Exemple #1
    def intersectsBox(self, box):

        p1 = vector3.Vector3()
        p2 = vector3.Vector3()

        planes = self.planes

        for plane in planes:

            p1.x = box.min.x if plane.normal.x > 0 else box.max.x
            p2.x = box.max.x if plane.normal.x > 0 else box.min.x
            p1.y = box.min.y if plane.normal.y > 0 else box.max.y
            p2.y = box.max.y if plane.normal.y > 0 else box.min.y
            p1.z = box.min.z if plane.normal.z > 0 else box.max.z
            p2.z = box.max.z if plane.normal.z > 0 else box.min.z

            d1 = plane.distanceToPoint(p1)
            d2 = plane.distanceToPoint(p2)

            # if both outside plane, no intersection

            if d1 < 0 and d2 < 0:

                return False

        return True
Exemple #2
    def s_barycoordFromPoint(point, a, b, c, optionalTarget=None):

        v0 = vector3.Vector3()
        v1 = vector3.Vector3()
        v2 = vector3.Vector3()

        v0.subVectors(c, a)
        v1.subVectors(b, a)
        v2.subVectors(point, a)

        dot00 = v0.dot(v0)
        dot01 = v0.dot(v1)
        dot02 = v0.dot(v2)
        dot11 = v1.dot(v1)
        dot12 = v1.dot(v2)

        denom = (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01)

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()

        # collinear or singular triangle
        if denom == 0:

            # arbitrary location outside of triangle?
            # not sure if self is the best idea, maybe should be returning None
            return result.set(-2, -1, -1)

        invDenom = 1 / denom
        u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom
        v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom

        # barycentric coordinates must always sum to 1
        return result.set(1 - u - v, v, u)
Exemple #3
    def intersectLine(self, line, optionalTarget=None):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()

        direction = line.delta(v1)

        denominator = self.normal.dot(direction)

        if denominator == 0:

            # line is coplanar, return origin
            if self.distanceToPoint(line.start == 0):

                return result.copy(line.start)

            # Unsure if self is the correct method to handle self case.
            return None

        t = -(line.start.dot(self.normal) + self.constant) / denominator

        if t < 0 or t > 1:

            return None

        return result.copy(direction).multiplyScalar(t).add(line.start)
Exemple #4
    def area(self):

        v0 = vector3.Vector3()
        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        v0.subVectors(self.c, self.b)
        v1.subVectors(self.a, self.b)

        return v0.cross(v1).length() * 0.5
Exemple #5
 def get_origin(self, cube_width):
   cube_width = get_mcode_cube_width(cube_width)
   sector_origin = self.centre - vector3.Vector3(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius)
   sox = math.floor(sector_origin.x)
   soy = math.floor(sector_origin.y)
   soz = math.floor(sector_origin.z)
   sox -= (sox - int(base_coords.x)) % cube_width
   soy -= (soy - int(base_coords.y)) % cube_width
   soz -= (soz - int(base_coords.z)) % cube_width
   return vector3.Vector3(float(sox), float(soy), float(soz))
Exemple #6
    def setFromCoplanarPoints(self, a, b, c):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()
        v2 = vector3.Vector3()

        normal = v1.subVectors(c, b).cross(v2.subVectors(a, b)).normalize()

        # Q: should an error be thrown if normal is zero (e.g. degenerate plane)?

        self.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(normal, a)

        return self
Exemple #7
    def lookAt(self, eye, target, up):

        x = vector3.Vector3()
        y = vector3.Vector3()
        z = vector3.Vector3()

        te = self.elements

        z.subVectors(eye, target)

        if z.lengthSq() == 0:

            # eye and target are in the same position

            z.z = 1

        x.crossVectors(up, z)

        if x.lengthSq() == 0:

