def gpu(): vcgm = Vcgencmd() return { 'temp': vcgm.measure_temp(), 'clockSpeed': '{0:.0f} MHz'.format(vcgm.measure_clock('core') / 1e+6), 'volts': '{0} V'.format(vcgm.measure_volts('core')), }
def __init__(self): #login or not login self.login = False self.userName = None #Get hw sensor self.lis3mdl = LIS3MDL() self.lis3mdl.enable() self.lps25h = LPS25H() self.lps25h.enable() self.lsm6ds33 = LSM6DS33() self.lsm6ds33.enable() self.vcgm = Vcgencmd() self.next_call = time.time() #init MQTT Client self.client = paho.Client() self.client.connect(host='localhost', port=1883) self.client.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe self.client.message_callback_add(constants.local_com2_car_topic, self.on_com2car) self.client.message_callback_add(constants.local_RFID_topic, self.on_RFID) self.client.subscribe(constants.local_subscription) self.client.loop_start() #init some sensor values self.humidity = 40 self.speed = 0 self.steeringAngle = 0 self.LIDAR = 10 self.userLoginLogout()
def getPiThrottled(): vcgm = Vcgencmd() thrott_state = vcgm.get_throttled() # print("Get Throttled = ", thrott_state) return thrott_state
def detect(self): vcgm = Vcgencmd() status = vcgm.get_camera() detected = status['detected'] if detected == 1: return True else: return False
def main(): global test_msg, send_static_test_msg, test_gui_and_comm_task def on_publish(client, userdata, result): print("data published") def on_message(client, userdata, msg): dict = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8')) print(dict) #signal Handler (Ctrl+C) def signalHandler(sig, frame): client.loop_stop() print("user stopped process") sys.exit(0) if test_gui_and_comm_task: host = 'localhost' port = 1883 else: host = '' port = 8883 qos = 2 topic = '/SysArch/V3/sensor' #register signalHandler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signalHandler) # cpu temperature vcgm = Vcgencmd() #init MQTT Client client = paho.Client() # username and password client.username_pw_set(username="******", password="******") # connect to broker client.connect(host=host, port=port, keepalive=60) client.on_publish = on_publish client.on_message = on_message # subscribe client.subscribe(topic, qos=qos) client.loop_start() # for qos 1, 2 and subscription #measurement Loop while True: temperature = str(vcgm.measure_temp()) timestamp = str(time.time()) if send_static_test_msg: dict = test_msg else: dict = {'timestamp': timestamp, 'temperature': temperature} # publish if test_gui_and_comm_task: client.publish("/SysArch/V3/com2/car", json.dumps(dict), qos=2) client.publish("local/com2/web", json.dumps(dict), qos=2) client.publish("local/sensor", json.dumps(dict), qos=0) else: client.publish(topic, json.dumps(dict), qos=qos) time.sleep(0.5)
def main(): fan = PWMLED(18) while True: vcgm = Vcgencmd() temp = vcgm.measure_temp() if temp >= 40: fan.on() elif temp <= 35: time.sleep(1)
def initialize_status(): global motion_active global start_motion_time global last_motion_time vcgm = Vcgencmd() output = vcgm.display_power_state(screen_id) if output == 'on': start_motion_time = last_motion_time = time.time() motion_active = True message = 'Initializing screen state as {}'.format(motion_active) notify_screen_state(message)
def __init__(self): self.__vcgencmd = Vcgencmd() self.__pwm = pigpio.pi() self.__valChange = ["None", "None", "None"] self.__fonts = [0] * 8 self.__cSize = 0 self.__scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() self.__scheduler.start() self.__sleepF1 = True self.__sleepF2 = True self.__stayOffFlag = False
def __init__(self): self.__vcgencmd = Vcgencmd() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #PIR data GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #View change button GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #Display on/off button GPIO.setup(5, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #power up/down button self.__pwm = pigpio.pi() GPIO.add_event_detect(15, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.viewChange, bouncetime=250) GPIO.add_event_detect(13, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.displayToggle, bouncetime=500) GPIO.add_event_detect(5, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.shutdown, bouncetime=2000)
