def recup_nfs_sst_seviri_recent(self, URL_SEVIRI_DATA, YYYY, MM, DD, timerange): """ Recuperation par NFS d un fichier de SST SEVIRI horaire recent (depuis 01/01/2012)""" import os, subprocess, shutil import cdtime, glob from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime # -- Complement du nom de repertoire avec l'annee et le jour relatif (001-> 365) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(URL_SEVIRI_DATA, str(YYYY)) # print DATA_DIR a = cdtime.comptime(YYYY, MM, DD) a2 = a.torel("days since " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d", cdtime.comptime(YYYY - 1, 12, 31))) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "%(#)03d" % {"#": a2.value}) # print DATA_DIR if timerange == "midnight": filename = "%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d00*" % {"#": YYYY, "##": MM, "####": DD} else: filename = "%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d*" % {"#": YYYY, "##": MM, "####": DD} copy_mode = "nfs" list_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename)) # si la liste est vide, on essaie en se connectant a service7 if not list_file: find_cmd = "ssh service7 \"find %(DATA_DIR)s -name '%(filename)s' \"" % vars() list_file = subprocess.check_output(find_cmd, shell=True).strip().split() if list_file: copy_mode = "scp" for file_to_read in list_file: if os.path.isfile(os.path.basename(file_to_read)) == False: if copy_mode == "nfs": shutil.copyfile(file_to_read, os.path.basename(file_to_read)) if copy_mode == "scp": copy_cmd = "scp ." % vars() subprocess.check_call(copy_cmd, shell=True)
def recup_ftp_sst_seviri_recent(self, URL_CERSAT, DATA_DIR, YYYY, MM, DD, ext, usr, pwd, ntry, timerange): """ Recuperation par FTP d un fichier de SST SEVIRI horaire recent (depuis 01/01/2012)""" import os, subprocess from ftplib import FTP import cdtime from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime # --------------- LE FTP FONCTIONNE MAIS LES FICHIERS SEMBLENT CORROMPUS ... PROBLEME DANS LE BZ2 # -- Complement du nom de repertoire avec l'annee et le jour relatif (001-> 365) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, str(YYYY)) print DATA_DIR a = cdtime.comptime(YYYY, MM, DD) a2 = a.torel("days since " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d", cdtime.comptime(YYYY - 1, 12, 31))) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "%(#)03d" % {"#": a2.value}) print DATA_DIR # connection au CDOCO ftp = FTP(host=URL_CERSAT, user=usr, passwd=pwd) # positionnement sur le repertoire "best_estimate" ftp.cwd(DATA_DIR) # utile pour ftp.retrbinary def handleDownload(block): file.write(block) if timerange == "midnight": filename = "%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d00*" % {"#": YYYY, "##": MM, "####": DD} else: filename = "%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d*" % {"#": YYYY, "##": MM, "####": DD} # print filename list_file = ftp.nlst(filename) # print list_file for file_to_read in list_file: # recuperation fichier si non present dans work/MODEL/MARS if os.path.isfile(file_to_read) == False: # rajouter test sur date du fichier ... telecharge que si plus recent ... file = open(file_to_read, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + file_to_read, handleDownload)["bunzip2", "-f", file_to_read]) else: print "Pas de downloading : %(file_to_read)s existe deja" % vars() ftp.quit()
def recup_nfs_sst_seviri_recent(self, URL_SEVIRI_DATA, YYYY, MM, DD, timerange): """ Recuperation par NFS d un fichier de SST SEVIRI horaire recent (depuis 01/01/2012)""" import os, subprocess, shutil import cdtime, glob from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime # -- Complement du nom de repertoire avec l'annee et le jour relatif (001-> 365) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(URL_SEVIRI_DATA, str(YYYY)) #print DATA_DIR a = cdtime.comptime(YYYY, MM, DD) a2 = a.torel('days since ' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d', cdtime.comptime(YYYY - 1, 12, 31))) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '%(#)03d' % {'#': a2.value}) #print DATA_DIR if timerange == 'midnight': filename = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d00*' % { '#': YYYY, '##': MM, '####': DD } else: filename = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d*' % { '#': YYYY, '##': MM, '####': DD } copy_mode = 'nfs' list_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename)) # si la liste est vide, on essaie en se connectant a service7 if not list_file: find_cmd = 'ssh service7 "find %(DATA_DIR)s -name \'%(filename)s\' "' % vars( ) list_file = subprocess.check_output(find_cmd, shell=True).strip().split() if list_file: copy_mode = 'scp' for file_to_read in list_file: if os.path.isfile(os.path.basename(file_to_read)) == False: if copy_mode == 'nfs': shutil.copyfile(file_to_read, os.path.basename(file_to_read)) if copy_mode == 'scp': copy_cmd = 'scp .' % vars( ) subprocess.check_call(copy_cmd, shell=True)
