Exemple #1
    def handle_getfighter(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /getfighter

        Gives all information about a specific fighter

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            Option 1.
                /getfighter [username] *
                Will show info about username (rest of args ignored)
            Option 2.
                Will prompt button GUI with all fighters, selecting one of them
                or sending a message with the name of a fighter will do the same
                effect as Option 1 with the same fighter

        items = []
        for fighter in self.bot.get_fighters_extended():

        if len(attr) > 0:
            if attr[0] in items:
                text = "👤 Fighter: *" + attr[0] + "*\n" \
                    + "\Status: "
                fighter = next(item
                               for item in self.bot.get_fighters_extended()
                               if item["username"] == attr[0])
                if fighter["alive"]:
                    text += " alive"
                    text += " dead 💀"
                text += "\nHas killed: "
                if len(fighter["killed"]) > 0:
                    text += ', '.join("`" + fighter["killed"] + "`")
                    text += "no other fighters"
                text += "\nShow in list: "
                if fighter['show']:
                    text += "yes"
                    text += "no 👻"
                text = "Fighter not found."
            self.ask_status = "NONE"
            items = []
            text = "Insert the name of the fighter, or use the buttons prompted."
            self.ask_status = "BUTTONS_GETFIGHTER"

        keyboard = self.build_keyboard(items)
        self.send_message(text, chat, keyboard)
        log.send_message("Telegram - sent WarBotAdmin.handle_getfighter")
Exemple #2
    def handle_getfighters(self, chat):
        """Handles command /getfighters

        Gives list of fighters

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        text = '👥 *List of fighters:*'
        i = 0
        for fighter in self.bot.get_fighters_extended():
            text += "\n" + str(i + 1) + ". `" + fighter["username"] + "`"
            if not fighter["alive"]:
                text += " 💀"
            if not fighter["show"]:
                text += " 👻"
            i += 1
            if i % 5 == 0:
                self.send_message(text, chat)
                text = ""
        if text != "":
            self.send_message(text, chat)

        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_getfighters")
Exemple #3
    def handle_addcandidate(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /addcandidate

        Adds one or more candidates

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            /addcandidate [user1] [user2] ...
            (again, nothing else to say)

        text = ""

        if len(attr) > 0:
            for username in attr:
                result = self.bot.add_candidate(username)
                if result:
                    text += "Candidate *" + username + "* has been added.\n"
                    text += "Candidate *" + username + "* is already on the candidates list.\n"
            text = "You did not insert the candidate to add."

        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_addcandidate")
Exemple #4
    def handle_getcandidates(self, chat):
        """Handles command /getcandidates

        Gives list of candidates

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        text = '🕵️ *List of candidates:*'
        i = 0
        for candidate in self.bot.get_candidates():
            text += "\n" + str(i + 1) + ". `" + candidate + "`"
            i += 1
            if i % 5 == 0:
                self.send_message(text, chat)
                text = ""
        if text != "":
            self.send_message(text, chat)

        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_getcandidates")
Exemple #5
    def handle_restart(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /restart

        Restarts database

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The database will be restarted iff the comand
        is followed by the "confirm" keyword

        do_restart = False

        if len(attr) > 0:
            if attr[0] == "confirm":
                do_restart = True

        if do_restart:
            result = self.bot.restart()
            if result:
                text = "Database has been restarted."
                text = "Database could not be restarted."
            text = "To do this, you must confirm this action. Have in " \
                + "consideration this action is irreversible. TO confirm, " \
                + "use /restart `confirm`."

