def export_all_observations(module_code, type, method,jd): """ Export all the observations made on a site group. Following formats are available: * csv * geojson * shapefile """ view = GenericTableGeo( tableName="v_export_" + module_code.lower()+"_"+method, schemaName="gn_monitoring", engine=DB.engine ) columns = view.tableDef.columns q = DB.session.query(*columns) #data = q.all() #---------------------------- data = DB.session.query(*columns).filter(columns.id_dataset == jd).all() #------------------------------------- filename = module_code+"_"+method+"_""%Y_%m_%d_%Hh%Mm%S") if type == 'csv': return to_csv_resp( filename, data=serializeQuery(data, q.column_descriptions), separator=";", columns=[db_col.key for db_col in columns if db_col.key != 'geom'], # Exclude the geom column from CSV ) else: raise NotFound("type export not found")
def export_taxon_web(info_role): """Optimized route for taxon web export. .. :quickref: Synthese; This view is customisable by the administrator Some columns are mandatory: cd_ref POST parameters: Use a list of cd_ref (in POST parameters) to filter the v_synthese_taxon_for_export_view :query str export_format: str<'csv'> """ taxon_view = GenericTable( tableName="v_synthese_taxon_for_export_view", schemaName="gn_synthese", engine=DB.engine ) columns = taxon_view.tableDef.columns # Test de conformité de la vue v_synthese_for_export_view try: assert hasattr(taxon_view.tableDef.columns, "cd_ref") except AssertionError as e: return {"msg": """ View v_synthese_taxon_for_export_view must have a cd_ref column \n trace: {} """.format(str(e)) }, 500 id_list = request.get_json() # check R and E CRUVED to know if we filter with cruved cruved = cruved_scope_for_user_in_module( info_role.id_role, module_code="SYNTHESE" )[0] subq = DB.session.query( VSyntheseForWebApp.cd_ref, func.count(distinct( VSyntheseForWebApp.id_synthese )).label("nb_obs"), func.min(VSyntheseForWebApp.date_min).label("date_min"), func.max(VSyntheseForWebApp.date_max).label("date_max") ).filter( VSyntheseForWebApp.id_synthese.in_(id_list) ).group_by(VSyntheseForWebApp.cd_ref) if cruved["R"] > cruved["E"]: # filter on cruved specifying the column # id_dataset, id_synthese, id_digitiser # and observer in the v_synthese_for_export_view subq = synthese_query.filter_query_with_cruved( VSyntheseForWebApp, subq, info_role, id_synthese_column="id_synthese", id_dataset_column="id_dataset", observers_column="observers", id_digitiser_column="id_digitiser", with_generic_table=False, ) subq = subq.subquery() q = DB.session.query( *columns, subq.c.nb_obs, subq.c.date_min, subq.c.date_max ).join( subq, subq.c.cd_ref == columns.cd_ref ) return to_csv_resp("%Y_%m_%d_%Hh%Mm%S"), data=serializeQuery(q.all(), q.column_descriptions), separator=";", columns=[db_col.key for db_col in columns] + ["nb_obs", "date_min", "date_max"] )