def _extrema_var_(extrem,units=None,indices=False,**kwargs): ctime,var,idx = zip(*extrem) if indices: mytime = cdms2.createAxis(idx) = 'time_index' mytime.long_name = 'Time index' else: if units is None: units = 'minutes since %s'%strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',ctime[0]) mytime = create_time(list(ctime), units) var = cdms2.createVariable(var,copy=0) var.setMissing(1.e20) var.setAxis(0,mytime) for att,val in kwargs.items(): setattr(var,att,val) return var
def _extrema_var_(extrem, units=None, indices=False, **kwargs): ctime, var, idx = zip(*extrem) if indices: mytime = cdms2.createAxis(idx) = 'time_index' mytime.long_name = 'Time index' else: if units is None: units = 'minutes since %s' % strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', ctime[0]) mytime = create_time(list(ctime), units) var = cdms2.createVariable(var, copy=0) var.setMissing(1.e20) var.setAxis(0, mytime) for att, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(var, att, val) return var
P.figure() mod = MV2.sqrt(u10**2 + v10**2) levels = auto_scale(mod, nmax=10, vmin=0., vmax=10.) kwarg = dict(m=m, lon=(milo, malo), lat=(mila, mala), nofill=True, quiverkey_value=2, quiver_scale=35, quiver_norm=3, contour=False, quiver_alpha=.9, quiver_width=7., title='Wind - ' + strftime( '%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S', cdtime.reltime(u10.getTime().getValue()[it], u10.getTime().units).tocomp()), show=False, levels=levels, colorbar_shrink=.7, right=1, quiver_samp=1, cmap='cmap_jete') # => Practice : change map parameters. print strftime( '%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S', cdtime.reltime(u10.getTime().getValue()[it], u10.getTime().units).tocomp()) m = map((u10[it, 0, :, :], v10[it, 0, :, :]), **kwarg)
id='VZ', axes=axes, attributes=dict(long_name='3d meridional velocity', standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity', units='m.s-1', valid_min='-100.', valid_max='100.')) for iz, dep in enumerate(U.getLevel()): Ui2 = interp2d(U[0, iz, :, :], (xo, yo), method='bilinear') Vi2 = interp2d(V[0, iz, :, :], (xo, yo), method='bilinear') Uis[iz, :, :] = Ui2 Vis[iz, :, :] = Vi2 date = strftime('_%Y%m%d%H0000', c1) file_out = 'MARS_MENOR_' + date + '.nc' f =, file_out), 'w') #f.write(LATITUDE) #f.write(LONGITUDE) #f.write(TIME) #f.write(DEPTH) f.write(Uis) # ecriture d'une variable f.write(Vis) f.history = 'Created with ' + __file__.encode('utf8') # attribut global f.close() # fermeture del Uis, Vis ctest = c2
def recup_ftp_sst_seviri_recent(self, URL_CERSAT, DATA_DIR, YYYY, MM, DD, ext, usr, pwd, ntry, timerange): """ Recuperation par FTP d un fichier de SST SEVIRI horaire recent (depuis 01/01/2012)""" import os, subprocess from ftplib import FTP import cdtime from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime # --------------- LE FTP FONCTIONNE MAIS LES FICHIERS SEMBLENT CORROMPUS ... PROBLEME DANS LE BZ2 # -- Complement du nom de repertoire avec l'annee et le jour relatif (001-> 365) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, str(YYYY)) print DATA_DIR a = cdtime.comptime(YYYY, MM, DD) a2 = a.torel('days since ' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d', cdtime.comptime(YYYY - 1, 12, 31))) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '%(#)03d' % {'#': a2.value}) print DATA_DIR # connection au CDOCO ftp = FTP(host=URL_CERSAT, user=usr, passwd=pwd) # positionnement sur le repertoire "best_estimate" ftp.cwd(DATA_DIR) # utile pour ftp.retrbinary def handleDownload(block): file.write(block) if timerange == 'midnight': filename = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d00*' % { '#': YYYY, '##': MM, '####': DD } else: filename = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(####)02d*' % { '#': YYYY, '##': MM, '####': DD } #print filename list_file = ftp.nlst(filename) #print list_file for file_to_read in list_file: # recuperation fichier si non present dans work/MODEL/MARS if os.path.isfile(file_to_read) == False: # rajouter test sur date du fichier ... telecharge que si plus recent ... file = open(file_to_read, 'wb') ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + file_to_read, handleDownload)["bunzip2", "-f", file_to_read]) else: print "Pas de downloading : %(file_to_read)s existe deja" % vars( ) ftp.quit()
