Exemple #1
def test_download_data(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test downloading the data."""
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_persistence=1)

        # analyze the log file

        # download the data
        marker = set_stored_msg_marker("_lfa-download_")
        find_child("#lfa button.download").click()
        wait_for(2, lambda: get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_") != marker)
        data = get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_")

        # check the results
        data = data.split("\n")
        rows = list(csv.reader(data, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC))
        assert rows == [[
            "Log file", "Phase", "Player", "Type", "Die 1", "Die 2"
        ], ["download-test.vlog", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 4, 1],
                        ["", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 5],
                        ["", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "RS", 2, ""],
                        ["", "UN 1 PFPh", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "IFT", 4, 6],
                        ["", "", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "IFT", 2, 6],
                        ["", "", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "RS", 3, ""],
                        ["", "UN 1 MPh", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 6],
                        ["", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 3],
                        ["", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "RS", 3, ""]]

    # run the test
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test, all_combos=False)
Exemple #2
def test_custom_labels(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test custom labels in the log file."""
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_persistence=1)

        # analyze the log file

        # download the data
        marker = set_stored_msg_marker("_lfa-download_")
        find_child("#lfa button.download").click()
        wait_for(2, lambda: get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_") != marker)
        data = get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_")

        # check the results
        data = data.split("\n")
        rows = list(csv.reader(data, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC))
        assert rows == [[
            "Log file", "Phase", "Player", "Type", "Die 1", "Die 2"
        ], ["custom-labels.vlog", "", "test", "Other", 5, 3],
                        ["", "", "test", "Other", 3, ""],
                        ["", "Custom Label 1", "test", "Other", 6, 6],
                        ["", "", "test", "RS", 6, ""],
                        ["", "Axis 1 PFPh", "test", "Other", 4, 4],
                        ["", "", "test", "RS", 6, ""],
                        ["", "Custom label 2", "test", "Other", 2, 1],
                        ["", "", "test", "RS", 1, ""]]

    # run the test
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)
Exemple #3
def test_3d6(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test scenarios that use the 3d6 extension."""
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1)

        # analyze the log file

        # check the results
        #   IFT 6,6
        #   RS  2
        #   3d6 3,4,1
        #   IFT 6,5
        #   TH  6,2
        #   3d6 2,4,2
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [["", "test (5)"], ["", "12"], ["", "7"],
                                   ["", "11"], ["", "8"], ["", "6"]]
        _select_roll_type("3d6 (DR)")
        lfa = _get_chart_data()
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [["", "test (2)"], ["", "7"], ["", "6"]]
        _select_roll_type("3d6 (dr)")
        lfa = _get_chart_data()
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [["", "test (2)"], ["", "1"], ["", "2"]]

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)
Exemple #4
def test_banner_updates(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test updating the banner."""
    def check_banner(roll_type):
        """Check the banner."""
        assert find_child(
            "#lfa .banner .title").text == "Log File Analysis test"
        assert find_child("#lfa .banner .title2").text == "(LFA-1)"
        assert find_child("#lfa .banner .roll-type").text == roll_type

    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1)

        # analyze the log file

        # check the banner as the roll type is changed
        check_banner("Showing all rolls.")
        check_banner("Showing Morale Check rolls.")
        check_banner("Showing Random Selection rolls.")

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test, all_combos=False)
Exemple #5
def test_hotness_report(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test generating the hotness popup."""
    def unload_report():
        """Unload the hotness popup."""
        find_child("#lfa .hotness img.dice").click()
        wait_for_elem(2, "#lfa .hotness-popup")
        report = {}
        for key in ("2s", "12s", "snipers"):
            report[key] = unload_table(
        return report

    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1)

        # load the test log files
        #       vlog #1             vlog #2
        #   ===============     ===============
        #   Alice   SA 1        Alice   TH 2
        #   Bob     TC 2        Chuck   Rally 2
        #   Chuck   SA 2        Alice   SA 2
        #   Bob     Rally 12    Bob     TH 2
        #   Bob     SA 1        Chuck   MC 12
        #   Chuck   SA 1        Chuck   CC 2
        #   Bob     TC 12
        #   Chuck   MC 2
        #   Chuck   SA 1
        _analyze_vlogs(["hotness-report-1.vlog", "hotness-report-2.vlog"])

