Exemple #1
    def isect_info(self, other):
        set1 = set(self.rel_fpath_list)
        set2 = set(other.rel_fpath_list)

        set_comparisons = ut.odict([
            ('s1', set1),
            ('s2', set2),
            ('union', set1.union(set2)),
            ('isect', set1.intersection(set2)),
            ('s1 - s2', set1.difference(set2)),
            ('s2 - s1', set1.difference(set1)),
        stat_stats = ut.map_vals(len, set_comparisons)
        return set_comparisons

        if False:
            idx_lookup1 = ut.make_index_lookup(self.rel_fpath_list)
            idx_lookup2 = ut.make_index_lookup(other.rel_fpath_list)

            uuids1 = ut.take(self.uuids,
                             ut.take(idx_lookup1, set_comparisons['union']))
            uuids2 = ut.take(other.uuids,
                             ut.take(idx_lookup2, set_comparisons['union']))

            uuids1 == uuids2
Exemple #2
    def remove_support(nnindexer, remove_daid_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET):
            python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-remove_support


            >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST
            >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP
            >>> # (IMPORTANT)
            >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index import *  # NOQA
            >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_nnindexer(use_memcache=False)
            >>> remove_daid_list = [8, 9, 10, 11]
            >>> K = 2
            >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2())
            >>> # get before data
            >>> (qfx2_idx1, qfx2_dist1) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K)
            >>> # execute test function
            >>> nnindexer.remove_support(remove_daid_list)
            >>> # test before data vs after data
            >>> (qfx2_idx2, qfx2_dist2) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K)
            >>> ax2_nvecs = ut.dict_take(ut.dict_hist(nnindexer.idx2_ax), range(len(nnindexer.ax2_aid)))
            >>> assert qfx2_idx2.max() < ax2_nvecs[0], 'should only get points from aid 7'
            >>> assert qfx2_idx1.max() > ax2_nvecs[0], 'should get points from everyone'
        if ut.DEBUG2:
            logger.info('REMOVING POINTS')
        # TODO: ensure no duplicates
        ax2_remove_flag = np.in1d(nnindexer.ax2_aid, remove_daid_list)
        remove_ax_list = np.nonzero(ax2_remove_flag)[0]
        idx2_remove_flag = np.in1d(nnindexer.idx2_ax, remove_ax_list)
        remove_idx_list = np.nonzero(idx2_remove_flag)[0]
        if verbose:
            logger.info('[nnindex] Found %d / %d annots that need removing' %
                        (len(remove_ax_list), len(remove_daid_list)))
            logger.info('[nnindex] Removing %d indexed features' %
                        (len(remove_idx_list), ))
        # FIXME: indicies may need adjustment after remove points
        # Currently this is not being done and the data is just being left alone
        # This should be ok temporarilly because removed ids should not
        # be returned by the flann object

        # FIXME:
        # nnindexer.ax2_aid
        if True:
            nnindexer.ax2_aid[remove_ax_list] = -1
            nnindexer.idx2_fx[remove_idx_list] = -1
            nnindexer.idx2_vec[remove_idx_list] = 0
            if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None:
                nnindexer.idx2_fgw[remove_idx_list] = np.nan
            nnindexer.aid2_ax = ut.make_index_lookup(nnindexer.ax2_aid)

        # FIXME: This will definitely bug out if you remove points and then try
        # to add the same points back again.

        if ut.DEBUG2:
            logger.info('DONE REMOVE POINTS')
Exemple #3
    def lookup_cm(infr, aid1, aid2):
        Get chipmatch object associated with an edge if one exists.
        if infr.cm_list is None:
            return None, aid1, aid2
        # TODO: keep chip matches in dictionary by default?
        aid2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup([cm.qaid for cm in infr.cm_list])
        switch_order = False

        if aid1 in aid2_idx:
            idx = aid2_idx[aid1]
            cm = infr.cm_list[idx]
            if aid2 not in cm.daid2_idx:
                switch_order = True
                # raise KeyError('switch order')
            switch_order = True

        if switch_order:
            # switch order
            aid1, aid2 = aid2, aid1
            idx = aid2_idx[aid1]
            cm = infr.cm_list[idx]
            if aid2 not in cm.daid2_idx:
                raise KeyError('No ChipMatch for edge (%r, %r)' % (aid1, aid2))
        return cm, aid1, aid2
def load_ordered_annots(data_uri_order, query_uri_order):
    # Open the wbia version of oxford
    import wbia

    ibs = wbia.opendb('Oxford')

    def reorder_annots(_annots, uri_order):
        intern_uris = get_annots_imgid(_annots)
        lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(intern_uris)
        _reordered = _annots.take(ut.take(lookup, uri_order))
        return _reordered

    # Load database annotations and reorder them to agree with internals
    _dannots = ibs.annots(ibs.filter_annots_general(has_none='query'))
    data_annots = reorder_annots(_dannots, data_uri_order)

    # Load query annototations and reorder to standard order
    _qannots = ibs.annots(ibs.filter_annots_general(has_any='query'))
    query_annots = reorder_annots(_qannots, query_uri_order)

    # Map each query annot to its corresponding data index
    dgid_to_dx = ut.make_index_lookup(data_annots.gids)
    qx_to_dx = ut.take(dgid_to_dx, query_annots.gids)

    return ibs, query_annots, data_annots, qx_to_dx
Exemple #5
    def new_query_request(
        old way of calling new

            qaid_list (list):
            daid_list (list):
            qparams (QueryParams):  query hyper-parameters
            qresdir (str):
            ibs (wbia.IBEISController):  image analysis api
            _indexer_request_params (dict):

        qreq_ = cls()
        qreq_.ibs = ibs
        qreq_.qparams = qparams  # Parameters relating to pipeline execution
        qreq_.query_config2_ = query_config2_
        qreq_.data_config2_ = data_config2_
        qreq_.qresdir = qresdir
        qreq_._indexer_request_params = _indexer_request_params

        # Load name information so it can change in the database and that's ok.
        # I'm not 100% liking how this works.
        qreq_.unique_aids = np.union1d(qreq_.qaids, qreq_.daids)

        # Internal caching objects and views
        _annots = ibs.annots(qreq_.unique_aids)
        # I think the views copy the original cache
        qreq_._unique_annots = _annots.view(_annots.aids)
        qreq_._unique_dannots = qreq_._unique_annots.view(sorted(qreq_.daids))

        qreq_.aid_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(qreq_.unique_aids)
        if custom_nid_lookup is None:
            qreq_.unique_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(qreq_.unique_aids)
            qreq_.unique_nids = ut.dict_take(custom_nid_lookup, qreq_.unique_aids)
        qreq_.unique_nids = np.array(qreq_.unique_nids)

        # qreq_.nid_to_groupuuid = qreq_._make_namegroup_uuids()
        # qreq_.dnid_to_groupuuid = qreq_._make_namegroup_data_uuids()
        qreq_.nid_to_grouphash = qreq_._make_namegroup_hashes()
        qreq_.dnid_to_grouphash = qreq_._make_namegroup_data_hashes()
        return qreq_
Exemple #6
def nx_make_adj_matrix(G):
    import utool as ut
    nodes = list(G.nodes())
    node2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(nodes)
    edges = list(G.edges())
    edge2_idx = ut.partial(ut.dict_take, node2_idx)
    uv_list = ut.lmap(edge2_idx, edges)
    A = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes)))
    A[tuple(np.array(uv_list).T)] = 1
    return A
Exemple #7
def nx_topsort_rank(graph, nodes=None):
    graph = inputs.exi_graph.reverse()
    nodes = flat_node_order_
    import networkx as nx
    import utool as ut
    topsort = list(nx.topological_sort(graph))
    node_to_top_rank = ut.make_index_lookup(topsort)
    toprank = ut.dict_take(node_to_top_rank, nodes)
    return toprank
def new_external_annot(aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws, int_rvec):
    wx_to_fxs, wx_to_maws = smk_funcs.invert_assigns(fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws)
    X = inverted_index.SingleAnnot()
    X.aid = aid
    # Build Aggregate Residual Vectors
    X.wx_list = np.array(sorted(wx_to_fxs.keys()), dtype=np.int32)
    X.wx_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(X.wx_list)
    X.int_rvec = int_rvec
    X.wx_set = set(X.wx_list)
    # TODO: maybe use offset list structure instead of heavy nesting
    X.fxs_list = ut.take(wx_to_fxs, X.wx_list)
    X.maws_list = ut.take(wx_to_maws, X.wx_list)
    return X
Exemple #9
def simplify_graph(graph):
    strips out everything but connectivity

        graph (nx.Graph):

        nx.Graph: new_graph

        python3 -m utool.util_graph simplify_graph --show
        python2 -m utool.util_graph simplify_graph --show

        python2 -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__)"
        python3 -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__)"