class PiMonitor(): # Pi Monitor object def __init__(self, logFile): # Initialize self.logDir = path.dirname(__file__) # Setup log file self.logFile = logFile Path(path.join(self.logDir, self.logFile)).touch(exist_ok = True) self.vcgm = Vcgencmd() # Create vcgm object # Update log with date and temperature def update_log(self, temp): with open(path.join(self.logDir, self.logFile), "a") as log: log.write("{0},{1}\n".format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),str(temp))) # Get temperature using vcgm def get_temp(self): temp = self.vcgm.measure_temp() return temp
def turn_on_screen(): vcgm = Vcgencmd() output = vcgm.display_power_on(screen_id)'Turning on screen') notify_screen_state('Turning on screen')
import time import subprocess from board import SCL, SDA import busio from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import adafruit_ssd1306 import psutil import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from vcgencmd import Vcgencmd vcgm = Vcgencmd() # Create the I2C interface. i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA) # Create the SSD1306 OLED class disp = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c) # Clear display. disp.fill(0) # Create blank image for drawing. # Make sure to create image with mode '1' for 1-bit color. width = disp.width height = disp.height image ="1", (width, height)) # Get drawing object to draw on image.
from vcgencmd import Vcgencmd # IoT Core Stuff CERT_ROOT_PATH = "/home/pi/code/ntec364-eagles/client/cert" ENDPOINT = "" CLIENT_ID = "ntecpi" PATH_TO_CERT = f"{CERT_ROOT_PATH}/7752c08c83-certificate.pem.crt" PATH_TO_KEY = f"{CERT_ROOT_PATH}/7752c08c83-private.pem.key" PATH_TO_ROOT = f"{CERT_ROOT_PATH}/AmazonRootCA1.pem" TOPIC = "ntecpi/env" # script stuff senseHat = None airSerial = None mqtt_connection = None vcgm = Vcgencmd() # Initial sensor setup, always happens. try: senseHat = SenseHat() except Exception: print("Problem loading SenseHat, aborting.") exit try: airSerial = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') except Exception: print("Problem connecting to AQ sensor, aborting!") exit try:
class config: __white = (255, 255, 255) __red = (255, 0, 0) __color = (0, 255, 255) __colorInv = __red __colorFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/colorFile.txt" __brightnessFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/brightnessFile.txt" __fontFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/fontFile.txt" __speedFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/speedFile.txt" __viewFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/viewFile.txt" __sleepFile = "/home/pi/SmartMirror/data/configFiles/sleepTimer.txt" __fileIO = fileIO() __defFontName = "Serif" def __init__(self): self.__vcgencmd = Vcgencmd() self.__pwm = pigpio.pi() self.__valChange = ["None", "None", "None"] self.__fonts = [0] * 8 self.__cSize = 0 self.__scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() self.__scheduler.start() self.__sleepF1 = True self.__sleepF2 = True self.__stayOffFlag = False def getStayOffFlag(self): return self.__stayOffFlag def setStayOffFlag(self, state): self.__stayOffFlag = state def restartDim(self): sleep = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__sleepFile, multiLine=True) try: self.__scheduler.reschedule_job("dim", trigger='interval', minutes=int(sleep[2])) except: print("%H:%M:%S"), "IN config::restartDim: cannot reschedule job!") return -1 def setColor(self): color, colorInv = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__colorFile, separator=":") self.__color = [ int(color[i:i + 2], 16) for i in range(1, len(color) - 1, 2) ] self.__colorInv = [ int(colorInv[i:i + 2], 16) for i in range(1, len(colorInv) - 1, 2) ] if (self.__color == self.__white): self.__colorInv = self.__red return self.__color, self.__colorInv def setSleepTime(self): sleep = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__sleepFile, multiLine=True) if (len(sleep) > 4): if (self.__valChange[0] != sleep[0] or self.__valChange[1] != sleep[1]): try: self.__sleepF1 = True self.__scheduler.remove_job('dpoff') self.__scheduler.remove_job('dpon') except: print("%H:%M:%S"), "IN config::setSleepTime: jobs dont exist!") if (self.