def test_validate_id_number_invalid_arg_valid_length(): """ Tests to see if the validate_id_number function raises the correct exception for an invalid valid_length arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.validate_id_number('1234567891011', False)
def test_validate_id_number_valid_length_specified(): """ Tests to see if the validate_id_number function correctly validates the given id number. This case tests the behaviour of specifying the valid_length arg """ verifier = TextVerify() assert not verifier.validate_id_number('1234567891011', valid_length=15)
def test_validate_id_number_invalid_arg_id_number_2(): """ Tests to see if the validate_id_number function raises the correct exception for an invalid id_number arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.validate_id_number('1234Almost56')
def test_validate_id_number_valid(): """ Tests to see if the validate_id_number function correctly validates the given id number. This case tests whether it deems a valid id number as valid. """ verifier = TextVerify() assert verifier.validate_id_number('7209170838080')
def test_validate_id_number_invalid(): """ Tests to see if the validate_id_number function correctly validates the given id number. This case tests whether it deems a invalid id number as invalid. """ verifier = TextVerify() assert not verifier.validate_id_number('1234567891011')
def test_verify_threshold(): """ Tests the return value of the verify function with a specified threshold arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() extracted_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': '####################################', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'RSA', 'status': 'Citizen', 'nationality': 'RSA' } verifier_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'RSA', 'status': 'Citizen', 'nationality': 'RSA' } assert verifier.verify(extracted_info, verifier_info, threshold=90.0) == (False, 87.5)
def test_verify_invalid_arg_verbose(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid verbose arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({}, {}, verbose='nah fam')
def test_verify_invalid_arg_extracted_1(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid extracted arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify('not quite', {})
def test_verify_invalid_arg_threshold(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid threshold arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({}, {}, threshold=['nope'])
def test_verify_invalid_arg_verifier_1(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid verifier arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({}, 'does not seem legit')
def test_verify_min_matches(): """ Tests the return value of the verify function with a specified minimum number of matches arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() extracted_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'not valid': '####################################', 'not legit': '####################################', 'not gonna work': '####################################', 'try again': '####################################' } verifier_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'RSA', 'status': 'Citizen', 'nationality': 'RSA' } assert verifier.verify(extracted_info, verifier_info, min_matches=6) == (False, 0.0)
def test_verify_default_half_match(): """ Tests the return value of the verify function with default args. In this case we expect a 50% match. """ verifier = TextVerify() extracted_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '####################################', 'country_of_birth': '####################################', 'status': '####################################', 'nationality': '####################################' } verifier_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'RSA', 'status': 'Citizen', 'nationality': 'RSA' } assert verifier.verify(extracted_info, verifier_info) == (False, 50.0)
def test_verify_invalid_arg_min_matches(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid min_matches arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({}, {}, min_matches=['nope again'])
def test_verify_invalid_arg_verifier_2(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid verifier arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({'names': 'John Legit'}, {'names': ['not', 'John', 'legit']})
def test_verify_invalid_arg_extracted_2(): """ Tests to see if the verify function raises the correct exception for an invalid extracted arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() with pytest.raises(TypeError): verifier.verify({'identity_number': 1234}, {'identity_number': '7101135111011'})