from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime,strptime # Lecture a partir d'une chaine de caracteres et d'un format # (tappez strptime dans google) mytime = strptime('1950-01-01 07:00:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Verification partielle print mytime.year,mytime.minute # -> 1950 0 # On choisit la langue francaise import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'fr_FR') # Ecriture sous un autre format print strftime('%e %B %Y a %Hh%M',mytime) # -> 1 janvier 1950 a 07h00
xlkw.update(pmap=False, cur_color='b', cur_linestyle='', cur_marker='o') try: cur, var, lat, lon = sat.plot_extrema_location(**xlkw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot satellite') xlkw.update(pmap=False, cur_color='g', cur_linestyle='-', cur_marker='+') xlkw['select'].update(level=slice(int(options.level),None)) try: cur, var, lat, lon = mars.plot_extrema_location(**xlkw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot mars') xrotate(45) pylab.legend(loc='best') try: mars.plot_trajectory_map(lon, lat, **xlkw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot trajectory') output = options.output%dict(plot='loc', op=op, var=varname[0], tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1]))'Saving %s', output) pylab.savefig(output) if 'val' in options.plots: for op in options.operations: log.notice('val %s', op) pylab.figure() lckw = datakw.copy() lckw.update(operation=op, cur_vmin=0, cur_vmax=20) lckw.update(pmap=False, cur_color='b', cur_linestyle='', cur_marker='o') try: cur, var, lat, lon = sat.plot_localized_computed_values(**lckw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot satellite') lckw.update(pmap=False, cur_color='g', cur_linestyle='-', cur_marker='+')
P.figure() mod = MV2.sqrt(u10 ** 2 + v10 ** 2) levels = auto_scale(mod, nmax=10, vmin=0.0, vmax=10.0) kwarg = dict( m=m, lon=(milo, malo), lat=(mila, mala), nofill=True, quiverkey_value=2, quiver_scale=35, quiver_norm=3, contour=False, quiver_alpha=0.9, quiver_width=7.0, title="Wind - " + strftime("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S", cdtime.reltime(u10.getTime().getValue()[it], u10.getTime().units).tocomp()), show=False, levels=levels, colorbar_shrink=0.7, right=1, quiver_samp=1, cmap="cmap_jete", ) # => Practice : change map parameters. print strftime("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S", cdtime.reltime(u10.getTime().getValue()[it], u10.getTime().units).tocomp()) m = map((u10[it, 0, :, :], v10[it, 0, :, :]), **kwarg) # => Practice: instead of a quiver map, generate a map with current amplitude.
print is_comptime(ctime), is_reltime(rtime), is_cdtime(ctime) # ---- VACUMM Bonus ---- # Read from a string and a format # => Practice: check strptime in google mytime = strptime('1950-01-01 07:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # => Practice: Try different formats # - Check print mytime.year, mytime.minute # We choose the french language import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR') # Write in a different format print strftime('%e %B %Y a %Hh%M', mytime) # => Practice: Try different formats # ---- Time axes ---- print 10 * '-' + ' Time axes ' + 10 * '-' units = 'hours since 2000-01-15 06:00' taxis = create_time(N.arange(6.) * 48, units) print taxis.getValue() print 'Units before change: ', taxis.units # - change units ch_units(taxis, 'days since 2000-1-15 06:00', copy=0) print taxis.getValue() print 'Units after change: ', taxis.units # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---- lindates ---- print 10 * '-' + ' lindates ' + 10 * '-'