        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_restart")
Exemple #6
    def download_profilepic(self, username, filename):
        """Download username's profile picture

        username : str
            Twitter username whose picture wants to be downloaded
        filename : str
            Filename where picture will be saved

        Option 1: str
            File route to the downloaded pic
        Option 2: None
            In case download could not be done

        file_download_route = route.paste(self.images_route, filename)
            url = self.api.get_user(
                    '_normal', '')
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file_download_route)
            return file_download_route
        except Exception as e:
            log.send_message("[TWITTER API] ERROR - at api.get_user -> " +
            return None
Exemple #7
 def setup_vars(self):
     Vars = Query()
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'last_seen_id')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'last_seen_id', 'value': 1})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'optin_running')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'optin_running', 'value': False})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'next_battle_year')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'next_battle_year', 'value': 2000})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'next_battle_month')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'next_battle_month', 'value': 12})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'next_battle_day')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'next_battle_day', 'value': 19})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'next_battle_hour')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'next_battle_hour', 'value': 0})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'next_battle_minute')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'next_battle_minute', 'value': 0})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'battle_frequency_hours')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'battle_frequency_hours', 'value': 6})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'battle_frequency_minutes')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'battle_frequency_minutes', 'value': 0})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'stop_frequency')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'stop_frequency', 'value': True})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'stop_next_battle')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'stop_next_battle', 'value': True})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'fighter_announce')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'fighter_announce', 'value': False})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'announce_queue')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'announce_queue', 'value': []})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'battle_queue')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'battle_queue', 'value': []})
     if len(self.db_vars.search(Vars.varname == 'message_queue')) == 0:
         self.db_vars.insert({'varname': 'message_queue', 'value': []})
     log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: done setup_vars")
Exemple #8
 def change_fighter_show(self, username, show):
     User = Query()
     self.db_fighters.update({'show': show}, User.username == username)
     if show:
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: " + username + " is now showed")
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: " + username + " is now hidden")
Exemple #9
 def change_fighter_alive(self, username, alive):
     User = Query()
     self.db_fighters.update({'alive': alive}, User.username == username)
     if alive:
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: " + username + " is now alive")
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: " + username + " is now dead")
Exemple #10
    def handle_forcebattle(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /forcebattle
        Forces a battle, either randomly or between two specific users

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            /forcebattle (winner) (defeated)
                - if there are not 2 args, it forces a random battle
                - if both winner and defeated, winner defeats defeated

        if len(attr) >= 2:
            winner = attr[0]
            defeated = attr[1]
            result = self.bot.force_battle(winner, defeated)
            if result:
                text = 'Battle executed: *' + winner + '* has killed *' + defeated + '*'
                text = "Battle could not be executed."
            winner, defeated = self.bot.battle()
            if winner != None and defeated != None:
                text = 'Battle executed: *' + winner + '* has killed *' + defeated + '*'
                text = 'Battle could not be executed.'
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_forcebattle")
Exemple #11
    def send_newfighter(self, username):
        """Send new fighter message to Twitter

        Sends new fighter message, including image

        # generate filenames
        img = username + "_profilepic.png"
        img_route = self.api.download_profilepic(username, img)
        out = "newfighter-" + username + ".png"
        out_route = self.imgh.generate_newfighter(img, out)

        # post tweet
            self.api.post_tweet("We have a new fighter! " + \
                "@{}, welcome to the battle!".format(username), [out_route])
            log.send_message("[TWITTER] Tweet posted: new fighter " + username)
            self.bot.add_message_queue("🛎️ Tweet posted: new fighter " \
                + "*{}*".format(username))
        except Exception as e:
            log.send_message("[TWITTER] Tweet COULD NOT be posted: new fighter " \
                + username + " -> " + str(e))
            self.bot.add_message_queue("⚠️ Tweet could not be posted: new " \
                + "fighter *{}*".format(username))

        # remove images generated
Exemple #12
 def update_next_battle(self, date):
     Vars = Query()
     self.db_vars.update({'value': date.year}, Vars.varname == 'next_battle_year')
     self.db_vars.update({'value': date.month}, Vars.varname == 'next_battle_month')
     self.db_vars.update({'value': date.day}, Vars.varname == 'next_battle_day')
     self.db_vars.update({'value': date.hour}, Vars.varname == 'next_battle_hour')
     self.db_vars.update({'value': date.minute}, Vars.varname == 'next_battle_minute')
     log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: next_battle set to {}/{}/{} {}:{}".format(date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute))
Exemple #13
 def insert_candidate(self, username):
     # Check if candidate is already in the database
     Candidate = Query()
     if len(self.db_candidates.search(Candidate.username == username)) > 0:
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Insertion error: Candidate " + username + " is already on the database")
         new_candidate = {'username': username}
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Insertion: Candidate " + username + " added to the database")
Exemple #14
    def handle_help(self, chat):
        """Handles command /help

        Outputs help message.

