Exemple #1
def getVis(sbmodelloc, visdataloc):

    #print(sbmodelloc, visdataloc)
    # read in the surface brightness map of the model
    modelimage = fits.getdata(sbmodelloc)
    modelheader = fits.getheader(sbmodelloc)

    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    uu, vv, ww = uvutil.uvload(visdataloc)

    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visdataloc)

    # sample the uv visfile[0].data using the model
    uushape = uu.shape
    if len(uushape) == 2:
        npol = uushape[0]
        nrow = uushape[1]
        uushape = (npol, 1, nrow)
    uu = uu.flatten()
    vv = vv.flatten()
    model_complex = sample_vis.uvmodel(modelimage, modelheader, \
            uu, vv, pcd)

    vis_complex = model_complex.reshape(uushape)
    return vis_complex
Exemple #2
def getVis(sbmodelloc, visdataloc):

    #print(sbmodelloc, visdataloc)
    # read in the surface brightness map of the model
    modelimage = fits.getdata(sbmodelloc)
    modelheader = fits.getheader(sbmodelloc)
    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    uu, vv, ww = uvutil.uvload(visdataloc)
    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visdataloc)

    # sample the uv visfile[0].data using the model
    uushape = uu.shape
    if len(uushape) == 2:
        npol = uushape[0]
        nrow = uushape[1]
        uushape = (npol, 1, nrow)
    uu = uu.flatten()
    vv = vv.flatten()
    model_complex = sample_vis.uvmodel(modelimage, modelheader, \
            uu, vv, pcd)

    vis_complex = model_complex.reshape(uushape)
    return vis_complex
Exemple #3
def add(sbmodelloc, visdataloc, WeightByRMS=True, ExcludeChannels='none'):

    # read in the surface brightness map of the model
    modelimage = fits.getdata(sbmodelloc)
    modelheader = fits.getheader(sbmodelloc)

    # read in the uvfits data
    visfile = fits.open(visdataloc)
    visibilities = visfile[0].data
    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    uu, vv, pcd = uvutil.uvload(visfile)

    # get the number of visibilities, spws, frequencies, polarizations
    if uu.ndim == 4:
        nvis = uu[:, 0, 0, 0]
        nspw = uu[0, :, 0, 0]
        nfreq = uu[0, 0, :, 0]
        npol = uu[0, 0, 0, :]
    if uu.ndim == 3:
        nvis = uu[:, 0, 0]
        nspw = 0
        nfreq = uu[0, :, 0]
        npol = uu[0, 0, :]

    # sample the uv visibilities using the model
    uu = uu.flatten()
    vv = vv.flatten()
    model_complex = sample_vis.uvmodel(modelimage, modelheader, \
            uu, vv, pcd)

    if nspw > 0:
        # get the real and imaginary components
        real = numpy.real(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)
        imag = numpy.imag(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)
        uu = uu.reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)
        vv = vv.reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)

        # replace data visibilities with model visibilities
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 0] = real_raw + real
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 1] = imag_raw + imag
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 2] = wgt
        # get the real and imaginary components
        real = numpy.real(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)
        imag = numpy.imag(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)
        uu = uu.reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)
        vv = vv.reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)

        # replace data visibilities with model visibilities
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 0] = real_raw + real
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 1] = imag_raw + imag
        visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt

    # replace the data visibilities with the model visibilities
    visfile[0].data = visibilities

    #visfile[0].data = vismodel

    return visfile
Exemple #4
def replace_visibilities_galario(visdataloc,sbmodelloc,modelvisloc):
	#this needs to be open, channel by channel
	modelimage_cube = fits.getdata(sbmodelloc)
	#this can be the same throughout
	modelheader = fits.getheader(sbmodelloc)
	#these need to be peeled, channel by channel for the following
	uu_cube, vv_cube, ww_cube = uvutil.uvload(visdataloc)
	vis_complex_cube, wgt_cube = uvutil.visload(visdataloc)
	#this can be the same throughout
	pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visdataloc)
	#all the following is done channel by channel
	for chan in range(modelimage_cube.shape[0]):
		uushape = uu.shape
		if len(uushape) == 2:
        		npol = uushape[0]
        		nrow = uushape[1]
        		uushape = (npol, 1, nrow)
		uu = uu.flatten()
		vv = vv.flatten()
		model_complex = sampleImage(modelimage, np.absolute(modelheader['CDELT1'])/180*np.pi, uu, vv)   # sample_vis.uvmodel(modelimage, modelheader, uu, vv, pcd)
		vis_complex = model_complex.reshape(uushape)
		if chan%10==0:	
			print chan
	os.system('rm -rf ' + modelvisloc[:-7]+'*')
	cmd = 'cp ' + visdataloc + ' ' + modelvisloc	
	real = np.real(vis_complex_cube)
	imag = np.imag(vis_complex_cube)
	visfile = fits.open(modelvisloc, mode='update')
	visibilities = visfile[0].data
	visheader = visfile[0].header
	if visheader['NAXIS'] == 7:
	            visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 0] = real
	            visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 1] = imag
	elif visheader['NAXIS'] == 6:
	            visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 0] = real
	            visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 1] = imag
	            print("Visibility dataset has >7 or <6 axes.  I can't read this.")
	#visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt
	visfile[0].data = visibilities
Exemple #5
	def __init__(self,xs,ys,vs,cellsize,dv,UVFITSfile,cube_template_file):
		This function initializes the modeling object.
		xs: float
			X-axis size of the model image (in arcsec)
		ys: float
			Y-axis size of the model image (in arcsec)
		vs: float
			Velocity-axis size of the model image (in km/s)
		cellsize: float
			Arcseconds in a pixel
		dv: float
			Km/s in a channel
		UVFITSfile: string
			Filename of the UVFITS visibility file
		cube_template_file: string
			Filename of the image cube to be used as a model template (the dimensions and coordinates are the only thing that's used).
			It's best obtained by imaging the visibilities themselves, using mode='channel'. This ensures that the cell size is sufficient to suitable for the UV coverage.
		self.ys=ys   #y-axis size of the model image (in arcsec)
		self.UVFITSfile=UVFITSfile #'.uvfits'
		self.cube_template_file=cube_template_file #'.fits'
		self.sbrad=np.arange(0,2,.01)   #radius vector defining the light profile, sbprof is the light intensity evaluated at these radial values
		self.velrad=self.sbrad          #use the same radius vector for the velocity definition, used by velprof to define the velocity profile
		self.nsamps=1e5                 #number of clouds, should be sufficient
		self.vis_complex_data, self.wgt_data = uvutil.visload(self.UVFITSfile) #load visibility and weights
		self.wgt_data=self.wgt_data[self.good_vis]  #get rid of flagged data
		self.modelheader = fits.getheader(self.cube_template_file)   
		self.uu_cube, self.vv_cube, self.ww_cube = uvutil.uvload(self.UVFITSfile)
		self.pcd = uvutil.pcdload(self.UVFITSfile)
		#In this code we assume the continuum emission can be modelled as a 2D Gaussian, with known parameters. This is often the case and the continuum parameters are often precisely known. If they are not, include the continuum parameters as fitting parameters and make sure the visibilities cover a good range of continuum-only channels. 
		self.y,self.x,self.zz=np.mgrid[:self.Nypix_small,:self.Nxpix_small,:self.Nchan_small]   #define a coordinate cube of the same size as the KinMS model, to make the continuum model, to be added in.
		self.xpos_center_padded,self.ypos_center_padded= int(self.Nxpix/2),int(self.Nypix/2)
Exemple #6
def replace(sbmodelloc, visdataloc):

    # read in the surface brightness map of the model
    modelimage = fits.getdata(sbmodelloc)
    modelheader = fits.getheader(sbmodelloc)

    # read in the uvfits data
    visfile = fits.open(visdataloc)
    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    uu, vv = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    # load the uv data, including the phase center of the data
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visfile)

    # get the number of visfile[0].data, spws, frequencies, polarizations
    if uu.ndim == 4:
        nvis = uu[:, 0, 0, 0].size
        nspw = uu[0, :, 0, 0].size
        nfreq = uu[0, 0, :, 0].size
        npol = uu[0, 0, 0, :].size
    if uu.ndim == 3:
        nvis = uu[:, 0, 0].size
        nspw = 0
        nfreq = uu[0, :, 0].size
        npol = uu[0, 0, :].size

    # sample the uv visfile[0].data using the model
    uu = uu.flatten()
    vv = vv.flatten()
    model_complex = sample_vis.uvmodel(modelimage, modelheader, \
            uu, vv, pcd)

    if nspw > 0:
        # deflatten the real and imaginary components
        real = numpy.real(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)
        imag = numpy.imag(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol)
        # replace data visfile[0].data with model visfile[0].data
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 0] = real
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 1] = imag
        # deflatten the real and imaginary components
        real = numpy.real(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)
        imag = numpy.imag(model_complex).reshape(nvis, nfreq, npol)
        # replace data visfile[0].data with model visfile[0].data
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 0] = real
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 1] = imag

    print "Exiting replace"

    #visfile[0].data = vismodel

    return visfile
Exemple #7
def plot(cleanup=True, configloc='sandbox.yaml', interactive=True, threshold=1.2, plot=True, tag='sandbox'):

    threshold: float
        in mJy, cleaning threshold


    # read the input parameters
    configfile = open(configloc, 'r')
    config = yaml.load(configfile)

    paramSetup = setuputil.loadParams(config)
    fixindx = setuputil.fixParams(paramSetup)
    testfit = paramSetup['p_l']
    visfile = config['UVData']
    uuu, vvv, www = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visfile)
    vis_complex, wgt = uvutil.visload(visfile)