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_graph import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> graph = nx.DiGraph([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'),
        >>>                     ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'e'),
        >>>                     ('d', 'e'), ('c', 'e'), ('c', 'd')])
        >>> new_graph = simplify_graph(graph)
        >>> result = ut.repr2(list(new_graph.edges()))
        >>> #adj_list = sorted(list(nx.generate_adjlist(new_graph)))
        >>> #result = ut.repr2(adj_list)
        >>> print(result)
        [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]

        ['0 1 2 3 4', '1 3 4', '2 4', '3', '4 3']
    import utool as ut
    nodes = sorted(list(graph.nodes()))
    node_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(nodes)
    if graph.is_multigraph():
        edges = list(graph.edges(keys=True))
        edges = list(graph.edges())
    new_nodes = ut.take(node_lookup, nodes)
    if graph.is_multigraph():
        new_edges = [(node_lookup[e[0]], node_lookup[e[1]], e[2], {}) for e in edges]
        new_edges = [(node_lookup[e[0]], node_lookup[e[1]]) for e in edges]
    cls = graph.__class__
    new_graph = cls()
    return new_graph
Exemple #10
 def from_inva(cls, inva, idx):
     X = cls()
     X.aid = inva.aids[idx]
     X.wx_list = inva.wx_lists[idx]
     X.fxs_list = inva.fxs_lists[idx]
     X.maws_list = inva.maws_lists[idx]
     X.agg_rvecs = inva.agg_rvecs[idx]
     X.agg_flags = inva.agg_flags[idx]
     if inva.gamma_list is not None:
         X.gamma = inva.gamma_list[idx]
     X.wx_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(X.wx_list)
     X.int_rvec = inva.int_rvec
     X.wx_set = set(X.wx_list)
     return X
Exemple #11
    def init_support(indexer,
        prepares inverted indicies and FLANN data structure

        flattens vecs_list and builds a reverse index from the flattened indices
        (idx) to the original aids and fxs
        assert indexer.flann is None, 'already initalized'

        logger.info('[nnindex] Preparing data for indexing / loading index')
        # Check input
        assert len(aid_list) == len(vecs_list), 'invalid input. bad len'
        assert len(aid_list) > 0, ('len(aid_list) == 0.'
                                   'Cannot invert index without features!')
        # Create indexes into the input aids
        ax_list = np.arange(len(aid_list))

        # Invert indicies
        tup = invert_index(vecs_list,
        idx2_vec, idx2_fgw, idx2_ax, idx2_fx = tup

        ax2_aid = np.array(aid_list)

        indexer.flann = pyflann.FLANN()  # Approximate search structure
        indexer.ax2_aid = ax2_aid  # (A x 1) Mapping to original annot ids
        indexer.idx2_vec = idx2_vec  # (M x D) Descriptors to index
        indexer.idx2_fgw = idx2_fgw  # (M x 1) Descriptor forground weight
        indexer.idx2_ax = idx2_ax  # (M x 1) Index into the aid_list
        indexer.idx2_fx = idx2_fx  # (M x 1) Index into the annot's features
        indexer.aid2_ax = ut.make_index_lookup(indexer.ax2_aid)
        indexer.num_indexed = indexer.idx2_vec.shape[0]
        if indexer.idx2_vec.dtype == hstypes.VEC_TYPE:
            # these are sift descriptors
            indexer.max_distance_sqrd = hstypes.VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE_SQRD
            # FIXME: hacky way to support siam128 descriptors.
            # raise AssertionError(
            # 'NNindexer should get uint8s right now unless the algorithm has
            # changed')
            indexer.max_distance_sqrd = None
Exemple #12
 def make_prob_annots(infr):
     cm_list = infr.cm_list
     unique_aids = sorted(ut.list_union(*[cm.daid_list for cm in cm_list] +
                                        [[cm.qaid for cm in cm_list]]))
     aid2_aidx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_aids)
     prob_annots = np.zeros((len(unique_aids), len(unique_aids)))
     for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
         idx = aid2_aidx[cm.qaid]
         annot_scores = ut.dict_take(cm.aid2_annot_score, unique_aids, 0)
         prob_annots[idx][:] = annot_scores
     prob_annots[np.diag_indices(len(prob_annots))] = np.inf
     prob_annots += 1E-9
     #print(ut.hz_str('prob_names = ', ut.array2string2(prob_names,
     #precision=2, max_line_width=140, suppress_small=True)))
     return unique_aids, prob_annots
Exemple #13
    def isect_info(self, other):
        set1 = set(self.rel_fpath_list)
        set2 = set(other.rel_fpath_list)

        set_comparisons = ut.odict([
            ('s1', set1),
            ('s2', set2),
            ('union', set1.union(set2)),
            ('isect', set1.intersection(set2)),
            ('s1 - s2', set1.difference(set2)),
            ('s2 - s1', set1.difference(set1)),
        stat_stats = ut.map_vals(len, set_comparisons)
        return set_comparisons

        if False:
            idx_lookup1 = ut.make_index_lookup(self.rel_fpath_list)
            idx_lookup2 = ut.make_index_lookup(other.rel_fpath_list)

            uuids1 = ut.take(self.uuids, ut.take(idx_lookup1, set_comparisons['union']))
            uuids2 = ut.take(other.uuids, ut.take(idx_lookup2, set_comparisons['union']))

            uuids1 == uuids2
Exemple #14
 def make_prob_annots(infr):
     cm_list = infr.cm_list
     unique_aids = sorted(
                         for cm in cm_list] + [[cm.qaid
                                                for cm in cm_list]]))
     aid2_aidx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_aids)
     prob_annots = np.zeros((len(unique_aids), len(unique_aids)))
     for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
         idx = aid2_aidx[cm.qaid]
         annot_scores = ut.dict_take(cm.aid2_annot_score, unique_aids, 0)
         prob_annots[idx][:] = annot_scores
     prob_annots[np.diag_indices(len(prob_annots))] = np.inf
     prob_annots += 1E-9
     #print(ut.hz_str('prob_names = ', ut.array2string2(prob_names,
     #precision=2, max_line_width=140, suppress_small=True)))
     return unique_aids, prob_annots
Exemple #15
 def from_depc(cls, depc, aids, vocab_aids, config):
     inva = cls()
     vocab_rowid = depc.get_rowids('vocab', (vocab_aids,), config=config)[0]
     inva.vocab_rowid = vocab_rowid
     tablename = 'inverted_agg_assign'
     table = depc[tablename]
     input_tuple = (aids, [vocab_rowid] * len(aids))
     tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(
         tablename, input_tuple, config=config, _hack_rootmost=True, _debug=False
     # input_tuple = (aids, [vocab_aids])
     # tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, input_tuple, config=config)
     logger.info('Reading data')
     inva.aids = aids
     inva.wx_lists = [
         np.array(wx_list_, dtype=np.int32)
         for wx_list_ in table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, 'wx_list', showprog='load wxs')
     inva.fxs_lists = [
         [np.array(fxs, dtype=np.uint16) for fxs in fxs_list]
         for fxs_list in table.get_row_data(
             tbl_rowids, 'fxs_list', showprog='load fxs'
     inva.maws_lists = [
         [np.array(m, dtype=np.float32) for m in maws]
         for maws in table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, 'maws_list', showprog='load maws')
     inva.agg_rvecs = table.get_row_data(
         tbl_rowids, 'agg_rvecs', showprog='load agg_rvecs'
     inva.agg_flags = table.get_row_data(
         tbl_rowids, 'agg_flags', showprog='load agg_flags'
     # less memory hogs
     inva.aid_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(inva.aids)
     inva.int_rvec = config['int_rvec']
     inva.gamma_list = None
     # Inverted list
     inva.wx_to_weight = None
     inva.wx_to_aids = None
     inva.config = config
     return inva
def make_temporary_annot(aid, vocab, wx_to_weight, ibs, config):
    nAssign = config.get('nAssign', 1)
    alpha = config.get('smk_alpha', 3.0)
    thresh = config.get('smk_thresh', 3.0)
    # Compute assignments
    fx_to_vecs = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid, config2_=config)
    fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws = smk_funcs.assign_to_words(vocab, fx_to_vecs,
    wx_to_fxs, wx_to_maws = smk_funcs.invert_assigns(fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws)
    # Build Aggregate Residual Vectors
    wx_list = sorted(wx_to_fxs.keys())
    word_list = ut.take(vocab.wx_to_word, wx_list)
    fxs_list = ut.take(wx_to_fxs, wx_list)
    maws_list = ut.take(wx_to_maws, wx_list)
    agg_rvecs = np.empty((len(wx_list), fx_to_vecs.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)
    agg_flags = np.empty((len(wx_list), 1), dtype=np.bool)
    for idx in range(len(wx_list)):
        word = word_list[idx]
        fxs = fxs_list[idx]
        maws = maws_list[idx]
        vecs = fx_to_vecs.take(fxs, axis=0)
        _rvecs, _flags = smk_funcs.compute_rvec(vecs, word)
        _agg_rvec, _agg_flag = smk_funcs.aggregate_rvecs(_rvecs, maws, _flags)
        agg_rvecs[idx] = _agg_rvec
        agg_flags[idx] = _agg_flag
    X = inverted_index.SingleAnnot()
    X.aid = aid
    X.wx_list = wx_list
    X.fxs_list = fxs_list
    X.maws_list = maws_list
    X.agg_rvecs = agg_rvecs
    X.agg_flags = agg_flags
    X.wx_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(X.wx_list)
    X.int_rvec = False
    X.wx_set = set(X.wx_list)

