def putLQD(fle,head,vrs,date0,time,xyz):

   # ~~ Write head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   core = head
   from datetime import datetime
   core.append( "#Date&Time: "+datetime(*date0).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") )
   names = 'T'; units = 's'
   if xyz.ndim == 2:
      for name,unit in vrs:
         names += ' ' + name.strip().replace(' ','_')
         units += ' ' + unit.strip().replace(' ','_')
   elif xyz.ndim == 3:
      for ivar in range(len(vrs[0])):
         for inod in vrs[1]:
            names += ' ' + vrs[0][ivar][0].strip().replace(' ','_') + '(' + str(inod) + ')'
            units += ' ' + vrs[0][ivar][1].strip().replace(' ','_')
   if xyz.ndim == 2:
      for itim in range(xyz.shape[1]):
         line = str(time[itim])
         for ivar in range(xyz.shape[0]): line += ' ' + str(xyz[ivar][itim])
   elif xyz.ndim == 3:
      for itim in range(xyz.shape[2]):
         line = str(time[itim])
         for ivar in range(xyz.shape[0]):
            for inod in range(xyz.shape[1]): line += ' ' + str(xyz[ivar][inod][itim])

   # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   def putContent(self,fileName,head=[]):

      # ~~> file extension processing
      _,tail = path.splitext(fileName)
      if tail[1:] != self.fileType:
         if head != []:
            head = ['\n'.join(head).replace(':FileType '+self.fileType,':FileType '+tail[1:])]
         self.fileType = tail[1:]

      # ~~> write head
      if head != []: core = head
      else: core = [':FileType '+self.fileType+' ASCII EnSim 1.0',
         ':Application BlueKenue', ':Version 3.2.24',
         ':WrittenBy sebourban', ':CreationDate Thu, Dec 08, 2011 02:47 PM',
         ':Name ' + path.basename(fileName),
         #':AttributeName 1 level',
         #':AttributeType 1 float',
         #':AttributeUnits 1 m',
         ':EndHeader' ]

      # ~~> look for closed lines
      if self.type == []:
         for ip in self.poly:
            if isClose(ip[0][:2],ip[len(ip)-1][:2]): self.type.append(1)
            else: self.type.append(0)

      # ~~> fill-up empty attributes
      if self.atrbut == {}:
         self.atrbut = {1:['ArbitraryName1']}
         for _ in self.poly: self.atrbut[1].append(0)
         self.oatrbut = [1]

      # ~~> fill-up attribute names
      if head == []:
         for i,o in zip(range(len(self.oatrbut)),self.oatrbut): core.insert(-1,':AttributeName '+repr(i+1)+' '+repr(o))

      # ~~ Write body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      for i,ip,iv,it in zip(range(len(self.poly)),self.poly,self.vals,self.type):
         il = len(ip)
         if il != 0 and not isClose(ip[0],ip[len(ip)-1]): il += it
         line = repr(il)
         for o in self.oatrbut: line  = line + ' ' + str(self.atrbut[o][i])
         if self.fileType == 'i2s':
            for xyi in ip: core.append(repr(xyi[0])+' '+repr(xyi[1]))
            if il != len(ip): core.append(repr(ip[0][0])+' '+repr(ip[0][1]))
         elif self.fileType == 'i3s':
            if np.shape(iv)[1] == 0:
               for xyi in ip: core.append(repr(xyi[0])+' '+repr(xyi[1])+' 0.0')
               if il != len(ip): core.append(repr(ip[0][0])+' '+repr(ip[0][1])+' 0.0')
               for xyi,val in zip(ip,iv): core.append(repr(xyi[0])+' '+repr(xyi[1])+' '+' '.join([ repr(v) for v in val ]))
               if il != len(ip): core.append(repr(ip[0][0])+' '+repr(ip[0][1])+' '+' '.join([ repr(v) for v in iv[0] ]))

      # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Exemple #3
def putLQD(fle, head, vrs, date0, time, xyz):

    # ~~ Write head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    core = head
    from datetime import datetime

    core.append("#Date&Time: " +
                datetime(*date0).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))

    names = "T"
    units = "s"
    if xyz.ndim == 2:
        for name, unit in vrs:
            names += " " + name.strip().replace(" ", "_")
            units += " " + unit.strip().replace(" ", "_")
        core.append(names + "\n" + units)
    elif xyz.ndim == 3:
        for ivar in range(len(vrs[0])):
            for inod in vrs[1]:
                names += " " + vrs[0][ivar][0].strip().replace(
                    " ", "_") + "(" + str(inod) + ")"
                units += " " + vrs[0][ivar][1].strip().replace(" ", "_")
        core.append(names + "\n" + units)
    if xyz.ndim == 2:
        for itim in range(xyz.shape[1]):
            line = str(time[itim])
            for ivar in range(xyz.shape[0]):
                line += " " + str(xyz[ivar][itim])
    elif xyz.ndim == 3:
        for itim in range(xyz.shape[2]):
            line = str(time[itim])
            for ivar in range(xyz.shape[0]):
                for inod in range(xyz.shape[1]):
                    line += " " + str(xyz[ivar][inod][itim])

    # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    putFileContent(fle, core)

   def putContent(self,fileName):

      # standard part of the CONLIM
      core = []
      for ifr in range(self.NPTFR):
         if self.INDEX[ifr] != 0:
            c = ( ' '.join(['{0[' + repr(i) + ']}' for i in range(len(self.BOR[ifr]))]) ).format(self.BOR[ifr])
            if self.NPTIR != {} and self.IFAPAR != {}:
               c += ' '+repr(self.POR[ifr][0])
               c += ' '+repr(float(self.POR[ifr][1]))
               c += ' '+repr(float(self.POR[ifr][2]))
               c += ' '+repr(self.POR[ifr][3])
            core.append( c )

      if self.NPTIR != {} and self.IFAPAR != {}:
      # parrallel part 1 of the CONLIM -- format with i7 /!\
         ntr = self.NPTIR.keys()
         for itr in ntr:
            c = self.NPTIR[itr]
            s = repr(itr+1).rjust(7) + ' ' + \
               repr(c[0]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[1]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[2]).rjust(7) + ' ' + \
               repr(c[3]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[4]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[5]).rjust(7) + ' ' + \
               repr(c[6]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[7]).rjust(7) + ' ' + repr(c[8]).rjust(7)
            core.append( s )
      # parrallel part 2 of the CONLIM -- format with i9 /!\
         ntr = self.IFAPAR.keys()
         for itr in ntr:
            c = self.IFAPAR[itr]
            s = repr(itr+1).rjust(9) + ' ' + \
               repr(c[1]).rjust(9) + ' ' + repr(c[3]).rjust(9) + ' ' + repr(c[5]).rjust(9) + ' ' + \
               repr(c[0]+1).rjust(9) + ' ' + repr(c[2]+1).rjust(9) + ' ' + repr(c[4]+1).rjust(9)
            core.append( s )

def putXYn(file,head,fileType,xyz):

   # ~~ Write head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   core = head
   #if head != []: core = head
   #<else: core = [':FileType '+fileType+' ASCII EnSim 1.0',
   #   ':Application BlueKenue', ':Version 3.2.24',
   #   ':WrittenBy sebourban', ':CreationDate Thu, Dec 08, 2011 02:47 PM',
   #   ':Name ' + path.basename(file),
   #   ':AttributeUnits 1 m',
   #   ':EndHeader' ]

   # ~~ Write body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   if fileType == 'xy':
      for _ in xyz: core.append(str(xyz[0])+' '+str(xyz[1]))
   elif fileType == 'xyz':
      for _ in xyz: core.append(str(xyz[0])+' '+str(xyz[1])+' '+str(xyz[2]))

   # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Exemple #6
def putXYn(file, head, fileType, xyz):

    # ~~ Write head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    core = head
    #if head != []: core = head
    #<else: core = [':FileType '+fileType+' ASCII EnSim 1.0',
    #   ':Application BlueKenue', ':Version 3.2.24',
    #   ':WrittenBy sebourban', ':CreationDate Thu, Dec 08, 2011 02:47 PM',
    #   ':Name ' + path.basename(file),
    #   ':AttributeUnits 1 m',
    #   ':EndHeader' ]

    # ~~ Write body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if fileType == 'xy':
        for _ in xyz:
            core.append(str(xyz[0]) + ' ' + str(xyz[1]))
    elif fileType == 'xyz':
        for _ in xyz:
            core.append(str(xyz[0]) + ' ' + str(xyz[1]) + ' ' + str(xyz[2]))

    # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    putFileContent(file, core)

Exemple #7
def translateCAS(cas, frgb):
    casLines = getFileContent(cas)

    core = []
    for i in range(len(casLines)):
        # ~~> scan through to remove all comments
        casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""', "'''").replace('"', "'")
        proc = re.match(key_comment, casLines[i] + '/')
        head ='before').strip()
    casStream = ' '.join(core)

    frLines = []
    gbLines = []
    for i in range(len(casLines)):