        # check the hotness popup
        assert unload_report() == {
            "2s": [
                ["MC", "Rally", "TH", "CC", "TC"],
                ["Alice", "-", "-", "1", "-", "-"],
                ["Bob", "-", "-", "1", "-", "1"],
                ["Chuck", "1", "1", "-", "1", "-"],
            "12s": [
                ["MC", "Rally", "TH", "CC", "TC"],
                ["Alice", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"],
                ["Bob", "-", "1", "-", "-", "1"],
                ["Chuck", "1", "-", "-", "-", "-"],
            "snipers": [
                ["dr 1", "dr 2"],
                ["Alice", "1", "1"],
                ["Bob", "1", "-"],
                ["Chuck", "2", "1"],

        # select only one of the log files and check the hotness popup
        assert unload_report() == {
            "2s": [
                ["MC", "Rally", "TH", "CC"],
                ["Alice", "-", "-", "1", "-"],
                ["Bob", "-", "-", "1", "-"],
                ["Chuck", "-", "1", "-", "1"],
            "12s": [
                ["MC", "Rally", "TH", "CC"],
                ["Alice", "-", "-", "-", "-"],
                ["Bob", "-", "-", "-", "-"],
                ["Chuck", "1", "-", "-", "-"],
            "snipers": [
                ["dr 1", "dr 2"],
                ["Alice", "-", "1"],
                ["Bob", "-", "-"],
                ["Chuck", "-", "-"],

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test, all_combos=False)
Exemple #6
def test_multiple_files(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test analyzing multiple log files."""
    def check_color_pickers(expected):
        """Check which color pickers are being presented to the user."""
        find_child("#lfa .options button.player-colors").click()
        popup = wait_for_elem(2, "#lfa .player-colors-popup")
        player_names = [
            e.text for e in find_children(".row .caption", popup) if e.text
        assert player_names.pop() == "expected results"
        assert player_names == expected

    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1)

        # NOTE: The "1a" and "1b" log files have the same players (Alice and Bob), but the "2" log file
        # has Bob and Chuck.
        #   multiple-1a   multiple-1b   multiple-2
        #   -----------   -----------   ----------
        #   A: IFT 5 2    A: IFT 3 6    B: IFT 5 5
        #   B: IFT 2 6    B: IFT 4 2    C: IFT 6 5
        #   A: rs  6      A: rs  2      B: sa  4
        #   A: IFT 4 1    Turn Track    Turn Track
        #   B: IFT 4 4    A: IFT 4 3    B: IFT 2 2
        #   B: rs  1      B: IFT 6 4    C: IFT 5 4
        #   Turn Track                  C: rs  5
        #   A: IFT 2 1
        #   B: IFT 4 4
        #   A: rs  2
        #   B: sa  5

        # load 2 log files that have the same players
        _analyze_vlogs(["multiple-1a.vlog", "multiple-1b.vlog"])

        # check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Alice (5)", "Bob (5)"],
            ["", "7", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
            ["", "5", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "3", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
            ["", "9", ""],
            ["", "", "6"],
            ["Allied 1 MPh", "7", ""],
            ["", "", "10"],
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", "6.821"], ["Bob", "-8.984"]]
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Alice (3)", "Bob (1)"],
            ["", "6", ""],
            ["", "", "1"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "2", ""],
            ["", "2", ""],
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Bob (1)"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "5"],

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

        # load 2 log files that have different players
        _analyze_vlogs(["multiple-1a.vlog", "multiple-2.vlog"])

        def check_all_files():
            """Check the results for all files."""
            lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
            assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
                ["", "Alice (3)", "Bob (5)", "Chuck (2)"],
                ["", "7", "", ""],
                ["", "", "8", ""],
                ["", "5", "", ""],
                ["", "", "8", ""],
                ["Allied 1 PFPh", "3", "", ""],
                ["", "", "8", ""],
                ["", "", "10", ""],
                ["", "", "", "11"],
                ["UN 1 PFPh", "", "4", ""],
                ["", "", "", "9"],
            assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", "27.322"], ["Bob", "-6.672"],
                                      ["Chuck", "-69.015"]]
            lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
            assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
                ["", "Alice (2)", "Bob (1)", "Chuck (1)"],
                ["", "6", "", ""],
                ["", "", "1", ""],
                ["Allied 1 PFPh", "2", "", ""],
                ["UN 1 PFPh", "", "", "5"],
            lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
            assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
                ["", "Bob (2)"],
                ["Allied 1 PFPh", "5"],
                ["", "4"],

        check_color_pickers(["Alice", "Bob", "Chuck"])

