Exemple #1
    def createJunction(self):
        if not self.isJunction():

        # We're going to lay claim to some points during this process. Update
        # their ownership when we're done so we don't let ones we've already
        # claimed convince us that it's okay to take more.
        claimedPoints = set()

        center = self.start.toGridspace()
        radius = int(self.getJunctionRadius() / constants.blockSize)

        # Iterate over points in the accepted area, claiming them if they belong
        # to edges that we're related to.
        for x in xrange(max(center.ix - radius, 1),
                        min(center.ix + radius, game.map.numCols - 1)):
            for y in xrange(max(center.iy - radius, 1),
                            min(center.iy + radius, game.map.numRows - 1)):
                point = Vector2D(x, y)
                if point in game.map.deadSeeds:
                    if self.start.isEdgeRelated(

        # Convert each claimed point into open space. Then check its neighbors,
        # and fill them with walls if they aren't related to us.
        for point in claimedPoints:
            game.map.assignSpace(point, self)
            if game.map.blocks[point.ix][point.iy] != generator.BLOCK_EMPTY:
                game.map.blocks[point.ix][point.iy] = generator.BLOCK_EMPTY
                # Patch walls around the deleted space
                for nearPoint in point.perimeter():
                    if not game.map.getIsInBounds(nearPoint):
                    # If we hit a space that's not a wall or open space, or
                    # if we hit a space that's owned by a node of the graph
                    # that we aren't connected to, put a wall in.
                    altEdge = None
                    if nearPoint in game.map.deadSeeds:
                        altEdge = game.map.deadSeeds[nearPoint].owner
                    if (game.map.blocks[nearPoint.ix][nearPoint.iy]
                            == generator.BLOCK_UNALLOCATED
                            or (altEdge is not None
                                and not self.start.isEdgeRelated(altEdge))):
                            nearPoint.iy] = generator.BLOCK_WALL
                        game.map.deadSeeds[nearPoint] = seed.Seed(
                            self, 0, constants.BIGNUM)
Exemple #2
 def get_acceleration(self, delta):
     # Returns the updated acceleration based on the current behaviour
     if self.mode == 'Wander':
         return self.wander(delta)
     elif self.mode == 'Seek':
         return self.seek(self.world.target)
     elif self.mode == 'Arrive':
         return self.arrive(self.world.target)
     elif self.mode == 'Flee':
         return self.flee(self.world.target)
     elif self.mode == 'Follow path':
         return self.follow_path()
     elif self.mode == 'Weighted sum':
         return self.weighted_sum(self.world.target, delta)
         return Vector2D()
Exemple #3
    def addFood(self, x, y=None, num=1):

        # If no y was given then use the standard food distance above the tank
        if (y is None):
            y = self.height - self.foodDistance
            y = Util.clamp(self.tank.box.bottom, y, self.height)

        # Make sure the food will go in the tank
        x = Util.clamp(self.tank.box.left, x, self.tank.box.right)

        # Add the foods
        for _ in range(num):
            newFood = Food(world=self)
            newFood.pos = Vector2D(x, y)
Exemple #4
    def crop_image(self, resolution, left_position, right_position,
                   bottom_position, top_position, coordinate_system):
        # create cropped image
        cropped_image = self.image_.crop(
            (int(left_position / resolution), int(top_position / resolution),
             int(right_position / resolution),
             int(bottom_position / resolution)))
        print "coordinate_system: " + str(coordinate_system)
        print "left: " + str(left_position)
        print "top: " + str(top_position)
        print "right: " + str(right_position)
        print "bottom: " + str(bottom_position)

        return cropped_image, Vector2D(Point2D(left_position, bottom_position),
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=2.0, mode='seek'):
        # keep a reference to the world object.
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode    
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos.
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)
        # easy scaling of agent size.
        self.force = Vector2D()
        # current steering force.
        self.accel = Vector2D()
        # current acceleration due to force.
        self.mass = mass
        # data for drawing this agent.
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        ### follow path mode edit 1. ###
        self.path = Path()
        # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it.
        self.waypoint_threshold = 0.0
        # <-- Work out a value for this as you test!
        ### end follow path mode edit 1. ###

    ### added wonder info part 2. ###
	### wander details.
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        # Force and speed limiting code.
        # max speed is here.
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        ### end add wander infor part 2. ###	

