def drawwood(self, time, settings, screen, scale, bottomypos, currentxscroll, endscroll): shelfheight = 7 * scale shelfdepth = 18 * scale shelfdepthoffset = 7 * scale shelfyoffset = 2 * scale frontcolor = (127, 88, 26) left = 10 * scale - currentxscroll shelfwidth = max(endscroll - scale * 10, screen.get_width() / 2) frontrect = Rect(left, bottomypos - shelfheight + shelfyoffset, shelfwidth, shelfheight) # draw depth depthplist = [(frontrect[0], frontrect[1]), (frontrect[0] + shelfdepthoffset, frontrect[1] - shelfheight), (frontrect[0] + frontrect.width + shelfdepthoffset, frontrect[1] - shelfheight), (frontrect[0] + frontrect.width, frontrect[1])] gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, depthplist, variables.brighten(frontcolor, 13)) # draw front, frontrect, frontcolor) # draw right side rsideplist = [ depthplist[-2], depthplist[-1], (frontrect[0] + frontrect.width, frontrect[1] + shelfheight), (depthplist[-2][0], depthplist[-2][1] + shelfheight) ] gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, rsideplist, variables.brighten(frontcolor, -3))
def drawwood(self, time, settings, screen, scale, currentxscroll, bottomypos): shelfwidth = currentxscroll + screen.get_width() shelfheight = 7*scale shelfdepth = 18*scale shelfdepthoffset = 7*scale shelfyoffset = 2*scale frontcolor = (127, 88, 26) frontrect = Rect(-currentxscroll+10*scale, bottomypos-shelfheight+shelfyoffset, 80*scale, shelfheight) # draw depth depthplist = [(frontrect[0], frontrect[1]), (frontrect[0]+shelfdepthoffset, frontrect[1]-shelfheight), (frontrect[0]+frontrect.width+shelfdepthoffset, frontrect[1]-shelfheight), (frontrect[0]+frontrect.width, frontrect[1])] gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, depthplist, variables.brighten(frontcolor, 13)) # draw front, frontrect, frontcolor) # draw right side rsideplist = [depthplist[-2], depthplist[-1], (frontrect[0]+frontrect.width, frontrect[1]+shelfheight), (depthplist[-2][0], depthplist[-2][1]+shelfheight)] gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, rsideplist, variables.brighten(frontcolor, -3))
def makestarter(): # make the starter flower petal_list = [(0.0, 0.0)] petal_numofpoints = 13 for x in range(petal_numofpoints): petal_list.append((x, 4 * math.sin(x / petal_numofpoints * math.pi))) middlecolor = (241, 252, 63) middletexture = Texture(brighten(middlecolor, -50), 0.2, 0.05, 0.05, acceptedcolors=[middlecolor]) middleradius = 2.5 middlelist = listarc(-middleradius, 0, middleradius * 2, middleradius, 8) middleshape = PlantShape(middlelist, middlecolor, brighten(middlecolor, -30)) # set the texture of the middle of the flower to fill in some dark pixels middleshape = middleshape.destructiveset("textures", [middletexture]) middlenode = PlantNode([middleshape], 1, math.pi / 20) petal_shape = PlantShape(petal_list, (0, 0, 200), (0, 0, 120)) petalnode = PlantNode([petal_shape], 5, math.pi * 2 / 5) starter_flower = PlantNode([bigstem_plantshape], 1, math.pi / 10, children=[middlenode, petalnode]) return ShopPlant("blue flower", starter_flower, 0)
def testcactus(): spikecolor = (80, 80, 80) body_list = [(0, 0)] body_numofpoints = 20 roundedness = 3.5 for x in range(body_numofpoints): body_list.append( (x, -(5 * math.sin(x**roundedness / body_numofpoints**roundedness * math.pi / 2 + math.pi / 2)))) cactuscolor = (29, 183, 55) cactuslinecolor = brighten(cactuscolor, -20) spiketexture = Texture(spikecolor, 0.1, 0.2, 0.05) spiketexture.acceptedcolorsspawn = [cactuscolor, cactuslinecolor] bodylineshapes = [] number_of_lines = 2 for i in range(number_of_lines): bodylinelist = scalepointlist(body_list, 1 - ((i + 1) / (number_of_lines + 1)), 1) rightlinelist = flippointlist(bodylinelist) bodylinelist = linelist_to_shapelist(bodylinelist) rightlinelist = linelist_to_shapelist(rightlinelist) bodylineshapes.append( PlantShape(bodylinelist, brighten(cactuscolor, -40), cactuslinecolor, completelistp=True, textures=[spiketexture])) bodylineshapes.append( PlantShape(rightlinelist, brighten(cactuscolor, -40), cactuslinecolor, completelistp=True, textures=[spiketexture])) body_shape = PlantShape(body_list, cactuscolor, brighten(cactuslinecolor, -20)) body_shape = body_shape.destructiveset("textures", [spiketexture]) body_node = PlantNode([body_shape] + bodylineshapes, 1, math.pi / 5, children=[]) body_node = body_node.destructiveset("shiftchance", 0.0) body_node = body_node.destructiveset("widthvariance", 0.4) body_node = body_node.destructiveset("heightvariance", 0.4) body_node3 = copy.deepcopy(body_node) body_node2 = copy.deepcopy(body_node) body_node2 = body_node2.destructiveset("repeatnumseparate", 5) body_node2 = body_node2.destructiveset("brancharea", 1) body_node2 = body_node2.destructiveset("children", [body_node3]) body_node = body_node.destructiveset("children", [body_node2]) return ShopPlant("testcactus", body_node, 40)