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        text = "*Bloomgogo War Bot* v1.0\n" \
            + "Created by: Miguel Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez (@mianfg)\n\n" \
            + "*Commands 👩‍💻👨‍💻*\n" \
            + "\n🔁 Sync:\n" \
            + "/runoptin · Allows Twitter users to add themselves to the "\
            + "candidates list 📬 mentioning the account\n" \
            + "/stopoptin · Stops previous functionality 📭\n" \
            + "\n⚔️ Batallas:\n" \
            + "/nextbattle · Information about when the next battle will " \
            + "happen ⏰\n" \
            + "/schedulebattle `[dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm | hh:mm | stop]` · " \
            + "Configures when next battle will happen ➡️⏰\n" \
            + "— `dd.mm.aaaa hh:mm` · Specify day and hour\n" \
            + "— `hh:mm` · Specify hour (if passed, tomorrow will be assigned)\n" \
            + "— `stop` · Stop battles 🛑⏰\n" \
            + "/battlefrequency · Returns frequency in which battles will be programmed ⏳\n" \
            + "/setbattlefrequency `[hours] [minutes]` · Configures frequency in which battles will be programmed ➡️⏳\n" \
            + "/stopfrequency · Stop automatic battles 🛑⏳\n" \
            + "/forcebattle `(winner) (defeated)` · Force a battle ➡️⚔️\n" \
            + "— `winner` · Fighter that will win the battle\n" \
            + "— `defeated` · Fighter that will lose the battle\n" \
            + "— leave blank to inquire a random battle\n" \
            + "**Important notice:** _when adding usernames, do not include @_\n" \
            + "\nℹ️ Information and status:\n" \
            + "/getfighters · Returns a complete list of fighters, including their state in the game 👥\n" \
            + "/getfighter `[username]` · Return all information about a fighter 👥\n" \
            + "/getcandidates · Return complete list of candidates 🕵️\n" \
            + "\n➡️👥 Alter users:\n" \
            + "/addfighter `[username](!)` · Add a fighter\n" \
            + "— `!` · Add the sign `!` to publish a tweet announcing that the user has been added to the game as fighter 🔔\n" \
            + "/deletefighter `[username]` · Delete a fighter (use with caution!)\n" \
            + "/addcandidate `[username]` · Add a candidate\n" \
            + "/deletecandidate `[username]` · Delete a candidate (use with caution!)\n" \
            + "/revive `[username]` · Revive a fighter 🧟\n" \
            + "\nInteractivity:\n" \
            + "/announcefighters · Automatically announce added fighters 🔔\n" \
            + "/stopannouncefighters · New fighters will be announced only if specified when adding 🛑🔔\n" \
            + "\n📈 Estado:\n" \
            + "/status · Retrieve bot status\n" \
            + "/restart `confirm` · Restart database"
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_help")
Exemple #15
    def handle_unauthorized(self, chat):
        """Handles message sent by unauthorized user

        Sends a message to unauthorized user that interacts with the Telegram

        text = "Hi! This bot has been designed to be manipulated by a restrained " \
            + "set of users. Talk with this bot's administrator for more info."
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_unauthorized")
Exemple #16
 def insert_fighter_kill(self, username, killed):
     User = Query()
     new_killed = self.db_fighters.search(User.username == username)
     if len(new_killed) > 0:
         new_killed = new_killed[0]['killed']
         log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update error: No ocurrences of " + username + " found trying to kill " + killed)
     if not killed in new_killed:
     self.db_fighters.update({'killed': new_killed}, User.username == username)
     log.send_message("[DATABASE] Update: " + username + " killed " + killed)
Exemple #17
    def insert_fighter(self, username, alive=True):
        # Check if fighter is already in the database
        User = Query()
        if len(self.db_fighters.search(User.username == username)) > 0:
            log.send_message("[DATABASE] Insertion error: fighter " + username + " is already on the database")
            new_fighter = {'username': username, 'alive': alive, 'killed': [], 'show': True}
            log.send_message("[DATABASE] Insertion: fighter " + username + " added to the database")