__valChange[2] != sleep[2]): try: self.__sleepF2 = True self.__scheduler.remove_job("dim") except: print("%H:%M:%S"), "IN config::setSleepTime: jobs dont exist!") if (sleep[3] in "False" and self.__sleepF1): self.__sleepF1 = False hr = int(sleep[0].split(":")[0]) mi = int(sleep[0].split(":")[1]) self.__scheduler.add_job(self.displayOff, "cron", hour=hr, minute=mi, id='dpoff') hr = int(sleep[1].split(":")[0]) mi = int(sleep[1].split(":")[1]) self.__scheduler.add_job(self.displayOn, "cron", hour=hr, minute=mi, id='dpon') elif (sleep[3] in "True" and not self.__sleepF1): self.__sleepF1 = True self.__scheduler.remove_job('dpoff') self.__scheduler.remove_job('dpon') self.__vcgencmd.display_power_on(2) if (sleep[4] in "False" and self.__sleepF2): self.__sleepF2 = False self.__scheduler.add_job( lambda: self.__pwm.set_PWM_dutycycle(18, 0), 'interval', minutes=int(sleep[2]), id='dim') elif (sleep[4] in "True" and not self.__sleepF2): self.__sleepF2 = True self.__scheduler.remove_job('dim') self.__vcgencmd.display_power_on(2) self.__pwm.set_PWM_dutycycle( 18, int(self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__brightnessFile))) self.displayOn() self.__valChange = [sleep[0], sleep[1], sleep[2]] def displayOn(self): self.__vcgencmd.display_power_on(2) brightness = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__brightnessFile) self.__pwm.set_PWM_dutycycle(18, int(brightness)) self.__stayOffFlag = False def displayOff(self): self.__pwm.set_PWM_dutycycle(18, 0) self.__stayOffFlag = True def readFontFromFile(self): font = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__fontFile, multiLine=True) font[0] = font[0].split(",")[0] font[1] = int(font[1]) if (len(font) == 2): font.append(False) font.append(False) elif (len(font) == 3): if ('Bold' in font[2]): font[2] = True font.append(False) else: font[2] = False font.append(True) elif (len(font) == 4): font[2] = True font[3] = True return font def getFont(self, index): return self.__fonts[index] def getDefFont(self): return self.__defFont def getMetFont(self): return self.__metFont def setCSize(self, size): self.__cSize = size def getSpeed(self): speed = self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__speedFile) if ("Non" in speed): return 0 else: return int(speed) * 1000 def getView(self): return self.__fileIO.simpleRead(self.__viewFile, multiLine=True)[0] def getAllFonts(self): fontName, fontSize, bold, italic = self.readFontFromFile() try: self.__defFont = pygame.font.SysFont(self.__defFontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__metFont = pygame.font.SysFont(self.__defFontName, fontSize - 4, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[0] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize + self.__cSize, bold=bold, italic=italic) #calendar self.__fonts[1] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize + 0, bold=bold, italic=italic) #date self.__fonts[2] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize + 32, bold=bold, italic=italic) #time self.__fonts[3] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) #events self.__fonts[4] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) #news self.__fonts[5] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize - 4, bold=bold, italic=italic) #weather self.__fonts[6] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) #hour self.__fonts[7] = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, fontSize - 18, bold=bold, italic=italic) #hour except: self.__defFont = pygame.font.Font(self.__defFontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__metFont = pygame.font.Font(self.__defFontName, fontSize - 4, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[0] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[1] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize + 0, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[2] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize + 32, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[3] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[4] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[5] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize - 4, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[6] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize - 12, bold=bold, italic=italic) self.__fonts[7] = pygame.font.Font(fontName, fontSize - 18, bold=bold, italic=italic) return self.__fonts