    weight_list = np.array(ut.take(wx_to_weight, wx_list))
    X.gamma = smk_funcs.gamma_agg(X.agg_rvecs, X.agg_flags, weight_list, alpha,
    return X
Exemple #17
    def initialize_graph_and_model(infr):
        """ Unused in internal split stuff

        layout_info = pt.show_nx(graph, as_directed=False, fnum=1,
                                 layoutkw=dict(prog='neato'), use_image=True,
        ax = pt.gca()
        #import networkx as nx
        #import itertools
        cm_list = infr.cm_list
        hack = True
        hack = False
        if hack:
            cm_list = cm_list[:10]
        qaid_list = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list]
        daids_list = [cm.daid_list for cm in cm_list]
        unique_aids = sorted(ut.list_union(*daids_list + [qaid_list]))
        if hack:
            unique_aids = sorted(ut.isect(unique_aids, qaid_list))
        aid2_aidx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_aids)

        # Construct K-broken graph
        edges = []
        edge_weights = []
        #top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K + 1) * 2
        #top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K) * 2
        top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K + 2)
        for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
            qidx = aid2_aidx[cm.qaid]
            score_list = cm.annot_score_list
            sortx = ut.argsort(score_list)[::-1]
            score_list = ut.take(score_list, sortx)[:top]
            daid_list = ut.take(cm.daid_list, sortx)[:top]
            for score, daid in zip(score_list, daid_list):
                if daid not in qaid_list:
                didx = aid2_aidx[daid]
                edges.append((qidx, didx))

        # make symmetric
        directed_edges = dict(zip(edges, edge_weights))
        # Find edges that point in both directions
        undirected_edges = {}
        for (u, v), w in directed_edges.items():
            if (v, u) in undirected_edges:
                undirected_edges[(v, u)] += w
                undirected_edges[(v, u)] /= 2
                undirected_edges[(u, v)] = w

        edges = list(undirected_edges.keys())
        edge_weights = list(undirected_edges.values())
        nodes = list(range(len(unique_aids)))

        nid_labeling = infr.qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(unique_aids)
        labeling = ut.rebase_labels(nid_labeling)

        import networkx as nx
        from ibeis.viz import viz_graph
        set_node_attrs = nx.set_node_attributes
        set_edge_attrs = nx.set_edge_attributes

        # Create match-based graph structure
        graph = nx.DiGraph()

        # Important properties
        nid_list = infr.qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(unique_aids)
        labeling = ut.rebase_labels(nid_list)

        set_node_attrs(graph, 'name_label', dict(zip(nodes, labeling)))
        set_edge_attrs(graph, 'weight', dict(zip(edges, edge_weights)))

        # Visualization properties
        import plottool as pt
        ax2_aid = ut.invert_dict(aid2_aidx)
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'aid', ax2_aid)
        viz_graph.ensure_node_images(infr.qreq_.ibs, graph)
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'framewidth', dict(zip(nodes,
                                                     [3.0] * len(nodes))))
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'framecolor',
                       dict(zip(nodes, [pt.DARK_BLUE] * len(nodes))))
        ut.color_nodes(graph, labelattr='name_label')

        edge_colors = pt.scores_to_color(np.array(edge_weights),
        #import utool
        #edge_colors = [pt.color_funcs.ensure_base255(color) for color in edge_colors]
        #print('edge_colors = %r' % (edge_colors,))
        set_edge_attrs(graph, 'color', dict(zip(edges, edge_colors)))

        # Build inference model
        from ibeis.algo.hots import graph_iden
        model = graph_iden.InfrModel(graph)
        #model = graph_iden.InfrModel(len(nodes), edges, edge_weights, labeling=labeling)
        infr.model = model
Exemple #18
    def make_inference(infr):
        cm_list = infr.cm_list
        unique_nids, prob_names = infr.make_prob_names()
        cluster_tuples = infr.make_clusters()

        # Make pair list for output
        if infr.user_feedback is not None:
            keys = list(zip(infr.user_feedback['aid1'], infr.user_feedback['aid2']))
            feedback_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(keys)
            user_feedback = infr.user_feedback
            p_bg = 0
            user_feedback = ut.map_dict_vals(np.array, infr.user_feedback)
            part1 = user_feedback['p_match'] * (1 - user_feedback['p_notcomp'])
            part2 = p_bg * user_feedback['p_notcomp']
            p_same_list = part1 + part2
            feedback_lookup = {}
        needs_review_list = []
        num_top = 4
        for cm, row in zip(cm_list, prob_names):
            # Find top scoring names for this chip match in the posterior distribution
            idxs = row.argsort()[::-1]
            top_idxs = idxs[:num_top]
            nids = ut.take(unique_nids, top_idxs)
            # Find the matched annotations in the pairwise prior distributions
            nidxs = ut.dict_take(cm.nid2_nidx, nids, None)
            name_groupxs = ut.take(cm.name_groupxs, ut.filter_Nones(nidxs))
            daids_list = ut.take(cm.daid_list, name_groupxs)
            for daids in daids_list:
                ut.take(cm.score_list, ut.take(cm.daid2_idx, daids))
                scores_all = cm.annot_score_list / cm.annot_score_list.sum()
                idxs = ut.take(cm.daid2_idx, daids)
                scores = scores_all.take(idxs)
                raw_scores = cm.score_list.take(idxs)
                scorex = scores.argmax()
                raw_score = raw_scores[scorex]
                daid = daids[scorex]
                import scipy.special
                # SUPER HACK: these are not probabilities
                # TODO: set a and b based on dbsize and param configuration
                # python -m plottool.draw_func2 --exec-plot_func --show --range=0,3 --func="lambda x: scipy.special.expit(2 * x - 2)"
                #a = 2.0
                a = 1.5
                b = 2
                p_same = scipy.special.expit(b * raw_score - a)
                #confidence = scores[scorex]
                #p_diff = 1 - p_same
                #decision = 'same' if confidence > thresh else 'diff'
                #confidence = p_same if confidence > thresh else p_diff
                #tup = (cm.qaid, daid, decision, confidence, raw_score)
                confidence = (2 * np.abs(0.5 - p_same)) ** 2
                #if infr.user_feedback is not None:
                #    import utool
                #    utool.embed(
                key = (cm.qaid, daid)
                fb_idx = feedback_lookup.get(key)
                if fb_idx is not None:
                    confidence = p_same_list[fb_idx]
                tup = (cm.qaid, daid, p_same, confidence, raw_score)

        # Sort resulting list by confidence
        sortx = ut.argsort(ut.take_column(needs_review_list, 3))
        needs_review_list = ut.take(needs_review_list, sortx)

        infr.needs_review_list = needs_review_list
        infr.cluster_tuples = cluster_tuples
Exemple #19
 def lookup_idxs(self, rowids):
     """ Lookup subset indicies by rowids """
     if self._rowid_to_idx is None:
         self._rowid_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(self._rowids)
     idx_list = ut.take(self._rowid_to_idx, rowids)
     return idx_list
Exemple #20
def find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames):
    Solves a a maximum bipirtite matching problem to find a consistent
    name assignment.

