Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, msl=None, names=None, **kwargs):
        if msl is None:
            msl = get_config_value(__name__, 'meansealevel_file')
#            msl = _get_option_('meansealevel_file')
            if msl is None:
                raise MeanSeaLevel("Can't find a default file of mean sea levels")
        if isinstance(msl, str): # file
            if not os.path.isabs(msl):
                msl = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname,  '../../../../data', msl))
            if not os.path.exists(msl):
                raise MeanSeaLevel("File of mean sea levels not found: %s"%msl)
            data = []
            names = []
            xx = [] ; yy = [] ; zz = []
            f = open(msl)
            for line in f:
                name = unicode(line[:29].strip(), 'utf8')
                y, x, z = [float(v) for v in line[29:].split()]
            msl = (xx, yy, zz)
        elif isinstance(msl, MeanSeaLevel): # instance
            names = list(msl.names())

        kwargs.setdefault('units', 'm')
        kwargs.setdefault('long_name', 'Mean sea level')
        XYZBathy.__init__(self, msl, **kwargs)
        self._names = names
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
        self.nom = None

        # File name
        if file is None:
            #            file = _get_option_('ports_file')
            file = get_config_value(__name__, 'ports_file', ispath=True)
        if file is not None:
            #            if not os.path.isabs(file):
            #                file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname,  '../../../../data', file))
            if not os.path.exists(file):
                raise StationInfoError('File of ports not found: ' + file)
            raise StationInfoError('No valid file of ports found')

        # Chargement du fichier

        # Send optional argument to search()
        if nom is not None or len(kwargs) or len(args):
            self.find(nom=nom, regexp=regexp, verbose=verbose, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def bathy_list(name=None, cfgfile=None, minstatus=0):
    """Get the list of bathymetries as dict


        - **name**, optional: Request this bathymetry.
        - **cfgfile**, optional: Load this bathymetry config file.
        - **minstatus**, optional: Minimal status of availability
          of the bathymetry (see :func:`vacumm.config.check_data_file`):

            - ``0``: Bathy file not on disk and not downloadable
              (however, user can specify the path manually).
            - ``1``: File is not on disk, but downloadable.
            - ``2``: File is on disk.


        - If ``name`` is not provided, a dict of subdicts like this one::

            {'etopo2':{'file':'/home/me/bathy.nc', 'var':'btdata', ...}, ...}

        - Else, the subdict of the requested bathy::

            {'file':'/home/me/bathy.nc', 'var':'btdata', ...}


    # Read config file
    sections, cfg = get_config_sections(cfg=cfgfile,

    #    if not cfgfile: cfgfile = get_cfgfiles_gridded() # File name
    #    dvars = get_dir_dict(__names__) # Various directory names
    #    bathys = {}
    #    f = ConfigParser()
    #    f.read(cfgfile)

    # Loop on section
    bathies = {}
    for section in sections:
        status = _check_bathy_file_(section, avail=True)
        #        if not os.path.exists(f.get(section, 'file', vars=dvars)): continue
        if status <= minstatus: continue
        bathies[section] = {'status': status}
        for key in 'file', 'file_url', 'file_license', 'var', 'lon', 'lat':
            if cfg.has_option(section, key):
                bathies[section][key] = get_config_value(section, key, cfg=cfg)

    # Found any bathy?
    if name is not None:
        if not len(bathies):
            raise NcGriddedBathyError('No bathy are available')
        if not name in bathies:
            raise NcGriddedBathyError(
                'Wrong bathymetry name: "%s". Please choose one of these: %s.'
                % (name, ', '.join(bathies.keys())))
        return bathies[name]
    return bathies
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, msl=None, names=None, **kwargs):
        if msl is None:
            msl = get_config_value(__name__, 'meansealevel_file')
#            msl = _get_option_('meansealevel_file')
            if msl is None:
                raise MeanSeaLevel("Can't find a default file of mean sea levels")
        if isinstance(msl, str): # file
            if not os.path.isabs(msl):
                msl = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname,  '../../../../data', msl))
            if not os.path.exists(msl):
                raise MeanSeaLevel("File of mean sea levels not found: %s"%msl)
            data = []
            names = []
            xx = [] ; yy = [] ; zz = []
            f = open(msl)
            for line in f:
                name = str(line[:29].strip(), 'utf8')
                y, x, z = [float(v) for v in line[29:].split()]
            msl = (xx, yy, zz)
        elif isinstance(msl, MeanSeaLevel): # instance
            names = list(msl.names())

