def build_params(_options):
    """Function that builds the query string for Motu according to the given options"""
    temporal = ''
    geographic = ''
    vertical = ''
    other_opt = ''

    Build the main url to connect to
    query_options = utils_collection.ListMultimap()
    query_options.insert( action  = 'productdownload',
                          mode    = 'console',
                          service = _options.service_id,
                          product = _options.product_id 

    if _options.extraction_geographic:
        query_options.insert( x_lo = _options.longitude_min,
                              x_hi = _options.longitude_max,
                              y_lo = _options.latitude_min,
                              y_hi = _options.latitude_max
    if _options.extraction_vertical:
        query_options.insert( z_lo = _options.depth_min,
                              z_hi = _options.depth_max
    if _options.extraction_temporal:
        # date are strings, and they are send to Motu "as is". If not, we convert them into string
        if _options.date_min is not None or _options.date_min != None:            
            date_min = _options.date_min
            if not isinstance(date_min, basestring):
               date_min = date_min.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)
            query_options.insert( t_lo = date_min )
        if _options.date_max is not None or _options.date_max != None:            
            date_max = _options.date_max
            if not isinstance(date_max, basestring):
               date_max = date_max.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)
            query_options.insert( t_hi = date_max )

    variable = _options.variable
    if variable is not None:
        for i, opt in enumerate(variable):
            query_options.insert( variable = opt )
    return utils_http.encode(query_options)
def build_params(_options):
    """Function that builds the query string for Motu according to the given options"""
    temporal = ''
    geographic = ''
    vertical = ''
    other_opt = ''

    Build the main url to connect to
    query_options = utils_collection.ListMultimap()
    query_options.insert( action  = 'productdownload',
                          mode    = 'console',
                          service = _options.service_id,
                          product = _options.product_id 

    if _options.extraction_geographic:
        query_options.insert( x_lo = _options.longitude_min,
                              x_hi = _options.longitude_max,
                              y_lo = _options.latitude_min,
                              y_hi = _options.latitude_max
    if _options.extraction_vertical:
        query_options.insert( z_lo = _options.depth_min,
                              z_hi = _options.depth_max
    if _options.extraction_temporal:
        # date are strings, and they are send to Motu "as is". If not, we convert them into string
        if _options.date_min is not None or _options.date_min != None:            
            date_min = _options.date_min
            if not isinstance(date_min, basestring):
               date_min = date_min.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)
            query_options.insert( t_lo = date_min )
        if _options.date_max is not None or _options.date_max != None:            
            date_max = _options.date_max
            if not isinstance(date_max, basestring):
               date_max = date_max.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)
            query_options.insert( t_hi = date_max )

    variable = _options.variable
    if variable is not None:
        for i, opt in enumerate(variable):
            query_options.insert( variable = opt )
    return utils_http.encode(query_options)
def build_params(_options):
    """Function that builds the query string for Motu according to the given options"""
    temporal = ''
    geographic = ''
    vertical = ''
    other_opt = ''
    Build the main url to connect to
    query_options = utils_collection.ListMultimap()

    # describeProduct in XML format (sync) / productDownload (sync/async)
    if _options.describe:
        _options.sync = True'Synchronous mode set')
        # synchronous/asynchronous mode
        if _options.sync:
  'Synchronous mode set')
  'Asynchronous mode set')

# geographical parameters
    if _options.extraction_geographic:

    if _options.extraction_vertical:
        query_options.insert(z_lo=_options.depth_min, z_hi=_options.depth_max)

    if _options.extraction_temporal:
        # date are strings, and they are send to Motu "as is". If not, we convert them into string
        if _options.date_min is not None or _options.date_min != None:
            date_min = _options.date_min
            if not isinstance(date_min, basestring):
                date_min = date_min.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)

        if _options.date_max is not None or _options.date_max != None:
            date_max = _options.date_max
            if not isinstance(date_max, basestring):
                date_max = date_max.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)

    variable = _options.variable
    if variable is not None:
        for i, opt in enumerate(variable):

    return utils_http.encode(query_options)
Exemple #4
def authenticate_CAS_for_URL(url, user, pwd, **url_config):
    """Performs a CAS authentication for the given URL service and returns
    the service url with the obtained credential.
    The following algorithm is done:
    1) A connection is opened on the given URL
    2) We check that the response is an HTTP redirection
    3) Redirected URL contains the CAS address
    4) We ask for a ticket for the given user and password
    5) We ask for a service ticket for the given service
    6) Then we return a new url with the ticket attached
    url: the url of the service to invoke
    user: the username
    pwd: the password"""

    log = logging.getLogger("utils_cas:authenticate_CAS_for_URL")

    server, sep, options = url.partition('?')'Authenticating user %s for service %s' % (user, server))

