Exemple #1
    def draw(self, posn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        s = self.settings
        d = self.document

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get points in plotter coordinates
        xp, yp = self._getPlotterCoords(posn)
        if xp is None or yp is None:
            # we can't calculate coordinates

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn
        cliprect = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2) )
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        painter.setPen( s.Line.makeQPenWHide(painter) )
        painter.setBrush( s.Fill.makeQBrushWHide() )

        # this is a hack as we generate temporary fake datasets
        for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(
            document.Dataset(xp), document.Dataset(yp)):

            # construct polygon
            poly = qt4.QPolygonF()
            xd, yd = xvals.data, yvals.data
            for x, y in izip(xd, yd):
                poly.append(qt4.QPointF(x, y))
            # draw it
Exemple #2
    def draw(self, parentposn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        '''Plot the data on a plotter.'''

        posn = Widget.draw(self, parentposn, phelper,

        s = self.settings
        d = self.document

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        d1 = s.get('data1').getData(d)
        d2 = s.get('data2').getData(d)
        dscale = s.get('scalePoints').getData(d)
        text = s.get('labels').getData(d, checknull=True)
        if not d1 or not d2:

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn
        cliprect = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2) )
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn)
        self.parent.setClip(painter, posn)

        # split parts separated by NaNs
        for v1, v2, scalings, textitems in document.generateValidDatasetParts(
            d1, d2, dscale, text):
            # convert data (chopping down length)
            v1d, v2d = v1.data, v2.data
            minlen = min(v1d.shape[0], v2d.shape[0])
            v1d, v2d = v1d[:minlen], v2d[:minlen]
            px, py = self.parent.graphToPlotCoords(v1d, v2d)

            # do fill1 (if any)
            if not s.Fill1.hide:
                self.parent.drawFillPts(painter, s.Fill1, cliprect, px, py)
            # do fill2
            if not s.Fill2.hide:
                self.parent.drawFillPts(painter, s.Fill2, cliprect, px, py)

            # plot line
            if not s.PlotLine.hide:
                painter.setBrush( qt4.QBrush() )
                pts = qt4.QPolygonF()
                utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, px, py)
                utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, cliprect, pts)

            # markers
            markersize = s.get('markerSize').convert(painter)
            pscale = None
            if scalings:
                pscale = scalings.data
            self.plotMarkers(painter, px, py, pscale, markersize, cliprect)

            # finally plot any labels
            if textitems and not s.Label.hide:
                self.drawLabels(painter, px, py, textitems, markersize)
Exemple #3
    def draw(self, posn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        s = self.settings

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get points in plotter coordinates
        xp, yp = self._getPlotterCoords(posn)
        if xp is None or yp is None:
            # we can't calculate coordinates

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn
        cliprect = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2) )
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        pen = s.Line.makeQPenWHide(painter)
        pw = pen.widthF()*2
        lineclip = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1-pw, y1-pw),
                               qt4.QPointF(x2+pw, y2+pw) )

        # this is a hack as we generate temporary fake datasets
        path = qt4.QPainterPath()
        for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(
            document.Dataset(xp), document.Dataset(yp)):

            poly = qt4.QPolygonF()
            utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, xvals.data, yvals.data)
            clippedpoly = qt4.QPolygonF()
            utils.polygonClip(poly, lineclip, clippedpoly)

        utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, s.Fill, path, stroke=pen)
Exemple #4
    def draw(self, posn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        s = self.settings

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get points in plotter coordinates
        xp, yp = self._getPlotterCoords(posn)
        if xp is None or yp is None:
            # we can't calculate coordinates

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn
        cliprect = qt4.QRectF(qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2))
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        pen = s.Line.makeQPenWHide(painter)
        pw = pen.widthF() * 2
        lineclip = qt4.QRectF(qt4.QPointF(x1 - pw, y1 - pw),
                              qt4.QPointF(x2 + pw, y2 + pw))