        # Install module containing the Hungarian algorithm for matching
        pip install munkres

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'a', 'a']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'b', u'c', u'a']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'e', 'e']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'a', u'b', u'e']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'a', 'b'], ['a']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'a', u'b', u'e']
    import numpy as np
        import munkres
    except ImportError:
        print('Need to install Hungrian algorithm bipartite matching solver.')
        print('pip install munkres')
    unique_old_names = ut.unique(ut.flatten(grouped_oldnames))
    num_new_names = len(grouped_oldnames)
    num_old_names = len(unique_old_names)
    extra_oldnames = []

    # Create padded dummy values.  This accounts for the case where it is
    # impossible to uniquely map to the old db
    num_extra = num_new_names - num_old_names
    if num_extra > 0:
        extra_oldnames = ['_extra_name%d' % (count,) for count in
    elif num_extra < 0:
        extra_oldnames = []
    assignable_names = unique_old_names + extra_oldnames

    total = len(assignable_names)

    # Allocate assignment matrix
    profit_matrix = np.zeros((total, total), dtype=np.int)
    # Populate assignment profit matrix
    oldname2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(assignable_names)
    name_freq_list = [ut.dict_hist(names) for names in grouped_oldnames]
    for rowx, name_freq in enumerate(name_freq_list):
        for name, freq in name_freq.items():
            colx = oldname2_idx[name]
            profit_matrix[rowx, colx] += freq
    # Add extra profit for using a previously used name
    profit_matrix[profit_matrix > 0] += 2
    # Add small profit for using an extra name
    extra_colxs = ut.take(oldname2_idx, extra_oldnames)
    profit_matrix[:, extra_colxs] += 1

    # Convert to minimization problem
    big_value = (profit_matrix.max())
    cost_matrix = big_value - profit_matrix
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    # Map output to be aligned with input
    rx2_cx = dict(indexes)
    assignment = [assignable_names[rx2_cx[rx]]
                  for rx in range(num_new_names)]
    return assignment
Exemple #21
def find_consistent_labeling_old(grouped_oldnames,
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.optimize

    unique_old_names = ut.unique(ut.flatten(grouped_oldnames))

    # TODO: find names that are only used once, and just ignore those for
    # optimization.
    # unique_set = set(unique_old_names)
    oldname_sets = list(map(set, grouped_oldnames))
    usage_hist = ut.dict_hist(ut.flatten(oldname_sets))
    conflicts = {k for k, v in usage_hist.items() if v > 1}
    # nonconflicts = {k for k, v in usage_hist.items() if v == 1}

    conflict_groups = []
    orig_idxs = []
    assignment = [None] * len(grouped_oldnames)
    ntrivial = 0
    for idx, group in enumerate(grouped_oldnames):
        if set(group).intersection(conflicts):
            ntrivial += 1
            if len(group) > 0:
                h = ut.dict_hist(group)
                hitems = list(h.items())
                hvals = [i[1] for i in hitems]
                maxval = max(hvals)
                g = min([k for k, v in hitems if v == maxval])
                assignment[idx] = g
                assignment[idx] = None

    if verbose:
        print('rectify %d non-trivial groups' % (len(conflict_groups), ))
        print('rectify %d trivial groups' % (ntrivial, ))

    num_extra = 0

    if len(conflict_groups) > 0:
        grouped_oldnames_ = conflict_groups
        unique_old_names = ut.unique(ut.flatten(grouped_oldnames_))
        num_new_names = len(grouped_oldnames_)
        num_old_names = len(unique_old_names)
        extra_oldnames = []

        # Create padded dummy values.  This accounts for the case where it is
        # impossible to uniquely map to the old db
        num_extra = num_new_names - num_old_names
        if num_extra > 0:
            extra_oldnames = [
                '%s%d' % (
                ) for count in range(num_extra)
        elif num_extra < 0:
            extra_oldnames = []
        assignable_names = unique_old_names + extra_oldnames

        total = len(assignable_names)

        # Allocate assignment matrix
        # Start with a large negative value indicating
        # that you must select from your assignments only
        profit_matrix = -np.ones((total, total), dtype=np.int) * (2 * total)
        # Populate assignment profit matrix
        oldname2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(assignable_names)
        name_freq_list = [ut.dict_hist(names) for names in grouped_oldnames_]
        # Initialize base profit for using a previously used name
        for rowx, name_freq in enumerate(name_freq_list):
            for name, freq in name_freq.items():
                colx = oldname2_idx[name]
                profit_matrix[rowx, colx] = 1
        # Now add in the real profit
        for rowx, name_freq in enumerate(name_freq_list):
            for name, freq in name_freq.items():
                colx = oldname2_idx[name]
                profit_matrix[rowx, colx] += freq
        # Set a small profit for using an extra name
        extra_colxs = ut.take(oldname2_idx, extra_oldnames)
        profit_matrix[:, extra_colxs] = 1

        # Convert to minimization problem
        big_value = (profit_matrix.max()) - (profit_matrix.min())
        cost_matrix = big_value - profit_matrix

        # Don't use munkres, it is pure python and very slow. Use scipy instead
        indexes = list(zip(*scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)))

        # Map output to be aligned with input
        rx2_cx = dict(indexes)
        assignment_ = [
            assignable_names[rx2_cx[rx]] for rx in range(num_new_names)

        # Reintegrate trivial values
        for idx, g in zip(orig_idxs, assignment_):
            assignment[idx] = g

    for idx, val in enumerate(assignment):
        if val is None:
            assignment[idx] = '%s%d' % (
            num_extra += 1
    return assignment
Exemple #22
def simple_munkres(part_oldnames):
    Defines a munkres problem to solve name rectification.

        We create a matrix where each rows represents a group of annotations in
        the same PCC and each column represents an original name. If there are
        more PCCs than original names the columns are padded with extra values.
        The matrix is first initialized to be negative infinity representing
        impossible assignments. Then for each column representing a padded
        name, we set we its value to $1$ indicating that each new name could be
        assigned to a padded name for some small profit.  Finally, let $f_{rc}$
        be the the number of annotations in row $r$ with an original name of
        $c$. Each matrix value $(r, c)$ is set to $f_{rc} + 1$ if $f_{rc} > 0$,
        to represent how much each name ``wants'' to be labeled with a
        particular original name, and the extra one ensures that these original
        names are always preferred over padded names.

        python -m ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer simple_munkres

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> part_oldnames = [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'a', 'a']]
        >>> new_names = simple_munkres(part_oldnames)
        >>> result = ut.repr2(new_names)
        >>> print(new_names)
        ['b', 'c', 'a']

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> part_oldnames = [[], ['a', 'a'], [],
        >>>                  ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b'], ['a']]
        >>> new_names = simple_munkres(part_oldnames)
        >>> result = ut.repr2(new_names)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [None, 'a', None, 'b', None]

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> part_oldnames = [[], ['b'], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'e', 'e']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(part_oldnames)
        >>> result = ut.repr2(new_names)
        >>> print(new_names)
        ['_extra_name0', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'e']

        Profit Matrix
            b   a   c   e  _0
        0 -10 -10 -10 -10   1
        1   2 -10 -10 -10   1
        2   2   2   2 -10   1
        3   2 -10   2 -10   1
        4 -10 -10   2   3   1
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.optimize
    unique_old_names = ut.unique(ut.flatten(part_oldnames))
    num_new_names = len(part_oldnames)
    num_old_names = len(unique_old_names)

    # Create padded dummy values.  This accounts for the case where it is
    # impossible to uniquely map to the old db
    num_pad = max(num_new_names - num_old_names, 0)
    total = num_old_names + num_pad
    shape = (total, total)

