Exemple #1
    def constrain_atom(self, atom, to='F', axis='all'):
        # [1, 1, 1, 16] -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 19]
        idx_list = [
            sum(self.atoms_num[:i]) for i in range(1,
                                                   len(self.atoms) + 1)
        idx_list = [0] + idx_list

        if to not in ['T', 'F']:
            raise CarfileValueError('Variable to must be T or F.')

        for atomtype, idx, next_idx in \
                zip(self.atoms, idx_list[:-1], idx_list[1:]):
            if atomtype == atom:
                if axis in ['x', 'X']:
                    self.tf[idx:next_idx, 0] = to
                elif axis in ['y', 'Y']:
                    self.tf[idx:next_idx, 1] = to
                elif axis in ['z', 'Z']:
                    self.tf[idx:next_idx, 2] = to
                    self.tf[idx:next_idx, :] = to

        return self.tf
Exemple #2
 def verify(self):
     if len(self.data) != self.ntot:
         raise CarfileValueError('Atom numbers mismatch!')