        # this is a hack as we generate temporary fake datasets
        path = qt4.QPainterPath()
        for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(
                document.Dataset(xp), document.Dataset(yp)):

            poly = qt4.QPolygonF()
            utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, xvals.data, yvals.data)
            clippedpoly = qt4.QPolygonF()
            utils.polygonClip(poly, lineclip, clippedpoly)

        utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, s.Fill, path, stroke=pen)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, widget, xdata_propname, ydata_propname, mapdata_fn):
        s = widget.settings
        doc = widget.document
        self.xdata = xdata = s.get(xdata_propname).getData(doc)
        self.ydata = ydata = s.get(ydata_propname).getData(doc)
        labels = s.__getattr__(xdata_propname), s.__getattr__(ydata_propname)

        if not xdata or not ydata or not mapdata_fn:
            GenericPickable.__init__( self, widget, labels, (None, None), (None, None) )

        # map all the valid data
        x, y = N.array([]), N.array([])
        xs, ys = N.array([]), N.array([])
        for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(xdata, ydata):
            chunklen = min(len(xvals.data), len(yvals.data))

            x = N.append(x, xvals.data[:chunklen])
            y = N.append(y, yvals.data[:chunklen])

        xs, ys = mapdata_fn(x, y)

        # and set us up with the mapped data
        GenericPickable.__init__( self, widget, labels, (x, y), (xs, ys) )
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, widget, xdata_propname, ydata_propname, mapdata_fn):
        s = widget.settings
        doc = widget.document
        self.xdata = xdata = s.get(xdata_propname).getData(doc)
        self.ydata = ydata = s.get(ydata_propname).getData(doc)
        labels = s.__getattr__(xdata_propname), s.__getattr__(ydata_propname)

        if not xdata or not ydata or not mapdata_fn:
            GenericPickable.__init__( self, widget, labels, (None, None), (None, None) )

        # map all the valid data
        x, y = N.array([]), N.array([])
        xs, ys = N.array([]), N.array([])
        for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(xdata, ydata):
            chunklen = min(len(xvals.data), len(yvals.data))

            x = N.append(x, xvals.data[:chunklen])
            y = N.append(y, yvals.data[:chunklen])

        xs, ys = mapdata_fn(x, y)

        # and set us up with the mapped data
        GenericPickable.__init__( self, widget, labels, (x, y), (xs, ys) )
Exemple #7
    def draw(self, parentposn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        posn = GenericPlotter.draw(self, parentposn, phelper, outerbounds=outerbounds)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn

        s = self.settings

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get data
        doc = self.document
        xv = s.get("xData").getData(doc)
        yv = s.get("yData").getData(doc)
        text = s.get("labels").getData(doc, checknull=True)
        scalepoints = s.get("scalePoints").getData(doc)

        if not xv or not yv:

        # if text entered, then multiply up to get same number of values
        # as datapoints
        if text:
            length = min(len(xv.data), len(yv.data))
            text = text * (length / len(text)) + text[: length % len(text)]

        # get axes widgets
        axes = self._fetchAxes()
        if not axes:

        # clip data within bounds of plotter
        cliprect = self.clipAxesBounds(axes, posn)
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        # loop over chopped up values
        for xvals, yvals, tvals, ptvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts(xv, yv, text, scalepoints):

            # print "Calculating coordinates"
            # calc plotter coords of x and y points
            xplotter = axes[0].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, xvals.data)
            yplotter = axes[1].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, yvals.data)

            # print "Painting error bars"
            # plot errors bars
            self._plotErrors(posn, painter, xplotter, yplotter, axes, xvals, yvals, cliprect)

            # print "Painting plot line"
            # plot data line (and/or filling above or below)
            if not s.PlotLine.hide or not s.FillAbove.hide or not s.FillBelow.hide:
                if s.PlotLine.bezierJoin and hasqtloops:
                    self._drawBezierLine(painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn, xvals, yvals)
                    self._drawPlotLine(painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn, xvals, yvals, cliprect)

            # plot the points (we do this last so they are on top)
            markersize = s.get("markerSize").convert(painter)
            if not s.MarkerLine.hide or not s.MarkerFill.hide:

                # print "Painting marker fill"
                if not s.MarkerFill.hide:
                    # filling for markers
                    # no-filling brush

                # print "Painting marker lines"
                if not s.MarkerLine.hide:
                    # edges of markers
                    # invisible pen

                # thin datapoints as required
                if s.thinfactor <= 1:
                    xplt, yplt = xplotter, yplotter
                    xplt, yplt = (xplotter[:: s.thinfactor], yplotter[:: s.thinfactor])