#!/usr/bin/env python # # import datetime import time import platform import sys from gpiozero import CPUTemperature import vcgencmd from vcgencmd import Vcgencmd vcgm = Vcgencmd() print( platform.python_version() ) print( "Python version", sys.version ) print( "vcgm version ", vcgm.version() ) CPUc = vcgm.measure_temp() print( "vcgm ", CPUc) cpu = CPUTemperature() print( "gpio ", cpu.temperature) sys.exit()
import argparse from flask import Flask, jsonify import os import logging from vcgencmd import Vcgencmd #import app_config #HDMI steuern #'vcgencmd'%20is%20a%20command%20line,a%20binding%20to%20that%20tool. #vcgencmd display_power 0 app = Flask(__name__) hdmi = Vcgencmd() @app.route('/api/hdmi/on') def hdmiOn(): #os.system("vcgencmd display_power 1") hdmi.display_power_on(2) return "on" @app.route('/api/hdmi/off') def hdmiOff(): #os.system("vcgencmd display_power 0") hdmi.display_power_off(2) return "off" @app.route('/api/hdmi/status')
# commit to drive csvfile.flush() except Exception as e: print("not logged: " + str(e)) def get_date(): now_date = datetime_string = now_date.strftime("%H:%M:%S") return datetime_string def get_datetime(): now_date = datetime_string = now_date.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") return datetime_string vcgm = Vcgencmd() try: interval = float(sys.argv[1]) print("running at an interval of " + str(interval) + " seconds.") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("note: you can pass the loop interval as a value in seconds, e.g. 0.5") interval = 1 num_errors = 0 last_error = "" while True: status = [] row = [get_date(),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] sum_bits = 0
def __init__(self, node): """Init selftest with node.""" self.node = node self.lcd_driver = self.node.create_publisher(Lcd, "lcd", 1) # Wait for subscribers while self.lcd_driver.get_subscription_count() < 1: sleep(1) self.__write__(0) # Report selftest init if "aarch64" not in machine(): return self.__write__(0x10) # Started Hardware tests # Testing for CPU Throttling vcgm = Vcgencmd() self.__write__(0x11) if int(vcgm.get_throttled().get("raw_data"), 16) != 0: return # Testing devices on sensors I2C Bus addrs_vlx = [] if == "obelix": addrs_vlx = [0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37] try: bus = SMBus(4) for addr in addrs_vlx: self.__write__(addr) bus.read_byte(addr) except BaseException: return # Testing devices on actuators I2C Bus code = 0x40 self.__write__(code) try: bus = SMBus(3) for addr in self.node.actuators.pump_addr: code += 1 self.__write__(code) bus.read_byte(addr) """ if == "obelix": addr_slider = 0x12 self.__write__(addr_slider) bus.read_byte(addr_slider) """ except BaseException: return # NOTE : Testing devices on accessories bus (I2C6 is not relevant) # due to the LCD being present # Testing dynamixels connection code = 0x50 if == "obelix": self.__write__(code) for dyna in self.node.actuators.DYNAMIXELS: code += 1 self.__write__(code) if self.node.actuators.arbotix.getPosition(dyna) == -1: return for servo in self.node.actuators.SERVOS: servo = self.node.actuators.SERVOS.get(servo) code += 1 self.__write__(code) if self.node.actuators.arbotix.getPosition(servo.get("addr")) == -1: return self.__write__(0xFF)
def voltage(self) -> float: v = Vcgencmd().measure_volts("sdram_p") if isinstance(v, float): return v return 0.00
class Sensor(): def __init__(self): #login or not login self.login = False self.userName = None #Get hw sensor self.lis3mdl = LIS3MDL() self.lis3mdl.enable() self.lps25h = LPS25H() self.lps25h.enable() self.lsm6ds33 = LSM6DS33() self.lsm6ds33.enable() self.vcgm = Vcgencmd() self.next_call = time.time() #init MQTT Client self.client = paho.Client() self.client.connect(host='localhost', port=1883) self.client.