        # ~~> split comments
        casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""', "'''").replace('"', "'")
        proc = re.match(key_comment, casLines[i] + '/')
        head ='before').strip()
        tail ='after').rstrip('/').strip()  # /!\ is not translated
        # ~~ special keys starting with '&'
        p = re.match(key_none, head + ' ')
        if p:
            head = ''
            tail = casLines[i].strip()
        frline = head
        gbline = head

        if head != '' and casStream == '':
            raise Exception([{
                'could not translate this cas file after the line:\n' + head
        # ~~> this is a must for multiple keywords on one line
        while casStream != '':
            proc = re.match(key_equals, casStream)
            if not proc:
                raise Exception([{
                    '... hmmm, did not see this one coming ...\n   around there :'
                    + casStream[:100]
            kw ='key').strip()
            if kw not in head: break  # move on to next line

            # ~~> translate the keyword
            head = head.replace(kw, '', 1)
            if kw.upper() in frgb['GB']:
                frline = frline.replace(kw, frgb['GB'][kw], 1)
            if kw.upper() in frgb['FR']:
                gbline = gbline.replace(kw, frgb['FR'][kw], 1)

            # ~~> look for less obvious keywords
            casStream ='after')  # still hold the separator
            proc = re.match(val_equals, casStream)
            if not proc:
                raise Exception([{
                    'name': 'translateCAS',
                    'msg': 'no value to keyword: ' + kw
            while proc:
                casStream ='after')  # still hold the separator
                proc = re.match(val_equals, casStream)

        # final append
        if frline != '': frline = ' ' + frline
        frLines.append(frline + tail)
        if gbline != '': gbline = ' ' + gbline
        gbLines.append(gbline + tail)

    # ~~ print FR and GB versions of the CAS file
    putFileContent(cas + '.fr', frLines)
    putFileContent(cas + '.gb', gbLines)

    return cas + '.fr', cas + '.gb'
Exemple #8
def translateCAS(cas, frgb):
    casLines = getFileContent(cas)

    core = []
    for i in range(len(casLines)):
        # ~~> scan through to remove all comments
        casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""', "'''").replace('"', "'")
        proc = re.match(key_comment, casLines[i] + "/")
        head ="before").strip()
    casStream = " ".join(core)

    frLines = []
    gbLines = []
    for i in range(len(casLines)):

        # ~~> split comments
        casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""', "'''").replace('"', "'")
        proc = re.match(key_comment, casLines[i] + "/")
        head ="before").strip()
        tail ="after").rstrip("/").strip()  # /!\ is not translated
        # ~~ special keys starting with '&'
        p = re.match(key_none, head + " ")
        if p:
            head = ""
            tail = casLines[i].strip()
        frline = head
        gbline = head

        if head != "" and casStream == "":
            raise Exception(
                [{"name": "translateCAS", "msg": "could not translate this cas file after the line:\n" + head}]
        # ~~> this is a must for multiple keywords on one line
        while casStream != "":
            proc = re.match(key_equals, casStream)
            if not proc:
                raise Exception(
                            "name": "scanCAS",
                            "msg": "... hmmm, did not see this one coming ...\n   around there :" + casStream[:100],
            kw ="key").strip()
            if kw not in head:
                break  # move on to next line

            # ~~> translate the keyword
            head = head.replace(kw, "", 1)
            if kw.upper() in frgb["GB"]:
                frline = frline.replace(kw, frgb["GB"][kw], 1)
            if kw.upper() in frgb["FR"]:
                gbline = gbline.replace(kw, frgb["FR"][kw], 1)

            # ~~> look for less obvious keywords
            casStream ="after")  # still hold the separator
            proc = re.match(val_equals, casStream)
            if not proc:
                raise Exception([{"name": "translateCAS", "msg": "no value to keyword: " + kw}])
            while proc:
                casStream ="after")  # still hold the separator
                proc = re.match(val_equals, casStream)

        # final append
        if frline != "":
            frline = " " + frline
        frLines.append(frline + tail)
        if gbline != "":
            gbline = " " + gbline
        gbLines.append(gbline + tail)

    # ~~ print FR and GB versions of the CAS file
    putFileContent(cas + ".fr", frLines)
    putFileContent(cas + ".gb", gbLines)

    return cas + ".fr", cas + ".gb"
Exemple #9
    def putContent(self, fileName, head=[]):

        # ~~> file extension processing
        _, tail = path.splitext(fileName)
        if tail[1:] != self.fileType:
            if head != []:
                head = [
                    '\n'.join(head).replace(':FileType ' + self.fileType,
                                            ':FileType ' + tail[1:])
            self.fileType = tail[1:]