                # whether to scale markers
                scaling = None
                if ptvals:
                    scaling = ptvals.data

                # actually plot datapoints
                utils.plotMarkers(painter, xplt, yplt, s.marker, markersize, scaling=scaling, clip=cliprect)

            # finally plot any labels
            if tvals and not s.Label.hide:
                self.drawLabels(painter, xplotter, yplotter, tvals, markersize)
Exemple #8
    def draw(self, parentposn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        posn = GenericPlotter.draw(self,
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn

        s = self.settings

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get data
        doc = self.document
        xv = s.get('xData').getData(doc)
        yv = s.get('yData').getData(doc)
        text = s.get('labels').getData(doc, checknull=True)
        scalepoints = s.get('scalePoints').getData(doc)
        colorpoints = s.Color.get('points').getData(doc)

        # if a missing dataset, make a fake dataset for the second one
        # based on a row number
        if xv and not yv and s.get('yData').isEmpty():
            # use index for y data
            length = xv.data.shape[0]
            yv = document.DatasetRange(length, (1, length))
        elif yv and not xv and s.get('xData').isEmpty():
            # use index for x data
            length = yv.data.shape[0]
            xv = document.DatasetRange(length, (1, length))
        if not xv or not yv:
            # no valid dataset, so exit

        # if text entered, then multiply up to get same number of values
        # as datapoints
        if text:
            length = min(len(xv.data), len(yv.data))
            text = text * (length / len(text)) + text[:length % len(text)]

        # get axes widgets
        axes = self._fetchAxes()
        if not axes:
            # no valid axes, so exit

        # clip data within bounds of plotter
        cliprect = self.clipAxesBounds(axes, posn)
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        # loop over chopped up values
        for xvals, yvals, tvals, ptvals, cvals in (
                document.generateValidDatasetParts(xv, yv, text, scalepoints,

            #print "Calculating coordinates"
            # calc plotter coords of x and y points
            xplotter = axes[0].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, xvals.data)
            yplotter = axes[1].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, yvals.data)

            #print "Painting plot line"
            # plot data line (and/or filling above or below)
            if not s.PlotLine.hide or not s.FillAbove.hide or not s.FillBelow.hide:
                if s.PlotLine.bezierJoin and hasqtloops:
                    self._drawBezierLine(painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn,
                                         xvals, yvals)
                    self._drawPlotLine(painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn,
                                       xvals, yvals, cliprect)

            # shift points if in certain step modes
            if s.PlotLine.steps != 'off':
                steps = s.PlotLine.steps
                if s.PlotLine.steps == 'right-shift-points':
                    xplotter[1:] = 0.5 * (xplotter[:-1] + xplotter[1:])
                elif s.PlotLine.steps == 'left-shift-points':
                    xplotter[:-1] = 0.5 * (xplotter[:-1] + xplotter[1:])

            #print "Painting error bars"
            # plot errors bars
            self._plotErrors(posn, painter, xplotter, yplotter, axes, xvals,
                             yvals, cliprect)

            # plot the points (we do this last so they are on top)
            markersize = s.get('markerSize').convert(painter)
            if not s.MarkerLine.hide or not s.MarkerFill.hide:

                #print "Painting marker fill"
                if not s.MarkerFill.hide:
                    # filling for markers
                    # no-filling brush

                #print "Painting marker lines"
                if not s.MarkerLine.hide:
                    # edges of markers
                    # invisible pen

                # thin datapoints as required
                if s.thinfactor <= 1:
                    xplt, yplt = xplotter, yplotter
                    xplt, yplt = (xplotter[::s.thinfactor],

                # whether to scale markers
                scaling = colorvals = cmap = None
                if ptvals:
                    scaling = ptvals.data
                    if s.thinfactor > 1:
                        scaling = scaling[::s.thinfactor]

                # color point individually
                if cvals:
                    colorvals = utils.applyScaling(cvals.data, s.Color.scaling,
                                                   s.Color.min, s.Color.max)
                    if s.thinfactor > 1:
                        colorvals = colorvals[::s.thinfactor]
                    cmap = self.document.getColormap(
                        s.MarkerFill.colorMap, s.MarkerFill.colorMapInvert)

