def _process_input(multidict): kwargs2 = {} for (arg, value) in multidict.iterlists(): if len(value) > 1: raise WebException('Cannot specify a parameter more than once: %r' % (arg, )) value = str(value[0]) if ',' in value and '[' not in value and ']' not in value: value = '[%s]' % (value, ) if value in ['True', 'False']: value = value.lower() try: converted = ut.from_json(value) except Exception: # try making string and try again... value = '"%s"' % (value, ) converted = ut.from_json(value) if arg.endswith('_list') and not isinstance(converted, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(converted, str) and ',' in converted: converted = converted.strip().split(',') else: converted = [converted] # Allow JSON formatted strings to be placed into note fields if ((arg.endswith('note_list') or arg.endswith('notes_list')) and isinstance(converted, (list, tuple))): type_ = type(converted) temp_list = [] for _ in converted: if isinstance(_, dict): temp_list.append('%s' % (_, )) else: temp_list.append(_) converted = type_(temp_list) kwargs2[arg] = converted return kwargs2
def _process_input(multidict=None): if multidict is None: return {} if isinstance(multidict, dict): from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict multidict = ImmutableMultiDict([item for item in multidict.items()]) kwargs2 = {} for (arg, value) in multidict.lists(): if len(value) > 1: raise WebException('Cannot specify a parameter more than once: %r' % (arg,)) # value = str(value[0]) value = value[0] if ( ',' in value and '[' not in value and ']' not in value and '{' not in value and '}' not in value ): value = '[%s]' % (value,) if value in ['True', 'False']: value = value.lower() try: converted = ut.from_json(value) except Exception: # try making string and try again... try: value_ = '"%s"' % (value,) converted = ut.from_json(value_) except Exception as ex:'FAILED TO JSON CONVERT: %s' % (ex,)) converted = value if arg.endswith('_list') and not isinstance(converted, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(converted, str) and ',' in converted: converted = converted.strip().split(',') else: converted = [converted] # Allow JSON formatted strings to be placed into note fields if (arg.endswith('note_list') or arg.endswith('notes_list')) and isinstance( converted, (list, tuple) ): type_ = type(converted) temp_list = [] for _ in converted: if isinstance(_, dict): temp_list.append('%s' % (_,)) else: temp_list.append(_) converted = type_(temp_list) kwargs2[arg] = converted return kwargs2
def send_ibeis_request(suffix, type_='post', **kwargs): """ Posts a request to a url suffix """ import requests import utool as ut payload = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.to_json, kwargs) if type_ == 'post': resp = + suffix, data=payload) content = ut.from_json(resp._content) elif type_ == 'get': resp = requests.get(baseurl + suffix, data=payload) content = ut.from_json(resp.content) response = content['response'] return response
def get_flukebook_image_uuids(ibs): from datetime import datetime import uuid import pytz PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') url = '' now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-00-00') filename = 'flukebook.image.admid.%s.json' % (timestamp, ) filepath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='wbia', fname=filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_content = file_json = ut.from_json(file_content)'Loaded %d Image ACM string UUIDs from Flukebook' % (len(file_json), )) uuid_list = [] for uuid_str in file_json: try: uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_str) uuid_list.append(uuid_) except ValueError: continue'Validated %d Image UUIDs from Flukebook' % (len(uuid_list), )) flukebook_image_uuid_list = list(set(uuid_list))'Validated %d de-duplicated Image UUIDs from Flukebook' % (len(uuid_list), )) return flukebook_image_uuid_list
def send_wbia_request(suffix, type_='post', json=True, **kwargs): """ Posts a request to a url suffix """ import requests import utool as ut if not suffix.endswith('/'): raise Exception('YOU PROBABLY WANT A / AT THE END OF YOUR URL') payload = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.to_json, kwargs) if type_ == 'post': resp = + suffix, data=payload) content = resp._content elif type_ == 'get': resp = requests.get(baseurl + suffix, data=payload) content = resp.content if json: try: content = ut.from_json(content) except ValueError: raise Exception('Expected JSON string but got content=%r' % (content, )) else: #'content = %r' % (content,)) if content['status']['code'] != 200:['status']['message']) raise Exception(content['status']['message']) content = content['response'] return content