    # Allocate assignment matrix.
    # rows are new-names and cols are old-names.
    # Initially the profit of any assignment is effectively -inf
    # This effectively marks all assignments as invalid
    profit_matrix = np.full(shape, -2 * total, dtype=np.int)
    # Overwrite valid assignments with positive profits
    oldname2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_old_names)
    name_freq_list = [ut.dict_hist(names) for names in part_oldnames]
    # Initialize profit of a valid assignment as 1 + freq
    # This incentivizes using a previously used name
    for rowx, name_freq in enumerate(name_freq_list):
        for name, freq in name_freq.items():
            colx = oldname2_idx[name]
            profit_matrix[rowx, colx] = freq + 1
    # Set a much smaller profit for using an extra name
    # This allows the solution to always exist
    profit_matrix[:, num_old_names:total] = 1

    # Convert to minimization problem
    big_value = (profit_matrix.max()) - (profit_matrix.min())
    cost_matrix = big_value - profit_matrix

    # Use scipy implementation of munkres algorithm.
    rx2_cx = dict(zip(*scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)))

    # Each row (new-name) has now been assigned a column (old-name)
    # Map this back to the input-space (using None to indicate extras)
    cx2_name = dict(enumerate(unique_old_names))

    if False:
        import pandas as pd
        columns = unique_old_names + ['_%r' % x for x in range(num_pad)]
        print('Profit Matrix')
        print(pd.DataFrame(profit_matrix, columns=columns))

        print('Cost Matrix')
        print(pd.DataFrame(cost_matrix, columns=columns))

    assignment_ = [
        cx2_name.get(rx2_cx[rx], None) for rx in range(num_new_names)
    return assignment_
 def ensure_nids(qreq_):
     # Hacked over from hotspotter, seriously hacky
     ibs = qreq_.ibs
     qreq_.unique_aids = np.union1d(qreq_.qaids, qreq_.daids)
     qreq_.unique_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(qreq_.unique_aids)
     qreq_.aid_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(qreq_.unique_aids)
Exemple #24
    def parse_column_tuples(
        parses simple lists into information suitable for making guitool headers
        # Unpack the column tuples into names, getters, and types
        if not strict:
            # slopply colname definitions
            flag_list = [colname in col_getter_dict for colname in col_name_list]
            if not all(flag_list):
                invalid_colnames = ut.compress(col_name_list, ut.not_list(flag_list))
                    '[api_item_widget] Warning: colnames=%r have no getters'
                    % (invalid_colnames,)
                col_name_list = ut.compress(col_name_list, flag_list)
            # sloppy type inference
            for colname in col_name_list:
                getter_ = col_getter_dict[colname]
                if colname not in col_types_dict:
                    type_ = ut.get_homogenous_list_type(getter_)
                    if type_ is not None:
                        col_types_dict[colname] = type_
        # sloppy kwargs.
        # FIXME: explicitly list col_nice_dict
        col_nice_dict = kwargs.get('col_nice_dict', {})
        self.col_nice_list = [col_nice_dict.get(name, name) for name in col_name_list]

        self.col_name_list = col_name_list
        self.col_type_list = [
            col_types_dict.get(colname, str) for colname in col_name_list
        # First col is always a getter
        self.col_getter_list = [
            col_getter_dict.get(colname, str) for colname in col_name_list
        # Get number of rows / columns
        self.nCols = len(self.col_getter_list)
        if self.nCols == 0:
            self.nRows = 0
            for getter in self.col_getter_list:
                if ut.isiterable(getter):
                getter = None
            # FIXME
            assert getter is not None, 'at least one getter must be an array/list'
            self.nRows = len(getter)

        # self.nRows = 0 if self.nCols == 0 else len(self.col_getter_list[0])  # FIXME
        # Init iders to default and then overwite based on dict inputs
        self.col_ider_list = [None] * self.nCols  # ut.alloc_nones(self.nCols)
        # for colname, ider_colnames in six.iteritems(col_ider_dict):
        # import utool
        # utool.embed()
        colname2_colx = ut.make_index_lookup(self.col_name_list)
        for colname, ider_colnames in six.iteritems(col_ider_dict):
            if colname not in colname2_colx:
            # for colname in self.col_name_list:
            ider_colnames = col_ider_dict[colname]
                colx = colname2_colx[colname]
                # Col iders might have tuple input
                ider_cols = self._uinput_1to1(self.col_name_list.index, ider_colnames)
                col_ider = self._uinput_1to1(lambda c: ut.partial(self.get, c), ider_cols)
                self.col_ider_list[colx] = col_ider
                del col_ider
                del ider_cols
                del colx
                del colname
            except Exception as ex:
                    keys=['colname', 'ider_colnames', 'colx', 'col_ider', 'ider_cols'],
        # Init setters to data, and then overwrite based on dict inputs
        self.col_setter_list = list(self.col_getter_list)
        for colname, col_setter in six.iteritems(col_setter_dict):
            colx = colname2_colx[colname]
            self.col_setter_list[colx] = col_setter
        # Init bgrole_getters to None, and then overwrite based on dict inputs
        self.col_bgrole_getter_list = [
            col_bgrole_dict.get(colname, None) for colname in self.col_name_list
        # Mark edtiable columns
        self.col_edit_list = [name in editable_colnames for name in col_name_list]
        # Mark the sort column index
        if sortby is None:
            self.col_sort_index = 0
        elif ut.is_str(sortby):
            self.col_sort_index = self.col_name_list.index(sortby)
            self.col_sort_index = sortby
        self.col_sort_reverse = sort_reverse

        # Hacks for tree widget
        self._iders = kwargs.get('iders', None)
        col_level_dict = kwargs.get('col_level_dict', None)
        if col_level_dict is None:
            self.col_level_list = None
            self.col_level_list = ut.take(col_level_dict, col_name_list)
Exemple #25
    def add_support(nnindexer, new_daid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_fxs_list,
        adds support data (aka data to be indexed)

            new_daid_list (list): list of annotation ids that are being added
            new_vecs_list (list): list of descriptor vectors for each annotation
            new_fgws_list (list): list of weights per vector for each annotation
            verbose (bool):  verbosity flag(default = True)

            python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-add_support

            >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import *  # NOQA
            >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_nnindexer(use_memcache=False)
            >>> new_daid_list = [2, 3, 4]
            >>> K = 2
            >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2())
            >>> # get before data
            >>> (qfx2_idx1, qfx2_dist1) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K)
            >>> new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_fxs_list = get_support_data(qreq_, new_daid_list)
            >>> # execute test function
            >>> nnindexer.add_support(new_daid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_fxs_list)
            >>> # test before data vs after data
            >>> (qfx2_idx2, qfx2_dist2) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K)
            >>> assert qfx2_idx2.max() > qfx2_idx1.max()
        # TODO: ensure no duplicates
        nAnnots = nnindexer.num_indexed_annots()
        nVecs = nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs()
        nNewAnnots = len(new_daid_list)
        new_ax_list = np.arange(nAnnots, nAnnots + nNewAnnots)
        tup = invert_index(new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_ax_list, new_fxs_list,
        new_idx2_vec, new_idx2_fgw, new_idx2_ax, new_idx2_fx = tup
        nNewVecs = len(new_idx2_vec)
        if verbose or ut.VERYVERBOSE:
            print(('[nnindex] Adding %d vecs from %d annots to nnindex '
                   'with %d vecs and %d annots') %
                  (nNewVecs, nNewAnnots, nVecs, nAnnots))
        if ut.DEBUG2:
        # Stack inverted information
        old_idx2_vec = nnindexer.idx2_vec
        if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None:
            new_idx2_fgw = np.hstack(new_fgws_list)
        _ax2_aid = np.hstack((nnindexer.ax2_aid, new_daid_list))
        _idx2_ax = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_ax, new_idx2_ax))
        _idx2_fx = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_fx, new_idx2_fx))
        _idx2_vec = np.vstack((old_idx2_vec, new_idx2_vec))
        if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None:
            _idx2_fgw = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_fgw, new_idx2_fgw))
        if ut.DEBUG2:
        nnindexer.ax2_aid  = _ax2_aid
        nnindexer.idx2_ax  = _idx2_ax
        nnindexer.idx2_vec = _idx2_vec
        nnindexer.idx2_fx  = _idx2_fx
        nnindexer.aid2_ax = ut.make_index_lookup(nnindexer.ax2_aid)
        if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None:
            nnindexer.idx2_fgw = _idx2_fgw
        #nnindexer.idx2_kpts   = None
        #nnindexer.idx2_oris   = None
        # Add new points to flann structure
        if ut.DEBUG2:
            print('new_idx2_vec.dtype = %r' % new_idx2_vec.dtype)
            print('new_idx2_vec.shape = %r' % (new_idx2_vec.shape,))
        if ut.DEBUG2:
            print('DONE ADD POINTS')
Exemple #26
def find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames):
    Solves a a maximum bipirtite matching problem to find a consistent
    name assignment.