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe self.client.message_callback_add(constants.local_com2_car_topic, self.on_com2car) self.client.message_callback_add(constants.local_RFID_topic, self.on_RFID) self.client.subscribe(constants.local_subscription) self.client.loop_start() #init some sensor values self.humidity = 40 self.speed = 0 self.steeringAngle = 0 self.LIDAR = 10 self.userLoginLogout() def on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, graned_qos):'SensorTask\t\tsubscribe to local/com2/car') def on_com2web(self, tokenID): dict = { "timestamp": time.time(), "tokenID": tokenID, "login": not self.login } self.client.publish('local/com2/web', json.dumps(dict), qos=2) print(dict) def on_RFID(self, client, userdata, msg):'SenosrTask\t\tRFID message incoming') dict = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8')) self.on_com2web(dict['tokenID']) def userLoginLogout(self, dict=None):'SensorTask\t\tuser.txt modified') with open("user.txt", 'w') as file: if self.login: file.write(json.dumps(dict)) else: file.write('') def on_com2car(self, client, userdata, msg):'SensorTask\t\ttry user login or logout') dict = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8')) if self.login == False and dict["login"] == True and dict[ "certified"] == True:'SensorTask\t\tuser login succesfull') self.login = True self.userLoginLogout(dict) elif self.login == True and dict["login"] == False and dict[ "certified"] == True:'SensorTask\t\tuser logout succesfull') self.login = False self.userLoginLogout(dict) else: 'SensorTask\t\someting went wrong with login or logout') def randomWalk(self, start, stop, dx, x): if not self.login: dx = dx * 10 if x < start: return x + random.uniform(0, dx) if x > stop: return x + random.uniform(-dx, 0) else: return x + random.uniform(-dx, dx) def puplishAll(self): #dummy dict self.dict = {"SensorValue1": [], "SensorValue3": []} #Temperature self.temp = self.vcgm.measure_temp() self.tempDict = { "name": "Temperature", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.temp, 3) } #LIDAR self.LIDAR = self.randomWalk(start=5, stop=150, dx=0.5, x=self.LIDAR) self.LIDARDict = { "name": "LIDAR", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.LIDAR, 3) } #Speed self.speed = self.randomWalk(start=0, stop=150, dx=0.5, x=self.speed) self.speedDict = { "name": "Speed", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.speed, 3) } #SteeringAngle self.steeringAngle = self.randomWalk(start=5, stop=150, dx=0.5, x=self.steeringAngle) self.steeringAngleDict = { "name": "steeringAngle", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.steeringAngle, 3) } #Altimeter self.altimeter = self.lps25h.get_barometer_raw() self.altimeterDict = { "name": "Altimeter", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.altimeter, 3) } #Humidity self.humidity = self.randomWalk(start=10, stop=95, dx=0.1, x=self.humidity) self.humidityDict = { "name": "Humidity", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.humidity, 3) } #Acceleration self.accel = self.lsm6ds33.get_accelerometer_g_forces() self.accelDict = { "name": "Acceleration", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "valueX": round(self.accel[0], 3), "valueY": round(self.accel[1], 3), "valueZ": round(self.accel[2], 3) } #Gyro self.gyro = self.lsm6ds33.get_gyro_angular_velocity() self.gyroDict = { "name": "Gyro", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "valueX": round(self.gyro[0], 3), "valueY": round(self.gyro[1], 3), "valueZ": round(self.gyro[2], 3) } #Magnetometer self.mag = self.lis3mdl.get_magnetometer_raw() self.magDict = { "name": "Magnetometer", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "valueX": round(self.mag[0], 3), "valueY": round(self.mag[1], 3), "valueZ": round(self.mag[2], 3) } #make big dict to publish self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.humidityDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.tempDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.LIDARDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.speedDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.steeringAngleDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.altimeterDict) self.dict["SensorValue3"].append(self.accelDict) self.dict["SensorValue3"].append(self.gyroDict) self.dict["SensorValue3"].append(self.magDict) #publish to local Brocker self.client.publish(constants.local_sensor_topic, json.dumps(self.dict), qos=0) #when not login 1s measurement frequency self.next_call = self.next_call + constants.measurementPeriodLogin time.sleep(self.next_call - time.time()) def puplishPart(self): #dummy dict self.dict = {"SensorValue1": [], "SensorValue3": []} #Temperature self.temp = self.vcgm.measure_temp() self.tempDict = { "name": "Temperature", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.temp, 3) } #Humidity self.humidity = self.randomWalk(start=10, stop=95, dx=0.1, x=self.humidity) self.humidityDict = { "name": "Humidity", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "value": round(self.humidity, 3) } #Acceleration self.accel = self.lsm6ds33.get_accelerometer_g_forces() self.accelDict = { "name": "Acceleration", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "valueX": round(self.accel[0], 3), "valueY": round(self.accel[1], 3), "valueZ": round(self.accel[2], 3) } #Gyro self.gyro = self.lsm6ds33.get_gyro_angular_velocity() self.gyroDict = { "name": "Gyro", "timestamp": round(time.time(), 6), "valueX": round(self.gyro[0], 3), "valueY": round(self.gyro[1], 3), "valueZ": round(self.gyro[2], 3) } #make big dict to publish self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.humidityDict) self.dict["SensorValue1"].append(self.tempDict) self.dict["SensorValue3"].append(self.accelDict) self.dict["SensorValue3"].append(self.gyroDict) #publish to local Brocker self.client.publish(constants.local_sensor_topic, json.dumps(self.dict), qos=0) #when not login 1s measurement frequency self.next_call = self.next_call + constants.measurementPeriodLogout time.sleep(self.next_call - time.time()) #measurement Loop def run(self): while True: if self.login: self.puplishAll() else: self.puplishPart()
def __init__(self, logFile): # Initialize self.logDir = path.dirname(__file__) # Setup log file self.logFile = logFile Path(path.join(self.logDir, self.logFile)).touch(exist_ok = True) self.vcgm = Vcgencmd() # Create vcgm object
def turn_on_screen(): print('turning on screen') vcgm = Vcgencmd() output = vcgm.display_power_on(screen_id)
if len(sys.argv) == 1: logging.critical("No screen_id specified") sys.exit(1) screen_id = int(sys.argv[1]) def turn_off_screen(): print('turning off screen') vcgm = Vcgencmd() output = vcgm.display_power_off(screen_id) def turn_on_screen(): print('turning on screen') vcgm = Vcgencmd() output = vcgm.display_power_on(screen_id) vcgm = Vcgencmd() for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 7]: print('{}: {}'.format(x, vcgm.display_power_state(x))) turn_off_screen() time.sleep(5) turn_on_screen() time.sleep(5) turn_off_screen() time.sleep(5) turn_on_screen()
from vcgencmd import Vcgencmd from time import sleep, strftime, time from os import path from pathlib import Path # Initialize vcgm = Vcgencmd() logDir = path.dirname(__file__) logFile = "temp-log.txt" Path(path.join(logDir, logFile)).touch(exist_ok = True) # Main Loop while True: cpuTemp = vcgm.measure_temp() with open(path.join(logDir, logFile), "a") as log: log.write("{0},{1}\n".format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),str(cpuTemp))) print(cpuTemp) sleep(1)
controls_config = config['smartchime']['controls'] fonts_config = oled_config['fonts'][0] # Enable or disable major functions and provide that state to the state tracker. state_tracker.oled_enabled = oled_config['enabled'] state_tracker.amoled_enabled = amoled_config['enabled'] state_tracker.doorbell_enabled = doorbell_config['enabled'] state_tracker.controls_enabled = controls_config['enabled'] state_tracker.mqtt_enabled = mqtt_config['enabled'] # Set up the AMOLED display. if state_tracker.amoled_enabled: print("[main] initializing AMOLED display") state_tracker.amoled_always_on = amoled_config['always_on'] state_tracker.amoled_display_id = amoled_config['display_id'] state_tracker.amoled = Vcgencmd() if state_tracker.amoled_always_on: state_tracker.amoled.display_power_on( state_tracker.amoled_display_id) # Initialize the OLED display. if state_tracker.oled_enabled: print("[main] Initializing OLED display") device = get_device() image_composition = ImageComposition(device) state_tracker.oled_default_font = make_font( fonts_config['font_large'][0]['name'], fonts_config['font_large'][0]['size']) state_tracker.oled_small_font = make_font( fonts_config['font_small'][0]['name'],