        # select a file and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Alice (3)", "Bob (3)"],
            ["", "7", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
            ["", "5", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "3", ""],
            ["", "", "8"],
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", "27.322"], ["Bob", "-21.889"]]
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Alice (2)", "Bob (1)"],
            ["", "6", ""],
            ["", "", "1"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "2", ""],
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Bob (1)"],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "5"],
        check_color_pickers(["Alice", "Bob"])

        # select another file and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Bob (2)", "Chuck (2)"],
            ["", "10", ""],
            ["", "", "11"],
            ["UN 1 PFPh", "4", ""],
            ["", "", "9"],
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Bob", "0.000"], ["Chuck", "-69.015"]]
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Chuck (1)"],
            ["UN 1 PFPh", "5"],
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Bob (1)"],
            ["", "4"],
        check_color_pickers(["Bob", "Chuck"])

        # select all files and check the results
        _select_log_file("All files")
        check_color_pickers(["Alice", "Bob", "Chuck"])

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)
Exemple #7
def test_full(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test a full log file analysis."""
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1)

        # analyze the log file
        #   === RPh ===     === PFPh ===   === MPh ===   === DFPh ===
        #   A1: Other 5 4   A6:  IFT 3 1                 B5:  IFT 4 2
        #   A2: Rally 4 1   B3:  MC  5 2                 b5:  sa  2
        #   A3: Rally 3 1   A7:  IFT 5 3                 A12: MC  1 2
        #   B1: Rally 6 2   b3:  sa  4
        #   A4: Rally 6 4   b4:  rs  6
        #   a1: dr    6     B4:  MC  1 6
        #   A5: Rally 3 4   A8:  TH  5 5
        #   B2: Rally 5 3   A9:  TK  2 3
        #   b1: dr    2     A10: IFT 3 3
        #   b2: dr    2     A11: IFT 4 4

        # check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [["Alice (6.0)", "Bob (3.2)"],
                                        ["0", "0"], ["0", "60"], ["0", "0"],
                                        ["0", "20"], ["0", "0"], ["100", "20"]]
        assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == [["Alice (6.6)",
                                         "Bob (7.2)"], ["0",
                                                        "0"], ["8.3", "0"],
                                        ["16.7", "0"], ["16.7", "0"],
                                        ["8.3", "20"], ["8.3", "40"],
                                        ["16.7", "40"], ["8.3", "0"],
                                        ["16.7", "0"], ["0", "0"], ["0", "0"]]

        # check the results
        assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [["Bob", "5"], ["Alice", "1"]]
        assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == [["Bob", "5"], ["Alice", "12"]]

        # check the results
        _check_time_plot_window_sizes([1, 5])
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [["",
                                    "Alice (12)", "Bob (5)"], ["", "9", ""],
                                   ["", "5", ""], ["", "4", ""], ["", "", "8"],
                                   ["", "10", ""], ["", "7", ""],
                                   ["", "", "8"], ["Axis 1 PFPh", "4", ""],
                                   ["", "", "7"], ["", "8", ""], ["", "", "7"],
                                   ["", "10", ""], ["", "5",
                                                    ""], ["", "6", ""],
                                   ["", "8", ""], ["Axis 1 DFPh", "", "6"],
                                   ["", "3", ""]]
            [1, 5], "5",
            [["", "Alice (12)", "Bob (5)"], ["", "7", ""],
             ["Axis 1 PFPh", "6", ""], ["", "6.6", ""], ["", "7.8", ""],
             ["", "6.8", ""], ["", "6.6", ""], ["", "7.4", ""],
             ["Axis 1 DFPh", "", "7.2"], ["", "6.4", ""]])

