def forward(self, feat_mem, clist_cam, summ_writer, suffix=''): total_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda() B, C, Z, Y, X = list(feat_mem.shape) B2, S, D = list(clist_cam.shape) assert (B == B2) assert (D == 3) clist_mem = utils_vox.Ref2Mem(clist_cam, Z, Y, X) # this is (still) B x S x 3 feat_ = feat_mem.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4).reshape(B, C * Y, Z, X) mask_ = 1.0 - (feat_ == 0).all(dim=1, keepdim=True).float().cuda() grid_ = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, Z, X, stack=True, norm=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) halfgrid_ = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, int(Z / 2), int(X / 2), stack=True, norm=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) feat_ =[feat_, grid_], dim=1) energy_map, mask =, mask_, halfgrid_) # energy_map = # energy_map is B x 1 x Z x X # don't do this: # energy_map = energy_map + (1.0-mask) * (torch.min(torch.min(energy_map, dim=2)[0], dim=2)[0]).reshape(B, 1, 1, 1) summ_writer.summ_feat('pri/energy_input', feat_) summ_writer.summ_oned('pri/energy_map', energy_map) summ_writer.summ_oned('pri/mask', mask, norm=False) summ_writer.summ_histogram('pri/energy_map_hist', energy_map) loglike_per_traj = utils_misc.get_traj_loglike( clist_mem * 0.5, energy_map) # 0.5 since it's half res # loglike_per_traj = self.get_traj_loglike(clist_mem*0.25, energy_map) # 0.25 since it's quarter res # this is B x K ce_loss = -1.0 * torch.mean(loglike_per_traj) # this is [] total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('pri/ce_loss', total_loss, ce_loss, hyp.pri2D_ce_coeff, summ_writer) reg_loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(energy_map)) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('pri/reg_loss', total_loss, reg_loss, hyp.pri2D_reg_coeff, summ_writer) # smooth loss dz, dx = utils_basic.gradient2D(energy_map, absolute=True) smooth_vox = torch.mean(dz + dx, dim=1, keepdims=True) summ_writer.summ_oned('pri/smooth_loss', smooth_vox) smooth_loss = torch.mean(smooth_vox) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('pri/smooth_loss', total_loss, smooth_loss, hyp.pri2D_smooth_coeff, summ_writer) return total_loss, energy_map
def crop_and_resize_box2D(im, box2D, Y, X): B, C, H, W = list(im.shape) B2, D = list(box2D.shape) assert (B == B2) assert (D == 4) grid_y, grid_x = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, Y, X, stack=False, norm=True) # now the range is [-1,1] grid_y = (grid_y + 1.0) / 2.0 grid_x = (grid_x + 1.0) / 2.0 # now the range is [0,1] h, w = utils_geom.get_size_from_box2D(box2D) ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = torch.unbind(box2D, dim=1) grid_y = grid_y * h + ymin grid_x = grid_x * w + xmin # now the range is (0,1) grid_y = (grid_y * 2.0) - 1.0 grid_x = (grid_x * 2.0) - 1.0 # now the range is (-1,1) xy = torch.stack([grid_x, grid_y], dim=3) samp = F.grid_sample(im, xy) return samp
def depth2pointcloud(z, pix_T_cam): B, C, H, W = list(z.shape) y, x = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, H, W) z = torch.reshape(z, [B, H, W]) fx, fy, x0, y0 = split_intrinsics(pix_T_cam) xyz = Pixels2Camera(x, y, z, fx, fy, x0, y0) return xyz