def translated_call(**kwargs): #debug = {'kwargs': kwargs} try: # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except Exception: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) args = () print('Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) result = func(**kwargs) except Exception as ex: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 400 message = ( 'Route error, Python Exception thrown: %r' % (str(ex), )) jQuery_callback = None result = translate_ibeis_webreturn(rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) return result
def send_ibeis_request(suffix, type_='post', **kwargs): """ Posts a request to a url suffix """ import requests import utool as ut if not suffix.endswith('/'): raise Exception('YOU PROBABLY WANT A / AT THE END OF YOUR URL') payload = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.to_json, kwargs) if type_ == 'post': resp = + suffix, data=payload) json_content = resp._content elif type_ == 'get': resp = requests.get(baseurl + suffix, data=payload) json_content = resp.content try: content = ut.from_json(json_content) except ValueError: raise Exception('Expected JSON string but got json_content=%r' % (json_content,)) else: # print('content = %r' % (content,)) if content['status']['code'] != 200: print(content['status']['message']) raise Exception(content['status']['message']) request_response = content['response'] return request_response
def api_remote_wbia(remote_wbia_url, remote_api_func, remote_wbia_port=5001, **kwargs): import requests if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED and GLOBAL_APP is None: raise ValueError('Flask has not been initialized') api_name = remote_api_func.__name__ route_list = list(GLOBAL_APP.url_map.iter_rules(api_name)) assert len(route_list) == 1, 'More than one route resolved' route = route_list[0] api_route = route.rule assert api_route.startswith('/api/'), 'Must be an API route' method_list = sorted(list(route.methods - set(['HEAD', 'OPTIONS']))) remote_api_method = method_list[0].upper() assert api_route is not None, 'Route could not be found' args = (remote_wbia_url, remote_wbia_port, api_route) remote_api_url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % args headers = {'Authorization': get_url_authorization(remote_api_url)} for key in kwargs.keys(): value = kwargs[key] if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)): value = str(list(value)) kwargs[key] = value'[REMOTE] %s' % ('-' * 80,))'[REMOTE] Calling remote IBEIS API: %r' % (remote_api_url,))'[REMOTE] \tMethod: %r' % (remote_api_method,)) if ut.DEBUG2 or ut.VERBOSE:'[REMOTE] \tHeaders: %s' % (ut.repr2(headers),))'[REMOTE] \tKWArgs: %s' % (ut.repr2(kwargs),)) # Make request to server try: if remote_api_method == 'GET': req = requests.get(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'POST': req = remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False ) elif remote_api_method == 'PUT': req = requests.put(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'DELETE': req = requests.delete( remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False ) else: message = '_api_result got unsupported method=%r' % (remote_api_method,) raise KeyError(message) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: message = '_api_result could not connect to server %s' % (ex,) raise IOError(message) response = req.text converted = ut.from_json(value) response = converted.get('response', None)'[REMOTE] got response') if ut.DEBUG2:'response = %s' % (response,)) return response
def get_web_port_via_scan(ibs, url_base='', port_base=5000, scan_limit=100, verbose=True): import requests api_rule = CORE_DB_UUID_INIT_API_RULE target_uuid = ibs.get_db_init_uuid() for candidate_port in range(port_base, port_base + scan_limit + 1): candidate_url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % (url_base, candidate_port, api_rule) try: response = requests.get(candidate_url) except (requests.ConnectionError): if verbose:'Failed to find IA server at %s' % (candidate_url, )) continue'Found IA server at %s' % (candidate_url, )) try: response = ut.from_json(response.text) candidate_uuid = response.get('response') assert candidate_uuid == target_uuid return candidate_port except (AssertionError): if verbose:'Invalid response from IA server at %s' % (candidate_url, )) continue return None
