Exemple #1
class SnippetParser():
	#The SnippetParser class handles the finding/replacing of snippets within a pages content.
	#The page content is passed to a Parser object, and it then tries to pattern match 
	#the <span> tags used to represent snippets. If it finds a valid snippet tag, 
	#it replaces it with the appropriate snippet text. 

	def __init__(self):
		self.sm = SnippetManager()

	snippetRegex = '<span(?=.*?data-type="snippet_tag"\s*)(?=.*?data-snippet-id="([a-zA-Z0-9\s_-]+?)"\s*)[^>]+?>[^<>]*?<\/span>'

	def parsePage(self, pageText):
		result = self.parseSnippets(pageText)

		return result

	def parseSnippets(self, pageText):
		pattern = re.compile(self.snippetRegex)
		matches = pattern.finditer(pageText)

		snippets = self.sm.getSnippets(True)
		for match in matches:
				pageText = replace(pageText, match.group(0), snippets[match.group(1)].getText())
			except KeyError:
				#The snippetID was invalid
				pageText = replace(pageText, match.group(0), '')

		return pageText
Exemple #2
	def getSnippets(self):
		sm = SnippetManager()

		snippets = sm.getSnippets()
		out = []
		for snippet in snippets:

			security = getSecurityManager()
			doc = sm.folder[snippet.getId()]

			if security.checkPermission(ModifyPortalContent, doc):
				snippet.w = True
				snippet.w = False

			if security.checkPermission(DeleteObjects, doc):
				snippet.d = True
				snippet.d = False


		return out
    def test_get_snippets(self):
    	sm = SnippetManager()

    	snippets = sm.getSnippets()
    	self.assertTrue(len(snippets) == 2)