        # check the results
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", "1.277"], ["Bob", "-1.853"]]

        # switch to showing the Morale Check DR's and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data()
        assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == []
        assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == [["Alice (3.0)", "Bob (7.0)"],
                                        ["0", "0"], ["100", "0"], ["0", "0"],
                                        ["0", "0"], ["0", "0"], ["0", "100"],
                                        ["0", "0"], ["0", "0"], ["0", "0"],
                                        ["0", "0"], ["0", "0"]]
        assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == []
        assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == [["Bob", "2"], ["Alice", "1"]]
        _check_time_plot_values([1], "1", [
            ["", "Alice (1)", "Bob (2)"],
            ["Axis 1 PFPh", "", "7"],
            ["", "", "7"],
            ["Axis 1 DFPh", "3", ""],
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", "255.506"], ["Bob", "0.000"]]

        # switch to showing the Sniper Activation DR's and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data()
        assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [["Bob (3.0)"], ["0"], ["50"], ["0"],
                                        ["50"], ["0"], ["0"]]
        assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []
        assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [["Bob", "2"]]
        assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []
        _check_time_plot_values([1], 1, [
            ["", "Bob (2)"],
            ["Axis 1 PFPh", "4"],
            ["Axis 1 DFPh", "2"],
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", ""], ["Bob", ""]]

        # switch to showing the Close Combat DR's and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data()
        assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == []
        assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []
        assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == []
        assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []
        _check_time_plot_values([1], 1, [])
        assert lfa["hotness"] == [["Alice", ""], ["Bob", ""]]

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)
Exemple #8
def test_4players(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test a file log file analysis with 4 players."""
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring

        # initialize
        init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1)

        # analyze the log file
        #   RPh     PFPh    MPh      DFPh
        #   ---     -----   ------   ------
        #   A1: 3   C1: 4   D3:  1   C6:  2
        #   B1: 3   C2: 4   D4:  3   D7:  3
        #   A2: 6   C3: 2   D5:  1   D8:  6
        #   A3: 1   B5: 5   A6:  4   A11: 2
        #   B2: 6   B6: 5   A7:  1   D9:  1
        #   A4: 5   D2: 1   A8:  4   D10: 2
        #   B3: 2   C4: 3   A9:  1
        #   B4: 4   C5: 4   A10: 1
        #   A5: 2           B7:  6
        #   D1: 4           B8:  5
        #                   D6:  6

        # check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [[
            "Alice (2.7)", "Bob (4.5)", "Dave (2.8)", "Chuck (3.2)"
        ], ["36.4", "0", "40", "0"], ["18.2", "12.5", "10", "33.3"],
                                        ["9.1", "12.5", "20", "16.7"],
                                        ["18.2", "12.5", "10", "50"],
                                        ["9.1", "37.5", "0", "0"],
                                        ["9.1", "25", "20", "0"]]
        assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []

        # check the results
        assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [["Chuck", "6"], ["Dave", "10"],
                                    ["Bob", "8"], ["Alice", "11"]]
        assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []

        # check the results
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == []

        # switch to showing the Random Selection dr's and check the results
        lfa = _get_chart_data(1)
        _check_time_plot_window_sizes([1, 5])
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
            ["", "Alice (11)", "Bob (8)", "Dave (10)",
             "Chuck (6)"], ["", "3", "", "", ""], ["", "", "3", "", ""],
            ["", "6", "", "", ""], ["", "1", "", "",
                                    ""], ["", "", "6", "", ""],
            ["", "5", "", "", ""], ["", "", "2", "",
                                    ""], ["", "", "4", "", ""],
            ["", "2", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "4", ""],
            ["Allied 1 PFPh", "", "", "", "4"], ["", "", "", "", "4"],
            ["", "", "", "", "2"], ["", "", "5", "",
                                    ""], ["", "", "5", "", ""],
            ["", "", "", "1", ""], ["", "", "", "",
                                    "3"], ["", "", "", "", "4"],
            ["Allied 1 MPh", "", "", "1", ""], ["", "", "", "3", ""],
            ["", "", "", "1", ""], ["", "4", "", "",
                                    ""], ["", "1", "", "", ""],
            ["", "4", "", "", ""], ["", "1", "", "",
                                    ""], ["", "1", "", "", ""],
            ["", "", "6", "", ""], ["", "", "5", "",
                                    ""], ["", "", "", "6", ""],
            ["Allied 1 DFPh", "", "", "", "2"], ["", "", "", "3", ""],
            ["", "", "", "6", ""], ["", "2", "", "",
                                    ""], ["", "", "", "1", ""],
            ["", "", "", "2", ""]
        lfa = _get_chart_data(5)
        assert lfa["timePlot"] == [[
            "", "Alice (11)", "Bob (8)", "Dave (10)", "Chuck (6)"
        ], ["", "3.4", "", "", ""], ["Allied 1 PFPh", "", "4", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "4.4", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "", "", "3.4"],
                                   ["Allied 1 MPh", "", "", "2", ""],
                                   ["", "3.6", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "2.6", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "3.2", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "2.4", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "2.2", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "4.4", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "5", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "", "2.4", ""],
                                   ["Allied 1 DFPh", "", "", "", "3"],
                                   ["", "", "", "2.8", ""],
                                   ["", "", "", "3.8", ""],
                                   ["", "1.8", "", "", ""],
                                   ["", "", "", "3.4", ""],
                                   ["", "", "", "3.6", ""]]