        # Delete from candidates
Exemple #18
    def handle_status(self, chat):
        """Handles command /status

        Sends back bot status

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        text = "- Number of fighters: "
        text += str(len(self.bot.get_fighters()))
        text += " ({} 💀)\n".format(str(len(self.bot.get_dead_fighters())))
        text += "- Number of candidates: "
        text += str(len(self.bot.get_candidates()))
        text += "\n- Opt-in: "
        if self.bot.get_optin_running():
            text += "activated\n"
            text += "deactivated\n"
        text += "- Next battle: "
        if self.bot.get_stop_next_battle():
            text += "won't be\n"
            date = self.bot.get_next_battle()
            text += "{}/{}/{} {:02d}:{:02d}\n".format(date.day, date.month,
                                                      date.year, date.hour,
        text += "- Battle frequency: "
        f_h, f_m = self.bot.get_battle_frequency()
        text += "{} hours {} minutes\n".format(f_h, f_m)
        text += "- Frequency active: "
        if self.bot.get_stop_frequency():
            text += "no\n"
            text += "yes\n"
        text += "- Fighter announce: "
        if self.bot.get_fighter_announce():
            text += "automatic\n"
            text += "manual\n"

        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_status")
Exemple #19
    def optin(self):
        """Executes opt-in functionality

            mentions = self.api.get_mentions()

            for mention in mentions:
                username = mention.user.screen_name

            log.send_message("[TWITTER] Mentions caught")
        except Exception as e:
            log.send_message("[TWITTER] Mentions could not be caught -> " +
Exemple #20
    def main(self):
        last_update_id = None
        while True:
            updates = self.get_updates(last_update_id)

                if len(updates["result"]) > 0:
                    last_update_id = self.get_last_update_id(updates) + 1
            except KeyError:
                    "[TELEGRAM API] Keyerror was produced. Retrying...")



Exemple #21
    def handle_start(self, chat):
        """Handles command /starts

        Sends start message

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        text = 'Welcome to *Bloomgogo War Bot*! Use /help for more information'
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_start")
Exemple #22
    def handle_deletecandidate(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /deletecandidate

        Deletes one or more candidates

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            Option 1.
                /deletecandidate [user1] [user2] ...
                Will delete the candidates passed as args
            Option 2.
                Will display button GUI with candidates

        items = []

        text = ""

        if len(attr) > 0:
            for username in attr:
                result = self.bot.delete_candidate(username)
                if result:
                    text += "Candidate *" + username + "* has been deleted.\n"
                    text += "Candidate *" + username + "* not found, therefore cannot be deleted.\n"

            self.ask_status = "NONE"
            items = self.bot.get_candidates()
            text = "Insert the name of the candidate to delete, or use the buttons prompted."
            self.ask_status = "BUTTONS_DELETECANDIDATE"

        keyboard = self.build_keyboard(items)
        self.send_message(text, chat, keyboard)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_deletecandidate")
Exemple #23
    def handle_schedulebattle(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /schedulebattle

        Schedules when next battle will happen

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            /schedulebattle [dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm | hh:mm | stop]
                - dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm · exact date
                - hh:mm · next hour
                - stop · stops battle scheduling

        input = ' '.join(attr)
        result = self.bot.set_next_battle(input)

        if input.startswith('stop'):
            text = "Next battle has successfully been stopped. "
            if result:
                text = "Successfully modified. "
                text = "Not modified, wrong format. You must insert the date in the format dd/mm/yy HH:MM. "

        if not self.bot.get_stop_next_battle():
            date = self.bot.get_next_battle()
            text += "Next battle is scheduled to happen at: " \
                + "{}/{}/{} {:02d}:{:02d}".format(date.day, date.month, date.year, date.hour, date.minute)
            text += "There will be no next battle."