def api_remote_ibeis(remote_ibeis_url, remote_api_func, remote_ibeis_port=5001, **kwargs): import requests if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED and GLOBAL_APP is None: raise ValueError('Flask has not been initialized') api_name = remote_api_func.__name__ route_list = list(GLOBAL_APP.url_map.iter_rules(api_name)) assert len(route_list) == 1, 'More than one route resolved' route = route_list[0] api_route = route.rule assert api_route.startswith('/api/'), 'Must be an API route' method_list = sorted(list(route.methods - set(['HEAD', 'OPTIONS']))) remote_api_method = method_list[0].upper() assert api_route is not None, 'Route could not be found' args = (remote_ibeis_url, remote_ibeis_port, api_route) remote_api_url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % args headers = { 'Authorization': get_url_authorization(remote_api_url) } for key in kwargs.keys(): value = kwargs[key] if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)): value = str(list(value)) kwargs[key] = value print('[REMOTE] %s' % ('-' * 80, )) print('[REMOTE] Calling remote IBEIS API: %r' % (remote_api_url, )) print('[REMOTE] \tMethod: %r' % (remote_api_method, )) print('[REMOTE] \tHeaders: %s' % (ut.dict_str(headers), )) print('[REMOTE] \tKWArgs: %s' % (ut.dict_str(kwargs), )) # Make request to server try: if remote_api_method == 'GET': req = requests.get(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'POST': req =, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'PUT': req = requests.put(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'DELETE': req = requests.delete(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) else: message = '_api_result got unsupported method=%r' % (remote_api_method, ) raise KeyError(message) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: message = '_api_result could not connect to server %s' % (ex, ) raise IOError(message) response = req.text converted = ut.from_json(value) response = converted.get('response', None) print('response = %s' % (response,)) return response
def _verify_response_ibs(ibs, response): try: response_dict = ut.from_json(response.text) except ValueError: raise AssertionError('Could not get valid JSON response from server') status = response_dict.get('status', {}) assert status.get('success', False) response = response_dict.get('response', None) return response
def get_unpacked_result(jobiface, jobid): reply = jobiface.get_job_result(jobid) json_result = reply['json_result'] try: result = ut.from_json(json_result) except TypeError as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['json_result'], iswarning=True) result = json_result # raise #print('Job %r result = %s' % (jobid, ut.repr2(result, truncate=True),)) return result
def rcv_multipart_json(sock, num=2, print=print): """ helper """ # note that the first two parts will be ['Controller.ROUTER', 'Client.<id_>'] # these are needed for the reply to propagate up to the right client multi_msg = sock.recv_multipart() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('----') print('RCV Json: %s' % (ut.repr2(multi_msg, truncate=True),)) idents = multi_msg[:num] request_json = multi_msg[num] request = ut.from_json(request_json) return idents, request
def rcv_multipart_json(sock, num=2, print=print): """ helper """ # note that the first two parts will be ['Controller.ROUTER', 'Client.<id_>'] # these are needed for the reply to propagate up to the right client multi_msg = sock.recv_multipart() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('----') print('RCV Json: %s' % (ut.repr2(multi_msg, truncate=True), )) idents = multi_msg[:num] request_json = multi_msg[num] request = ut.from_json(request_json) return idents, request
def log_detections(ibs, aid_list, fallback=True): import time import os json_log_path = ibs.get_logdir_local() json_log_filename = 'detections.json' json_log_filepath = os.path.join(json_log_path, json_log_filename)'Logging detections added to: %r' % (json_log_filepath,)) try: # Log has never been made, create one if not os.path.exists(json_log_filepath): json_dict = { 'updates': [], } json_str = ut.to_json(json_dict, pretty=True) with open(json_log_filepath, 'w') as json_log_file: json_log_file.write(json_str) # Get current log state with open(json_log_filepath, 'r') as json_log_file: json_str = json_dict = ut.from_json(json_str) # Get values db_name = ibs.get_db_name() db_init_uuid = ibs.get_db_init_uuid() # Zip all the updates together and write to updates list in dictionary gid_list = ibs.get_annot_gids(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) zipped = list(zip(aid_list, gid_list, bbox_list, theta_list)) for aid, gid, bbox, theta in zipped: json_dict['updates'].append( { 'time_unixtime': time.time(), 'db_name': db_name, 'db_init_uuid': db_init_uuid, 'image_rowid': gid, 'annot_rowid': aid, 'annot_bbox': bbox, 'annot_theta': theta, } ) # Write new log state json_str = ut.to_json(json_dict, pretty=True) with open(json_log_filepath, 'w') as json_log_file: json_log_file.write(json_str) except Exception: if fallback:'WRITE DETECTION.JSON FAILED - ATTEMPTING FALLBACK') ut.delete(json_log_filepath) ibs.log_detections(aid_list, fallback=False) else:'WRITE DETECTION.JSON FAILED - FALLBACK FAILED')
