def test_contours(self): # 1.- Create a VCD instance vcd = core.VCD() # 1.- Create (color) image colors = [(125, 32, 64), (98, 12, 65), (12, 200, 190)] classes = ["class1", "class2", "class3"] classes_colors = dict(zip(classes, colors)) img = draw_basic_image(classes_colors) #cv.imshow('src_image', img) #cv.waitKey(1) # 2.- Split into channels for class_name, color in classes_colors.items(): seg = cv.inRange(img, color, color) # Get contours for this channel # Contours is a list of ndarray with shape (num_points, 1, 2) # Hierarchy is a ndarray with shape (1, num_contours, 4) contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(seg, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #print(hierarchy) uid = vcd.add_object('', class_name) for idx, contour in enumerate(contours): flatten_contour = contour.flatten() points = flatten_contour.tolist() hierarchy_list = hierarchy[0][idx].tolist() vcd.add_object_data(uid, types.poly2d('contour' + str(idx), # WARNING: In VCD 4.3.0, names MUST be unique points, types.Poly2DType.MODE_POLY2D_SRF6DCC, closed=True, hierarchy=hierarchy_list) ) if not os.path.isfile('./etc/vcd430_test_contours.json'):'./etc/vcd430_test_contours.json', True) # 3.- Reconstruct the image from the VCD poly2d and hierarchies (using OpenCV) contours_dict = {} # A dictionary of contours. Each key is one class type, each value, a contours array hierarchy_dict = {} for object_key, object_val in['vcd']['objects'].items(): # Assuming this is static (no frame info) contours_dict.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) hierarchy_dict.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) if 'object_data' in object_val: if 'poly2d' in object_val['object_data']: for idx_pol, poly2d in enumerate(object_val['object_data']['poly2d']): val = poly2d['val'] # (x, y, rest, chain) mode = poly2d['mode'] #closed = poly2d['closed'] # Not used in OpenCV hierarchy = poly2d['hierarchy'] if mode == vec = poly.getVecFromEncodedSRF6(int(val[0]), int(val[1]), int(val[2]), val[3]) #print(vec) else: vec = val # Then, create contours, format as OpenCV expects num_coords = len(vec) num_points = int(num_coords / 2) contour = np.asarray(vec).reshape((num_points, 1, 2)) contours_dict[object_val['type']].append(contour) hierarchy_dict[object_val['type']].append(hierarchy) img_out = np.zeros((640, 480, 3), np.uint8) for class_name, contours in contours_dict.items(): hierarchy_list = hierarchy_dict[class_name] num_contours = len(contours) hierarchy_array = np.asarray(hierarchy_list).reshape(num_contours, 1, 4) color = classes_colors[class_name] cv.drawContours(img_out, contours, -1, color, hierarchy=hierarchy_array, thickness=-1) #cv.imshow('out_image', img_out) #cv.waitKey(0) # 4.- Check equals diff_val = np.sum(cv.absdiff(img, img_out)) self.assertEqual(diff_val, 0)
def prueba(): with open('config.json') as f: data = json.load(f) labels = data['labels'] path = 'labels' pr = cProfile.Profile() for img_name in os.listdir(path): pr.enable() vcd = core.VCD() img_label = cv.imread('labels/' + img_name) img_instance = cv.imread('instances/' + img_name, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) imgPIL_instance ='instances/' + img_name) imgPIL_instance = np.array(imgPIL_instance, dtype=np.uint16) label_path = 'labels/' + img_name instance_path = 'instances/' + img_name instance_image = # convert labeled data to numpy arrays for better handling instance_array = np.array(instance_image, dtype=np.uint16) classes_colors = {} for x in labels: classes_colors[x['name']] = x['color'] # prepare arrays for instance and class retrieval instance_ids_array = np.array(imgPIL_instance % 256, dtype=np.uint8) instance_label_array = np.array(imgPIL_instance / 256, dtype=np.uint8) img_instance_out = np.zeros( (img_instance.shape[0], img_instance.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) img_instance_out[np.where( (img_instance_out == [0, 0, 0]).all(axis=2))] = [0, 255, 0] img_class_out = np.zeros( (img_instance.shape[0], img_instance.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) instance_bgr = cv.cvtColor(instance_ids_array, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) final = np.zeros(img_label.shape, np.uint8) cont = 0 cv.namedWindow('image', cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.resizeWindow('image', img_instance.shape[0], img_instance.shape[1]) # Get contours of each instance and retrieve it's class to write in vcd as instance -> True for i in range(1, np.max(instance_ids_array) + 1): seg = cv.inRange(instance_bgr, (i, i, i), (i, i, i)) if cv.countNonZero(seg) != 0: contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(seg, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnt_id = 0 # Reverse point_color from bgr to rgb to get class # Write class in vcd for c in contours: extLeft = tuple(c[c[:, :, 0].argmin()][0]) color = img_label[extLeft[1]][extLeft[0]] color = tuple([int(x) for x in color]) color = list(color) instance_class = utils.get_key(classes_colors, color[::-1]) if cnt_id == 0: uid = vcd.add_object("object " + str(cont), instance_class) vcd.add_object_data(uid, types.boolean('isInstance', True)) c = c.flatten() hierarchy_list = hierarchy[0][cnt_id].tolist() # Write poly, hierarchy and instance polygon = types.poly2d( 'contour', c.tolist(), types.Poly2DType.MODE_POLY2D_SRF6DCC, closed=True, hierarchy=hierarchy_list) vcd.add_object_data(uid, polygon) cnt_id += 1 cont += 1 # Get contours of each CLASS and write it in VCD as instance -> False for class_val in labels: # check all posible classes of mapillary seg = cv.inRange(img_label, tuple(class_val['color'][::-1]), tuple(class_val['color'][::-1])) if cv.countNonZero(seg) != 0: contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(seg, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cv.drawContours(final, contours, -1, tuple(class_val['color'][::-1]), thickness=-1) cnt_id = 0 instance_class = utils.get_key(classes_colors, class_val['color']) uid = vcd.add_object("object " + str(cont), instance_class) vcd.add_object_data(uid, types.boolean('isInstance', False)) for c in contours: c = c.flatten() hierarchy_list = hierarchy[0][cnt_id].tolist() polygon = types.poly2d( 'contour', c.tolist(), types.Poly2DType.MODE_POLY2D_SRF6DCC, closed=True, hierarchy=hierarchy_list) vcd.add_object_data(uid, polygon) cont += 1 cnt_id += 1'vcd_files/' + img_name[0:len(img_name) - 4] + '.json', True) # Change to True to use json prettifier # 3.- Reconstruct the image from the VCD poly2d and hierarchies (using OpenCV) contours_dict_instance = { } # A dictionary of contours. Each key is one class type, each value, a contours array hierarchy_dict_instance = {} contours_dict_class = { } # A dictionary of contours. Each key is one class type, each value, a contours array hierarchy_dict_class = {} for object_key, object_val in['vcd']['objects'].items(): # Assuming this is static (no frame info) contours_dict_instance.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) contours_dict_class.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) hierarchy_dict_instance.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) hierarchy_dict_class.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) if 'object_data' in object_val: if 'boolean' in object_val['object_data']: if 'poly2d' in object_val['object_data']: for idx_pol, poly2d in enumerate( object_val['object_data']['poly2d']): val = poly2d['val'] # (x, y, rest, chain) mode = poly2d['mode'] # closed = poly2d['closed'] # Not used in OpenCV hierarchy = poly2d['hierarchy'] instance = object_val['object_data']['boolean'][0][ 'val'] if mode == vec = poly.getVecFromEncodedSRF6( int(val[0]), int(val[1]), int(val[2]), val[3]) else: vec = val # Then, create contours, format as OpenCV expects num_coords = len(vec) num_points = int(num_coords / 2) contour = np.asarray(vec).reshape( (num_points, 1, 2)) if instance: contours_dict_instance[ object_val['type']].append(contour) hierarchy_dict_instance[ object_val['type']].append(hierarchy) else: contours_dict_class[object_val['type']].append( contour) hierarchy_dict_class[ object_val['type']].append(hierarchy) # Retrieve class img from VCD for class_name, contours in contours_dict_class.items(): hierarchy_list = hierarchy_dict_class[class_name] num_contours = len(contours) hierarchy_array = np.asarray(hierarchy_list).reshape( num_contours, 1, 4) color = classes_colors[class_name] cv.drawContours(img_class_out, contours, -1, color[::-1], hierarchy=np.asarray([hierarchy_list]), thickness=-1) # Retrieve instance img from VCD for class_name, contours in contours_dict_instance.items(): hierarchy_list = hierarchy_dict_instance[class_name] num_contours = len(contours) hierarchy_array = np.asarray(hierarchy_list).reshape( num_contours, 1, 4) color = classes_colors[class_name] for c in contours: cv.drawContours(img_instance_out, [c], -1, (0, 0, 0), thickness=-1) #cv.drawContours(img_instance_out, [c], -1, color[::-1], thickness=-1) #cv.drawContours(img_instance_out, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), thickness=3) x = cv.cvtColor(instance_ids_array, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) x[np.where((x == [0, 0, 0]).all(axis=2))] = [0, 255, 0] img_instance = cv.cvtColor(img_instance, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) difference_instance = cv.subtract(img_instance_out, x) difference_class = cv.subtract(img_label, img_class_out) stack = np.hstack( (img_instance, img_instance_out, difference_instance)) stack2 = np.hstack((img_label, img_class_out, difference_class)) vstack = np.vstack((stack, stack2)) pr.disable() pr.print_stats(sort='time') cv.imshow('image', vstack) cv.waitKey(0)
contours_dict_class.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) hierarchy_dict_instance.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) hierarchy_dict_class.setdefault(object_val['type'], []) if 'object_data' in object_val: if 'boolean' in object_val['object_data']: if 'poly2d' in object_val['object_data']: for idx_pol, poly2d in enumerate( object_val['object_data']['poly2d']): val = poly2d['val'] # (x, y, rest, chain) mode = poly2d['mode'] # closed = poly2d['closed'] # Not used in OpenCV hierarchy = poly2d['hierarchy'] instance = object_val['object_data']['boolean'][0][ 'val'] if mode == vec = poly.getVecFromEncodedSRF6( int(val[0]), int(val[1]), int(val[2]), val[3]) elif mode == vec = poly.getVecFromEncodedRS6( int(val[0]), int(val[1]), int(val[2]), int(val[3]), int(val[4]), val[5]) else: vec = val # Then, create contours, format as OpenCV expects num_coords = len(vec) num_points = int(num_coords / 2) contour = np.asarray(vec).reshape((num_points, 1, 2)) if instance: contours_dict_instance[object_val['type']].append( contour) hierarchy_dict_instance[object_val['type']].append(