class TailSegmentationTracking(object): """ class managing the tracking of mouse tails in videos The data structure in which we store the result is as follows: `self.results` is a dictionary containing the following entries: `tail_trajectories` which is a dictionary with as many entries as there are tails in the video. It has entries `%tail_id%` which are again dictionaries containing a Tail object for each _frame of the video. The keys for this dictionary are the frame_ids `kymographs` is a dictionary with as many entries as there are tails `%tail_id%` is a dictionary with two entries, one for each kymograph for each side of the tail """ def __init__(self, video_file, output_video=None, parameters=None): """ `video_file` is the input video `output_video` is the video file where the output is written to """ self.video_file = video_file self.output_video = output_video = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(video_file)[1])[0] self.annotations = TackingAnnotations( # set default parameters for the tracking self.params = parameters_tracking.copy() # set special parameters for this run if in parameters_tracking_special:'There are special parameters for this video.') logging.debug('The parameters are: %s', parameters_tracking_special[]) self.params.update(parameters_tracking_special[]) if parameters is not None: self.params.update(parameters) # setup structure for saving data self.result = {'parameters': self.params.copy()} self.frame_id = None self._frame = None self._frame_cache = {} def load_video(self, make_video=False): """ loads and returns the video """ # load video and make it grey scale = VideoFile(self.video_file) = FilterMonochrome( if self.params['input/zoom_factor'] != 1: = FilterResize(, self.params['input/zoom_factor'], even_dimensions=True) # restrict video to requested frames if self.params['input/frames']: frames = self.params['input/frames'] =[frames[0]: frames[1]] # setup debug output zoom_factor = self.params['output/zoom_factor'] if make_video: if self.output_video is None: raise ValueError('Video output filename is not set.') self.output = VideoComposer(self.output_video,,, is_color=True, zoom_factor=zoom_factor) if self.params['output/show_video']: self.debug_window = ImageWindow(self.output.shape, title=self.video_file, multiprocessing=False) else: self.debug_window = None else: self.output = None @cached_property def frame_start(self): """ return start _frame of the video """ if self.params['input/frames']: frame_id = self.params['input/frames'][0] if frame_id is None: return 0 else: return frame_id else: return 0 def load_first_frame(self): """ loads the first _frame into self._frame """ if self.frame_id != 0: self._frame_cache = {} #< delete cache per _frame self.frame_id = self.frame_start self._frame =[0] return self._frame def track_tails(self, make_video=False): """ processes the video and locates the tails """ # initialize the video self.load_video(make_video) # process first _frame to find objects tails = self.process_first_frame() # initialize the result structure tail_trajectories = collections.defaultdict(dict) # iterate through all frames iterator = display_progress( for self.frame_id, self._frame in enumerate(iterator, self.frame_start): self._frame_cache = {} #< delete cache per _frame if make_video: self.set_video_background(tails) # adapt the object outlines tails = self.adapt_tail_contours(tails) # store tail data in the result for tail_id, tail in enumerate(tails): tail_trajectories[tail_id][self.frame_id] = tail # update the debug output if make_video: self.update_video_output(tails, show_measurement_line=False) # save the data and close the videos self.result['tail_trajectories'] = tail_trajectories self.save_result() self.close() def set_video_background(self, tails): """ sets the background of the video """ if self.params['output/background'] == 'original': self.output.set_frame(self._frame, copy=True) elif self.params['output/background'] == 'potential': image = self.contour_potential lo, hi = image.min(), image.max() image = 255*(image - lo)/(hi - lo) self.output.set_frame(image) elif self.params['output/background'] == 'potential_blurred': image = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.contour_potential, (0, 0), self.params['contour/blur_radius']) lo, hi = image.min(), image.max() image = 255*(image - lo)/(hi - lo) self.output.set_frame(image) elif self.params['output/background'] == 'gradient': image = self.get_gradient_strenght(self._frame) lo, hi = image.min(), image.max() image = 255*(image - lo)/(hi - lo) self.output.set_frame(image) elif self.params['output/background'] == 'gradient_thresholded': image = self.get_gradient_strenght(self._frame) image = self.threshold_gradient_strength(image) lo, hi = image.min(), image.max() image = 255*(image - lo)/(hi - lo) self.output.set_frame(image) elif self.params['output/background'] == 'features': image, num_features = self.get_features(tails, use_annotations=False) if num_features > 0: self.output.set_frame(image*(128//num_features)) else: self.output.set_frame(np.zeros_like(self._frame)) else: self.output.set_frame(np.zeros_like(self._frame)) def process_first_frame(self): """ process the first _frame to localize the tails """ self.load_first_frame() #< stores _frame in self._frame # locate tails roughly tails = self.locate_tails_roughly() # refine tails self.adapt_tail_contours_initially(tails) return tails #=========================================================================== # CONTOUR FINDING #=========================================================================== @cached_property(cache='_frame_cache') def frame_blurred(self): """ blurs the current _frame """ return cv2.GaussianBlur(self._frame.astype(np.double), (0, 0), self.params['gradient/blur_radius']) def get_gradient_strenght(self, frame): """ calculates the gradient strength of the image in _frame """ # smooth the image to be able to find smoothed edges if frame is self._frame: # take advantage of possible caching frame_blurred = self.frame_blurred else: frame_blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame.astype(np.double), (0, 0), self.params['gradient/blur_radius']) # scale frame_blurred to [0, 1] cv2.divide(frame_blurred, 256, dst=frame_blurred) # do Sobel filtering to find the frame_blurred edges grad_x = cv2.Sobel(frame_blurred, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5) grad_y = cv2.Sobel(frame_blurred, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5) # calculate the gradient strength gradient_mag = frame_blurred #< reuse memory np.hypot(grad_x, grad_y, out=gradient_mag) return gradient_mag def threshold_gradient_strength(self, gradient_mag): """ thresholds the gradient strength such that features are emphasized """ lo, hi = gradient_mag.min(), gradient_mag.max() threshold = lo + self.params['gradient/threshold']*(hi - lo) bw = (gradient_mag > threshold).astype(np.uint8) for _ in xrange(2): bw = cv2.pyrDown(bw) # do morphological opening to remove noise w = 2#0 kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (w, w)) bw = cv2.morphologyEx(bw, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # do morphological closing to locate objects w = 2#0 bw = cv2.copyMakeBorder(bw, w, w, w, w, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2*w + 1, 2*w + 1)) bw = cv2.morphologyEx(bw, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) bw = bw[w:-w, w:-w].copy() for _ in xrange(2): bw = cv2.pyrUp(bw) return bw def get_features(self, tails=None, use_annotations=False, ret_raw=False): """ calculates a feature mask based on the image statistics """ # calculate image statistics ksize = self.params['detection/statistics_window'] _, var = image.get_image_statistics(self._frame, kernel='circle', ksize=ksize) # threshold the variance to locate features threshold = self.params['detection/statistics_threshold']*np.median(var) bw = (var > threshold).astype(np.uint8) if ret_raw: return bw if tails is None: tails = tuple() # add features from the previous frames if present for tail in tails: # fill the features with the interior of the former tail polys = tail.polygon.buffer(-self.params['detection/shape_max_speed']) if not isinstance(polys, geometry.MultiPolygon): polys = [polys] for poly in polys: cv2.fillPoly(bw, [np.array(poly.exterior.coords,], color=1) # calculate the distance to other tails to bound the current one buffer_dist = self.params['detection/shape_max_speed'] poly_outer = tail.polygon.buffer(buffer_dist) for tail_other in tails: if tail is not tail_other: dist = tail.polygon.distance(tail_other.polygon) if dist < buffer_dist: # shrink poly_outer poly_other = tail_other.polygon.buffer(dist/2) poly_outer = poly_outer.difference(poly_other) # make sure that this tail is separated from all the others try: coords = np.array(poly_outer.exterior.coords, except AttributeError: # can happen when the poly_outer is complex pass else: cv2.polylines(bw, [coords], isClosed=True, color=0, thickness=2) # debug.show_image(self._frame, bw, wait_for_key=False) if use_annotations: lines = self.annotations['segmentation_dividers'] if lines: logging.debug('Found %d annotation lines for segmenting', len(lines)) for line in lines: cv2.line(bw, tuple(line[0]), tuple(line[1]), 0, thickness=3) else: logging.debug('Found no annotations for segmenting') # remove features at the edge of the image border = self.params['detection/border_distance'] image.set_image_border(bw, size=border, color=0) # remove very thin features cv2.morphologyEx(bw, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, np.ones((3, 3)), dst=bw) # find features in the binary image contours = cv2.findContours(bw.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] # determine the rectangle where objects can lie in h, w = self._frame.shape rect = shapes.Rectangle(x=0, y=0, width=w, height=h) rect.buffer(-2*border) rect = geometry.Polygon(rect.contour) boundary_length_max = self.params['detection/boundary_length_max'] bw[:] = 0 num_features = 0 for contour in contours: if cv2.contourArea(contour) > self.params['detection/area_min']: # check whether the object touches the border feature = geometry.Polygon(np.squeeze(contour)) if rect.exterior.intersects(feature): # fill the hole in the feature difference = rect.difference(feature) if isinstance(difference, geometry.Polygon): difference = [difference] #< make sure we handle a list for diff in difference: # check the length along the rectangle boundary_length = diff.intersection(rect.exterior).length if boundary_length < boundary_length_max: feature = feature.union(diff) # reduce feature, since detection typically overshoots features = feature.buffer(-0.5*self.params['detection/statistics_window']) if not isinstance(features, geometry.MultiPolygon): features = [features] for feature in features: if feature.area > self.params['detection/area_min']: #debug.show_shape(feature, background=self._frame) # extract the contour of the feature contour = regions.get_enclosing_outline(feature) contour = np.array(contour.coords, # fill holes inside the objects num_features += 1 cv2.fillPoly(bw, [contour], num_features) # debug.show_image(self._frame, var, bw, wait_for_key=False) return bw, num_features def locate_tails_roughly(self, tails=None): """ locate tail objects using thresholding """ # find features, using annotations in the first _frame use_annotations = (self.frame_id == self.frame_start) labels, _ = self.get_features(tails, use_annotations=use_annotations) # find the contours of these features contours = cv2.findContours(labels, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] # locate the tails using these contours tails = [] for contour in contours: if cv2.contourArea(contour) > self.params['detection/area_min']: points = contour[:, 0, :] threshold = 0.002 * curves.curve_length(points) points = curves.simplify_curve(points, threshold) tails.append(Tail(points)) # debug.show_shape(*[t.contour_ring for t in tails], background=self._frame, # wait_for_key=False) logging.debug('Found %d tail(s) in _frame %d', len(tails), self.frame_id) return tails @cached_property(cache='_frame_cache') def contour_potential(self): """ calculates the contour potential """ #features = self.get_features[0] #gradient_mag = self.get_gradient_strenght(features > 0) gradient_mag = self.get_gradient_strenght(self._frame) return gradient_mag def adapt_tail_contours_initially(self, tails): """ adapt tail contour to _frame, assuming that they could be quite far away """ # setup active contour algorithm ac = ActiveContour(blur_radius=self.params['contour/blur_radius_initial'], closed_loop=True, alpha=self.params['contour/line_tension'], beta=self.params['contour/bending_stiffness'], gamma=self.params['contour/adaptation_rate']) ac.max_iterations = self.params['contour/max_iterations'] ac.set_potential(self.contour_potential) # get rectangle describing the interior of the _frame height, width = self._frame.shape region_center = shapes.