def translated_call(**kwargs): # debug = {'kwargs': kwargs} try: # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except Exception: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) args = () 'Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs) ) from import PROMETHEUS if PROMETHEUS: ibs = flask.current_app.ibs tag = request.url_rule.rule ibs.prometheus_increment_route(tag) result = func(**kwargs) except Exception as ex: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 400 message = 'Route error, Python Exception thrown: %r' % (str(ex),) jQuery_callback = None result = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback, __skip_microsoft_validation__=True, ) return result
def get_part_staged_metadata(ibs, part_rowid_list, return_raw=False): r""" Returns: list_ (list): part metadata dictionary RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/part/staged/metadata/ """ metadata_str_list = ibs.db.get(const.PART_TABLE, ('part_staged_metadata_json',), part_rowid_list) metadata_list = [] for metadata_str in metadata_str_list: if metadata_str in [None, '']: metadata_dict = {} else: metadata_dict = metadata_str if return_raw else ut.from_json(metadata_str) metadata_list.append(metadata_dict) return metadata_list
def get_review_metadata(ibs, review_rowid_list, return_raw=False): r""" Returns: list_ (list): review metadata dictionary RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/review/metadata/ """ metadata_str_list = ibs.staging.get(const.REVIEW_TABLE, ('review_metadata_json',), review_rowid_list) metadata_list = [] for metadata_str in metadata_str_list: if metadata_str in [None, '']: metadata_dict = {} else: metadata_dict = metadata_str if return_raw else ut.from_json(metadata_str) metadata_list.append(metadata_dict) return metadata_list
def get_part_contour(ibs, part_rowid_list, return_raw=False): r""" Returns: list_ (list): part contour dictionary RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/part/contour/ """ contour_str_list = ibs.db.get(const.PART_TABLE, ('part_contour_json',), part_rowid_list) contour_list = [] for contour_str in contour_str_list: if contour_str in [None, '']: contour_dict = {} else: contour_dict = contour_str if return_raw else ut.from_json(contour_str) contour_list.append(contour_dict) return contour_list
def _read_dict_from_sqlite3(blob): return ut.from_json(blob)
def load_json(fpath): import utool as ut json_data = ut.load_text(fpath) data = ut.from_json(json_data) return data
def get_unpacked_result(jobiface, jobid): reply = jobiface.get_job_result(jobid) json_result = reply['json_result'] result = ut.from_json(json_result) #print('Job %r result = %s' % (jobid, ut.repr2(result, truncate=True),)) return result
def get_wildbook_annot_uuids(ibs, filter_match_against_on=True): from datetime import datetime import uuid import pytz PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') assert WILDBOOK_TARGET is not None url = 'https://%s/acmIdSync.jsp?annotations' % (WILDBOOK_TARGET, ) now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-00-00') filename = 'wildbook.annot.admid.%s.json' % (timestamp, ) filepath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='wbia', fname=filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_content = file_json = ut.from_json(file_content) print('Loaded %d Annot ACM string UUIDs from Wildbook: %r' % ( len(file_json), url, )) # KEY = 'species' SPECIES_KEY = 'iaClass' bad_mapping = { 'None,whale_fluke': 'whale_fluke', 'dolphin_bottlenose+fin_dorsal,tursiops_truncatus': 'dolphin_bottlenose+fin_dorsal', 'dolphin_bottlenose_fin,tursiops_truncatus': 'dolphin_bottlenose_fin', 'dolphin_spotted,stenella_frontalis': 'dolphin_spotted', 'tursiops_truncatus,whale_orca+fin_dorsal': 'whale_orca+fin_dorsal', 'turtle_hawksbill,turtle_hawksbill+head': 'turtle_hawksbill+head', } bad_list = [] uuid_list = [] species_list = [] for uuid_str in file_json: content = file_json[uuid_str] try: uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_str) except ValueError: continue match = content.get('match', None) species = content.get(SPECIES_KEY, None) assert None not in [match, species] assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(match_) == 1 and len(species_) == 1: match = list(match_) species = list(species_) assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(species_) == 1: match = [any(match_)] species = list(species_) if len(match) == 1 and len(species) == 1: match = match[0] species = species[0] if filter_match_against_on is None or match == filter_match_against_on: uuid_list.append(uuid_) species_list.append(species) else: species_ = ['None' if val