        # Install module containing the Hungarian algorithm for matching
        pip install munkres

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'a', 'a']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'b', u'c', u'a']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'e', 'e']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'a', u'b', u'e']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.scripts.name_recitifer import *  # NOQA
        >>> grouped_oldnames = [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'a', 'b'], ['a']]
        >>> new_names = find_consistent_labeling(grouped_oldnames)
        >>> print(new_names)
        [u'a', u'b', u'e']
    import numpy as np
        import munkres
    except ImportError:
        print('Need to install Hungrian algorithm bipartite matching solver.')
        print('pip install munkres')
    unique_old_names = ut.unique(ut.flatten(grouped_oldnames))
    num_new_names = len(grouped_oldnames)
    num_old_names = len(unique_old_names)
    extra_oldnames = []

    # Create padded dummy values.  This accounts for the case where it is
    # impossible to uniquely map to the old db
    num_extra = num_new_names - num_old_names
    if num_extra > 0:
        extra_oldnames = [
            '_extra_name%d' % (count, ) for count in range(num_extra)
    elif num_extra < 0:
        extra_oldnames = []
    assignable_names = unique_old_names + extra_oldnames

    total = len(assignable_names)

    # Allocate assignment matrix
    profit_matrix = np.zeros((total, total), dtype=np.int)
    # Populate assignment profit matrix
    oldname2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(assignable_names)
    name_freq_list = [ut.dict_hist(names) for names in grouped_oldnames]
    for rowx, name_freq in enumerate(name_freq_list):
        for name, freq in name_freq.items():
            colx = oldname2_idx[name]
            profit_matrix[rowx, colx] += freq
    # Add extra profit for using a previously used name
    profit_matrix[profit_matrix > 0] += 2
    # Add small profit for using an extra name
    extra_colxs = ut.take(oldname2_idx, extra_oldnames)
    profit_matrix[:, extra_colxs] += 1

    # Convert to minimization problem
    big_value = (profit_matrix.max())
    cost_matrix = big_value - profit_matrix
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    # Map output to be aligned with input
    rx2_cx = dict(indexes)
    assignment = [assignable_names[rx2_cx[rx]] for rx in range(num_new_names)]
    return assignment
Exemple #27
    def make_inference(infr):
        cm_list = infr.cm_list
        unique_nids, prob_names = infr.make_prob_names()
        cluster_tuples = infr.make_clusters()

        # Make pair list for output
        if infr.user_feedback is not None:
            keys = list(
                zip(infr.user_feedback['aid1'], infr.user_feedback['aid2']))
            feedback_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(keys)
            user_feedback = infr.user_feedback
            p_bg = 0
            user_feedback = ut.map_dict_vals(np.array, infr.user_feedback)
            part1 = user_feedback['p_match'] * (1 - user_feedback['p_notcomp'])
            part2 = p_bg * user_feedback['p_notcomp']
            p_same_list = part1 + part2
            feedback_lookup = {}
        needs_review_list = []
        num_top = 4
        for cm, row in zip(cm_list, prob_names):
            # Find top scoring names for this chip match in the posterior distribution
            idxs = row.argsort()[::-1]
            top_idxs = idxs[:num_top]
            nids = ut.take(unique_nids, top_idxs)
            # Find the matched annotations in the pairwise prior distributions
            nidxs = ut.dict_take(cm.nid2_nidx, nids, None)
            name_groupxs = ut.take(cm.name_groupxs, ut.filter_Nones(nidxs))
            daids_list = ut.take(cm.daid_list, name_groupxs)
            for daids in daids_list:
                ut.take(cm.score_list, ut.take(cm.daid2_idx, daids))
                scores_all = cm.annot_score_list / cm.annot_score_list.sum()
                idxs = ut.take(cm.daid2_idx, daids)
                scores = scores_all.take(idxs)
                raw_scores = cm.score_list.take(idxs)
                scorex = scores.argmax()
                raw_score = raw_scores[scorex]
                daid = daids[scorex]
                import scipy.special
                # SUPER HACK: these are not probabilities
                # TODO: set a and b based on dbsize and param configuration
                # python -m plottool.draw_func2 --exec-plot_func --show --range=0,3 --func="lambda x: scipy.special.expit(2 * x - 2)"
                #a = 2.0
                a = 1.5
                b = 2
                p_same = scipy.special.expit(b * raw_score - a)
                #confidence = scores[scorex]
                #p_diff = 1 - p_same
                #decision = 'same' if confidence > thresh else 'diff'
                #confidence = p_same if confidence > thresh else p_diff
                #tup = (cm.qaid, daid, decision, confidence, raw_score)
                confidence = (2 * np.abs(0.5 - p_same))**2
                #if infr.user_feedback is not None:
                #    import utool
                #    utool.embed(
                key = (cm.qaid, daid)
                fb_idx = feedback_lookup.get(key)
                if fb_idx is not None:
                    confidence = p_same_list[fb_idx]
                tup = (cm.qaid, daid, p_same, confidence, raw_score)

        # Sort resulting list by confidence
        sortx = ut.argsort(ut.take_column(needs_review_list, 3))
        needs_review_list = ut.take(needs_review_list, sortx)

        infr.needs_review_list = needs_review_list
        infr.cluster_tuples = cluster_tuples
Exemple #28
def nx_transitive_reduction(G, mode=1):

        python -m utool.util_graph nx_transitive_reduction --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_graph import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> G = nx.DiGraph([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'),
        >>>                 ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'e'),
        >>>                 ('d', 'e'), ('c', 'e'), ('c', 'd')])
        >>> G = testdata_graph()[1]
        >>> G_tr = nx_transitive_reduction(G, mode=1)
        >>> G_tr2 = nx_transitive_reduction(G, mode=1)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> G_ = nx.dag.transitive_closure(G)
        >>> pt.show_nx(G    , pnum=(1, 5, 1), fnum=1)
        >>> pt.show_nx(G_tr , pnum=(1, 5, 2), fnum=1)
        >>> pt.show_nx(G_tr2 , pnum=(1, 5, 3), fnum=1)
        >>> pt.show_nx(G_   , pnum=(1, 5, 4), fnum=1)
        >>> pt.show_nx(nx.dag.transitive_closure(G_tr), pnum=(1, 5, 5), fnum=1)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()

    import utool as ut
    import networkx as nx
    has_cycles = not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G)
    if has_cycles:
        # FIXME: this does not work for cycle graphs.
        # Need to do algorithm on SCCs
        G_orig = G
        G = nx.condensation(G_orig)

    nodes = list(G.nodes())
    node2_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(nodes)

    # For each node u, perform DFS consider its set of (non-self) children C.
    # For each descendant v, of a node in C, remove any edge from u to v.

    if mode == 1:
        G_tr = G.copy()

        for parent in G_tr.nodes():
            # Remove self loops
            if G_tr.has_edge(parent, parent):
                G_tr.remove_edge(parent, parent)
            # For each child of the parent
            for child in list(G_tr.successors(parent)):
                # Preorder nodes includes its argument (no added complexity)
                for gchild in list(G_tr.successors(child)):
                    # Remove all edges from parent to non-child descendants
                    for descendant in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G_tr, gchild):
                        if G_tr.has_edge(parent, descendant):
                            G_tr.remove_edge(parent, descendant)

        if has_cycles:
            # Uncondense graph
            uncondensed_G_tr = G.__class__()
            mapping = G.graph['mapping']
            inv_mapping = ut.invert_dict(mapping, unique_vals=False)
            for u, v in G_tr.edges():
                u_ = inv_mapping[u][0]
                v_ = inv_mapping[v][0]
                uncondensed_G_tr.add_edge(u_, v_)

            for key, path in inv_mapping.items():
                if len(path) > 1:
                    directed_cycle = list(ut.itertwo(path, wrap=True))
            G_tr = uncondensed_G_tr


        def make_adj_matrix(G):
            edges = list(G.edges())
            edge2_idx = ut.partial(ut.dict_take, node2_idx)
            uv_list = ut.lmap(edge2_idx, edges)
            A = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes)))
            A[tuple(np.array(uv_list).T)] = 1
            return A