Uis = cdms2.createVariable(Uis, typecode='f',id='UZ', axes=axes, attributes=dict(long_name='3d zonal velocity',standard_name='eastward_sea_water_velocity',units='m.s-1',valid_min='-100.',valid_max='100.')) Vis = cdms2.createVariable(Vis, typecode='f',id='VZ', axes=axes, attributes=dict(long_name='3d meridional velocity',standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity',units='m.s-1',valid_min='-100.',valid_max='100.')) for iz, dep in enumerate(U.getLevel()): Ui2 = interp2d(U[0,iz,:,:], (xo,yo), method='bilinear') Vi2 = interp2d(V[0,iz,:,:], (xo,yo), method='bilinear') Uis[iz,:,:]=Ui2 Vis[iz,:,:]=Vi2 date=strftime('_%Y%m%d%H0000',c1) file_out = 'MARS_MENOR_'+date+'.nc' f =,file_out), 'w') #f.write(LATITUDE) #f.write(LONGITUDE) #f.write(TIME) #f.write(DEPTH) f.write(Uis) # ecriture d'une variable f.write(Vis) f.history = 'Created with '+__file__.encode('utf8') # attribut global f.close() # fermeture del Uis, Vis
# ========== # Methode 1. Tracé des observations (points) sur fond 2D grillés de champs de modèles moyennés sur la période choisie. if not options.coloc: if 'mld' in options.plots: pylab.figure() kw = plotkw.copy() m = c = None try: m,c = mars.plot_mld(select, **kw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot mars mld') kw.update(map=m, cmap=c) try: profiles.plot_mld(select, **kw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot profiles mld') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.title('Mixed Layer Depth\ntime: %s'%(itv,)) output = options.output%dict(plot='mld', tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1])) log.notice('Saving %s', output) pylab.savefig(output) if 'ped' in options.plots: pylab.figure() kw = plotkw.copy() m = c = None try: m,c = mars.plot_ped(select, **kw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot mars ped') kw.update(map=m, cmap=c) try: profiles.plot_ped(select, **kw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot profiles ped') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.title('Potential Energy Deficit\ntime: %s'%(itv,)) output = options.output%dict(plot='ped', tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1]))
from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime, strptime # Lecture a partir d'une chaine de caracteres et d'un format # (tappez strptime dans google) mytime = strptime('1950-01-01 07:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Verification partielle print mytime.year, mytime.minute # -> 1950 0 # On choisit la langue francaise import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR') # Ecriture sous un autre format print strftime('%e %B %Y a %Hh%M', mytime) # -> 1 janvier 1950 a 07h00
mp = profiles.plot_layer(varname=varname, depth=depth, select=select, **plotkw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot profiles layer') else: pylab.figure() try: Colocator().plot_layer_mod_on_pro(mars, profiles, varname=varname, depth=depth, select=select, method=options.coloc) except: log.exception('Cannot plot layer') output = options.output % dict(var=varname[0], depth='%sm' % abs(depth), tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1])) pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.title('Layer %s\nDepth: %s\ntime: %s' % (varname[0], depth, itv)) log.notice('Saving %s', output) pylab.savefig(output) if
for itv in Intervals((tmin, tmax, tbb), (tstep, ustep)): log.notice("Interval %s", itv) select = dict(time=itv[:2]) if options.level: select["level"] = slice(*map(int, options.level.split(","))) if options.bbox: select.update(dict(latitude=(latmin, latmax), longitude=(lonmin, lonmax))) pylab.figure() try: sec = mars.plot_section( varname=varname, select=select, xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, pmap=True, sec_axes_rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.7], map_axes_rect=[0.75, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], plot_show=False, ) except: log.exception("") pylab.legend(loc="best") output = options.output % dict(var=varname[0], tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1])) log.notice("Saving %s", output) pylab.savefig(output) if