        kwargs.setdefault('units', 'm')
        kwargs.setdefault('long_name', 'Mean sea level')
        XYZBathy.__init__(self, msl, **kwargs)
        self._names = names
Exemple #5
def clean_cache(mapdir=None, maxsize=None):
    """Clean cache directory by checking its size


        - **mapdir**, optional: Directory where maps are cached
        - **maxsize**, optional: Maximal size of directory in bytes.
          Default value from :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap]max_cache_size`
          configuration value.
    from ...misc.misc import dirsize
    mapdir = get_map_dir(mapdir)
    if mapdir is None:
        mapdir = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'basemap', 'cached_maps')
    cache_size = dirsize(mapdir)
    if maxsize is None:
        maxsize = eval(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'max_cache_size'))
    if cache_size>maxsize:
        files = [os.path.join(mapdir, ff) for ff in os.listdir(mapdir)]
        files.sort(cmp=lambda f1, f2: cmp(os.stat(f1)[8], os.stat(f2)[8]))
        for ff in files:
            cache_size -= os.path.getsize(ff)
                vacumm_warn('Error while trying to clean basemap cache in: '+
            if cache_size<=maxsize: break
Exemple #6
def get_proj(gg=None, proj=None, **kwargs):
    """Setup a default projection using x,y coordinates and
    :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj` or :func:`basic_proj`

    Projection is set by default to "basic".


        - **gg**, optional: Grid or coordinates (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_xy`).
          If not provided, lon bounds are set to (-180,180) and lat bounds to (-89.99,89.99).
        - Other keywords are passed to :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj`. One of
          them is the projection type, which defaults to configuration option
          :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap] proj`.

        A :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj` instance
        or :func:`basic_proj`


        >>> proj = get_proj(sst.getGrid(), proj='laea')
        >>> x, y = proj(lon, lat)

        >>> proj = get_proj((lon, lat))
        >>> xx, yy = N.meshgrid(lon, lat)
        >>> xx, yy = proj(xx, yy)
        >>> print proj(xx, yy, inverse=True)

        >>> proj = get_proj(R=6000000.)
    if proj is False:
        return False
    if proj is None or proj is True:
        proj = 'basic'
    if proj == 'basic':
        return basic_proj
    if callable(proj): return proj
    if gg is not None:
        x,y = get_xy(gg, num=True)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max()
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = -180, -90, 180, 90
        y = [0]
    projparams = kwargs.copy()
    ymax = min(ymax, 89.99)
    ymin = max(ymin, -89.99)
    if not isinstance(proj, str):
        proj = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'proj')
    dict_check_defaults(projparams, R=rsphere_mean, units='m',
        lat_ts = N.median(y) if len(y)>10 else N.mean(y),
        lon_0 = N.median(x) if len(x)>10 else N.mean(x))
    dict_check_defaults(projparams, lat_0=projparams['lat_ts'])
    return Proj(projparams, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
Exemple #7
def _shorelines_list_(name=None):
    # Get list a dict
    shorelines = config.get_config_value(__name__, 'shapefile_.*', regexp=True, ispath=True)

    # Skip bad keys
    for key in shorelines.keys():
        if key.endswith('_url') or key.endswith('_license'):
            del shorelines[key]

    # Check requested name
    if name is not None:
        if not shorelines.has_key('shapefile_'+name):
            raise VACUMMShorelineError, 'Shoreline not available: %s. Please use list_shorelines() to print the list of available shorelines.'%name
        return shorelines['shapefile_'+name]

    return shorelines
Exemple #8
def get_proj(gg=None, proj=None, **kwargs):
    """Setup a default projection using x,y coordinates and

    Projection is set by default to "laea" and cover the coordinates.