is None else val for val in species] species_ = set(species_) species_ = sorted(species_) bad_species = ','.join(species_) fixed_species = bad_mapping.get(bad_species, None) if fixed_species is not None: if filter_match_against_on is None or match == filter_match_against_on: uuid_list.append(uuid_) species_list.append(fixed_species) else: print(match, species) bad_list.append(bad_species) if len(bad_list) > 0: print('Found bad species: %r' % (set(bad_list), )) assert len(uuid_list) == len(species_list) assert len(uuid_list) == len(set(uuid_list)) print('Validated %d Annotation UUIDs from Wildbook' % (len(uuid_list), )) wildbook_annot_uuid_list = uuid_list wildbook_annot_species_list = species_list return wildbook_annot_uuid_list, wildbook_annot_species_list
def translated_call(**kwargs): def html_newlines(text): r = '<br />\n' text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = ( text.replace('\r\n', r) .replace('\n\r', r) .replace('\r', r) .replace('\n', r) ) return text __format__ = False # Default __format__ value ignore_cookie_set = False try: #'Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except Exception: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) # Update the request object to include the final rectified inputs for possible future reference flask.request.processed = ut.to_json(kwargs) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) #'KWARGS: %s' % (kwargs, )) #'COOKIES: %s' % (request.cookies, )) __format__ = request.cookies.get('__format__', None) __format__ = kwargs.pop('__format__', __format__) if __format__ is not None: __format__ = str(__format__).lower() ignore_cookie_set = __format__ in ['onetime', 'true'] __format__ = __format__ in ['true', 'enabled', 'enable'] from import PROMETHEUS if PROMETHEUS: exclude_tag_list = [ '/api/test/heartbeat/', '/v0.1/wildbook/status/', '/v0.1/vulcan/status/', ] tag = request.url_rule.rule if tag not in exclude_tag_list: ibs = flask.current_app.ibs ibs.prometheus_increment_api(tag) resp_tup = translate_wbia_webcall(func, **kwargs) rawreturn, success, code, message = resp_tup except WebException as webex: # ut.printex(webex)'CAUGHT2: %r' % (webex,)) rawreturn = webex.get_rawreturn( DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE ) success = False code = webex.code message = webex.message jQuery_callback = None except Exception as ex:'CAUGHT2: %r' % (ex,)) # ut.printex(ex) rawreturn = None if DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 500 message = str(ex) # errmsg = str(ex) # message = 'API error, Python Exception thrown: %s' % (errmsg) if "'int' object is not iterable" in message: rawreturn = """ HINT: the input for this call is most likely expected to be a list. Try adding a comma at the end of the input (to cast the conversion into a list) or encapsulate the input with []. """ jQuery_callback = None #'RECEIVED FORMAT: %r' % (__format__, )) if __format__: # Hack for readable error messages webreturn = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback ) webreturn = ut.repr3(ut.from_json(webreturn), strvals=True) try: from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() webreturn = conv.convert(webreturn) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install ansi2html', iswarning=True) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) webreturn = ( '<p><samp>\n' + html_newlines(webreturn) + '\n</samp></p>' ) webreturn = ( '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-8">\n' + webreturn ) def get_func_href(funcname): url = ( 'http://' + request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + flask.url_for(funcname) + '?__format__=True' ) return '<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=url) if not success: webreturn += ( '<pre>See logs for details: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_current_log_text') ) webreturn += ( '<pre>Might also look into db_info: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_dbinfo') ) else: webreturn = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback ) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) resp = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) resp.status_code = code if not __format__: resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' resp.headers['mimetype'] = 'application/json' if not ignore_cookie_set: if __format__: resp.set_cookie('__format__', 'enabled') else: resp.set_cookie('__format__', '', expires=0) return resp