            # up and z are parallel

            if abs(up.z) == 1:

                z.x += 0.0001


                z.z += 0.0001

            x.crossVectors(up, z)

        y.crossVectors(z, x)

        te[0] = x.x
        te[4] = y.x
        te[8] = z.x

        te[1] = x.y
        te[5] = y.y
        te[9] = z.y

        te[2] = x.z
        te[6] = y.z
        te[10] = z.z

        return self
Exemple #8
    def s_normal(a, b, c, optionalTarget=None):

        v0 = vector3.Vector3()

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()

        result.subVectors(c, b)
        v0.subVectors(a, b)

        resultLengthSq = result.lengthSq()
        if resultLengthSq > 0:

            return result.multiplyScalar(1 / math.sqrt(resultLengthSq))

        return result.set(0, 0, 0)
def calculate_from_id64(input):
    # If input is a string, assume hex
    if util.is_str(input):
        input = int(input, 16)
    # Calculate the shifts we need to do to get the individual fields out
    # Can't tell how long N2 field is (or if the start moves!), assuming ~16 for now
    len_used = 0
    input, mc = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 3)
    len_used += 3  # mc = 0-7 for a-h
    input, boxel_z = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 7 - mc)
    len_used += 7 - mc
    input, sector_z = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 7)
    len_used += 7
    input, boxel_y = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 7 - mc)
    len_used += 7 - mc
    input, sector_y = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 6)
    len_used += 6
    input, boxel_x = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 7 - mc)
    len_used += 7 - mc
    input, sector_x = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 7)
    len_used += 7
    input, n2 = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 55 - len_used)
    input, body_id = util.unpack_and_shift(input, 9)
    # Multiply each X/Y/Z value by the cube width to get actual coords
    boxel_size = 10 * (2**mc)
    coord_x = (sector_x * sector.sector_size) + (boxel_x *
                                                 boxel_size) + (boxel_size / 2)
    coord_y = (sector_y * sector.sector_size) + (boxel_y *
                                                 boxel_size) + (boxel_size / 2)
    coord_z = (sector_z * sector.sector_size) + (boxel_z *
                                                 boxel_size) + (boxel_size / 2)
    coords_internal = vector3.Vector3(coord_x, coord_y, coord_z)
    # Shift the coords to be the origin we know and love
    coords = coords_internal + sector.internal_origin_offset
    return (coords, boxel_size, n2, body_id)
Exemple #10
    def intersectSphere(self, sphere, optionalTarget=None):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        v1.subVectors(sphere.center, self.origin)
        tca = v1.dot(self.direction)
        d2 = v1.dot(v1) - tca * tca
        radius2 = sphere.radius * sphere.radius

        if d2 > radius2: return None

        thc = math.sqrt(radius2 - d2)

        # t0 = first intersect point - entrance on front of sphere
        t0 = tca - thc

        # t1 = second intersect point - exit point on back of sphere
        t1 = tca + thc

        # test to see if both t0 and t1 are behind the ray - if so, return None
        if t0 < 0 and t1 < 0: return None

        # test to see if t0 is behind the ray:
        # if it is, the ray is inside the sphere, so return the second exit point scaled by t1,
        # in order to always return an intersect point that is in front of the ray.
        if t0 < 0: return self.at(t1, optionalTarget)

        # else t0 is in front of the ray, so return the first collision point scaled by t0
        return self.at(t0, optionalTarget)
Exemple #11
    def recast(self, t):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        self.origin.copy(self.at(t, v1))

        return self
Exemple #12
    def closestPointToPoint( self, point, clampToLine, optionalTarget = None ):

        t = self.closestPointToPointParameter( point, clampToLine )

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()

        return self.delta( result ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( self.start )
Exemple #13
    def s_containsPoint(point, a, b, c):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        result = Triangle.s_barycoordFromPoint(point, a, b, c, v1)

        return (result.x >= 0) and (result.y >= 0) and (
            (result.x + result.y) <= 1)
Exemple #14
    def closestPointToPoint(self, point, optionalTarget=None):

        p = plane.Plane()
        edgeList = [line3.Line3(), line3.Line3(), line3.Line3()]
        projectedPoint = vector3.Vector3()
        closestPoint = vector3.Vector3()