def drawpot(potwidth): potcolor = brighten(randomnicecolor(), -100) potheight = int(potwidth * 1.5) surface = pygame.Surface((potwidth + 1, potheight + 1), pygame.SRCALPHA) midx = (potwidth / 2) rimheight = potheight / 2 toparc = listarc(0, rimheight / 2, potwidth, rimheight / 2, int(potwidth)) toparclowered = [] for i in range(len(toparc)): toparclowered.append(toparc[i].copy()) toparclowered[i][1] += 2 bottomarc = listarc(potwidth, rimheight / 2, -potwidth, -rimheight / 2, int(potwidth)) #for i in range(len(bottomarc)): # bottomarc[i][1] = math.ceil(bottomarc[i][1]) rim = toparc + bottomarc for i in range(len(rim)): rim[i][0] = round(rim[i][0]) basearc = listarc(potwidth / 6, potheight - 1 - rimheight / 2, potwidth - 2 * potwidth / 6, -rimheight / 6, int(potwidth)) baselist = [bottomarc[2], bottomarc[-3]] + basearc # draw the base of the pot pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, baselist, brighten(potcolor, 20)) # draw the inside of pot pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, rim, potcolor) # draw soil pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, toparclowered + bottomarc, dirtcolor) # draw rim of pot pygame.gfxdraw.polygon(surface, rim, brighten(potcolor, 30)) return surface
def drawpot(potwidth): potcolor = brighten(randomnicecolor(), -100) potheight = int(potwidth*1.5) surface = pygame.Surface((potwidth+1, potheight+1), pygame.SRCALPHA) midx = (potwidth/2) rimheight = potheight/2 toparc = listarc(0, rimheight/2, potwidth, rimheight/2, int(potwidth)) toparclowered = [] for i in range(len(toparc)): toparclowered.append(toparc[i].copy()) toparclowered[i][1] += 2 bottomarc = listarc(potwidth, rimheight/2, -potwidth, -rimheight/2, int(potwidth)) #for i in range(len(bottomarc)): # bottomarc[i][1] = math.ceil(bottomarc[i][1]) rim = toparc + bottomarc for i in range(len(rim)): rim[i][0] = round(rim[i][0]) basearc = listarc(potwidth/6, potheight-1-rimheight/2, potwidth-2*potwidth/6, -rimheight/6, int(potwidth)) baselist = [bottomarc[2], bottomarc[-3]] + basearc # draw the base of the pot pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, baselist, brighten(potcolor, 20)) # draw the inside of pot pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, rim, potcolor) # draw soil pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, toparclowered+bottomarc, dirtcolor) # draw rim of pot pygame.gfxdraw.polygon(surface, rim, brighten(potcolor, 30)) return surface
def drawplant(head_node): devprint("drawing plant") surface = Surface((40, 43), SRCALPHA) rootpos = (surface.get_width()/2, surface.get_height()-3) # the stack has the node, the currentx, and the currenty for each node in it # currentx and currenty are without resizing of the surface stack = [] # keeps track of offset needed because of resizing the surface resizeoffset = (0, 0) for i in range(head_node.repeatnumseparate): stack.append(head_node) firstx = potwidth * random.random() * head_node.brancharea + rootpos[0] stack.append(firstx) stack.append(rootpos[1]) stack.append(math.pi/2) # base angle strait up to start with callcount = 0 while len(stack) != 0 and callcount < 1000: callcount += 1 base_angle = stack.pop() currenty = stack.pop() currentx = stack.pop() node = stack.pop() randomspacings = [0] spacingLength = 0 for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle-1): randomspacings.append(random.uniform(node.anglespace-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglespace+node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)) spacingLength += randomspacings[i+1] startspacing = random.uniform(-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)/2 * random.choice((-1, 1)) # start angle so that it points up on average angle = base_angle + startspacing - (spacingLength/2) + node.angleoffset*random.choice((-1, 1)) # update the random spacing to be final angles for i in range(len(randomspacings)): angle = angle + randomspacings[i] randomspacings[i] = angle