        G_ = nx.dag.transitive_closure(G)

        A = make_adj_matrix(G)
        B = make_adj_matrix(G_)

        #AB = A * B
        #AB = A.T.dot(B)
        AB = A.dot(B)
        #AB = A.dot(B.T)

        A_and_notAB = np.logical_and(A, np.logical_not(AB))
        tr_uvs = np.where(A_and_notAB)

        #nodes = G.nodes()
        edges = list(zip(*ut.unflat_take(nodes, tr_uvs)))

        G_tr = G.__class__()

        if has_cycles:
            # Uncondense graph
            uncondensed_G_tr = G.__class__()
            mapping = G.graph['mapping']
            inv_mapping = ut.invert_dict(mapping, unique_vals=False)
            for u, v in G_tr.edges():
                u_ = inv_mapping[u][0]
                v_ = inv_mapping[v][0]
                uncondensed_G_tr.add_edge(u_, v_)

            for key, path in inv_mapping.items():
                if len(path) > 1:
                    directed_cycle = list(ut.itertwo(path, wrap=True))
            G_tr = uncondensed_G_tr
    return G_tr
 def reorder_annots(_annots, uri_order):
     intern_uris = get_annots_imgid(_annots)
     lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(intern_uris)
     _reordered = _annots.take(ut.take(lookup, uri_order))
     return _reordered
Exemple #30
def get_rowids(depc, tablename, root_rowids, config=None, ensure=True,
               eager=True, nInput=None, _debug=None, recompute=False,
    Returns the rowids of `tablename` that correspond to `root_rowids`
    using `config`.

        tablename = 'nnindexer'
        multi_rowids = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        root_rowids = [[multi_rowids]]
        import plottool as pt

        from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        depc = testdata_depc()
        exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        tablename = 'neighbs'
        table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        import plottool as pt
        _debug = depc._debug = True
        depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config, _debug=_debug)

        for key, val in table.type_to_subgraph.items():

        python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get_rowids
        python -m dtool.depcache_control --dump-get_rowids
        python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get_rowids:0

        >>> param_grid = dict(
        >>>     tablename=[ 'spam', 'neighbs'] # 'spam', 'multitest_score','keypoint'],
        >>>   #tablename=['neighbs', 'keypoint', 'spam', 'multitest_score','keypoint'],
        >>> )
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid)
        >>> index = 0
        >>> keys = 'tablename'.split(', ')
        >>> tablename, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys)

        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> pt.ensureqt()
        >>> #pt.show_nx(depc.graph)

        >>> table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> root_rowids = [flat_root_ids for _ in table.input_order]
        >>> print('root_rowids = %r' % (root_rowids,))
        >>> #root_rowids = [[flat_root_ids], [(flat_root_ids,)]]
        >>> #root_rowids = [list(zip(flat_root_ids)), (flat_root_ids,)]
        >>> _debug = True
        >>> depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config, _debug=_debug)
        >>> for key, val in table.type_to_subgraph.items():
        >>>     pt.show_nx(val)
        >>>     pt.set_title(key)

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> tablename = 'spam'
        >>> table = depc[tablename]
        >>> kp_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids)
        >>> #result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),))
        >>> #print(result)

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> kp_rowids = depc.get_rowids('keypoint', flat_root_ids)
        >>> root_rowids = [flat_root_ids] * 8
        >>> _debug = True
        >>> tablename = 'nnindexer'
        >>> tablename = 'multitest_score'
        >>> table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        >>> #result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),))
        >>> # print(result)
    _debug = depc._debug if _debug is None else _debug
    if _debug:
        print(' * root_rowids=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(root_rowids),))
        print(' * config = %r' % (config,))
    table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA

    if tablename == 'neighbor_index':
        python -m ibeis.core_annots --exec-compute_neighbor_index --show

        import utool

    if INDEXER_VERSION or tablename == 'neighbs':
        compute_order = table.compute_order
        depend_order = compute_order['depend_compute_ids']
        input_order = compute_order['input_compute_ids']

        if _debug:
            print(' * input_order = %s' % (ut.repr3(input_order, nl=1),))
            print(' * depend_order = %s' % (ut.repr3(depend_order, nl=1),))
        if len(input_order) > 1:
            assert ut.depth_atleast(root_rowids, 2), (
                'input_order = %r' % (input_order,))

        with ut.Indenter('[GetRowID-%s]' % (tablename,),
            # New way to get rowids
            input_level = depend_order[0]
            mid_levels = depend_order[1:-1]
            output_level = depend_order[-1]

            # List that holds a mapping from input order to input "name"
            input_order_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(input_order)
            # Dictionary that holds the rowids computed for each table
            # while tracing the dependencies.
            rowid_lookup = ut.odict([(key, ut.odict()) for key in input_order])

            # Need to split each path into parts.
            # Each part represents another level of unflattening
            # (because root indicies are all flat)

            # Handle input level
            assert input_level[0] == depc.root
            for compute_id in input_order:
                # for name in input_names:
                argx = input_order_lookup[compute_id]
                rowid_lookup[compute_id] = root_rowids[argx]
                # HACK: Flatten to scalars
                # The inputs should just be given in the "correct" nesting.
                # TODO: determine what correct nesting is.
                for i in range(5):
                        current = rowid_lookup[compute_id]
                        rowid_lookup[compute_id] = ut.flatten(current)
                    except Exception:

            level = 0
            if _debug:
                print('input_order_lookup = %r' % (input_order_lookup,))
                ut.printdict(rowid_lookup, 'rowid_lookup')

            def handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup, _recompute, level):
                print('+--- HANDLE LEVEL %d -------' % (level,))
                tablekey = compute_id[0]
                input_suff = compute_id[1]
                config_ = depc._ensure_config(tablekey, config)
                table = depc[tablekey]
                lookupkeys = [(n, input_suff) for n in table.parent_id_tablenames]
                # ordering = ut.dict_take(input_order_lookup, input_names)
                # sortx = ut.argsort(ordering)
                # FIXME: get inputs for each table.
                # input_names = ut.take(input_names, sortx)
                # lookupkeys = list(ut.iprod(table.parent_id_tablenames, input_names))
                # lookupkeys = list(zip(table.parent_id_tablenames, input_types))
                if _debug:
                    print('---- LOCALS ------')
                    ut.print_locals(compute_id, tablekey, lookupkeys, table)
                # FIXME generalize
                _parent_ids = [rowid_lookup[tblkey] for tblkey in lookupkeys]
                if table.ismulti:
                    parent_rowidsT = [[tuple(x)] for x in _parent_ids]
                    parent_rowidsT = _parent_ids
                parent_rowidsT = np.broadcast_arrays(*parent_rowidsT)
                parent_rowids = list(zip(*parent_rowidsT))
                # Probably not right for general multi-input
                import utool
                with utool.embed_on_exception_context:
                    next_rowids = table.get_rowid(
                        parent_rowids, config=config_, eager=eager, nInput=nInput,
                        ensure=ensure, recompute=_recompute)
                rowid_lookup[compute_id] = next_rowids
                if _debug:
                    ut.printdict(rowid_lookup, 'rowid_lookup')
                if _debug:
                    print('L___ HANDLE LEVEL %d -------' % (level,))
                return next_rowids

            # Handle mid levels
            _recompute = recompute_all
            for level, compute_id in enumerate(mid_levels, start=1):
                handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup, _recompute, level)
            level += 1

            # Handel final (requested) level
            compute_id = output_level
            _recompute = recompute
            rowid_list =  handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup,
                                       _recompute, level)
        with ut.Indenter('[GetRowID-%s]' % (tablename,),
            # TODO: Get nonself rowids first
            # THen get self rowids for debugging ease
                if False:
                    recompute_ = recompute or recompute_all
                    parent_rowids = depc._get_parent_input(
                        tablename, root_rowids, config, ensure=True, _debug=None,
                        recompute=False, recompute_all=False, eager=True,
                    config_ = depc._ensure_config(tablename, config)
                    #if onthefly:
                    #    pass
                    table = depc[tablename]
                    rowid_list = table.get_rowid(
                        parent_rowids, config=config_, eager=eager, nInput=nInput,
                        ensure=ensure, recompute=recompute_)
                    # Compute everything from the root to the requested table
                    rowid_dict = depc.get_all_descendant_rowids(
                        tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=ensure,
                        eager=eager, nInput=nInput, recompute=recompute,
                        recompute_all=recompute_all, _debug=ut.countdown_flag(_debug))
                    rowid_list = rowid_dict[tablename]
            except depcache_table.ExternalStorageException:
                print('EXTERNAL EXCEPTION One retry in get_rowids')
                rowid_dict = depc.get_all_descendant_rowids(
                    tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=ensure,
                    eager=eager, nInput=nInput, recompute=recompute,
                    recompute_all=recompute_all, _debug=ut.countdown_flag(_debug))
                rowid_list = rowid_dict[tablename]
    if _debug:
        print(' * return rowid_list = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(rowid_list),))
    return rowid_list
    def ensure_data(qreq_):
            >>> import wbia
            qreq_ = wbia.testdata_qreq_(
                defaultdb='Oxford', a='oxford',
        logger.info('Ensure data for %s' % (qreq_, ))