def translated_call(**kwargs): def html_newlines(text): r = '<br />\n' text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = text.replace('\r\n', r).replace('\n\r', r).replace('\r', r).replace('\n', r) return text __format__ = False # Default __format__ value ignore_cookie_set = False try: #print('Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) #print('KWARGS: %s' % (kwargs, )) #print('COOKIES: %s' % (request.cookies, )) __format__ = request.cookies.get('__format__', None) __format__ = kwargs.pop('__format__', __format__) if __format__ is not None: __format__ = str(__format__).lower() ignore_cookie_set = __format__ in ['onetime', 'true'] __format__ = __format__ in ['true', 'enabled', 'enable'] resp_tup = translate_ibeis_webcall(func, **kwargs) rawreturn, success, code, message = resp_tup except WebException as webex: ut.printex(webex) rawreturn = webex.get_rawreturn( DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE) success = False code = webex.code message = webex.message jQuery_callback = None except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex) rawreturn = '' if DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 500 errmsg = str(ex) message = 'API error, Python Exception thrown: %s' % (errmsg) if "'int' object is not iterable" in message: rawreturn = ( 'HINT: the input for this call is most likely ' 'expected to be a list. Try adding a comma at ' 'the end of the input (to cast the conversion ' 'into a list) or encapsualte the input with ' '[].') jQuery_callback = None #print('RECEIVED FORMAT: %r' % (__format__, )) if __format__: # Hack for readable error messages webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.repr3(ut.from_json(webreturn), strvals=True) try: from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() webreturn = conv.convert(webreturn) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install ansi2html', iswarning=True) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) webreturn = '<p><samp>\n' + html_newlines(webreturn) + '\n</samp></p>' webreturn = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-8">\n' + webreturn def get_func_href(funcname): url = 'http://' + request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + flask.url_for(funcname) + '?__format__=True' return '<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=url) if not success: webreturn += '<pre>See logs for details: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_current_log_text') webreturn += '<pre>Might also look into db_info: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_dbinfo') else: webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) resp = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) if not ignore_cookie_set: if __format__: resp.set_cookie('__format__', 'enabled') else: resp.set_cookie('__format__', '', expires=0) return resp
def translated_call(**kwargs): def html_newlines(text): r = '<br />\n' text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = text.replace('\r\n', r).replace('\n\r', r).replace('\r', r).replace('\n', r) return text __format__ = False # Default __format__ value ignore_cookie_set = False try: #print('Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) #print('KWARGS: %s' % (kwargs, )) #print('COOKIES: %s' % (request.cookies, )) __format__ = request.cookies.get('__format__', None) __format__ = kwargs.pop('__format__', __format__) if __format__ is not None: __format__ = str(__format__).lower() ignore_cookie_set = __format__ in ['onetime', 'true'] __format__ = __format__ in ['true', 'enabled', 'enable'] resp_tup = translate_ibeis_webcall(func, **kwargs) rawreturn, success, code, message = resp_tup except WebException as webex: ut.printex(webex) rawreturn = webex.get_rawreturn( DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE) success = False code = webex.code message = webex.message jQuery_callback = None except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex) rawreturn = '' if DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 500 errmsg = str(ex) message = 'API error, Python Exception thrown: %s' % (errmsg) if "'int' object is not iterable" in message: rawreturn = ( 'HINT: the input for this call is most likely ' 'expected to be a list. Try adding a comma at ' 'the end of the input (to cast the conversion ' 'into a list) or encapsualte the input with ' '[].') jQuery_callback = None #print('RECEIVED FORMAT: %r' % (__format__, )) if __format__: # Hack for readable error messages webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.repr3(ut.from_json(webreturn), strvals=True) try: from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() webreturn = conv.convert(webreturn) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install ansi2html', iswarning=True) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) webreturn = '<p><samp>\n' + html_newlines(webreturn) + '\n</samp></p>' webreturn = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-8">\n' + webreturn def get_func_href(funcname): url = 'http://' + request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + flask.url_for(funcname) + '?__format__=True' return '<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=url) if not success: webreturn += '<pre>See logs for details: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_current_log_text') webreturn += '<pre>Might also look into db_info: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_dbinfo') else: webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) resp = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) if not ignore_cookie_set: if __format__: resp.set_cookie('__format__', 'enabled') else: resp.set_cookie('__format__', '', expires=0) return resp
