Exemple #1
def _is_cluster_volume(cluster_id, ebs_volume):
    Helper function to check if given volume belongs to
    given cluster.

    :param UUID cluster_id: UUID of Flocker cluster to check for
    :param boto3.resources.factory.ec2.Volume ebs_volume: EBS volume to check
        for input cluster membership.

    :return bool: True if input volume belongs to input
        Flocker cluster. False otherwise.
    if ebs_volume.tags is not None:
        actual_cluster_id = [tag["Value"] for tag in ebs_volume.tags if tag["Key"] == CLUSTER_ID_LABEL]
        if actual_cluster_id:
            actual_cluster_id = UUID(actual_cluster_id.pop())
            if actual_cluster_id == cluster_id:
                return True
    return False
Exemple #2
def _is_cluster_volume(cluster_id, ebs_volume):
    Helper function to check if given volume belongs to
    given cluster.

    :param UUID cluster_id: UUID of Flocker cluster to check for
    :param boto3.resources.factory.ec2.Volume ebs_volume: EBS volume to check
        for input cluster membership.

    :return bool: True if input volume belongs to input
        Flocker cluster. False otherwise.
    if ebs_volume.tags is not None:
        actual_cluster_id = [
            tag['Value'] for tag in ebs_volume.tags
            if tag['Key'] == CLUSTER_ID_LABEL
        if actual_cluster_id:
            actual_cluster_id = UUID(actual_cluster_id.pop())
            if actual_cluster_id == cluster_id:
                return True
    return False