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height) region_center.buffer(-self.params['contour/border_anchor_distance']) # adapt all the tails for tail in tails: # find points not at the center anchor_idx = ~region_center.points_inside(tail.contour) tail.contour = ac.find_contour(tail.contour, anchor_idx, anchor_idx) logging.debug('Active contour took %d iterations.',['iteration_count']) # debug.show_shape(*[t.contour for t in tails], # background=self.contour_potential) def adapt_tail_contours(self, tails): """ adapt tail contour to _frame, assuming that they are already close """ # get the tails that we want to adapt if self.params['detection/every_frame']: tails_estimate = self.locate_tails_roughly(tails) else: tails_estimate = tails[:] #< copy list if len(tails_estimate) != len(tails): raise RuntimeError('Found %d instead of %d tails in this frame.' % (len(tails), len(tails_estimate))) # setup active contour algorithm ac = ActiveContour(blur_radius=self.params['contour/blur_radius'], closed_loop=True, alpha=self.params['contour/line_tension'], beta=self.params['contour/bending_stiffness'], gamma=self.params['contour/adaptation_rate']) ac.max_iterations = self.params['contour/max_iterations'] #potential_approx = self.threshold_gradient_strength(gradient_mag) ac.set_potential(self.contour_potential) # debug.show_shape(*[t.contour for t in tails], # background=self.contour_potential) # get rectangle describing the interior of the _frame height, width = self._frame.shape region_center = shapes.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height) region_center.buffer(-self.params['contour/border_anchor_distance']) # iterate through all previous tails for k, tail_prev in enumerate(tails): # find the tail that is closest center = tail_prev.centroid idx = np.argmin([curves.point_distance(center, t.centroid) for t in tails_estimate]) # adapt this contour to the potential tail_estimate = tails_estimate.pop(idx) # determine the points close to the boundary that will be anchored # at their position, because there are no features to track at the # boundary anchor_idx = ~region_center.points_inside(tail_estimate.contour) # disable anchoring for points at the posterior end of the tail ps = tail_estimate.contour[anchor_idx] dists = spatial.distance.cdist(ps, [tail_estimate.endpoints[0]]) dist_threshold = self.params['contour/typical_width'] anchor_idx[anchor_idx] = (dists.flat > dist_threshold) # use an active contour algorithm to adapt the contour points contour = ac.find_contour(tail_estimate.contour, anchor_idx, anchor_idx) logging.debug('Active contour took %d iterations.',['iteration_count']) # update the old tail to keep the identity of sides tails[k] = Tail.create_similar(contour, tail_prev) return tails # debug.show_shape(*[t.contour for t in tails], # background=self.contour_potential) #=========================================================================== # TRACKING ANNOTATIONS #=========================================================================== def annotate(self): """ add annotations to the video to help the segmentation """ # initialize the video self.load_video() # determine the features of the first _frame self.load_first_frame() features = self.get_features(ret_raw=True) # load previous annotations lines = self.annotations['segmentation_dividers'] # use the segmentation picker to alter these segments picker = SegmentPicker(self._frame, features, lines) result = if result == 'ok': # save the result if desired data = [[(int(p[0]), int(p[1])) for p in line] for line in picker.segments] self.annotations['segmentation_dividers'] = data #=========================================================================== # LINE SCANNING AND KYMOGRAPHS #=========================================================================== def do_linescans(self, make_video=True): """ do the line scans for all current_tails """ # initialize the video self.load_video(make_video) self.load_result() # load the previously track tail data try: tail_trajectories = self.result['tail_trajectories'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Tails have to be tracked before line scans can ' 'be done.') current_tails = None # collect all line scans in a structure linescans = collections.defaultdict(list) # iterate through all frames and collect the line scans iterator = display_progress( for self.frame_id, self._frame in enumerate(iterator, self.frame_start): self._frame_cache = {} #< delete cache per _frame if make_video: self.set_video_background(current_tails) # do the line scans in each object current_tails = [] for tail_id, tail_trajectory in tail_trajectories.iteritems(): try: tail = tail_trajectory[self.frame_id] except KeyError: logging.debug('Could not find any information on tails ' 'for _frame %d', self.frame_id) break # get the line scan left and right of the centerline linescan_data= self.measure_single_tail(self._frame, tail) # append it to the temporary structure linescans[tail_id].append(linescan_data) current_tails.append(tail) #< safe for video output # update the debug output if make_video: self.update_video_output(current_tails, show_measurement_line=True) # create the kymographs from the line scans kymographs = collections.defaultdict(dict) # iterate over all tails found in the movie for tail_id, linescan_trajectory in linescans.iteritems(): # transpose data to have data for each side of the center line line_scans = zip(*linescan_trajectory) # iterate over all line scans (ventral and dorsal) for side_id, data in enumerate(line_scans): kymograph = Kymograph(data) side = tail.line_names[side_id] kymographs[tail_id][side] = kymograph # save the data and close the videos self.result['kymographs'] = kymographs self.save_result() self.close() def get_measurement_lines(self, tail): """ determines the measurement segments that are used for the line scan """ f_c = self.params['measurement/line_offset'] f_o = 1 - f_c centerline = tail.centerline result = [] for side in tail.sides: # find the line between the centerline and the ventral line points = [] for p_c in centerline: p_o = curves.get_projection_point(side, p_c) #< outer line points.append((f_c*p_c[0] + f_o*p_o[0], f_c*p_c[1] + f_o*p_o[1])) # do spline fitting to smooth the line smoothing = self.params['measurement/spline_smoothing']*len(points) tck, _ = interpolate.splprep(np.transpose(points), k=2, s=smoothing) points = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(-0.5, .8, 100), tck) points = zip(*points) #< transpose list # restrict centerline to object mline = geometry.LineString(points).intersection(tail.polygon) # pick longest line if there are many due to strange geometries if isinstance(mline, geometry.MultiLineString): mline = mline[np.argmax([l.length for l in mline])] result.append(np.array(mline.coords)) return result def measure_single_tail(self, frame, tail): """ do line scans along the measurement segments of the tails """ l = self.params['measurement/line_scan_width'] w = self.params['measurement/line_scan_step'] #< width of each individual line scan result = [] for line in self.get_measurement_lines(tail): ps = curves.make_curve_equidistant(line, spacing=2*w) profile = [] for pp, p, pn in itertools.izip(ps[:-2], ps[1:-1], ps[2:]): # slope dx, dy = pn - pp dlen = math.hypot(dx, dy) dx /= dlen; dy /= dlen # get end points of line scan p1 = (p[0] + l*dy, p[1] - l*dx) p2 = (p[0] - l*dy, p[1] + l*dx) lscan = image.line_scan(frame, p1, p2, half_width=w) profile.append(lscan.mean()) self.output.add_points([p1, p2], 1, 'w') result.append(profile) return result def plot_kymographs(self, outfile=None): """ plots a kymograph of the line scan data If `outfile` is given, the image is written to this file and not shown """ # load the data from a file self.load_result() kwargs = {'length_scale': (2 * self.params['measurement/line_scan_step'] * self.params['input/pixel_size']), 'time_scale': self.params['input/frame_duration']} # iterate through all tails for tail_id, kymographs in self.result['kymographs'].iteritems(): # consider both sides of the center line for side_name, kymograph in kymographs.iteritems(): # prepare plotter title = + ', Tail %d, %s' % (tail_id, side_name) plotter = KymographPlotter(kymograph, title=title, **kwargs) if outfile is None: else: filename = outfile % ("%d_%s" % (tail_id, side_name)) plotter.fig.savefig(filename) plotter.close() def get_kymograph(self, tail_id=None, side_id=None): """ loads the kymograph of the specified side and tail. If either of those is not specified, the user is asked to supply these details """ # load the data self.load_result() try: kymograph_tails = self.result['kymographs'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Line scans could not be found.') # make sure that we know which tail to process if tail_id is