Exemple #1
def push(url, post_data, user, pswd, verbose=False, type="GET", con=None, retcon=False):
    if verbose:
        print url, post_data

    con = con or pycurl.Curl()

    string_s = StringIO.StringIO()
    header_s = StringIO.StringIO()
    if post_data and type == "POST":
        con.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
        con.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, urllib.urlencode(post_data))
        con.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
        if post_data:
            url += "?" + "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in post_data.items()])

    if verbose:
        con.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)

    basicheader = base64.b64encode(user + ":" + pswd)
    con.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["Authorization: Basic %s" % basicheader])
    con.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, "OrionVM CLI bindings version %s" % VERSION)
    con.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, False)
    con.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
    con.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
    con.setopt(pycurl.SSLVERSION, 3)
    con.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, string_s.write)
    con.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, header_s.write)
    con.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)

    page = string_s.getvalue()
    retcode = con.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
    if retcode != 200:
        raise CurlException("API error %s" % retcode, retcode, response=page)

    header = header_s.getvalue()
    header = dict([[x.strip() for x in line.split(":", 1)] for line in header.split("\n") if ":" in line])

    if "Server" not in header:
        raise Exception("Bad http header - No server information")
    s_version = re.match(".* v([0-9]+).([0-9]+)(?:.([0-9]+))?", header["Server"])
    if s_version:
        major, minor, patch = [int(x and x or 0) for x in s_version.groups()]
        Major, Minor, Patch = [int(x) for x in VERSION.split(".", 2)]
        if Major != major:
            raise Exception("API and ovm-ctl versions do not match. Please update ovm-ctl or contact OrionVM")
        raise Exception("Bad http header - bad server information")

    if not retcon:
        return page

    return page, con
Exemple #2
def increment_release(rel_type='patch', new_number=None):
    (major, minor, patch) = VERSION.split('.')
    if rel_type is 'minor':
        minor = int(minor)+1
    elif rel_type is 'major':
        major = int(major)+1
        # Increment patch by default or if unknown
        patch = int(patch)+1

    new_num = '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'.format(major=major, minor=minor, patch=patch)
    with open('version.py', 'w') as f:
        f.write("VERSION='%s'" % new_num)
    print 'New version is now: %s' % new_num
    return new_num
 def __init__(self):
     short_version = '.'.join(VERSION.split('.', 2)[:2])
     demo_server = 'demo%s.tryton.org' % short_version
     demo_database = 'demo%s' % short_version
     form_tab = 'left' if os.name != 'nt' else 'top'
     self.defaults = {
         'login.profile': demo_server,
         'login.login': '******',
         'login.server': demo_server,
         'login.port': '8000',
         'login.db': demo_database,
         'login.expanded': False,
         'tip.autostart': False,
         'tip.position': 0,
         'logging.logger': '',
         'logging.level': 'ERROR',
         'logging.default': 'ERROR',
         'form.toolbar': True,
         'form.statusbar': True,
         'client.default_width': 900,
         'client.default_height': 750,
         'client.modepda': False,
         'client.toolbar': 'default',
         'client.form_tab': form_tab,
         'client.maximize': False,
         'client.save_width_height': True,
         'client.save_tree_expanded_state': True,
         'client.spellcheck': False,
         'client.default_path': get_home_dir(),
         'client.lang': locale.getdefaultlocale()[0],
         'client.language_direction': 'ltr',
         'client.email': '',
         'client.can_change_accelerators': False,
         'client.limit': 1000,
         'roundup.url': 'http://bugs.tryton.org/roundup/',
         'roundup.xmlrpc': 'roundup-xmlrpc.tryton.org',
         'menu.pane': 200,
     self.config = {}
     self.options = {
         'login.host': True
     self.arguments = []
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self):
     short_version = '.'.join(VERSION.split('.', 2)[:2])
     demo_server = 'demo%s.tryton.org' % short_version
     demo_database = 'demo%s' % short_version
     form_tab = 'left' if os.name != 'nt' else 'top'
     self.defaults = {
         'login.profile': demo_server,
         'login.login': '******',
         'login.server': demo_server,
         'login.port': '8000',
         'login.db': demo_database,
         'login.expanded': False,
         'tip.autostart': False,
         'tip.position': 0,
         'form.toolbar': True,
         'client.default_width': 900,
         'client.default_height': 750,
         'client.modepda': False,
         'client.toolbar': 'default',
         'client.form_tab': form_tab,
         'client.maximize': False,
         'client.save_width_height': True,
         'client.save_tree_state': True,
         'client.spellcheck': False,
         'client.default_path': get_home_dir(),
         'client.lang': locale.getdefaultlocale()[0],
         'client.language_direction': 'ltr',
         'client.email': '',
         'client.can_change_accelerators': False,
         'client.limit': 1000,
         'roundup.url': 'http://bugs.tryton.org/roundup/',
         'roundup.xmlrpc': 'roundup-xmlrpc.tryton.org',
         'menu.pane': 200,
         'menu.expanded': True,
     self.config = {}
     self.options = {
         'login.host': True
     self.arguments = []
Exemple #5
import os
from version import VERSION