def get_flukebook_annot_uuids(ibs, filter_match_against_on=True): from datetime import datetime import uuid import pytz PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') url = '' now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-00-00') filename = 'flukebook.annot.admid.%s.json' % (timestamp, ) filepath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='wbia', fname=filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_content = file_json = ut.from_json(file_content)'Loaded %d Annot ACM string UUIDs from Flukebook' % (len(file_json), )) uuid_list = [] species_list = [] for uuid_str in file_json: content = file_json[uuid_str] try: uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_str) except ValueError: continue match = content.get('match', None) species = content.get('species', None) assert None not in [match, species] assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(match_) == 1 and len(species_) == 1: match = list(match_) species = list(species_) assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(species_) == 1: match = [any(match_)] species = list(species_) if len(match) == 1 and len(species) == 1: match = match[0] species = species[0] if filter_match_against_on is None or match == filter_match_against_on: uuid_list.append(uuid_) species_list.append(species) else:, species) assert len(uuid_list) == len(species_list) assert len(uuid_list) == len(set(uuid_list))'Validated %d Annotation UUIDs from Flukebook' % (len(uuid_list), )) flukebook_annot_uuid_list = uuid_list flukebook_annot_species_list = species_list return flukebook_annot_uuid_list, flukebook_annot_species_list
def on_collect_request(collect_request, collecter_data, awaiting_data, shelve_path, containerized=False): """ Run whenever the collector recieves a message """ import requests reply = {} action = collect_request['action'] if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...building action=%r response' % (action, )) if action == 'notification': # From the Queue jobid = collect_request['jobid'] awaiting_data[jobid] = collect_request['text'] # Make waiting lock lock_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.lock' % (jobid, )) ut.touch(lock_filepath) elif action == 'store': # From the Engine engine_result = collect_request['engine_result'] callback_url = collect_request['callback_url'] callback_method = collect_request['callback_method'] jobid = engine_result['jobid'] if containerized: callback_url = callback_url.replace('://localhost/', '://wildbook:8080/') # OLD METHOD # collecter_data[jobid] = engine_result collecter_data[jobid] = engine_result['exec_status'] # NEW METHOD shelve_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.shelve' % (jobid, )) shelf =, writeback=True) try: shelf[str('result')] = engine_result finally: shelf.close() # Delete the lock lock_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.lock' % (jobid, )) ut.delete(lock_filepath) if callback_url is not None: if callback_method is None: callback_method = 'post' else: callback_method = callback_method.lower() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('calling callback_url using callback_method') try: # requests.get(callback_url) data_dict = {'jobid': jobid} if callback_method == 'post': response =, data=data_dict) elif callback_method == 'get': response = requests.get(callback_url, params=data_dict) elif callback_method == 'put': response = requests.put(callback_url, data=data_dict) else: raise ValueError('callback_method %r unsupported' % (callback_method, )) try: text = response.text except: text = None args = ( callback_url, callback_method, data_dict, response, text, ) print( 'WILDBOOK CALLBACK TO %r\n\tMETHOD: %r\n\tDATA: %r\n\tRESPONSE: %r\n\tTEXT: %r' % args) except Exception as ex: msg = ( ('ERROR in collector. ' 'Tried to call callback_url=%r with callback_method=%r') % ( callback_url, callback_method, )) print(msg) ut.printex(ex, msg) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('stored result') elif action == 'job_status': # From a Client