Exemple #1
    def fill_archive(self, stream=None, kind='tgz', prefix=None,
        Fills up given stream.

        :param stream: file like object.
        :param kind: one of following: ``zip``, ``tgz`` or ``tbz2``.
            Default: ``tgz``.
        :param prefix: name of root directory in archive.
            Default is repository name and changeset's raw_id joined with dash
        :param subrepos: include subrepos in this archive.

        :raise ImproperArchiveTypeError: If given kind is wrong.
        :raise VcsError: If given stream is None

        allowed_kinds = settings.ARCHIVE_SPECS.keys()
        if kind not in allowed_kinds:
            raise ImproperArchiveTypeError('Archive kind not supported use one'
                'of %s', allowed_kinds)

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = '%s-%s' % (self.repository.name, self.short_id)
        elif prefix.startswith('/'):
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot start with leading slash")
        elif prefix.strip() == '':
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot be empty")

        if kind == 'zip':
            frmt = 'zip'
            frmt = 'tar'
        _git_path = settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE_PATH
        cmd = '%s archive --format=%s --prefix=%s/ %s' % (_git_path,
                                                frmt, prefix, self.raw_id)
        if kind == 'tgz':
            cmd += ' | gzip -9'
        elif kind == 'tbz2':
            cmd += ' | bzip2 -9'

        if stream is None:
            raise VCSError('You need to pass in a valid stream for filling'
                           ' with archival data')
        popen = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True,

        buffer_size = 1024 * 8
        chunk = popen.stdout.read(buffer_size)
        while chunk:
            chunk = popen.stdout.read(buffer_size)
        # Make sure all descriptors would be read
    def fill_archive(self,
        Fills up given stream.

        :param stream: file like object.
        :param kind: one of following: ``zip``, ``tgz`` or ``tbz2``.
            Default: ``tgz``.
        :param prefix: name of root directory in archive.
            Default is repository name and changeset's raw_id joined with dash
        :param subrepos: include subrepos in this archive.

        :raise ImproperArchiveTypeError: If given kind is wrong.
        :raise VcsError: If given stream is None

        allowed_kinds = settings.ARCHIVE_SPECS.keys()
        if kind not in allowed_kinds:
            raise ImproperArchiveTypeError(
                'Archive kind not supported use one'
                'of %s', allowed_kinds)

        if stream is None:
            raise VCSError('You need to pass in a valid stream for filling'
                           ' with archival data')

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = '%s-%s' % (self.repository.name, self.short_id)
        elif prefix.startswith('/'):
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot start with leading slash")
        elif prefix.strip() == '':
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot be empty")


        if stream.closed and hasattr(stream, 'name'):
            stream = open(stream.name, 'rb')
        elif hasattr(stream, 'mode') and 'r' not in stream.mode:
            stream = open(stream.name, 'rb')
Exemple #3
def get_repo(path=None, alias=None, create=False):
    Returns ``Repository`` object of type linked with given ``alias`` at
    the specified ``path``. If ``alias`` is not given it will try to guess it
    using get_scm method
    if create:
        if not (path or alias):
            raise TypeError(
                "If create is specified, we need path and scm type")
        return get_backend(alias)(path, create=True)
    if path is None:
        path = abspath(os.path.curdir)
        scm, path = get_scm(path, search_up=True)
        path = abspath(path)
        alias = scm
    except VCSError:
        raise VCSError("No scm found at %s" % path)
    if alias is None:
        alias = get_scm(path)[0]

    backend = get_backend(alias)
    repo = backend(path, create=create)
    return repo
def get_scms_for_path(path):
    Returns all scm's found at the given path. If no scm is recognized
    - empty list is returned.

    :param path: path to directory which should be checked. May be callable.

    :raises VCSError: if given ``path`` is not a directory
    from vcs.backends import get_backend
    if hasattr(path, '__call__'):
        path = path()
    if not os.path.isdir(path):
        raise VCSError("Given path %r is not a directory" % path)

    result = []
    for key in ALIASES:
        dirname = os.path.join(path, '.' + key)
        if os.path.isdir(dirname):
        # We still need to check if it's not bare repository as
        # bare repos don't have working directories
        except RepositoryError:
            # Wrong backend
        except VCSError:
            # No backend at all
    return result
Exemple #5
def get_udiff(filenode_old, filenode_new, show_whitespace=True):
    Returns unified diff between given ``filenode_old`` and ``filenode_new``.
        filenode_old_date = filenode_old.changeset.date
    except NodeError:
        filenode_old_date = None

        filenode_new_date = filenode_new.changeset.date
    except NodeError:
        filenode_new_date = None

    for filenode in (filenode_old, filenode_new):
        if not isinstance(filenode, FileNode):
            raise VCSError("Given object should be FileNode object, not %s" %

    if filenode_old_date and filenode_new_date:
        if not filenode_old_date < filenode_new_date:
            logging.debug("Generating udiff for filenodes with not increasing "

    vcs_udiff = unified_diff(filenode_old.content.splitlines(True),
                             filenode_old.name, filenode_new.name,
                             filenode_old_date, filenode_old_date)
    return vcs_udiff
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self,
        Raises RepositoryError if repository could not be find at the given