        # qreq_.cachedir = ut.ensuredir((ibs.cachedir, 'smk'))

        def make_cacher(name, cfgstr=None):
            if cfgstr is None:
                cfgstr = ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_cfgstr())
            if False and ut.is_developer():
                return ut.Cacher(
                    fname=name + '_' + qreq_.ibs.get_dbname(),
                wrp = ut.DynStruct()

                def ensure(func):
                    return func()

                wrp.ensure = ensure
                return wrp

        import copy

        dconfig = copy.deepcopy(qreq_.qparams)
        qconfig = qreq_.qparams
        if qreq_.qparams['data_ma']:
            # Disable database-dise multi-assignment
            dconfig['nAssign'] = 1
        wwm = qreq_.qparams['word_weight_method']

        depc = qreq_.ibs.depc
        vocab_aids = qreq_.daids

        cheat = False
        if cheat:
            import wbia

            ut.cprint('CHEATING', 'red')
            vocab_aids = wbia.init.filter_annots.sample_annots_wrt_ref(
                {'exclude_ref_contact': True},
            vocab_rowid = depc.get_rowids('vocab', (vocab_aids, ),
            assert vocab_rowid is not None

        depc = qreq_.ibs.depc
        dinva_pcfgstr = depc.stacked_config(None,
        qinva_pcfgstr = depc.stacked_config(None,
        dannot_vuuid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(
        qannot_vuuid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(
        tannot_vuuid = dannot_vuuid
        dannot_suuid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid(
        qannot_suuid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid(

        dinva_phashid = ut.hashstr27(dinva_pcfgstr + tannot_vuuid)
        qinva_phashid = ut.hashstr27(qinva_pcfgstr + tannot_vuuid)
        dinva_cfgstr = '_'.join([dannot_vuuid, dinva_phashid])
        qinva_cfgstr = '_'.join([qannot_vuuid, qinva_phashid])

        # vocab = inverted_index.new_load_vocab(ibs, qreq_.daids, config)
        dinva_cacher = make_cacher('inva', dinva_cfgstr)
        qinva_cacher = make_cacher('inva', qinva_cfgstr)
        dwwm_cacher = make_cacher('word_weight', wwm + dinva_cfgstr)

        gamma_phashid = ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_pipe_cfgstr() + tannot_vuuid)
        dgamma_cfgstr = '_'.join([dannot_suuid, gamma_phashid])
        qgamma_cfgstr = '_'.join([qannot_suuid, gamma_phashid])
        dgamma_cacher = make_cacher('dgamma', cfgstr=dgamma_cfgstr)
        qgamma_cacher = make_cacher('qgamma', cfgstr=qgamma_cfgstr)

        dinva = dinva_cacher.ensure(
            lambda: inverted_index.InvertedAnnots.from_depc(
                depc, qreq_.daids, vocab_aids, dconfig))

        qinva = qinva_cacher.ensure(
            lambda: inverted_index.InvertedAnnots.from_depc(
                depc, qreq_.qaids, vocab_aids, qconfig))

        dinva.wx_to_aids = dinva.compute_inverted_list()

        wx_to_weight = dwwm_cacher.ensure(
            lambda: dinva.compute_word_weights(wwm))
        dinva.wx_to_weight = wx_to_weight
        qinva.wx_to_weight = wx_to_weight

        thresh = qreq_.qparams['smk_thresh']
        alpha = qreq_.qparams['smk_alpha']

        dinva.gamma_list = dgamma_cacher.ensure(
            lambda: dinva.compute_gammas(alpha, thresh))

        qinva.gamma_list = qgamma_cacher.ensure(
            lambda: qinva.compute_gammas(alpha, thresh))

        qreq_.qinva = qinva
        qreq_.dinva = dinva

        logger.info('loading keypoints')
        if qreq_.qparams.sv_on:
            qreq_.data_kpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(
                qreq_.daids, config2_=qreq_.extern_data_config2)

        logger.info('building aid index')
        qreq_.daid_to_didx = ut.make_index_lookup(qreq_.daids)
Exemple #32
    def initialize_graph_and_model(infr):
        """ Unused in internal split stuff

        layout_info = pt.show_nx(graph, as_directed=False, fnum=1,
                                 layoutkw=dict(prog='neato'), use_image=True,
        ax = pt.gca()
        #import networkx as nx
        #import itertools
        cm_list = infr.cm_list
        hack = True
        hack = False
        if hack:
            cm_list = cm_list[:10]
        qaid_list = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list]
        daids_list = [cm.daid_list for cm in cm_list]
        unique_aids = sorted(ut.list_union(*daids_list + [qaid_list]))
        if hack:
            unique_aids = sorted(ut.isect(unique_aids, qaid_list))
        aid2_aidx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_aids)

        # Construct K-broken graph
        edges = []
        edge_weights = []
        #top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K + 1) * 2
        #top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K) * 2
        top = (infr.qreq_.qparams.K + 2)
        for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
            qidx = aid2_aidx[cm.qaid]
            score_list = cm.annot_score_list
            sortx = ut.argsort(score_list)[::-1]
            score_list = ut.take(score_list, sortx)[:top]
            daid_list = ut.take(cm.daid_list, sortx)[:top]
            for score, daid in zip(score_list, daid_list):
                if daid not in qaid_list:
                didx = aid2_aidx[daid]
                edges.append((qidx, didx))

        # make symmetric
        directed_edges = dict(zip(edges, edge_weights))
        # Find edges that point in both directions
        undirected_edges = {}
        for (u, v), w in directed_edges.items():
            if (v, u) in undirected_edges:
                undirected_edges[(v, u)] += w
                undirected_edges[(v, u)] /= 2
                undirected_edges[(u, v)] = w

        edges = list(undirected_edges.keys())
        edge_weights = list(undirected_edges.values())
        nodes = list(range(len(unique_aids)))

        nid_labeling = infr.qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(unique_aids)
        labeling = ut.rebase_labels(nid_labeling)

        import networkx as nx
        from ibeis.viz import viz_graph
        set_node_attrs = nx.set_node_attributes
        set_edge_attrs = nx.set_edge_attributes

        # Create match-based graph structure
        graph = nx.DiGraph()

        # Important properties
        nid_list = infr.qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(unique_aids)
        labeling = ut.rebase_labels(nid_list)

        set_node_attrs(graph, 'name_label', dict(zip(nodes, labeling)))
        set_edge_attrs(graph, 'weight', dict(zip(edges, edge_weights)))

        # Visualization properties
        import plottool as pt
        ax2_aid = ut.invert_dict(aid2_aidx)
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'aid', ax2_aid)
        viz_graph.ensure_node_images(infr.qreq_.ibs, graph)
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'framewidth', dict(zip(nodes, [3.0] * len(nodes))))
        set_node_attrs(graph, 'framecolor', dict(zip(nodes, [pt.DARK_BLUE] * len(nodes))))
        ut.color_nodes(graph, labelattr='name_label')

        edge_colors = pt.scores_to_color(np.array(edge_weights), cmap_='viridis')
        #import utool
        #edge_colors = [pt.color_funcs.ensure_base255(color) for color in edge_colors]
        #print('edge_colors = %r' % (edge_colors,))
        set_edge_attrs(graph, 'color', dict(zip(edges, edge_colors)))

        # Build inference model
        from ibeis.algo.hots import graph_iden
        model = graph_iden.InfrModel(graph)
        #model = graph_iden.InfrModel(len(nodes), edges, edge_weights, labeling=labeling)
        infr.model = model