jobid = collect_request['jobid'] if jobid in collecter_data: reply['jobstatus'] = 'completed' reply['exec_status'] = collecter_data[jobid] elif jobid in awaiting_data: reply['jobstatus'] = 'working' else: reply['jobstatus'] = 'unknown' reply['status'] = 'ok' reply['jobid'] = jobid elif action == 'job_id_list': reply['status'] = 'ok' reply['jobid_list'] = list(collecter_data.keys()) elif action == 'job_result': # From a Client jobid = collect_request['jobid'] try: # OLD METHOD # engine_result = collecter_data[jobid] # NEW METHOD shelve_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.shelve' % (jobid, )) shelf = try: engine_result = shelf[str('result')] finally: shelf.close() json_result = engine_result['json_result'] reply['jobid'] = jobid reply['status'] = 'ok' # reply['json_result'] = json_result # We want to parse the JSON result here, since we need to live in # Python land for the rest of the call until the API wrapper # converts the Python objcets to JSON before the response is # generated. This prevents the API from converting a Python string # of JSON to a JSON string of JSON, which is bad. reply['json_result'] = ut.from_json(json_result) except KeyError: reply['jobid'] = jobid reply['status'] = 'invalid' reply['json_result'] = None else: # Other print('...error unknown action=%r' % (action, )) reply['status'] = 'error' reply['text'] = 'unknown action' return reply
def on_collect_request(collect_request, collecter_data, awaiting_data, shelve_path): """ Run whenever the collector recieves a message """ import requests reply = {} action = collect_request['action'] if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...building action=%r response' % (action,)) if action == 'notification': # From the Queue jobid = collect_request['jobid'] awaiting_data[jobid] = collect_request['text'] # Make waiting lock lock_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.lock' % (jobid, )) ut.touch(lock_filepath) elif action == 'store': # From the Engine engine_result = collect_request['engine_result'] callback_url = collect_request['callback_url'] callback_method = collect_request['callback_method'] jobid = engine_result['jobid'] # OLD METHOD # collecter_data[jobid] = engine_result collecter_data[jobid] = engine_result['exec_status'] # NEW METHOD shelve_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.shelve' % (jobid, )) shelf =, writeback=True) try: shelf[str('result')] = engine_result finally: shelf.close() # Delete the lock lock_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.lock' % (jobid, )) ut.delete(lock_filepath) if callback_url is not None: if callback_method is None: callback_method = 'post' else: callback_method = callback_method.lower() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('calling callback_url using callback_method') try: # requests.get(callback_url) if callback_method == 'post':, data={'jobid': jobid}) elif callback_method == 'get': requests.get(callback_url, params={'jobid': jobid}) elif callback_method == 'put': requests.put(callback_url, data={'jobid': jobid}) else: raise ValueError('callback_method %r unsupported' % (callback_method, )) except Exception as ex: msg = (('ERROR in collector. ' 'Tried to call callback_url=%r with callback_method=%r') % (callback_url, callback_method, )) print(msg) ut.printex(ex, msg) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('stored result') elif action == 'job_status': # From a Client jobid = collect_request['jobid'] if jobid in collecter_data: reply['jobstatus'] = 'completed' reply['exec_status'] = collecter_data[jobid] elif jobid in awaiting_data: reply['jobstatus'] = 'working' else: reply['jobstatus'] = 'unknown' reply['status'] = 'ok' reply['jobid'] = jobid elif action == 'job_result': # From a Client jobid = collect_request['jobid'] try: # OLD METHOD # engine_result = collecter_data[jobid] # NEW METHOD shelve_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.shelve' % (jobid, )) shelf = try: engine_result = shelf[str('result')] finally: shelf.close() json_result = engine_result['json_result'] reply['jobid'] = jobid reply['status'] = 'ok' # reply['json_result'] = json_result # We want to parse the JSON result here, since we need to live in # Python land for the rest of the call until the API wrapper # converts the Python objcets to JSON before the response is # generated. This prevents the API from converting a Python string # of JSON to a JSON string of JSON, which is bad. reply['json_result'] = ut.from_json(json_result) except KeyError: reply['jobid'] = jobid reply['status'] = 'invalid' reply['json_result'] = None else: # Other print('...error unknown action=%r' % (action,)) reply['status'] = 'error' reply['text'] = 'unknown action' return reply