def _checkIfFirstTrackIsLongerOrEqual(clipId1, clipId2): track1Len = QueryRunner.getTrackLength(clipId1) track2Len = QueryRunner.getTrackLength(clipId2) if track1Len == track2Len or track1Len > track2Len: return True else: return False
def _getHighIntenseTracks(self, bpm, key, instrumentID): songList1 = QueryRunner.GetSongsWithBPMandKeyAndInstrumentAndInstense( bpm=bpm, key=key, instrumentId=instrumentID, intense=4) songList2 = QueryRunner.GetSongsWithBPMandKeyAndInstrumentAndInstense( bpm=bpm, key=key, instrumentId=instrumentID, intense=5) for item in songList2: songList1.append(item) return songList1
def _getData(self, key, bpm, instrumentKey): self.writer.PrintAndWrite("** getting data") # gets all the songs with the correct bpm, key and instrument clipList = QueryRunner.getSongsWithBPMKeyAndInstrumentId( bpm, key, instrumentKey) if len(clipList) is 0: return False idClipList = [] for item in clipList: idClipList.append(item[0]) # need to have the preference for all users preferences = {} allPreferences = QueryRunner.getAllUsersPreferenceFull() if allPreferences is None: return False for pref in allPreferences: resultDict = {} user = pref[0] item1 = pref[1] item2 = pref[2] rating = pref[3] if item1 in idClipList: if item1 not in resultDict: resultDict[item1] = rating else: resultDict[item1] += rating if item2 in idClipList: if item2 not in resultDict: resultDict[item2] = rating else: resultDict[item2] += rating if user not in preferences: # if the user is not known, just add the generated dictionary preferences[user] = resultDict else: # if the user is known, update the existing dictionary with new data existingDict = preferences[user] for (subkey, subitem) in resultDict.items(): existingDict[subkey] = subitem preferences[user] = existingDict = preferences
def selectRecommendationEngine(profile, useItemBased, writer): engine = None userIdList = QueryRunner.getAllUserProfileIds() if userIdList is None: useItemBased = False writer.PrintAndWrite("user list: " + str(userIdList)) #need to check if the user has enough items in his profile to create a valid recomendation if useItemBased is True and profile in userIdList: #get content based writer.PrintAndWrite("ITEM BASED", False) engine = _getItemBasedEngine(writer) else: #get knowledge based writer.PrintAndWrite("KNOWLEDGE BASED", False) engine = _getKnowledgeBasedEngine() print() return engine
def GetFeedbackOnSong(profileKey, elementDict, writer): # should get feedback on the three tracks in context of the song writer.PrintAndWrite("** Feedback on song ** ", False) for i in range(0, 3): currentInstruments = [] for j in elementDict: current = elementDict[j].getElements()[i] currentInstruments.append(current) if int(i) == 0: writer.PrintAndWrite( "Rate the GUITAR track from the generated song ", onlyWrite=False) elif i == 1: writer.PrintAndWrite( "Rate the BASS track from the generated song ", False) elif i == 2: writer.PrintAndWrite( "Rate the DRUM track from the generated song ", False) feedbackGuitar = GetFeedback(writer) normalizedRating = Normalizer.normalizeRating(feedbackGuitar) QueryRunner.InsertUserPreferenceFromSlice(profileKey, currentInstruments, normalizedRating)
def _registerClipRelations(self, elementDictionary): self.writer.PrintAndWrite("", False) self.writer.PrintAndWrite("** REGISTERING CLIP RELATIONS **", False) for i in range(0, 3): currentItem = None previousItem = None for element in elementDictionary: previousItem = currentItem temp = elementDictionary[element].getElements() if len(temp) < 3: previousItem = None currentItem = None break currentItem = temp[i] if previousItem is None: continue self.clipclipRelation.append([previousItem, currentItem]) insertSuccess = QueryRunner.InsertClipClipRelation( previousItem, currentItem) if insertSuccess: continue else: print("insert fail") break
def _randomSliceStructure(self): if self.sliceStructs is None: self.sliceStructs = QueryRunner.getAllSliceStructures() randomSelection = Util.GetRandomElementFromList(self.sliceStructs) return randomSelection
def findAllTracksNotUsed(): clipsUsed = {} instrumentUsed = {} cursor, connection = QueryRunner._createcursorandconnection() allTracks = QueryRunner.getAllTracks() for track in allTracks: trackId = track[0] instrument = track[1] if trackId not in clipsUsed.keys(): clipsUsed[trackId] = 0 if instrument not in instrumentUsed.keys(): instrumentUsed[instrument] = 0 allUsersPref = QueryRunner.getAllUsersPreferenceFull(cursor=cursor) for rating in allUsersPref: item1 = rating[1] item2 = rating[2] clipsUsed[item1] += 1 item1Inst = QueryRunner.getInstrumentIDFromInstrumentKey(item1, cursor=cursor) instrumentUsed[item1Inst] += 1 if item1 != item2: clipsUsed[item2] += 1 item2Inst = QueryRunner.getInstrumentIDFromInstrumentKey( item2, cursor=cursor) instrumentUsed[item2Inst] += 1 sorted_mostused = sorted(clipsUsed.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print(sorted_mostused) print() sorted_inst = sorted(instrumentUsed.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print(sorted_inst)
def GetRandomClip(bpm, key, instrumentId): songList = QueryRunner.getSongsWithBPMKeyAndInstrumentId( bpm, key, instrumentId) if songList is []: return None length = len(songList) - 1 randomIndex = randint(0, length) return songList[randomIndex][0]