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Exemple #6
    def foodSteer(self, delta):

        steeringForce = Vector2D()

        bestFood = self.findBestFood(self.food)

        if (bestFood is not None):
            steeringForce = self.pursuit(bestFood)
        # else:
        # 	steeringForce = self.idleSteer(delta)

        if (self.chosenOne and self.world.drawDebug):
            egi.line_by_pos(self.pos, self.pos + steeringForce)

        return steeringForce
Exemple #7
 def wander(self, delta):
     # Generate random jitter
     jitter = Vector2D(
         uniform(-1, 1) * self.wander_jitter * delta,
         uniform(-1, 1) * self.wander_jitter * delta)
     # Apply jitter to wander_target and map to circle
     self.wander_target = (self.wander_target +
                           jitter).normalise() * self.wander_radius
     # Take a copy (important) and position ahead of agent
     wander_target_position = self.wander_target.copy()
     wander_target_position.x += self.wander_distance
     # Transform to world space
     world_target = self.world.transform_point(wander_target_position,
                                               self.position, self.heading,
     return self.seek(world_target)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=5.0, mass=1.0, mode='hide'):

        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 9.0

        ### wander details

        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        self.tagged = False
        self.botList = self.world.agents
        self.overlapping = False
        self.neighbour_radius = 6 * scale

        # Force and speed limiting code
        self.max_speed = self.world.botMaxSpeed
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=10.0, mass=1.0, mode='wander'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        self.tagged = False
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 20

        ### wander details
        # self.wander_?? ...
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        #Neighbourhood radius
        self.tag_radius = 5.0 * scale
        self.cohesion_toggle = False
        self.alignment_toggle = False
        self.seperation_toggle = False

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force ??
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Exemple #10
 def calculate(self, delta):
     # calculate the current steering force
     mode = self.mode
     if mode == 'aim':
         force = self.aim()
     elif mode == 'rifle':
         force = self.rifle()
     elif mode == 'rocket':
         force = self.rocket()
     elif mode == 'handgun':
         force = self.handgun()
     elif mode == 'grenade':
         force = self.grenade()
         force = Vector2D()
     self.force = force
     return force
Exemple #11
    def calculate(self, delta):
        force = Vector2D()
        # calculate the current steering force
        #force += self.wander(delta) * 0.1
       #force += self.obstacle_avoidance()
        force += self.hide(self.world.hunter.pos, delta)
            force += self.cohesion() * GROUPING_VALUES['cohesion']
        if self.seperation_toggle:
            force += self.seperation() * GROUPING_VALUES['seperation']
        if self.alignment_toggle:
            force += self.alignment() * GROUPING_VALUES['alignment']

        self.force = force
        return force
Exemple #12
    def avoidHuntersSteer(self, delta):

        hunterPositions = [h.pos for h in self.world.hunters]
        count = len(hunterPositions)

        if (count == 0):
            return Vector2D()

        total = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hunterPositions)
        avg = total / float(count)

        distance = self.pos.distanceTo(avg)
        lengthSq = distance.lengthSq()**1.1

        steer = -5000000 * distance.normalise() / lengthSq

        return steer, lengthSq
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='combined'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass
        self.neighbours = []

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        self.path = Path()
        self.randomise_path()  # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it
        self.waypoint_threshold = 0.0  # <-- Work out a value for this as you test

        ### wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 3.9 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 0.2 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 4.3 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # Force and speed limiting code
        # limits
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False

        #group variables
        self.wander_var = 1
        self.alignment_var = 1
        self.cohesion_var = 1
Exemple #14
    def flee(self, hunter_pos, speed, pursuit_speed):
        ''' move away from hunter position '''

        decel_rate = self.DECELERATION_SPEEDS[speed]
        flee_target = self.pos - hunter_pos
        dist = flee_target.length()
        if dist > 100:
            if AGENT_MODES is 'flee': ## For stationary targets
                speed = dist / decel_rate
                speed = min(speed, self.max_speed)
                desired_vel = flee_target * (speed / dist)
                return (desired_vel - self.vel)
            else: ## for moving targets
                pursuit_speed = dist / decel_rate 
                pursuit_speed = min(pursuit_speed, self.max_speed)
                desired_vel = flee_target * (pursuit_speed / dist)
                return (desired_vel - self.vel)
        return Vector2D()
Exemple #15
    def follow_path(self):