        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_schedulebattle")
Exemple #24
    def handle_revive(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /revive
        Revives one or more fighters

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            /revive [user1] [user2] ...
            (this is getting a little repetitive...)

        items = []

        text = ""

        if len(attr) > 0:
            for username in attr:
                result = self.bot.revive_fighter(username)
                if result:
                    text = "Fighter *" + username + "* has been revived. 🧟\n"
                    text = "We could not revive *" + username + "*: not found or already alive.\n"

            self.ask_status = "NONE"
            items = self.bot.get_dead_fighters()
            text = "Insert the name of the fighter to revive, or use the buttons prompted."
            self.ask_status = "BUTTONS_REVIVE"

        keyboard = self.build_keyboard(items)
        self.send_message(text, chat, keyboard)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_revive")
Exemple #25
    def get_mentions(self):
        """Gets mentions from Twitter bot's account

        list<Status># WIP check if this is the class, or it is not Status
            List of mentions

        last_seen_id = self.db.get_last_seen_id()
            mentions = self.api.mentions_timeline(last_seen_id,
            if len(mentions) > 0:

            return reversed(mentions)
        except Exception as e:
                "[TWITTER API] ERROR - at api.mentions_timeline() -> " +
            return []
Exemple #26
    def handle_stopoptin(self, chat):
        """Handles command /stopoptin

        Stops opt-in (if it was not stopped before)

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        if not self.bot.get_optin_running():
            text = "Opt-in was already stopped."
            text = "Opt-in successfully deactivated."
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_stopoptin")
Exemple #27
    def handle_stopfrequency(self, chat):
        """Handles command /stopfrequency

        Stops battle frequency. See `handle_battlefrequency` for more info.

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        if self.bot.get_stop_frequency():
            text = "Automatic battles were alredy stopped. To resume, use /setbattlefrequency."
            text = "Automatic battles have successfully been stopped. To resume, use /setbattlefrequency."
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_stopfrequency")
Exemple #28
    def handle_announcefighters(self, chat):
        """Handles command /announcefighters

        Activate announcing new fighters in Twitter automatically

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        if self.bot.get_fighter_announce():
            text = "Fighters are being announced by default. To deactivate, use /stopannouncefighters."
            text = "From now on, new fighters will be announced by default."

        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_announcefighters")
Exemple #29
    def handle_nextbattle(self, chat):
        """Handles command /nextbattle

        Returns when next battle will happen.

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string

        if self.bot.get_stop_next_battle():
            text = "There will be no next battle. Use /schedulebattle to configure it."
            date = self.bot.get_next_battle()
            text = "Next battle is scheduled to happen at: " \
                + "{}/{}/{} {:02d}:{:02d}".format(date.day, date.month, date.year, date.hour, date.minute)
        self.send_message(text, chat)
        log.send_message("[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_nextbattle")
Exemple #30
    def handle_setbattlefrequency(self, chat, attr):
        """Handles command /setbattlefrequency

        Sets battle frequency. See `handle_battlefrequency` for more info.

        Command call
        This function is called whenever the authorized user sends a message
        to the Telegram bot of the form:

        Where * is any string. The use of this command is:

            /setbattlefrequency [hours] [minutes]
            (pretty self-explanatory...)

        if len(attr) == 2:
                h = int(attr[0])
                m = int(attr[1])
                if h >= 0 and m > 0 and m < 60:
                    self.bot.set_battle_frequency(attr[0], attr[1])
                    text = "Battle frequency successfully set to {} hours {} minutes.".format(
                        h, m)
                    text = "You must insert a valid amount of hours and minutes."
            except ValueError:
                text = "You must insert a valid amount of hours and minutes."
            text = "Wrong number of arguments."

        self.send_message(text, chat)
            "[TELEGRAM] sent WarBotAdmin.handle_setbattlefrequency")