                # actually plot datapoints

            # finally plot any labels
            if tvals and not s.Label.hide:
                self.drawLabels(painter, xplotter, yplotter, tvals, markersize)
Exemple #9
    def draw(self, parentposn, phelper, outerbounds=None):
        """Plot the data on a plotter."""

        posn = GenericPlotter.draw(self, parentposn, phelper,
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn

        s = self.settings

        # exit if hidden
        if s.hide:

        # get data
        doc = self.document
        xv = s.get('xData').getData(doc)
        yv = s.get('yData').getData(doc)
        text = s.get('labels').getData(doc, checknull=True)
        scalepoints = s.get('scalePoints').getData(doc)
        colorpoints = s.Color.get('points').getData(doc)

        # if a missing dataset, make a fake dataset for the second one
        # based on a row number
        if xv and not yv and s.get('yData').isEmpty():
            # use index for y data
            length = xv.data.shape[0]
            yv = document.DatasetRange(length, (1,length))
        elif yv and not xv and s.get('xData').isEmpty():
            # use index for x data
            length = yv.data.shape[0]
            xv = document.DatasetRange(length, (1,length))
        if not xv or not yv:
            # no valid dataset, so exit

        # if text entered, then multiply up to get same number of values
        # as datapoints
        if text:
            length = min( len(xv.data), len(yv.data) )
            text = text*(length / len(text)) + text[:length % len(text)]

        # get axes widgets
        axes = self._fetchAxes()
        if not axes:
            # no valid axes, so exit

        # clip data within bounds of plotter
        cliprect = self.clipAxesBounds(axes, posn)
        painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect)

        # loop over chopped up values
        for xvals, yvals, tvals, ptvals, cvals in (
                xv, yv, text, scalepoints, colorpoints)):

            #print "Calculating coordinates"
            # calc plotter coords of x and y points
            xplotter = axes[0].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, xvals.data)
            yplotter = axes[1].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, yvals.data)

            #print "Painting error bars"
            # plot errors bars
            self._plotErrors(posn, painter, xplotter, yplotter,
                             axes, xvals, yvals, cliprect)

            #print "Painting plot line"
            # plot data line (and/or filling above or below)
            if not s.PlotLine.hide or not s.FillAbove.hide or not s.FillBelow.hide:
                if s.PlotLine.bezierJoin and hasqtloops:
                    self._drawBezierLine( painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn,
                                          xvals, yvals )
                    self._drawPlotLine( painter, xplotter, yplotter, posn,
                                        xvals, yvals, cliprect )

            # plot the points (we do this last so they are on top)
            markersize = s.get('markerSize').convert(painter)
            if not s.MarkerLine.hide or not s.MarkerFill.hide:

                #print "Painting marker fill"
                if not s.MarkerFill.hide:
                    # filling for markers
                    painter.setBrush( s.MarkerFill.makeQBrush() )
                    # no-filling brush
                    painter.setBrush( qt4.QBrush() )

                #print "Painting marker lines"
                if not s.MarkerLine.hide:
                    # edges of markers
                    painter.setPen( s.MarkerLine.makeQPen(painter) )
                    # invisible pen
                    painter.setPen( qt4.QPen(qt4.Qt.NoPen) )

                # thin datapoints as required
                if s.thinfactor <= 1:
                    xplt, yplt = xplotter, yplotter
                    xplt, yplt = (xplotter[::s.thinfactor],

                # whether to scale markers
                scaling = colorvals = cmap = None
                if ptvals:
                    scaling = ptvals.data
                # color point individually
                if cvals:
                    colorvals = utils.applyScaling(
                        cvals.data, s.Color.scaling,
                        s.Color.min, s.Color.max)
                    cmap = self.document.getColormap(
                        s.MarkerFill.colorMap, s.MarkerFill.colorMapInvert)

                # actually plot datapoints
                utils.plotMarkers(painter, xplt, yplt, s.marker, markersize,
                                  scaling=scaling, clip=cliprect,
                                  cmap=cmap, colorvals=colorvals)

            # finally plot any labels
            if tvals and not s.Label.hide:
                self.drawLabels(painter, xplotter, yplotter,
                                tvals, markersize)