if __name__ == '__main__':
    base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    version_file = os.path.join(base_path, 'version.py')
    major, minor = VERSION.split('.')
    minor = int(minor) + 1
    with open(version_file, 'w') as v_file:
        v_file.write("VERSION='%s.%s'" % (major, minor))
    print("{}.{}".format(major, minor))
Exemple #6
def bryton_gpx_to_tcx(gpx, activity_type="ride", device=None, pretty=False):

    root = xml.Element(_ns("TrainingCenterDatabase"))

        """%s %s %s %s"""
        % (

    xml.register_namespace("a", _ACTIVITY_EXT_NS)
    xml.register_namespace("", _DEFAULT_NS)

    activities = xml.SubElement(root, _ns("Activities"))

    activity = xml.SubElement(activities, _ns("Activity"))

    if activity_type == "ride":
        activity.set(_ns("Sport"), "Biking")
    elif activity_type == "run":
        activity.set(_ns("Sport"), "Running")
        activity.set(_ns("Sport"), "Other")

    id = xml.SubElement(activity, _ns("Id"))
    id.text = gpx.getSummary()["start"]

    for lap in gpx.getTrackPoints():

        lap_el = xml.SubElement(activity, _ns("Lap"))

        lap_el.set(_ns("StartTime"), lap["start"])

        ride_time = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("TotalTimeSeconds"))
        ride_time.text = str(float(lap["total_time"]))

        dist = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("DistanceMeters"))
        dist.text = str(float(lap["distance"]))

        if "speed_max" in lap:
            max_speed = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("MaximumSpeed"))
            max_speed.text = str(kph_to_ms(float(lap["speed_max"])))

        cals = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Calories"))
        cals.text = str(lap["calories"])

        if "hr_max" in lap:

            avg_hr = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("AverageHeartRateBpm"))
            val = xml.SubElement(avg_hr, _ns("Value"))
            val.text = str(lap["hr_avg"])

            max_hr = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("MaximumHeartRateBpm"))
            val = xml.SubElement(max_hr, _ns("Value"))
            val.text = str(lap["hr_max"])

        intensity = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Intensity"))
        intensity.text = "Active"

        if activity_type == "ride" and "cad_avg" in lap:
            cadence = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Cadence"))
            cadence.text = str(lap["cad_avg"])

        trigger = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("TriggerMethod"))
        trigger.text = "Manual"

        track = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Track"))

        # dist = 0.0
        # prev = []
        for point in lap["track_points"]:

            if point is None:
                # Track was paused
                track = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Track"))

            track_point = xml.SubElement(track, _ns("Trackpoint"))

            time = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("Time"))
            time.text = point["time"]

            if "lat" in point:
                pos = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("Position"))

                lat = xml.SubElement(pos, _ns("LatitudeDegrees"))
                lon = xml.SubElement(pos, _ns("LongitudeDegrees"))
                lat.text = str(point["lat"])
                lon.text = str(point["lon"])

            if "ele" in point:

                alt = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("AltitudeMeters"))
                alt.text = str(float(point["ele"]))

            # if 'lat' in point:
            #     import math
            #     from geopy import distance
            #     if len(prev) >= 2:
            #         # dist += round(geo_distance(prev['lat'], prev['lon'], point['lat'], point['lon']) * 1000.0, 3)

            #         dist += distance.distance('%s;%s' % (prev[0]['lat'], prev[0]['lon']), '%s;%s' % (point['lat'], point['lon'])).m
            #         prev.pop(0)
            #     elif len(prev) > 0:

            #         dist += distance.distance('%s;%s' % (prev[0]['lat'], prev[0]['lon']), '%s;%s' % (point['lat'], point['lon'])).m
            #     # dist = round(dist, 1)
            #     print math.floor(dist)

            #     dist_el = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns('DistanceMeters'))
            #     dist_el.text = str(dist)