        if self.path.is_at_end_of_path():
            if self.pos.distance(
                    self.path.current_pt()) <= self.waypoint_threshold:
                # arrive at current point
                return self.arrive(self.path.current_pt(), 'slow')
            # if within threashold distance of current point, inc_current_point
            if self.pos.distance(
                    self.path.current_pt()) <= self.waypoint_threshold:
            # Else Seek current point
                return self.seek(self.path.current_pt())
        return Vector2D(0, 0)
Exemple #16
 def arrive(self, target_pos, speed):
     ''' this behaviour is similar to seek() but it attempts to arrive at
         the target position with a zero velocity'''
     decel_rate = self.DECELERATION_SPEEDS[speed]
     to_target = target_pos - self.pos
     dist = to_target.length()
     if dist > 0:
         # calculate the speed required to reach the target given the
         # desired deceleration rate
         speed = dist / decel_rate
         # make sure the velocity does not exceed the max
         speed = min(speed, self.max_speed)
         # from here proceed just like Seek except we don't need to
         # normalize the to_target vector because we have already gone to the
         # trouble of calculating its length for dist.
         desired_vel = to_target * (speed / dist)
         return (desired_vel - self.vel)
     return Vector2D(0, 0)
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, cx, cy):
        self.cx = cx
        self.cy = cy
        self.target = Vector2D(cx / 2, cy / 2)
        self.obstacle = []
        self.hunter = None
        self.agents = []
        self.paused = True
        self.show_info = True

        self.marksman = None
        self.hitpoint = None
        self.bullet = []

        self.cohesion = 0.0
        self.separation = 0.0
        self.alignment = 0.0
        self.radius = 10.0
Exemple #18
    def hit(self):
        self.health -= 25

        if self.health <= 0:
            cx = self.world.cx  # width
            cy = self.world.cy  # height
            margin = min(cx, cy) * (1 / 6)  # use this for padding in the next line

            minx = int(0 + margin)
            maxx = int(cx - margin)
            miny = int(0 + margin)
            maxy = int(cy - margin)

            new_x = random.randint(minx,maxx)
            new_y = random.randint(miny,maxy)

            self.pos = Vector2D(new_x,new_y)
            self.health = 50
 def follow_path(self, path):
     target = self.path.current_pt()
     # If heading to final point (is_finished?).
     if self.path.is_finished():
         # Return a slow down force vector (Arrive).
         target == Vector2D(self.path.current_pt().x,
         return self.arrive(target, 'slow')
     # Else
         dist = target - self.pos
     # If within threshold distance of current way point, inc to next in path.
     if dist.length() < self.waypoint_threshold:
         # Return a force vector to head to current point at full speed (Seek).
         return self.arrive(target, 'fast')
         return self.seek(target)
Exemple #20
def get_sector_2():
    objects = []

    enemies = [
        enemy.TinyEnemy(Vector2D(500, 10), 7),
        enemy.TinyEnemy(Vector2D(500, 15), 7),
        enemy.TinyEnemy(Vector2D(500, 35), 7),
        enemy.TinyEnemy(Vector2D(500, 40), 7)
    obstacles = [
        Obstacle(Vector2D(230, 3), 2),
        Obstacle(Vector2D(230, 39), 1),
        Obstacle(Vector2D(380, 3), 8),
        Obstacle(Vector2D(430, 27), 7)
    powerups = []
    return objects
Exemple #21
    def draw_score(self):
        temp_objects = [
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 5, 1), load_texture("other", 2)),
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 5, 7), load_texture("other", 3)),
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 5, 15), load_texture("other", 4)),
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 5, 22), load_texture("other", 4)),
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 8, 17),
                "Your Score : " + str(self.score)),
            Obj(Vector2D(self.view.pos.x + 8, 24),
                "Press enter to continue...")

        self.last_matrix = Graphics.draw(temp_objects, self.view)
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='patrol'):
        # keep a reference to the world object.py
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        # self.path = ??
        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 10.0
        ### wander details
        # self.wander_?? ...
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 100.0
        self.max_force = 200.0
        self.bulletspeed = 500.0

        self.bullets = 6
        self.reload_time = 1
        self.current_reload_time = 0.0
        self.gun_state = 'loaded'