for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle): # draw all the plantshapes at this angle # pick a random angle out of the list angle = randomspacings.pop(random.randint(0, len(randomspacings)-1)) widthscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.widthvariance heightscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.heightvariance # now add the current node surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, new_resize_offset = surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, (currentx, currenty), resizeoffset, widthscalar, heightscalar) resizeoffset = new_resize_offset # find the new currentx and currenty mainlistlen = len(mainltranslated) # add all the children at the current position for childnode in node.children: futureindexpositions = getfuturenodeindexpositions(childnode.repeatnumseparate, mainlistlen, childnode.brancharea) for i in range(childnode.repeatnumseparate): futurex = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][0]+mainloffset[0] futurey = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][1]+mainloffset[1] stack.append(childnode) stack.append(futurex) stack.append(futurey) futureangle = listangleatindex(mainltranslated, futureindexpositions[i]) stack.append(futureangle) finalsurfaceanchor = (rootpos[0] + resizeoffset[0], rootpos[1]+resizeoffset[1]) # draw dirt clumps at bottom clumpradius = 4 clumprange = 14 clumpnum = 4 for i in range(clumpnum): gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(finalsurfaceanchor[0] + i * clumprange/clumpnum - clumprange/2)+1, int(finalsurfaceanchor[1]), int(random.uniform(clumpradius/3, clumpradius)), brighten(dirtcolor, -10)) return surface, finalsurfaceanchor
import pygame, random, math from pygame import Rect from .pointlist import listarc from variables import brighten, randomnicecolor dirtcolor = brighten((89, 55, 15), -10) # a "pot" is just a lump on the ground to grow stuff in def drawpot(potwidth): potcolor = brighten(randomnicecolor(), -100) potheight = int(potwidth*1.5) surface = pygame.Surface((potwidth+1, potheight+1), pygame.SRCALPHA) midx = (potwidth/2) rimheight = potheight/2 toparc = listarc(0, rimheight/2, potwidth, rimheight/2, int(potwidth)) toparclowered = [] for i in range(len(toparc)): toparclowered.append(toparc[i].copy()) toparclowered[i][1] += 2 bottomarc = listarc(potwidth, rimheight/2, -potwidth, -rimheight/2, int(potwidth)) #for i in range(len(bottomarc)): # bottomarc[i][1] = math.ceil(bottomarc[i][1]) rim = toparc + bottomarc
def makecabinet(gamename): width = 28 height = 48 # make it bigger in case cropped off surface = pygame.Surface((width+3, height), pygame.SRCALPHA) # the width of the front of the cabinet from the left edge to the right edge of the controls frontwidth = randint(int(width/2), int(width * 0.75)) widthleft = width-frontwidth backwidth = min(frontwidth / 4, widthleft) cabinetheight = height*0.7 topoffrontypos = height - cabinetheight topedgeoffset = frontwidth / 10 topedgeheight = frontwidth / 4 # right, left, bottom left, bottom right (counter-clockwise) topfront = ((backwidth+frontwidth+topedgeoffset, topoffrontypos), (backwidth+topedgeoffset, topoffrontypos), (backwidth, topoffrontypos+topedgeheight), (backwidth+frontwidth, topoffrontypos+topedgeheight)) displayheight = int((height - topfront[-1][1]) / 2.3) buttonareaheight = displayheight/4 coinareaheight = int((height - topfront[-1][1]) - displayheight - buttonareaheight) frontdisplayarea = (topfront[-1], topfront[-2], (topfront[-2][0], topfront[-2][1]+displayheight), (topfront[-1][0], topfront[-1][1]+displayheight)) screenshrink = 2 screenarea = ((frontdisplayarea[0][0]-screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[0][1]+screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[1][0]+screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[1][1]+screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[2][0]+screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[2][1]-screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[3][0]-screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[3][1]-screenshrink)) coinslotxoffset = frontwidth/4 buttonsarea = (frontdisplayarea[-1], frontdisplayarea[-2], (frontdisplayarea[-2][0]+coinslotxoffset, frontdisplayarea[-2][1] + buttonareaheight), (frontdisplayarea[-1][0]+coinslotxoffset, frontdisplayarea[-1][1] + buttonareaheight)) coinslotarea = (buttonsarea[-1], buttonsarea[-2], (buttonsarea[-2][0], buttonsarea[-2][1] + coinareaheight), (buttonsarea[-1][0], buttonsarea[-1][1] + coinareaheight)) yoffsetback = backwidth / 3 backx = topfront[1][0]-backwidth sidearea = (topfront[1], (backx, topfront[1][1] - yoffsetback), (backx, coinslotarea[-2][1]-yoffsetback*((coinslotarea[-2][0]-backx)/float(backwidth))), coinslotarea[-2]) toparea = ((sidearea[1][0]+frontwidth, sidearea[1][1]), sidearea[1], sidearea[0], ((sidearea[0][0] + frontwidth), sidearea[0][1])) machinecolor = variables.randomnicecolor() pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, sidearea, machinecolor) screenbordercolor = variables.randomnicecolor() pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, toparea, variables.brighten(random.choice((machinecolor, screenbordercolor)), -20)) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, topfront, variables.brighten(random.choice((machinecolor, screenbordercolor)), -40)) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, frontdisplayarea, screenbordercolor) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, screenarea, variables.BLACK) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, buttonsarea, variables.brighten(screenbordercolor, -50)) # draw buttons on button area buttonsy = buttonsarea[0][1] + (buttonareaheight/3) buttonxmin = buttonsarea[-2][0] buttonxwidth = buttonsarea[0][0]-buttonxmin, int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.2), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth*0.05), variables.RED), int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.35), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth*0.05), variables.RED), int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.7), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth*0.05), variables.BLUE) coinslotareacolor = variables.brighten(machinecolor, -30) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, coinslotarea, coinslotareacolor) pygame.gfxdraw.polygon(surface, coinslotarea, variables.brighten(coinslotareacolor, -20)) # draw coin slot coinslotareaw = (coinslotarea[0][0]-coinslotarea[1][0]) coinslotareah = (coinslotarea[2][1]-coinslotarea[1][1]) coinslotrect = Rect(int(coinslotarea[1][0] + coinslotareaw/3), int(coinslotarea[0][1] + coinslotareah*0.3), coinslotareaw * 0.3, coinslotareah * 0.4), coinslotrect, (40, 40, 40)) return surface
def makecabinet(gamename): width = 28 height = 48 # make it bigger in case cropped off surface = pygame.Surface((width + 3, height), pygame.SRCALPHA) # the width of the front of the cabinet from the left edge to the right edge of the controls frontwidth = randint(int(width / 2), int(width * 0.75)) widthleft = width - frontwidth backwidth = min(frontwidth / 4, widthleft) cabinetheight = height * 0.7 topoffrontypos = height - cabinetheight topedgeoffset = frontwidth / 10 topedgeheight = frontwidth / 4 # right, left, bottom left, bottom right (counter-clockwise) topfront = ((backwidth + frontwidth + topedgeoffset, topoffrontypos), (backwidth + topedgeoffset, topoffrontypos), (backwidth, topoffrontypos + topedgeheight), (backwidth + frontwidth, topoffrontypos + topedgeheight)) displayheight = int((height - topfront[-1][1]) / 2.3) buttonareaheight = displayheight / 4 coinareaheight = int((height - topfront[-1][1]) - displayheight - buttonareaheight) frontdisplayarea = (topfront[-1], topfront[-2], (topfront[-2][0], topfront[-2][1] + displayheight), (topfront[-1][0], topfront[-1][1] + displayheight)) screenshrink = 2 screenarea = ((frontdisplayarea[0][0] - screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[0][1] + screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[1][0] + screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[1][1] + screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[2][0] + screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[2][1] - screenshrink), (frontdisplayarea[3][0] - screenshrink, frontdisplayarea[3][1] - screenshrink)) coinslotxoffset = frontwidth / 4 buttonsarea = (frontdisplayarea[-1], frontdisplayarea[-2], (frontdisplayarea[-2][0] + coinslotxoffset, frontdisplayarea[-2][1] + buttonareaheight), (frontdisplayarea[-1][0] + coinslotxoffset, frontdisplayarea[-1][1] + buttonareaheight)) coinslotarea = (buttonsarea[-1], buttonsarea[-2], (buttonsarea[-2][0], buttonsarea[-2][1] + coinareaheight), (buttonsarea[-1][0], buttonsarea[-1][1] + coinareaheight)) yoffsetback = backwidth / 3 backx = topfront[1][0] - backwidth sidearea = (topfront[1], (backx, topfront[1][1] - yoffsetback), (backx, coinslotarea[-2][1] - yoffsetback * ((coinslotarea[-2][0] - backx) / float(backwidth))), coinslotarea[-2]) toparea = ((sidearea[1][0] + frontwidth, sidearea[1][1]), sidearea[1], sidearea[0], ((sidearea[0][0] + frontwidth), sidearea[0][1])) machinecolor = variables.randomnicecolor() pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, sidearea, machinecolor) screenbordercolor = variables.randomnicecolor() pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon( surface, toparea, variables.brighten(random.choice((machinecolor, screenbordercolor)), -20)) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon( surface, topfront, variables.brighten(random.choice((machinecolor, screenbordercolor)), -40)) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, frontdisplayarea, screenbordercolor) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, screenarea, variables.BLACK) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, buttonsarea, variables.brighten(screenbordercolor, -50)) # draw buttons on button area buttonsy = buttonsarea[0][1] + (buttonareaheight / 3) buttonxmin = buttonsarea[-2][0] buttonxwidth = buttonsarea[0][0] - buttonxmin, int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.2), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth * 0.05), variables.RED), int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.35), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth * 0.05), variables.RED), int(buttonxmin + buttonxwidth * 0.7), int(buttonsy), int(buttonxwidth * 0.05), variables.BLUE) coinslotareacolor = variables.brighten(machinecolor, -30) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, coinslotarea, coinslotareacolor) pygame.gfxdraw.polygon(surface, coinslotarea, variables.brighten(coinslotareacolor, -20)) # draw coin slot coinslotareaw = (coinslotarea[0][0] - coinslotarea[1][0]) coinslotareah = (coinslotarea[2][1] - coinslotarea[1][1]) coinslotrect = Rect(int(coinslotarea[1][0] + coinslotareaw / 3), int(coinslotarea[0][1] + coinslotareah * 0.3), coinslotareaw * 0.3, coinslotareah * 0.4), coinslotrect, (40, 40, 40)) return surface
def drawplant(head_node): devprint("drawing plant") surface = Surface((40, 43), SRCALPHA) rootpos = (surface.get_width()/2, surface.get_height()-3) # the stack has the node, the currentx, and the currenty for each node in it # currentx and currenty are without resizing of the surface stack = [] # keeps track of offset needed because of resizing the surface resizeoffset = (0, 0) for i in range(head_node.repeatnumseparate): stack.append(head_node) firstx = potwidth * random.random() * head_node.brancharea + rootpos[0] stack.append(firstx) stack.append(rootpos[1]) stack.append(math.pi/2) # base angle strait up to start with callcount = 0 while len(stack) != 0 and callcount < 1000: callcount += 1 base_angle = stack.pop() currenty = stack.pop() currentx = stack.pop() node = stack.pop() randomspacings = [0] spacingLength = 0 for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle-1): randomspacings.append(random.uniform(node.anglespace-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglespace+node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)) spacingLength += randomspacings[i+1] startspacing = random.uniform(-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)/2 * random.choice((-1, 1)) # start angle so that it points up on average angle = base_angle + startspacing - (spacingLength/2) + node.angleoffset*random.choice((-1, 1)) # update the random spacing to be final angles for i in range(len(randomspacings)): angle = angle + randomspacings[i] randomspacings[i] = angle for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle): # draw all the plantshapes at this angle # pick a random angle out of the list angle = randomspacings.pop(random.randint(0, len(randomspacings)-1)) widthscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.widthvariance heightscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.heightvariance # now add the current node surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, new_resize_offset = surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, (currentx, currenty), resizeoffset, widthscalar, heightscalar) resizeoffset = new_resize_offset # find the new currentx