            #     prev.append(point)

            if "hrm" in point:
                hr = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("HeartRateBpm"))

                val = xml.SubElement(hr, _ns("Value"))
                val.text = str(point["hrm"])

            if "cad" in point and activity_type == "ride":

                cad = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("Cadence"))
                cad.text = str(point["cad"])

            if "spd" in point or "pwr" in point or "cad" in point:

                ext = xml.SubElement(track_point, _ns("Extensions"))

                tpx = xml.SubElement(ext, _activity_ext_ns("TPX"))

                if "spd" in point:
                    speed = xml.SubElement(tpx, _activity_ext_ns("Speed"))

                    speed.text = str(kph_to_ms(point["spd"]))

                if "cad" in point and activity_type == "run":
                    cad = xml.SubElement(tpx, _activity_ext_ns("RunCadence"))
                    cad.text = str(point["cad"])

                if "pwr" in point:

                    pwr = xml.SubElement(tpx, _activity_ext_ns("Watts"))

                    pwr.text = str(point["pwr"])

        if "speed_avg" in lap or "cad_max" in lap:
            ext = xml.SubElement(lap_el, _ns("Extensions"))

            act_ext = xml.SubElement(ext, _activity_ext_ns("LX"))

            if "speed_avg" in lap:
                avg_speed = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("AvgSpeed"))
                avg_speed.text = str(kph_to_ms(float(lap["speed_avg"])))

            if "cad_max" in lap:

                if activity_type == "ride":
                    max_cad = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("MaxBikeCadence"))
                    max_cad.text = str(lap["cad_max"])
                elif activity_type == "run":
                    max_cad = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("MaxRunCadence"))
                    max_cad.text = str(lap["cad_max"])

                    avg_cad = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("AvgRunCadence"))
                    avg_cad.text = str(lap["cad_avg"])

            if "pwr_max" in lap:

                avg_pwr = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("AvgWatts"))
                avg_pwr.text = str(lap["pwr_avg"])

                max_pwr = xml.SubElement(act_ext, _activity_ext_ns("MaxWatts"))
                max_pwr.text = str(lap["pwr_max"])

    if device is not None:

        # Except for the name i don't know what values to add here
        # so i just add some values from the BrytonBridge device info.

        creator = xml.SubElement(activity, _ns("Creator"))
        creator.set(_ns_xsi("type"), "Device_t")

        xml.SubElement(creator, _ns("Name")).text = "Bryton " + device["name"]

        unit_id = device["serial"][0:9]

        if not unit_id.isdigit():
            unit_id = "98761235"

        xml.SubElement(creator, _ns("UnitId")).text = unit_id

        product_id = ""
        if "Rider" in device["name"]:
            product_id += "1"
            product_id += "2"

        num = re.search(r"\w+?(\d+)", device["name"])
        product_id += num.group(1) if num is not None else "0"

        xml.SubElement(creator, _ns("ProductID")).text = product_id

        version = xml.SubElement(creator, _ns("Version"))

        v1 = re.search(r"\d+", device["rev"])
        xml.SubElement(version, _ns("VersionMajor")).text = v1.group(0) if v1 is not None else "1"
        v2 = re.search(r"\d+", device["firmware"])
        xml.SubElement(version, _ns("VersionMinor")).text = v2.group(0) if v2 is not None else "1"
        xml.SubElement(version, _ns("BuildMajor")).text = "0"
        xml.SubElement(version, _ns("BuildMinor")).text = "0"

    app = xml.SubElement(root, _ns("Author"))
    app.set(_ns_xsi("type"), "Application_t")

    xml.SubElement(app, _ns("Name")).text = "BrytonOffline"
    build = xml.SubElement(app, _ns("Build"))

    version = xml.SubElement(build, _ns("Version"))

    v1, v2 = VERSION.split(".")[0:2]

    xml.SubElement(version, _ns("VersionMajor")).text = v1
    xml.SubElement(version, _ns("VersionMinor")).text = v2
    xml.SubElement(version, _ns("BuildMajor")).text = "0"
    xml.SubElement(version, _ns("BuildMinor")).text = "0"

    xml.SubElement(build, _ns("Type")).text = "Release"

    xml.SubElement(app, _ns("LangID")).text = "EN"
    xml.SubElement(app, _ns("PartNumber")).text = "000-00000-00"

    if pretty:

    # Because of bugs in other software we need to replace
    # the "a" prefix with "ns3".
    # ElementTree didn't let me manually register the ns3 prefix, so i
    # need to replace it.
    return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" + xml.tostring(root).replace("a:", "ns3:").replace(
        "xmlns:a", "xmlns:ns3"