    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url, **url_config)

    # connexion response code must be a redirection, else, there's an error (user can't be already connected since no cookie or ticket was sent)
    if connexion.url == url:
        raise Exception(
            ['motu-client.exception.authentication.not-redirected'] % server)

    # find the cas url from the redirected url
    redirected_url = connexion.url
    p = parse_qs(urlparse(connexion.url).query, keep_blank_values=False)
    redirectServiceUrl = p['service'][0]

    m =, redirected_url)

    if m is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.authentication.unfound-url'] %

    url_cas = + '/v1/tickets'

    opts = utils_http.encode(

    utils_log.log_url(log, "login user into CAS:\t", url_cas + '?' + opts)
    url_config['data'] = opts
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url_cas, **url_config)

    fp = utils_html.FounderParser()
    for line in connexion:
        log.log(utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'utils_html.FounderParser() line: %s',

    tgt = fp.action_[fp.action_.rfind('/') + 1:]
    log.log(utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'TGT: %s', tgt)

    # WARNING : don't use 'fp.action_' as url : it seems protocol is always http never https
    # use 'url_cas', extract TGT from 'fp.action_' , then construct url_ticket.
    # url_ticket = fp.action_
    url_ticket = url_cas + '/' + tgt

    if url_ticket is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()

    utils_log.log_url(log, "found url ticket:\t", url_ticket)

    opts = utils_http.encode(

    utils_log.log_url(log, 'Granting user for service\t',
                      url_ticket + '?' + opts)
    url_config['data'] = opts
    ticket = utils_http.open_url(url_ticket, **url_config).readline()

    utils_log.log_url(log, "found service ticket:\t", ticket)

    # we append the download url with the ticket and return the result
    service_url = redirectServiceUrl + '&ticket=' + ticket

    utils_log.log_url(log, "service url is:\t", service_url)

    return service_url
def authenticate_CAS_for_URL(url, user, pwd, **url_config):
    """Performs a CAS authentication for the given URL service and returns
    the service url with the obtained credential.
    The following algorithm is done:
    1) A connection is opened on the given URL
    2) We check that the response is an HTTP redirection
    3) Redirected URL contains the CAS address
    4) We ask for a ticket for the given user and password
    5) We ask for a service ticket for the given service
    6) Then we return a new url with the ticket attached
    url: the url of the service to invoke
    user: the username
    pwd: the password"""
    log = logging.getLogger("utils_cas:authenticate_CAS_for_URL")
    server, sep, options = url.partition( '?' ) 'Authenticating user %s for service %s' % (user,server) )      
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url,**url_config)

    # connexion response code must be a redirection, else, there's an error (user can't be already connected since no cookie or ticket was sent)
    if connexion.url == url:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.not-redirected'] % server )
    # find the cas url from the redirected url
    redirected_url = connexion.url
    m =, redirected_url)
    if m is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.unfound-url'] % redirected_url)
    url_cas = + '/v1/tickets'

    opts = utils_http.encode(utils_collection.ListMultimap(username = user, password = pwd))

    utils_log.log_url( log, "login user into CAS:\t", url_cas+'?'+opts )
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url_cas, **url_config)

    fp = utils_html.FounderParser()
    for line in connexion:
        log.log( utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'utils_html.FounderParser() line: %s', line )
    tgt = fp.action_[fp.action_.rfind('/') + 1:]
    log.log( utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'TGT: %s', tgt )

    # WARNING : don't use 'fp.action_' as url : it seems protocol is always http never https 
    # use 'url_cas', extract TGT from 'fp.action_' , then construct url_ticket.
    # url_ticket = fp.action_
    url_ticket = url_cas + '/' + tgt

    if url_ticket is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.tgt'])
    utils_log.log_url( log, "found url ticket:\t",url_ticket)

    opts = utils_http.encode(utils_collection.ListMultimap(service = urllib.quote_plus(url)))
    utils_log.log_url( log, 'Granting user for service\t', url_ticket +'?'+opts )    
    ticket = utils_http.open_url(url_ticket, **url_config).readline() 
    utils_log.log_url( log, "found service ticket:\t", ticket)
    # we append the download url with the ticket and return the result
    service_url = url + '&ticket=' + ticket
    utils_log.log_url( log, "service url is:\t",service_url)
    return service_url