def embed(self, discrete_image): B, H, W = list(discrete_image.shape) # utils_py.print_stats('discrete_image', discrete_image.cpu().detach().numpy()) emb = self.embed_dict(discrete_image.view(-1)).view( B, H, W, self.emb_dim) emb = emb.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # (B, self.emb_dim, H, W) if self.use_grid: grid = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, H, W, stack=True, norm=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) emb =[emb, grid], dim=1) return emb
def xy2heatmaps(xy, Y, X, sigma=30.0): # xy is B x N x 2 B, N, D = list(xy.shape) assert(D==2) grid_y, grid_x = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, Y, X) # grid_x and grid_y are B x Y x X grid_xs = grid_x.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, N, 1, 1) grid_ys = grid_y.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, N, 1, 1) heat = xy2heatmap(xy, sigma, grid_xs, grid_ys, norm=True) return heat
def pointcloud2flow(xyz1, pix_T_cam, H, W): # project xyz1 down, so that we get the 2D location of all of these pixels, # then subtract these 2D locations from the original ones to get optical flow B, N, C = list(xyz1.shape) assert(N==H*W) assert(C==3) # we assume xyz1 is the unprojection of the regular grid grid_y0, grid_x0 = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, H, W) xy1 = Camera2Pixels(xyz1, pix_T_cam) x1, y1 = torch.unbind(xy1, dim=2) x1 = x1.reshape(B, H, W) y1 = y1.reshape(B, H, W) flow_x = x1 - grid_x0 flow_y = y1 - grid_y0 flow = torch.stack([flow_x, flow_y], axis=1) # flow is B x 2 x H x W return flow
def forward(self, clist_cam, energy_map, occ_mems, summ_writer): total_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda() B, S, C, Z, Y, X = list(occ_mems.shape) B2, S, D = list(clist_cam.shape) assert (B == B2) traj_past = clist_cam[:, :self.T_past] traj_futu = clist_cam[:, self.T_past:] # just xz traj_past = torch.stack([traj_past[:, :, 0], traj_past[:, :, 2]], dim=2) # xz traj_futu = torch.stack([traj_futu[:, :, 0], traj_futu[:, :, 2]], dim=2) # xz feat = occ_mems[:, 0].permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4).reshape(B, C * Y, Z, X) mask = 1.0 - (feat == 0).all(dim=1, keepdim=True).float().cuda() halfgrid = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B, int(Z / 2), int(X / 2), stack=True, norm=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) feat_map, _ = self.compressor(feat, mask, halfgrid) pred_map = self.conv2d(feat_map) # these are B x C x Z x X K = 12 # number of samples traj_past = traj_past.unsqueeze(0).repeat(K, 1, 1, 1) feat_map = feat_map.unsqueeze(0).repeat(K, 1, 1, 1, 1) pred_map = pred_map.unsqueeze(0).repeat(K, 1, 1, 1, 1) # to sample the K trajectories in parallel, we'll pack K onto the batch dim __p = lambda x: utils_basic.pack_seqdim(x, K) __u = lambda x: utils_basic.unpack_seqdim(x, K) traj_past_ = __p(traj_past) feat_map_ = __p(feat_map) pred_map_ = __p(pred_map) base_sample_ = torch.randn(K * B, self.T_futu, 2).cuda() traj_futu_e_ = self.compute_forward_mapping(feat_map_, pred_map_, base_sample_, traj_past_) traj_futu_e = __u(traj_futu_e_) # this is K x B x T x 2 # print('traj_futu_e', traj_futu_e.shape, traj_futu_e[0,0]) if summ_writer.save_this: o = [] for k in list(range(K)): o.append( utils_improc.preprocess_color( summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ( '', utils_vox.Ref2Mem(self.add_fake_y(traj_futu_e[k]), Z, Y, X), occ_mems[:, 0], already_mem=True, only_return=True))) summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ( 