def GetFeedbackForKNumberOfSlices(profileKey, elementDictionary, writer, numRandom=3): writer.PrintAndWrite("", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("** SLICE FEEDBACK ** ", False) ratedList = [] elementDicKeyList = list(elementDictionary.keys()) loop = 0 if len(elementDicKeyList) < numRandom: loop = len(elementDicKeyList) else: loop = numRandom for i in range(0, loop): randomKey = random.choice(elementDicKeyList) while randomKey in ratedList: randomKey = random.choice(elementDicKeyList) ratedList.append(randomKey) sliceIdList = elementDictionary[randomKey].getElements() success = FeedbackFileCreator.CreateSliceAudioFileForEvaluation( sliceIdList) if success is False: writer.PrintAndWrite( "something went wrong with creating the audio file for evaluation" ) continue writer.PrintAndWrite("") writer.PrintAndWrite("slice id: " + str(sliceIdList), False) writer.PrintAndWrite( "Listen to the clips and come back. I'll be waiting :) ") feedback = GetFeedback(writer) normalizedRating = Normalizer.normalizeRating(feedback) QueryRunner.InsertUserPreferenceFromSlice(profileKey, sliceIdList, normalizedRating) writer.PrintAndWrite("Slice Feedback done", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("")
def WriteScoresToFile(): print("*** WRITING USER PREFERENCES TO FILE ***") path = "testData/scores" cursor = QueryRunner._createcursor() data = QueryRunner.getAllUsersPreferenceFull(cursor=cursor) if data is None: return False print(data) with open(path, 'w') as f: for row in data: user = str(row[0]) item1 = str(row[1]) item2 = str(row[2]) score = str(row[3]) clips = QueryRunner.getClipClipIdFromClips(clip1=item1, clip2=item2, cursor=cursor) if clips is None: continue strClip = str(clips) f.write(user + "\t" + str(strClip) + "\t" + score + "\n") print("*** WRITING DONE ***") print() return True
def CreateCCRelationAudioFileForEvaluation(ccID, filename=""): print("exporting clip-clip relation audio track") result = QueryRunner.getClipsFromClipClipLinkId(ccID) clip1 = result[0] clip2 = result[1] audioclip = AudioMerger.chainClips(clipId1=clip1, clipId2=clip2) if audioclip is None: return False print("audioclip: {0}".format(audioclip)) nameofFile = "ccrel" + str(filename) filename = Util.GeneratePathAndFileNameForAudiofile(filename=nameofFile) exportSuccess = AudioMerger.exportAudio(audio=audioclip, filename=filename) print("export success: {0}".format(exportSuccess)) print() return True
def _setValidKeys(self, key): self.key = str(key) if key is not "None": self.keyFifth = QueryRunner.getFifthFromKey(key)
def __init__(self, writer): self.engine = None self.sliceStructs = QueryRunner.getAllSliceStructures() self.generatedSlices = {} self.writer = writer
def testGetFifth(self): key = "A" answer = "E" result = QueryRunner.getFifthFromKey(key) self.assertEqual(answer, result)
def _GetListOfStructuresFromDb(inputStr): return QueryRunner.getSongStructureList(inputStr)
def GetNumOfRandomFromClipRelations(profileKey, clipclipRelation, writer, numRandom=3): writer.PrintAndWrite("", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("** CLIP CLIP RELATION FEEDBACK ** ", False) writer.PrintAndWrite( "* getting ratings for {0} number of clips".format(numRandom)) writer.PrintAndWrite("* getting not rated") notRatedList = QueryRunner.GetAllClipClipRelationsThatUserHasNotRated( userid=profileKey, relevantIdList=clipclipRelation, writer=writer) notRatedListLength = len(notRatedList) if notRatedListLength is 0: writer.PrintAndWrite("user has rated every item", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("Clip-clip realtion aborted", False) writer.PrintAndWrite() return False seenRelationsIndexes = [] for index in range(0, numRandom): randomCCRelIndex = randint(0, notRatedListLength - 1) randomChoice = notRatedList[randomCCRelIndex] while randomChoice in seenRelationsIndexes: randomCCRelIndex = randint(0, notRatedListLength - 1) randomChoice = notRatedList[randomCCRelIndex] seenRelationsIndexes.append(randomChoice) success1 = FeedbackFileCreator.CreateCCRelationAudioFileForEvaluation( ccID=randomChoice, filename=randomChoice) if not success1: writer.PrintAndWrite( "something went wrong with creating the audio file for evaluation", False) continue writer.PrintAndWrite("", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("Clip-clip id: " + str(randomChoice), False) writer.PrintAndWrite( "Listen to the clips and come back. I'll be waiting :) ") feedback = GetFeedback(writer) normalizedFeedback = Normalizer.normalizeRating(feedback) success2 = QueryRunner.InsertUserPreferenceFromCCid( userId=profileKey, clipclipID=randomChoice, rating=normalizedFeedback) if success2 is False: print("something went wrong with inserting user preference") break writer.PrintAndWrite("Clip-clip Relation feedback is done", False) writer.PrintAndWrite("", False)
def testGetFifthWrongInput(self): key = "W" answer = "None" result = QueryRunner.getFifthFromKey(key) self.assertEqual(answer, result)
def _getAllTracks(self, bpm, key, instrumentID): songList = QueryRunner.getSongsWithBPMKeyAndInstrumentId( bpm, key, instrumentID) return songList