    # remove the data points with zero or negative weight
    positive_definite = wgt > 0
    vis_complex = vis_complex[positive_definite]
    wgt = wgt[positive_definite]
    uuu = uuu[positive_definite]
    vvv = vvv[positive_definite]

    testlnprob, testmu = lnprob(testfit, vis_complex, wgt, uuu, vvv, pcd,
           fixindx, paramSetup, computeamp=True)
    # prepend 1 dummy value to represent lnprob
    testfit = numpy.append(testlnprob, testfit)
    # append nmu dummy values that represent the magnification factors
    nlensedsource = paramSetup['nlensedsource']
    nlensedregions = paramSetup['nlensedregions']
    nmu = 2 * (numpy.array(nlensedsource).sum() + nlensedregions)

    for i in range(nmu):
        testfit = numpy.append(testfit, 0)

    print("lnprob: %f" %testlnprob)
    print("Using the following model parameters:")
    for k, v in zip(paramSetup['pname'], testfit[1:-4]):
        print("%s : %.4f" %(k,v))
    if plot:
        visualutil.plotFit(config, testfit, threshold,
                           tag=tag, cleanup=cleanup,
    return testlnprob
Exemple #8
def rollUp(visfile):
    u, v, w = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    data, weight = uvutil.visload(visfile)
    real = np.real(data)
    imag = np.imag(data)
    nvis = u.size
    rolled = np.zeros((6, nvis))
    rolled[0, :] = u.flatten()
    rolled[1, :] = v.flatten()
    rolled[2, :] = w.flatten()
    rolled[3, :] = real.flatten()
    rolled[4, :] = imag.flatten()
    rolled[5, :] = weight.flatten()
    return rolled
Exemple #9
def rollUp(visfile):
    u, v, w = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    data, weight = uvutil.visload(visfile)
    real = np.real(data)
    imag = np.imag(data)
    nvis = u.size
    rolled = np.zeros((6, nvis))
    rolled[0, :] = u.flatten()
    rolled[1, :] = v.flatten()
    rolled[2, :] = w.flatten()
    rolled[3, :] = real.flatten()
    rolled[4, :] = imag.flatten()
    rolled[5, :] = weight.flatten()
    return rolled
Exemple #10
def plot(cleanup=True, configloc='sandbox.yaml', interactive=True):

    # read the input parameters
    configfile = open(configloc, 'r')
    config = yaml.load(configfile)

    paramSetup = setuputil.loadParams(config)
    fixindx = setuputil.fixParams(paramSetup)
    testfit = paramSetup['p_l']
    visfile = config['UVData']
    uuu, vvv, www = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visfile)
    vis_complex, wgt = uvutil.visload(visfile)

    # remove the data points with zero or negative weight
    positive_definite = wgt > 0
    vis_complex = vis_complex[positive_definite]
    wgt = wgt[positive_definite]
    uuu = uuu[positive_definite]
    vvv = vvv[positive_definite]

    testlnprob, testmu = lnprob(testfit,
    # prepend 1 dummy value to represent lnprob
    testfit = numpy.append(testlnprob, testfit)
    # append nmu dummy values that represent the magnification factors
    nlensedsource = paramSetup['nlensedsource']
    nlensedregions = paramSetup['nlensedregions']
    nmu = 2 * (numpy.array(nlensedsource).sum() + nlensedregions)

    for i in range(nmu):
        testfit = numpy.append(testfit, 0)
    tag = 'sandbox'

    print("lnprob: %f" % testlnprob)
    print("Using the following model parameters:")
    for k, v in zip(paramSetup['pname'], testfit[1:-4]):
        print("%s : %.4f" % (k, v))
Exemple #11
# read in visibilities
fitsfiles = config.FitsFiles
nfiles = len(fitsfiles)
nvis = []

# read in the observed visibilities
uuu = []
vvv = []
real = []
imag = []
wgt = []
for file in fitsfiles:
    print file
    vis_data = fits.open(file)

    uu, vv = uvutil.uvload(vis_data)
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(vis_data)
    real_raw, imag_raw, wgt_raw = uvutil.visload(vis_data)

# convert the list to an array
real = numpy.array(real)
imag = numpy.array(imag)
wgt = numpy.array(wgt)
uuu = numpy.array(uuu)
vvv = numpy.array(vvv)
#www = numpy.array(www)
Exemple #12
        newvisfile = visfile[0:index] + 'scaled.uvfits'
        uvutil.scalewt(visfile, newvisfile)
        visfile = newvisfile
        miriad = False
    miriad = False

# attempt to process multiple visibility files.  This won't work if miriad=True
    filetype = visfile[-6:]
    if filetype == 'uvfits':
        uvfits = True
        uvfits = False
    uuu, vvv, www = uvutil.uvload(visfile)
    pcd = uvutil.pcdload(visfile)
    vis_complex, wgt = uvutil.visload(visfile)
        for i, ivisfile in enumerate(visfile):
            filetype = ivisfile[-6:]
            if filetype == 'uvfits':
                uvfits = True
                uvfits = False
            iuuu, ivvv, iwww = uvutil.uvload(ivisfile)
            ipcd = uvutil.pcdload(ivisfile)
            ivis_complex, iwgt = uvutil.visload(ivisfile)
            if i == 0:
                uuu = iuuu