def test_verify_verbose_2(): """ Tests the return value of the verify function with a specified verbose arg. """ verifier = TextVerify() extracted_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Door', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'GRSAGT', 'nationality': 'RSA' } verifier_info = { 'identity_number': '7101135111011', 'surname': 'Doe', 'names': 'John-Michael Robert', 'sex': 'M', 'date_of_birth': '71-01-13', 'country_of_birth': 'RSA', 'status': 'Citizen', } assert verifier.verify(extracted_info, verifier_info, verbose=True) == (True, { 'identity_number': { 'match_percentage': 100.0, 'verifier_field_value': '7101135111011', 'extracted_field_value': '7101135111011' }, 'surname': { 'match_percentage': 57.14, 'verifier_field_value': 'Doe', 'extracted_field_value': 'Door' }, 'names': { 'match_percentage': 100.0, 'verifier_field_value': 'John-Michael Robert', 'extracted_field_value': 'John-Michael Robert' }, 'sex': { 'match_percentage': 100.0, 'verifier_field_value': 'M', 'extracted_field_value': 'M' }, 'date_of_birth': { 'match_percentage': 100.0, 'verifier_field_value': '71-01-13', 'extracted_field_value': '71-01-13' }, 'country_of_birth': { 'match_percentage': 66.67, 'verifier_field_value': 'RSA', 'extracted_field_value': 'GRSAGT' }, 'status': { 'match_percentage': None, 'verifier_field_value': 'Citizen', 'extracted_field_value': None }, 'nationality': { 'match_percentage': None, 'verifier_field_value': None, 'extracted_field_value': 'RSA' }, 'total': 87.3 })
def verify_id(): """ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Nicolai van Niekerk, Stephan Nell, Marthinus Hermann ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample function to return a match percentage of an ID image and provided personal information and picture of face ---------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: http://localhost:5000/verifyID ---------------------------------------------------------------------- """ data = {"success": False} # Get id image as numpy array # Check to see if an image was uploaded. if request.files.get("id_img", None) is not None: # Grab the uploaded image. image_of_id = grab_image(stream=request.files["id_img"]) # Otherwise, assume that a URL was passed in. else: # Grab the URL from the request. url = request.args.get("url", None) # If the URL is None, then return an error. if url is None: data["error"] = "No URL provided." return jsonify(data) # Load the image and convert. image_of_id = grab_image(url=url) # Get face image as numpy array # Check to see if an image was uploaded. if request.files.get("face_img", None) is not None: # Grab the uploaded image. face = grab_image(stream=request.files["face_img"]) # Otherwise, assume that a URL was passed in. else: # Grab the URL from the request. url = request.args.get("url", None) # If the URL is None, then return an error. if url is None: data["error"] = "No URL provided." return jsonify(data) # Load the image and convert. face = grab_image(url=url) entered_details = { "names": request.form['names'], "surname": request.form['surname'], "identity_number": request.form['idNumber'], "nationality": request.form['nationality'], "country_of_birth": request.form['cob'], "status": request.form['status'], "sex": request.form['gender'], "date_of_birth": request.form['dob'] } # Extract face face_detector = FaceDetector(SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH) extracted_face1, _ = face_detector.extract_face(image_of_id) extracted_face2, _ = face_detector.extract_face(face) # Verify faces face_verifier = FaceVerify(SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH, FACE_RECOGNITION_PATH) (is_match, distance) = face_verifier.verify(extracted_face1, extracted_face2) # Extract text # Grab additional parameters specifying techniques preferences = {}"Setting Preferences") if 'blur_technique' in request.form: preferences['blur_method'] = request.form['blur_technique'] if 'threshold_technique' in request.form: preferences['threshold_method'] = request.form['threshold_technique'] if 'remove_face' in request.form: preferences['remove_face'] = request.form['remove_face'] if 'remove_barcode' in request.form: preferences['remove_barcode'] = request.form['remove_barcode'] if 'color' in request.form: preferences['color'] = request.form['color'] if 'id_type' in request.form: preferences['id_type'] = request.form['id_type'] extractor = TextExtractor(preferences) extracted_text = extractor.extract(image_of_id) # Verify text text_verifier = TextVerify() (is_pass, text_match_percentage) = text_verifier.verify(extracted_text, entered_details)"Preparing Results...") result = { # text verification contributes to 40% of the total and face likeness for 60% "total_match": text_match_percentage * 0.4 + distance * 0.6, "text_match": text_match_percentage, "face_match": distance, "is_match": is_match, "is_pass": is_pass } return jsonify(result)
def test_verify_blank(): """ Tests the verify function with blank args. """ verifier = TextVerify() assert verifier.verify({}, {}) == (False, 0.0)