# -> [2000-1-15 6:0:0.0, 2000-1-17 6:0:0.0] # Matplotlib times taxis_mpl = mpl(taxis) print taxis_mpl[0], taxis_mpl.units # -> 730134.25 days since 0001 # Change the time units of a variable import MV2 var = MV2.array(MV2.arange(len(taxis)), dtype='f', axes=[taxis]) ch_units(var, 'hours since 2000-01-15 06') print var.getTime()[0:2] # -> [ 0. 48.] # Change time zone # - UTC time now t_utc = now(True) print strftime('%H:%M', t_utc), t_utc.hour # -> 15:54 15 # - Paris time t_paris = utc_to_paris(t_utc) print strftime('%H:%M', t_paris), t_paris.hour # -> 17:54 17 # - back to UTC print tz_to_tz(t_paris, 'Europe/Paris', 'UTC').hour # -> 15 # - we can work on a time string! print to_utc('2000-10-01 10:20', 'Europe/Paris') # -> '2000-10-1 8:20:0.0'
print is_comptime(ctime),is_reltime(rtime),is_cdtime(ctime) # ---- VACUMM Bonus ---- # Read from a string and a format # => Practice: check strptime in google mytime = strptime('1950-01-01 07:00:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # => Practice: Try different formats # - Check print mytime.year,mytime.minute # We choose the french language import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'fr_FR') # Write in a different format print strftime('%e %B %Y a %Hh%M',mytime) # => Practice: Try different formats # ---- Time axes ---- print 10*'-'+' Time axes '+10*'-' units = 'hours since 2000-01-15 06:00' taxis = create_time(N.arange(6.)*48, units) print taxis.getValue() print 'Units before change: ',taxis.units # - change units ch_units(taxis, 'days since 2000-1-15 06:00', copy=0) print taxis.getValue() print 'Units after change: ',taxis.units # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---- lindates ---- print 10*'-'+' lindates '+10*'-'
select = dict(time=itv[:2], latitude=(latmin,latmax,'ccb'), longitude=(lonmin,lonmax,'ccb')) if not options.coloc: pylab.figure() try: mp = mars.plot_layer(varname=varname, depth=depth, select=select, **plotkw) plotkw['map'] = mp except: log.exception('Cannot plot mars layer') try: mp = profiles.plot_layer(varname=varname, depth=depth, select=select, **plotkw) except: log.exception('Cannot plot profiles layer') else: pylab.figure() try: Colocator().plot_layer_mod_on_pro(mars, profiles, varname=varname, depth=depth, select=select, method=options.coloc) except: log.exception('Cannot plot layer') output = options.output%dict(var=varname[0], depth='%sm'%abs(depth), tmin=strftime(dtfmt, itv[0]), tmax=strftime(dtfmt, itv[1])) pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.title('Layer %s\nDepth: %s\ntime: %s'%(varname[0], depth, itv)) log.notice('Saving %s', output) pylab.savefig(output) if
# -> [2000-1-15 6:0:0.0, 2000-1-17 6:0:0.0] # Matplotlib times taxis_mpl = mpl(taxis) print taxis_mpl[0], taxis_mpl.units # -> 730134.25 days since 0001 # Change the time units of a variable import MV2 var = MV2.array(MV2.arange(len(taxis)), dtype='f', axes=[taxis]) ch_units(var, 'hours since 2000-01-15 06') print var.getTime()[0:2] # -> [ 0. 48.] # Change time zone # - UTC time now t_utc = now(True) print strftime('%H:%M', t_utc), t_utc.hour # -> 15:54 15 # - Paris time t_paris = utc_to_paris(t_utc) print strftime('%H:%M', t_paris), t_paris.hour # -> 17:54 17 # - back to UTC print tz_to_tz(t_paris,'Europe/Paris','UTC').hour # -> 15 # - we can work on a time string! print to_utc('2000-10-01 10:20', 'Europe/Paris') # -> '2000-10-1 8:20:0.0'
# We load a cdms variable f ='')) temp = f('temp') u = f('u') v = f('v') f.close() # We get the Time time = temp.getTime() # axis ctime = time.asComponentTime() # time cdtime.comptime() # Create the file with the format : YYYY/MM/DDZHH:MM TEMP U V f = open('', 'w') f.write('# Ligne de commentaire\n') for it in xrange(len(temp)): t = strftime('%Y/%m/%dZ%H:%M', ctime[it]) f.write('%s %.4f %f %f\n' % (t, temp[it], u[it], v[it])) f.close() # => Practice: Read just a small part of the file (10 last lines and/or 10 first lines) # Quick check (two first lines) f = open('') print ''.join(f.readlines()[:3]) f.close() # Quick writing using Numpy # - Creation time_units = 'hours since %s'%ctime[0] newtime = ch_units(time, time_units)[:] data = N.array([newtime,temp.filled(999.), u.filled(999.), v.filled(999.)],copy=0)
temp = f("temp") u = f("u") v = f("v") f.close() # On recupre le temps time = temp.getTime() # axe ctime = time.asComponentTime() # temps cdtime.comptime() # Creation a la main au format : YYYY/MM/DDZHH:MM TEMP U V from vacumm.misc.atime import strftime, ch_units, strptime f = open("", "w") f.write("# Ligne de commentaire\n") for it in xrange(len(temp)): t = strftime("%Y/%m/%dZ%H:%M", ctime[it]) f.write("%s %.4f %f %f\n" % (t, temp[it], u[it], v[it])) f.close() # Verification rapide (deux premieres lignes) f = open("") print "".join(f.readlines()[:3]) f.close() # -> # Ligne de commentaire # -> 2008/01/07Z00:00 12.0672 0.359631 0.156422 # -> 2008/01/07Z01:00 11.9421 0.493174 0.158244 # Ecriture rapide via numpy # - creation import numpy as N