        :param repo_path: local path of the repository
        :param create=False: if set to True, would try to create repository if
           it does not exist rather than raising exception
        :param baseui=None: user data
        :param src_url=None: would try to clone repository from given location
        :param update_after_clone=False: sets update of working copy after
          making a clone

        if not isinstance(repo_path, str):
            raise VCSError('Mercurial backend requires repository path to '
                           'be instance of <str> got %s instead' %

        self.path = abspath(repo_path)
        self.baseui = baseui or ui.ui()
        # We've set path and ui, now we can set _repo itself
        self._repo = self._get_repo(create, src_url, update_after_clone)
Exemple #7
def get_backend(alias):
    Returns ``Repository`` class identified by the given alias or raises
    VCSError if alias is not recognized or backend class cannot be imported.
    if alias not in settings.BACKENDS:
        raise VCSError("Given alias '%s' is not recognized! Allowed aliases:\n"
                       "%s" % (alias, pformat(settings.BACKENDS.keys())))
    backend_path = settings.BACKENDS[alias]
    klass = import_class(backend_path)
    return klass
def get_scm(path, search_up=False, explicit_alias=None):
    Returns one of alias from ``ALIASES`` (in order of precedence same as
    shortcuts given in ``ALIASES``) and top working dir path for the given
    argument. If no scm-specific directory is found or more than one scm is
    found at that directory, ``VCSError`` is raised.

    :param search_up: if set to ``True``, this function would try to
      move up to parent directory every time no scm is recognized for the
      currently checked path. Default: ``False``.
    :param explicit_alias: can be one of available backend aliases, when given
      it will return given explicit alias in repositories under more than one
      version control, if explicit_alias is different than found it will raise
    if not os.path.isdir(path):
        raise VCSError("Given path %s is not a directory" % path)

    def get_scms(path):
        return [(scm, path) for scm in get_scms_for_path(path)]

    found_scms = get_scms(path)
    while not found_scms and search_up:
        newpath = abspath(path, '..')
        if newpath == path:
        path = newpath
        found_scms = get_scms(path)

    if len(found_scms) > 1:
        for scm in found_scms:
            if scm[0] == explicit_alias:
                return scm
        raise VCSError('More than one [%s] scm found at given path %s' %
                       (','.join((x[0] for x in found_scms)), path))

    if len(found_scms) is 0:
        raise VCSError('No scm found at given path %s' % path)

    return found_scms[0]
    def next(self, branch=None):

        if branch and self.branch != branch:
            raise VCSError('Branch option used on changeset not belonging '
                           'to that branch')

        def _next(changeset, branch):
                next_ = changeset.revision + 1
                next_rev = changeset.repository.revisions[next_]
            except IndexError:
                raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError
            cs = changeset.repository.get_changeset(next_rev)

            if branch and branch != cs.branch:
                return _next(cs, branch)

            return cs

        return _next(self, branch)
Exemple #10
def get_gitdiff(filenode_old, filenode_new, ignore_whitespace=True):
    Returns git style diff between given ``filenode_old`` and ``filenode_new``.

    :param ignore_whitespace: ignore whitespaces in diff

    for filenode in (filenode_old, filenode_new):
        if not isinstance(filenode, FileNode):
            raise VCSError("Given object should be FileNode object, not %s" %

    old_raw_id = getattr(filenode_old.changeset, 'raw_id', '0' * 40)
    new_raw_id = getattr(filenode_new.changeset, 'raw_id', '0' * 40)

    repo = filenode_new.changeset.repository
    vcs_gitdiff = repo.get_diff(old_raw_id, new_raw_id, filenode_new.path,

    return vcs_gitdiff
Exemple #11
def import_class(class_path):
    Returns class from the given path.

    For example, in order to get class located at

            hgrepo = import_class('vcs.backends.hg.MercurialRepository')
        except VCSError:
            # hadle error
    splitted = class_path.split('.')
    mod_path = '.'.join(splitted[:-1])
    class_name = splitted[-1]
        class_mod = __import__(mod_path, {}, {}, [class_name])
    except ImportError, err:
        msg = "There was problem while trying to import backend class. "\
            "Original error was:\n%s" % err
        raise VCSError(msg)
    def prev(self, branch=None):
        if branch and self.branch != branch:
            raise VCSError('Branch option used on changeset not belonging '
                           'to that branch')

        def _prev(changeset, branch):
                prev_ = changeset.revision - 1
                if prev_ < 0:
                    raise IndexError
                prev_rev = changeset.repository.revisions[prev_]
            except IndexError:
                raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError

            cs = changeset.repository.get_changeset(prev_rev)

            if branch and branch != cs.branch:
                return _prev(cs, branch)

            return cs

        return _prev(self, branch)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, filenode, annotate_from_changeset_func=None,
            order=None, **options):
        If ``annotate_from_changeset_func`` is passed it should be a function
        which returns string from the given changeset. For example, we may pass
        following function as ``annotate_from_changeset_func``::

            def changeset_to_anchor(changeset):
                return '<a href="/changesets/%s/">%s</a>\n' %\
                       (changeset.id, changeset.id)

        :param annotate_from_changeset_func: see above
        :param order: (default: ``['ls', 'annotate', 'code']``); order of
        :param options: standard pygment's HtmlFormatter options, there is
          extra option tough, ``headers``. For instance we can pass::

             formatter = AnnotateHtmlFormatter(filenode, headers={
                'ls': '#',
                'annotate': 'Annotate',
                'code': 'Code',

        super(AnnotateHtmlFormatter, self).__init__(**options)
        self.annotate_from_changeset_func = annotate_from_changeset_func
        self.order = order or ('ls', 'annotate', 'code')
        headers = options.pop('headers', None)
        if headers and not ('ls' in headers and 'annotate' in headers and
            'code' in headers):
            raise ValueError("If headers option dict is specified it must "
                "all 'ls', 'annotate' and 'code' keys")
        self.headers = headers
        if isinstance(filenode, FileNode):
            self.filenode = filenode
            raise VCSError("This formatter expect FileNode parameter, not %r"
                % type(filenode))