'rponet/traj_futu_sample_%d' % k, utils_vox.Ref2Mem(self.add_fake_y(traj_futu_e[k]), Z, Y, X), occ_mems[:, 0], already_mem=True) mean_vis = torch.max(torch.stack(o, dim=0), dim=0)[0] summ_writer.summ_rgb('rponet/traj_futu_e_mean', mean_vis) summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('rponet/traj_futu_g', utils_vox.Ref2Mem( self.add_fake_y(traj_futu), Z, Y, X), occ_mems[:, 0], already_mem=True) # forward loss: neg logprob of GT samples under the model # reverse loss: neg logprob of estim samples under the (approx) GT (i.e., spatial prior) forward_loss, reverse_loss = self.compute_loss(feat_map[0], pred_map[0], traj_past[0], traj_futu, traj_futu_e, energy_map) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('rpo/forward_loss', total_loss, forward_loss, hyp.rpo2D_forward_coeff, summ_writer) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('rpo/reverse_loss', total_loss, reverse_loss, hyp.rpo2D_reverse_coeff, summ_writer) return total_loss
def forward(self, clist_cam, occs, summ_writer, vox_util, suffix=''): total_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda() B, S, C, Z, Y, X = list(occs.shape) B2, S2, D = list(clist_cam.shape) assert (B == B2, S == S2) assert (D == 3) if summ_writer.save_this: summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('motioncost/actual_traj', clist_cam, occs[:, self.T_past], vox_util, sigma=2) __p = lambda x: utils_basic.pack_seqdim(x, B) __u = lambda x: utils_basic.unpack_seqdim(x, B) # occs_ = occs.reshape(B*S, C, Z, Y, X) occs_ = __p(occs) feats_ = occs_.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4).reshape(B * S, C * Y, Z, X) masks_ = 1.0 - (feats_ == 0).all(dim=1, keepdim=True).float().cuda() halfgrids_ = utils_basic.meshgrid2D(B * S, int(Z / 2), int(X / 2), stack=True, norm=True).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # feats_ =[feats_, grids_], dim=1) feats = __u(feats_) masks = __u(masks_) halfgrids = __u(halfgrids_) input_feats = feats[:, :self.T_past] input_masks = masks[:, :self.T_past] input_halfgrids = halfgrids[:, :self.T_past] dense_feats_, _ = self.densifier(__p(input_feats), __p(input_masks), __p(input_halfgrids)) dense_feats = __u(dense_feats_) super_feat = dense_feats.reshape(B, self.T_past * self.dense_dim, int(Z / 2), int(X / 2)) cost_maps = self.motioncoster(super_feat) cost_maps = F.interpolate(cost_maps, scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear') # this is B x T_futu x Z x X cost_maps = cost_maps.clamp(-1000, 1000) # raquel says this adds stability summ_writer.summ_histogram('motioncost/cost_maps_hist', cost_maps) summ_writer.summ_oneds('motioncost/cost_maps', torch.unbind(cost_maps.unsqueeze(2), dim=1)) # next i need to sample some trajectories N = hyp.motioncost_num_negs sampled_trajs_cam = self.sample_trajs(N, clist_cam) # this is B x N x S x 3 if summ_writer.save_this: # for n in list(range(np.min([N, 3]))): # # this is 1 x S x 3 # summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('motioncost/sample%d_clist' % n, # sampled_trajs_cam[0, n].unsqueeze(0), # occs[:,self.T_past], # # torch.max(occs, dim=1)[0], # # torch.zeros([1, 1, Z, Y, X]).float().cuda(), # already_mem=False) o = [] for n in list(range(N)): o.append( utils_improc.preprocess_color( summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ( '', sampled_trajs_cam[0, n].unsqueeze(0), occs[0:1, self.T_past], vox_util, only_return=True, sigma=0.5))) summ_vis = torch.max(torch.stack(o, dim=0), dim=0)[0] summ_writer.summ_rgb('motioncost/all_sampled_trajs', summ_vis) # smooth loss cost_maps_ = cost_maps.reshape(B * self.T_futu, 1, Z, X) dz, dx = gradient2D(cost_maps_, absolute=True) dt = torch.abs(cost_maps[:, 1:] - cost_maps[:, 0:-1]) smooth_spatial = torch.mean(dx + dz, dim=1, keepdims=True) smooth_time = torch.mean(dt, dim=1, keepdims=True) summ_writer.summ_oned('motioncost/smooth_loss_spatial', smooth_spatial) summ_writer.summ_oned('motioncost/smooth_loss_time', smooth_time) smooth_loss = torch.mean(smooth_spatial) + torch.mean(smooth_time) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/smooth_loss', total_loss, smooth_loss, hyp.motioncost_smooth_coeff, summ_writer) # def clamp_xyz(xyz, X, Y, Z): # x, y, z = torch.unbind(xyz, dim=-1) # x = x.clamp(0, X) # y = x.clamp(0, Y) # z = x.clamp(0, Z) # # if zero_y: # # y = torch.zeros_like(y) # xyz = torch.stack([x,y,z], dim=-1) # return xyz def clamp_xz(xz, X, Z): x, z = torch.unbind(xz, dim=-1) x = x.clamp(0, X) z = x.clamp(0, Z) xz = torch.stack([x, z], dim=-1) return xz clist_mem = utils_vox.Ref2Mem(clist_cam, Z, Y, X) # this is B x S x 3 # sampled_trajs_cam is B x N x S x 3 sampled_trajs_cam_ = sampled_trajs_cam.reshape(B, N * S, 3) sampled_trajs_mem_ = utils_vox.Ref2Mem(sampled_trajs_cam_, Z, Y, X) sampled_trajs_mem = sampled_trajs_mem_.reshape(B, N, S, 3) # this is B x N x S x 3 xyz_pos_ = clist_mem[:, self.T_past:].reshape(B * self.T_futu, 1, 3) xyz_neg_ = sampled_trajs_mem[:, :, self.T_past:].permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape( B * self.T_futu, N, 3) # get rid of y xz_pos_ = torch.stack([xyz_pos_[:, :, 0], xyz_pos_[:, :, 2]], dim=2) xz_neg_ = torch.stack([xyz_neg_[:, :, 0], xyz_neg_[:, :, 2]], dim=2) xz_ =[xz_pos_, xz_neg_], dim=1) xz_ = clamp_xz(xz_, X, Z) cost_maps_ = cost_maps.reshape(B * self.T_futu, 1, Z, X) cost_ = utils_samp.bilinear_sample2D(cost_maps_, xz_[:, :, 0], xz_[:, :, 1]).squeeze(1) # cost is B*T_futu x 1+N cost_pos = cost_[:, 0:1] # B*T_futu x 1 cost_neg = cost_[:, 1:] # B*T_futu x N cost_pos = cost_pos.unsqueeze(2) # B*T_futu x 1 x 1 cost_neg = cost_neg.unsqueeze(1) # B*T_futu x 1 x N utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/mean_cost_pos', 0, torch.mean(cost_pos), 0, summ_writer) utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/mean_cost_neg', 0, torch.mean(cost_neg), 0, summ_writer) utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/mean_margin', 0, torch.mean(cost_neg - cost_pos), 0, summ_writer) xz_pos = xz_pos_.unsqueeze(2) # B*T_futu x 1 x 1 x 3 xz_neg = xz_neg_.unsqueeze(1) # B*T_futu x 1 x N x 3 dist = torch.norm(xz_pos - xz_neg, dim=3) # B*T_futu x 1 x N dist = dist / float( Z) * 5.0 # normalize for resolution, but upweight it a bit margin = F.relu(cost_pos - cost_neg + dist) margin = margin.reshape(B, self.T_futu, N) # mean over time (in the paper this is a sum) margin = torch.mean(margin, dim=1) # max over the negatives maxmargin = torch.max(margin, dim=1)[0] # B maxmargin_loss = torch.mean(maxmargin) total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/maxmargin_loss', total_loss, maxmargin_loss, hyp.motioncost_maxmargin_coeff, summ_writer) # now let's see some top k # we'll do this for the first el of the batch cost_neg = cost_neg.reshape(B, self.T_futu, N)[0].detach().cpu().numpy() futu_mem = sampled_trajs_mem[:, :, self.T_past:].reshape( B, N, self.T_futu, 3)[0:1] cost_neg = np.reshape(cost_neg, [self.T_futu, N]) cost_neg = np.sum(cost_neg, axis=0) inds = np.argsort(cost_neg, axis=0) for n in list(range(2)): xyzlist_e_mem = futu_mem[0:1, inds[n]] xyzlist_e_cam = utils_vox.Mem2Ref(xyzlist_e_mem, Z, Y, X) # this is B x S x 3 if summ_writer.save_this and n == 0: print('xyzlist_e_cam', xyzlist_e_cam[0:1]) print('xyzlist_g_cam', clist_cam[0:1, self.T_past:]) dist = torch.norm(clist_cam[0:1, self.T_past:] - xyzlist_e_cam[0:1], dim=2) # this is B x T_futu meandist = torch.mean(dist) utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/xyz_dist_%d' % n, 0, meandist, 0, summ_writer) if summ_writer.save_this: # plot the best and worst trajs # print('sorted costs:', cost_neg[inds]) for n in list(range(2)): ind = inds[n] print('plotting good traj with cost %.2f' % (cost_neg[ind])) xyzlist_e_mem = sampled_trajs_mem[:, ind] # this is 1 x S x 3 summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('motioncost/best_sampled_traj%d' % n, xyzlist_e_mem[0:1], occs[0:1, self.T_past], vox_util, already_mem=True, sigma=2) for n in list(range(2)): ind = inds[-(n + 1)] print('plotting bad traj with cost %.2f' % (cost_neg[ind])) xyzlist_e_mem = sampled_trajs_mem[:, ind] # this is 1 x S x 3 summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ( 'motioncost/worst_sampled_traj%d' % n, xyzlist_e_mem[0:1], occs[0:1, self.T_past], vox_util, already_mem=True, sigma=2) # xyzlist_e_mem = utils_vox.Ref2Mem(xyzlist_e, Z, Y, X) # xyzlist_g_mem = utils_vox.Ref2Mem(xyzlist_g, Z, Y, X) # summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('motioncost/traj_e', # xyzlist_e_mem, # torch.max(occs, dim=1)[0], # already_mem=True, # sigma=2) # summ_writer.summ_traj_on_occ('motioncost/traj_g', # xyzlist_g_mem, # torch.max(occs, dim=1)[0], # already_mem=True, # sigma=2) # scorelist_here = scorelist[:,self.num_given:,0] # sql2 = torch.sum((vel_g-vel_e)**2, dim=2) # ## yes weightmask # weightmask = torch.arange(0, self.num_need, dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cuda')) # weightmask = torch.exp(-weightmask**(1./4)) # # 1.0000, 0.3679, 0.3045, 0.2682, 0.2431, 0.2242, 0.2091, 0.1966, 0.1860, # # 0.1769, 0.1689, 0.1618, 0.1555, 0.1497, 0.1445, 0.1397, 0.1353 # weightmask = weightmask.reshape(1, self.num_need) # l2_loss = utils_basic.reduce_masked_mean(sql2, scorelist_here * weightmask) # utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/l2_loss', 0, l2_loss, 0, summ_writer) # # # no weightmask: # # l2_loss = utils_basic.reduce_masked_mean(sql2, scorelist_here) # # total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/l2_loss', total_loss, l2_loss, hyp.motioncost_l2_coeff, summ_writer) # dist = torch.norm(xyzlist_e - xyzlist_g, dim=2) # meandist = utils_basic.reduce_masked_mean(dist, scorelist[:,:,0]) # utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/xyz_dist_0', 0, meandist, 0, summ_writer) # l2_loss_noexp = utils_basic.reduce_masked_mean(sql2, scorelist_here) # # utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/vel_dist_noexp', 0, l2_loss, 0, summ_writer) # total_loss = utils_misc.add_loss('motioncost/l2_loss_noexp', total_loss, l2_loss_noexp, hyp.motioncost_l2_coeff, summ_writer) return total_loss