        # ~~> write head
        if head != []: core = head
            core = [
                ':FileType ' + self.fileType + ' ASCII EnSim 1.0',
                ':Application BlueKenue',
                ':Version 3.2.24',
                ':WrittenBy sebourban',
                ':CreationDate Thu, Dec 08, 2011 02:47 PM',
                ':Name ' + path.basename(fileName),
                #':AttributeName 1 level',
                #':AttributeType 1 float',
                #':AttributeUnits 1 m',

        # ~~> look for closed lines
        if self.type == []:
            for ip in self.poly:
                if isClose(ip[0][:2], ip[len(ip) - 1][:2]): self.type.append(1)
                else: self.type.append(0)

        # ~~> fill-up empty attributes
        if self.atrbut == {}:
            self.atrbut = {1: ['ArbitraryName1']}
            for _ in self.poly:
            self.oatrbut = [1]

        # ~~> fill-up attribute names
        if head == []:
            for i, o in zip(range(len(self.oatrbut)), self.oatrbut):
                            ':AttributeName ' + repr(i + 1) + ' ' + repr(o))

        # ~~ Write body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        for i, ip, iv, it in zip(range(len(self.poly)), self.poly, self.vals,
            il = len(ip)
            if il != 0 and not isClose(ip[0], ip[len(ip) - 1]): il += it
            line = repr(il)
            for o in self.oatrbut:
                line = line + ' ' + str(self.atrbut[o][i])
            if self.fileType == 'i2s':
                for xyi in ip:
                    core.append(repr(xyi[0]) + ' ' + repr(xyi[1]))
                if il != len(ip):
                    core.append(repr(ip[0][0]) + ' ' + repr(ip[0][1]))
            elif self.fileType == 'i3s':
                if np.shape(iv)[1] == 0:
                    for xyi in ip:
                        core.append(repr(xyi[0]) + ' ' + repr(xyi[1]) + ' 0.0')
                    if il != len(ip):
                            repr(ip[0][0]) + ' ' + repr(ip[0][1]) + ' 0.0')
                    for xyi, val in zip(ip, iv):
                            repr(xyi[0]) + ' ' + repr(xyi[1]) + ' ' +
                            ' '.join([repr(v) for v in val]))
                    if il != len(ip):
                            repr(ip[0][0]) + ' ' + repr(ip[0][1]) + ' ' +
                            ' '.join([repr(v) for v in iv[0]]))

        # ~~ Put all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        putFileContent(fileName, core)
def translateCAS(cas,frgb):
   casLines = getFileContent(cas)

   core = []
   for i in range(len(casLines)):
      # ~~> scan through to remove all comments
      casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""',"'''").replace('"',"'")
      proc = re.match(key_comment,casLines[i]+'/')
      head ='before').strip()
   casStream = ' '.join(core)

   frLines = []; gbLines = []
   for i in range(len(casLines)):

      # ~~> split comments
      casLines[i] = casLines[i].replace('"""',"'''").replace('"',"'")
      proc = re.match(key_comment,casLines[i]+'/')
      head ='before').strip()
      tail ='after').rstrip('/').strip()  # /!\ is not translated
      # ~~ special keys starting with '&'
      p = re.match(key_none,head+' ')
      if p:
         head = ''
         tail = casLines[i].strip()
      frline = head
      gbline = head

      if head != '' and casStream == '':
         raise Exception([{'name':'translateCAS','msg':'could not translate this cas file after the line:\n'+head}])
      # ~~> this is a must for multiple keywords on one line
      while casStream != '':
         proc = re.match(key_equals,casStream)
         if not proc:
            raise Exception([{'name':'scanCAS','msg':'... hmmm, did not see this one coming ...\n   around there :'+casStream[:100]}])
         kw ='key').strip()
         if kw not in head: break  # move on to next line

         # ~~> translate the keyword
         head = head.replace(kw,'',1)
         if kw.upper() in frgb['GB']: frline = frline.replace(kw,frgb['GB'][kw],1)
         if kw.upper() in frgb['FR']: gbline = gbline.replace(kw,frgb['FR'][kw],1)

         # ~~> look for less obvious keywords
         casStream ='after')   # still hold the separator
         proc = re.match(val_equals,casStream)
         if not proc:
            raise Exception([{'name':'translateCAS','msg':'no value to keyword: '+kw}])
         while proc:
            casStream ='after')   # still hold the separator
            proc = re.match(val_equals,casStream)

      # final append
      if frline != '': frline = ' ' + frline
      frLines.append(frline + tail)
      if gbline != '': gbline = ' ' + gbline
      gbLines.append(gbline + tail)

   # ~~ print FR and GB versions of the CAS file

   return cas+'.fr',cas+'.gb'