and currenty mainlistlen = len(mainltranslated) # add all the children at the current position for childnode in node.children: futureindexpositions = getfuturenodeindexpositions(childnode.repeatnumseparate, mainlistlen, childnode.brancharea, childnode.branchoffset) for i in range(childnode.repeatnumseparate): futurex = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][0]+mainloffset[0] futurey = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][1]+mainloffset[1] stack.append(childnode) stack.append(futurex) stack.append(futurey) futureangle = listangleatindex(mainltranslated, futureindexpositions[i]) stack.append(futureangle) finalsurfaceanchor = (rootpos[0] + resizeoffset[0], rootpos[1]+resizeoffset[1]) # draw dirt clumps at bottom clumpradius = 4 clumprange = 14 clumpnum = 4 for i in range(clumpnum): gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(finalsurfaceanchor[0] + i * clumprange/clumpnum - clumprange/2)+1, int(finalsurfaceanchor[1]), int(random.uniform(clumpradius/3, clumpradius)), brighten(dirtcolor, -10)) return surface, finalsurfaceanchor
def adddancearrows(GR): # duplicate and rotate the left arrow leftdancearrow = GR["leftdancearrow"]["img"] rightdancearrow = variables.transformrotate(leftdancearrow, 180) downdancearrow = variables.transformrotate(leftdancearrow, 270) updancearrow = variables.transformrotate(leftdancearrow, 90) leftdancearrowdark = leftdancearrow.copy() rightdancearrowdark = rightdancearrow.copy() updancearrowdark = updancearrow.copy() downdancearrowdark = downdancearrow.copy() pygame.PixelArray(leftdancearrow).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[0], -40)) pygame.PixelArray(rightdancearrow).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[3], -40)) pygame.PixelArray(updancearrow).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[2], -40)) pygame.PixelArray(downdancearrow).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[1], -40)) pygame.PixelArray(leftdancearrowdark).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[0], -100)) pygame.PixelArray(rightdancearrowdark).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[3], -100)) pygame.PixelArray(updancearrowdark).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[2], -100)) pygame.PixelArray(downdancearrowdark).replace( (255, 255, 255), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[1], -100)) pygame.PixelArray(leftdancearrow).replace((0, 0, 0), variables.notes_colors[0]) pygame.PixelArray(rightdancearrow).replace((0, 0, 0), variables.notes_colors[3]) pygame.PixelArray(updancearrow).replace((0, 0, 0), variables.notes_colors[2]) pygame.PixelArray(downdancearrow).replace((0, 0, 0), variables.notes_colors[1]) pygame.PixelArray(leftdancearrowdark).replace( (0, 0, 0), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[0], -50)) pygame.PixelArray(rightdancearrowdark).replace( (0, 0, 0), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[3], -50)) pygame.PixelArray(updancearrowdark).replace( (0, 0, 0), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[2], -50)) pygame.PixelArray(downdancearrowdark).replace( (0, 0, 0), variables.brighten(variables.notes_colors[1], -50)) GR["leftdancearrow"]["img"] = leftdancearrow addsurfaceGR(GR, rightdancearrow, "rightdancearrow") addsurfaceGR(GR, updancearrow, "updancearrow") addsurfaceGR(GR, downdancearrow, "downdancearrow") addsurfaceGR(GR, leftdancearrowdark, "leftdancearrowdark") addsurfaceGR(GR, rightdancearrowdark, "rightdancearrowdark") addsurfaceGR(GR, updancearrowdark, "updancearrowdark") addsurfaceGR(GR, downdancearrowdark, "downdancearrowdark")
import pygame, random, math from pygame import Rect from .pointlist import listarc from variables import brighten, randomnicecolor dirtcolor = brighten((89, 55, 15), -10) # a "pot" is just a lump on the ground to grow stuff in def drawpot(potwidth): potcolor = brighten(randomnicecolor(), -100) potheight = int(potwidth * 1.5) surface = pygame.Surface((potwidth + 1, potheight + 1), pygame.SRCALPHA) midx = (potwidth / 2) rimheight = potheight / 2 toparc = listarc(0, rimheight / 2, potwidth, rimheight / 2, int(potwidth)) toparclowered = [] for i in range(len(toparc)): toparclowered.append(toparc[i].copy()) toparclowered[i][1] += 2 bottomarc = listarc(potwidth, rimheight / 2, -potwidth, -rimheight / 2, int(potwidth)) #for i in range(len(bottomarc)): # bottomarc[i][1] = math.ceil(bottomarc[i][1])