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()
        minDistance = float("inf")

        # project the point onto the plane of the triangle

        p.setFromCoplanarPoints(self.a, self.b, self.c)
        p.projectPoint(point, projectedPoint)

        # check if the projection lies within the triangle

        if self.containsPoint(projectedPoint) == True:

            # if so, self is the closest point



            # if not, the point falls outside the triangle. the result is the closest point to the triangle"s edges or vertices

            edgeList[0].set(self.a, self.b)
            edgeList[1].set(self.b, self.c)
            edgeList[2].set(self.c, self.a)

            for i in xrange(len(edgeList)):

                edgeList[i].closestPointToPoint(projectedPoint, True,

                distance = projectedPoint.distanceToSquared(closestPoint)

                if distance < minDistance:

                    minDistance = distance


        return result
 def __init__(self, x, y, z, name=None, id64=None):
     self._position = vector3.Vector3(float(x), float(y), float(z))
     self._name = name
     self._id = None
     self._id64 = id64
     self.uses_sc = False
     self._hash = u"{}/{},{},{}".format(self.name, self.position.x,
Exemple #16
    def closestPointToPointParameter( self, point, clampToLine ):

        startP = vector3.Vector3()
        startEnd = vector3.Vector3()

        startP.subVectors( point, self.start )
        startEnd.subVectors( self.end, self.start )

        startEnd2 = startEnd.dot( startEnd )
        startEnd_startP = startEnd.dot( startP )

        t = startEnd_startP / startEnd2

        if clampToLine:

            t = _Math.clamp( t, 0, 1 )

        return t
Exemple #17
    def toVector3(self, optionalResult=None):

        if optionalResult is not None:

            return optionalResult.set(self._x, self._y, self._z)


            return vector3.Vector3(self._x, self._y, self._z)
Exemple #18
def get_boxel_origin(position, mcode):
    posinput = util.get_as_position(position)
    cube_width = sector.get_mcode_cube_width(mcode)
    if posinput is None or cube_width is None:
        return None
    x = posinput.x - (
        (posinput.x - sector.internal_origin_offset.x) % cube_width)
    y = posinput.y - (
        (posinput.y - sector.internal_origin_offset.y) % cube_width)
    z = posinput.z - (
        (posinput.z - sector.internal_origin_offset.z) % cube_width)
    return vector3.Vector3(x, y, z)
Exemple #19
    def closestPointToPoint(self, point, optionalTarget=None):

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()
        result.subVectors(point, self.origin)
        directionDistance = result.dot(self.direction)

        if directionDistance < 0:

            return result.copy(self.origin)

        return result.copy(
Exemple #20
    def clampPoint(self, point, optionalTarget=None):

        deltaLengthSq = self.center.distanceToSquared(point)

        result = optionalTarget or vector3.Vector3()


        if deltaLengthSq > (self.radius * self.radius):


        return result
Exemple #21
    def applyMatrix4(self, matrix, optionalNormalMatrix=None):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()
        m1 = matrix3.Matrix3()

        normalMatrix = optionalNormalMatrix or m1.getNormalMatrix(matrix)

        referencePoint = self.coplanarPoint(v1).applyMatrix4(matrix)

        normal = self.normal.applyMatrix3(normalMatrix).normalize()

        self.constant = -referencePoint.dot(normal)

        return self
Exemple #22
    def applyToBufferAttribute( self, attribute ):
        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        for i in xrange( attribute.count ):

            v1.x = attribute.getX( i )
            v1.y = attribute.getY( i )
            v1.z = attribute.getZ( i )

            v1.applyMatrix3( self )

            attribute.setXYZ( i, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z )

        return attribute
Exemple #23
    def distanceSqToPoint(self, point):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        directionDistance = v1.subVectors(point,

