTool() ] fig2 = figure(title="trends", tools=tools, plot_height=300, x_axis_type='datetime') fig2.xaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor fig2.yaxis.major_label_text_color = themes.darkTickColor progressNode.set_value(0.7) fig2.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(years=format, days=format, months=format, hours=format, hourmin=format, minutes=format, minsec=format, seconds=format) fig2.toolbar.logo = None #fig2.line([1,2,3],[1,2,3]) #calc with of vbars if len(allAnnos) > 1: xTimesStart = min(allTimes) xTimesEnd = max(allTimes) width = (xTimesEnd - xTimesStart) / 2 / len(allAnnos) else: width = 1000000 for index, info in enumerate(boxPlots): #each info is for one variable col = themes.darkLineColors[index] fig2.segment(info["time"], info["limitUpper"], info["time"], info["boxUpper"], line_color=col) fig2.segment(info["time"], info["limitLower"], info["time"], info["boxLower"], line_color=col) width = 20 #fig2.vbar(info["time"],width=width,bottom=info["median"],top=info["boxUpper"],fill_color=col,line_color="black",width_units='screen') #fig2.vbar(info["time"],width=width,bottom=info["boxLower"],top=info["median"],fill_color=col,line_color="black",width_units='screen') #upper box sizUpper = numpy.asarray(info["boxUpper"]) - numpy.asarray( info["median"]) medUpper = numpy.asarray(info["median"]) + sizUpper / 2 fig2.rect(x=info["time"], y=medUpper, width_units='screen', width=20, height=sizUpper, fill_color=col, line_color="black") #lower box sizLower = numpy.asarray(info["median"]) - numpy.asarray( info["boxLower"]) medLower = numpy.asarray(info["median"]) - sizLower / 2 fig2.rect(x=info["time"], y=medLower, width_units='screen', width=20, height=sizLower, fill_color=col, line_color="black") #sort data for line x = numpy.asarray(info["time"]) y = numpy.asarray(info["mean"]) order = numpy.argsort(x) x = x[order] y = y[order] fig2.line(x, y, line_color=col) progressNode.set_value(0.8) else: #no fig2 pass output_file( filePath, mode="inline" ) #inline: put the bokeh .js into this html, otherwise the default cdn will be taken, might cause CORS problems if tags: save(layout([[fig], [fig2]])) else: save(fig) return True