        # close the analysis window
        find_child("#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").click()

    # run the tests
    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)
def test_scenario_upload(webapp, webdriver):
    """Test uploading scenarios to the ASL Scenario Archive."""

    # initialize
    init_webapp(webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1)

    def do_upload(prep_upload, expect_ask):
        """Upload the scenario to our test endpoint."""

        # show the scenario card
        wait_for(2, _find_scenario_card)

        # open the upload dialog
        find_child(".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.upload").click()
        dlg = wait_for_elem(2, ".ui-dialog.scenario-upload")
        if prep_upload:

        # start the upload
        find_child("button.upload", dlg).click()
        if expect_ask:
            dlg = wait_for_elem(2, ".ui-dialog.ask")
            find_child("button.ok", dlg).click()

        # wait for the upload to be processed
        last_asa_upload = wait_for(5, webapp.control_tests.get_last_asa_upload)
        assert last_asa_upload["user"] == user_name
        assert last_asa_upload["token"] == api_token
        return last_asa_upload

    user_name, api_token = "joe", "xyz123"

    def prep_upload(dlg):
        """Prepare the upload."""
        assert find_child(".scenario-name",
                          dlg).text == "Full content scenario"
        assert find_child(".scenario-id", dlg).text == "(FCS-1)"
        assert find_child(".asa-id", dlg).text == "(#1)"
        # NOTE: We only set the auth details once, then they should be remembered.
        find_child("input.user", dlg).send_keys(user_name)
        find_child("input.token", dlg).send_keys(api_token)

    # test uploading just a vasl-templates setup
    dlg = _do_scenario_search("full", [1], webdriver)
    find_child("button.import", dlg).click()
    asa_upload = do_upload(prep_upload, True)
    assert asa_upload["user"] == user_name
    assert asa_upload["token"] == api_token
    assert "vasl_setup" not in asa_upload
    assert "screenshot" not in asa_upload

    # compare the vasl-templates setup
    saved_scenario = save_scenario()
    keys = [k for k in saved_scenario if k.startswith("_")]
    for key in keys:
        del saved_scenario[key]
        del asa_upload["vt_setup"][key]
    del saved_scenario["VICTORY_CONDITIONS"]
    del saved_scenario["SSR"]
    assert asa_upload["vt_setup"] == saved_scenario

    def prep_upload2(dlg):
        """Prepare the upload."""
        assert asa_upload["user"] == user_name
        assert asa_upload["token"] == api_token
        # send the VSAV data to the front-end
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        with open(fname, "rb") as fp:
            vsav_data = fp.read()
        find_child(".vsav-container", dlg).click()
        # wait for the files to be prepared
            60, lambda: "loader.gif" not in find_child(
                ".screenshot-container .preview img").get_attribute("src"))

    # test uploading a VASL save file
    def do_test():  #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        dlg = _do_scenario_search("full", [1], webdriver)
        find_child("button.import", dlg).click()
        last_asa_upload = do_upload(prep_upload2, False)
        assert isinstance(last_asa_upload["vt_setup"], dict)
        assert last_asa_upload["vasl_setup"][:2] == b"PK"
        assert last_asa_upload["screenshot"][:2] == b"\xff\xd8" \
          and last_asa_upload["screenshot"][-2:] == b"\xff\xd9" # nb: these are the magic numbers for JPEG's

    run_vassal_tests(webapp, do_test)