        # point behind the ray

        if directionDistance < 0:

            return self.origin.distanceToSquared(point)


        return v1.distanceToSquared(point)
Exemple #24
def _get_relpos_from_soffset(position, mcode):
    row = int(position // _srp_sidelength)
    position -= (row * _srp_sidelength)

    stack = int(position // _srp_rowlength)
    position -= (stack * _srp_rowlength)

    column = position

    cubeside = sector.get_mcode_cube_width(mcode)
    halfwidth = cubeside / 2

    approx_x = (column * cubeside) + halfwidth
    approx_y = (stack * cubeside) + halfwidth
    approx_z = (row * cubeside) + halfwidth

    return (vector3.Vector3(approx_x, approx_y, approx_z), halfwidth)
Exemple #25
    def decompose(self, position, quaternion, scale):

        vector = vector3.Vector3()
        matrix = Matrix4()

        te = self.elements

        sx = vector.set(te[0], te[1], te[2]).length()
        sy = vector.set(te[4], te[5], te[6]).length()
        sz = vector.set(te[8], te[9], te[10]).length()

        # if determine is negative, we need to invert one scale
        det = self.determinant()
        if det < 0: sx = -sx

        position.x = te[12]
        position.y = te[13]
        position.z = te[14]

        # scale the rotation part

        invSX = 1. / sx
        invSY = 1. / sy
        invSZ = 1. / sz

        matrix.elements[0] *= invSX
        matrix.elements[1] *= invSX
        matrix.elements[2] *= invSX

        matrix.elements[4] *= invSY
        matrix.elements[5] *= invSY
        matrix.elements[6] *= invSY

        matrix.elements[8] *= invSZ
        matrix.elements[9] *= invSZ
        matrix.elements[10] *= invSZ


        scale.x = sx
        scale.y = sy
        scale.z = sz

        return self
Exemple #26
def _get_system_from_pos(input, mcode, allow_ha=True):
    input = util.get_as_position(input)
    if input is None:
        return None
    psect = get_sector(input, allow_ha=allow_ha)
    # Get cube width for this mcode, and the sector origin
    cwidth = sector.get_mcode_cube_width(mcode)
    psorig = psect.get_origin(cwidth)
    # Get the relative inputition within this sector and the system identifier
    relpos = vector3.Vector3(input.x - psorig.x, input.y - psorig.y,
                             input.z - psorig.z)
    sysid = _get_sysid_from_relpos(relpos, mcode, format_output=True)
    return system.PGSystemPrototype(input.x,
                                    "{} {}".format(psect.name, sysid),
Exemple #27
    def __readMarkerData(self, handle):
        """ Internal Method to the 3 float values that make up a marker location,
            and return a vector3 with the values.

            TODO: Add in order transform

                handle (binaryFile)        : file handle object to the open c3d file

                    A vector 3 object with the X, Y and Z coordinates of the marker
        tempX = handle.readFloat()
        tempY = handle.readFloat()
        tempZ = handle.readFloat()
        newVect = vector3.Vector3(tempX, tempY, tempZ)
        return newVect
Exemple #28
    def extractRotation(self, m):

        v1 = vector3.Vector3()

        te = self.elements
        me = m.elements

        scaleX = 1. / v1.setFromMatrixColumn(m, 0).length()
        scaleY = 1. / v1.setFromMatrixColumn(m, 1).length()
        scaleZ = 1. / v1.setFromMatrixColumn(m, 2).length()

        te[0] = me[0] * scaleX
        te[1] = me[1] * scaleX
        te[2] = me[2] * scaleX

        te[4] = me[4] * scaleY
        te[5] = me[5] * scaleY
        te[6] = me[6] * scaleY

        te[8] = me[8] * scaleZ
        te[9] = me[9] * scaleZ
        te[10] = me[10] * scaleZ

        return self
Exemple #29
 def centre(self):
   return self.origin + vector3.Vector3(sector_size / 2, sector_size / 2, sector_size / 2)
Exemple #30
 def get_origin(self, cube_width = None):
   ox = base_coords.x + (sector_size * self.x)
   oy = base_coords.y + (sector_size * self.y)
   oz = base_coords.z + (sector_size * self.z)
   return vector3.Vector3(ox, oy, oz)