        - **gg**, optional: Grid or coordinates (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_xy`).
          If not provided, lon bounds are set to (-180,180) and lat bounds to (-89.99,89.99).
        - Other keywords are passed to :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj`. One of
          them is the projection type, which defaults to configuration option
          :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap] proj`.

    :Return: A :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj` instance.


        >>> proj = get_proj(sst.getGrid(), proj='laea')
        >>> x, y = proj(lon, lat)

        >>> proj = get_proj((lon, lat))
        >>> xx, yy = N.meshgrid(lon, lat)
        >>> xx, yy = proj(xx, yy)
        >>> print proj(xx, yy, inverse=True)

        >>> proj = get_proj(R=6000000.)
    if callable(proj): return proj
    if gg is not None:
        x,y = get_xy(gg, num=True)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max()
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = -180, -90, 180, 90
        y = [0]
    projparams = kwargs.copy()
    ymax = min(ymax, 89.99)
    ymin = max(ymin, -89.99)
    if not isinstance(proj, str):
        proj = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'proj')
    dict_check_defaults(projparams, R=rsphere_mean, units='m',
        lat_ts = N.median(y) if len(y)>10 else N.mean(y),
        lon_0 = N.median(x) if len(x)>10 else N.mean(x))
    dict_check_defaults(projparams, lat_0=projparams['lat_ts'])
    return Proj(projparams, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, cfgfile=None):

        # Guess file name
        if cfgfile is None:
            f = ConfigParser()
            f.read(get_config_value(__name__, 'cfgfile_xyz'))
            if f.has_option('banks', 'main'):
                cfgfile = f.get('banks', 'main')
            #    raise Exception, 'Cannot read config file to guess bank file name'
        # Read file
        self.cfg = SafeConfigParser()
        self.cfgfile = cfgfile
        if cfgfile and os.path.exists(cfgfile): self.cfg.read(cfgfile)
        self._clients = {}
        for id in self.cfg.sections():
            self._clients[id] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id)
        self._order = None
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self,nom=None, regexp=True, verbose=True,
                 file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.nom = None

        # File name
        if file is None:
#            file = _get_option_('ports_file')
            file = get_config_value(__name__, 'ports_file', ispath=True)
        if file is not None:
#            if not os.path.isabs(file):
#                file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname,  '../../../../data', file))
            if not os.path.exists(file):
                raise StationInfoError('File of ports not found: '+file)
            raise StationInfoError('No valid file of ports found')

        # Chargement du fichier

        # Send optional argument to search()
        if nom is not None or len(kwargs) or len(args):
Exemple #11
def clean_cache(mapdir=None, maxsize=None):
    """Clean cache directory by checking its size


        - **mapdir**, optional: Directory where maps are cached
        - **maxsize**, optional: Maximal size of directory in bytes.
          Default value from :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap]max_cache_size`
          configuration value.
    from ...misc.misc import dirsize
    mapdir = get_map_dir(mapdir)
    if mapdir is None:
        mapdir = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'basemap', 'cached_maps')
    cache_size = dirsize(mapdir)
    if maxsize is None:
        maxsize = eval(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'max_cache_size'))
    if cache_size>maxsize:
        files = [os.path.join(mapdir, ff) for ff in os.listdir(mapdir)]
        files.sort(cmp=lambda f1, f2: cmp(os.stat(f1)[8], os.stat(f2)[8]))
        for ff in files:
            cache_size -= os.path.getsize(ff)
            if cache_size<=maxsize: break