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Exemple #23
    def getRockShape(self):

        radius = self.boundingRadius
        edges = self.edges

        angle = 2 * pi / edges

        pts = []

        variance = 0.18
        variation = (1 - variance, 1 + variance)

        for i in range(edges):
            v = Vector2D(cos(i * angle), sin(i * angle)) * radius
            v.x *= uniform(variation[0], variation[1])
            v.y *= uniform(variation[0], variation[1])

        return pts
 def flee(self, hunter_pos, speed, pursuit_speed):
     ''' move away from hunter position '''
     ## add panic distance (second)
     ## add flee calculations (first)
     decel_rate = self.DECELERATION_SPEEDS[speed]
     flee_target = self.pos - hunter_pos
     dist = flee_target.length()
     if dist > 15:
         if AGENT_MODES is 'flee':
             speed = dist / decel_rate
             speed = min(speed, self.max_speed)
             desired_vel = flee_target * (speed / dist)
             return (desired_vel - self.vel)
             pursuit_speed = dist / decel_rate
             pursuit_speed = min(pursuit_speed, self.max_speed)
             desired_vel = flee_target * (pursuit_speed / dist)
             return (desired_vel - self.vel)
     return Vector2D()
Exemple #25
    def _transform_vertex(self, vertex):
        xfrm_v=Vector2D(vertex[0], vertex[1])

        # scale
        xfrm_v.x *= self.scale.x
        xfrm_v.y *= self.scale.y

        # rotate
        theta = math.radians(self.angle)
        new_x = xfrm_v.x*math.cos(theta) - xfrm_v.y*math.sin(theta)
        new_y = xfrm_v.x*math.sin(theta) + xfrm_v.y*math.cos(theta)
        xfrm_v.x = new_x
        xfrm_v.y = new_y

        # translate
        xfrm_v += (self.position-self.origin)

        return xfrm_v
Exemple #26
    def calculate(self):
        # reset the steering force
        mode = self.mode
        if mode == 'seek':
            accel = self.seek(self.world.target)
        elif mode == 'arrive_slow':
            accel = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'slow')
        elif mode == 'arrive_normal':
            accel = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'normal')
        elif mode == 'arrive_fast':
            accel = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'fast')
        elif mode == 'flee':
            accel = self.flee(self.world.target)
##        elif mode == 'pursuit':
##            force = self.pursuit(self.world.hunter)
            accel = Vector2D()
        self.acceleration = accel
        return accel
Exemple #27
 def update(self, delta):
     ''' update vehicle position and orientation '''
     force = self.calculate(delta)
     # new velocity
     self.vel += force * delta
     for obst in self.world.obstacles:
         if self.flee(obst.coords, 50) != Vector2D(0, 0):
             self.vel = self.flee(obst.coords, 50) * delta * 20
     # check for limits of new velocity
     # update position
     self.pos += self.vel * delta
     # update heading is non-zero velocity (moving)
     if self.vel.length_sq() > 0.00000001:
         self.heading = self.vel.get_normalised()
         self.side = self.heading.perp()
     # treat world as continuous space - wrap new position if needed
 def calculate(self, delta):
     # reset the steering force
     mode = self.mode
     if mode == 'seek':
         force = self.seek(self.world.target)
     elif mode == 'arrive_slow':
         force = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'slow')
     elif mode == 'arrive_normal':
         force = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'normal')
     elif mode == 'arrive_fast':
         force = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'fast')
     elif mode == 'flee':
         force = self.flee(self.world.target)
     elif mode == 'pursuit':
         force = self.pursuit(self.world.hunter)
         force = Vector2D()
     self.force = force
     return force
Exemple #29
 def calculate(self, delta):
     # calculate the current steering force
     mode = self.mode
     if mode == 'seek':
         force = self.seek(self.world.target)
     elif mode == 'arrive_slow':
         force = self.arrive(self.world.target, 'slow')
     elif mode == 'flee':
         force = self.flee(self.world.target)
     elif mode == 'pursuit':
         force = self.pursuit(self.world.hunter)
     elif mode == 'wander':
         force = self.wander(delta)
     elif mode == 'hide':
         force = self.hide()
         force = Vector2D()
     self.force = force
     return force
    def AvoidEnvironmentForce(self):
        totalforce = Vector2D(0, 0)
        for circle in Agent.world.walls:
            #use position or position +velocity to determine additive force based on which of the two is closer
            measerPosition = self.pos
            if (self.pos + self.vel).distance(circle.pos) < self.pos.distance(
                measerPosition = (self.pos + self.vel)

            edgeDistance = measerPosition.distance(circle.pos) - circle.radius
            if edgeDistance < Agent.distanceFromEnvironment * Agent.floatScale:
                if edgeDistance < 0:
                    edgeDistance = 0
                proportion = 1 - (
                    edgeDistance /
                    (Agent.distanceFromEnvironment * Agent.floatScale))
                totalforce += (self.pos - circle.pos).normalise(
                ) * Agent.max_speed * Agent.floatScale * proportion
        return totalforce