None: tail_id = self.choose_tail() kymograph_tail = kymograph_tails[tail_id] # make sure that we know which side to process side_names = sorted(kymograph_tail.keys()) side_name = self.choose_tail_side(side_names, side_id) kymograph = kymograph_tail[side_name] return kymograph, (tail_id, side_name) def adjust_kymograph(self, tail_id=None, side_id=None): """ launch a GUI for aligning the kymograph of the given tail and the given side_id """ kymograph, (tail_id, side_name) = self.get_kymograph(tail_id, side_id) # prepare kymograph if np.all(kymograph.offsets == 0): # automatically align if offsets were not loaded kymograph.align_features('individually')'Automatically aligned kymograph for %s of tail %s' % (side_name, tail_id)) # launch the GUI for aligning result = KymographAligner(kymograph).run() if result == 'ok': # save the result if desired self.save_result()'Saved kymograph offsets for %s of tail %s' % (side_name, tail_id)) def measure_kymograph(self, tail_id=None, side_id=None): """ shows a graphical user interface for measuring lines in the kymograph """ kymograph, (tail_id, side_name) = self.get_kymograph(tail_id, side_id) length_scale = (2 * self.params['measurement/line_scan_step'] * self.params['input/pixel_size']) time_scale = self.params['input/frame_duration'] title = + ', Tail %d, %s' % (tail_id, side_name) plotter = KymographPlotter(kymograph, title, length_scale, time_scale) plotter.measure_lines() #=========================================================================== # INPUT/OUTPUT #=========================================================================== @property def outfile(self): """ return the file name under which the results will be saved """ return self.video_file.replace('.avi', '.pkl') def load_result(self): """ load data from a result file """ with open(self.outfile, 'r') as fp: self.result.update(pickle.load(fp)) logging.debug('Read results from file `%s`', self.outfile) def save_result(self): """ saves results as a pickle file """ with open(self.outfile, 'w') as fp: pickle.dump(self.result, fp) logging.debug('Wrote results to file `%s`', self.outfile) def choose_tail(self): """ Makes the user choose a tail if there are multiple in the data. Returns the `tail_id` associated with the tail """ data = self.result['tail_trajectories'] if len(data) == 1: tail_id = 0 else: print('There are multiple tails in the video. Choose one of:') for tail_id in data.iterkeys(): print(' %s' % tail_id) tail_id = int(raw_input('Enter the number: ')) return tail_id def choose_tail_side(self, side_names=None, side_id=None): """ Makes the user choose a tail side from the supplied data """ if side_names is None: side_names = sorted(Tail.line_names) if side_id is None: print('There are multiple sides in the tail. Choose one of:') for side_id in enumerate(side_names): print(' %d: %s' % side_id) side_name = side_names[int(raw_input('Enter the number: '))] elif isinstance(side_id, int): side_name = side_names[side_id] return side_name def update_video_output(self, tails, show_measurement_line=True): """ updates the video output to both the screen and the file """ video = self.output # add information on all tails for tail_id, tail in enumerate(tails): # mark all the segments that are important in the video mark_points = self.params['output/mark_points'] video.add_line(tail.contour, color='b', is_closed=True, width=3, mark_points=mark_points) video.add_line(tail.ventral_side, color='g', is_closed=False, width=4, mark_points=mark_points) video.add_line(tail.centerline, color='g', is_closed=False, width=5, mark_points=mark_points) # mark the end points that we identified p_P, p_A = tail.endpoints n = (p_P - p_A) n = 50 * n / np.hypot(n[0], n[1]) video.add_circle(p_P, 10, 'g') video.add_text('P', p_P + n, color='g', size=2, anchor='center middle') video.add_circle(p_A, 10, 'b') video.add_text('A', p_A - n, color='b', size=2, anchor='center middle') # mark the tails video.add_text(str('tail %d' % tail_id), tail.centroid, color='w', size=2, anchor='center middle') if show_measurement_line: for k, line in enumerate(self.get_measurement_lines(tail)): video.add_line(line[:-3], color='r', is_closed=False, width=5, mark_points=mark_points) video.add_text(tail.line_names[k], line[-1], color='r', size=2, anchor='center middle') # add general information video.add_text(str(self.frame_id), (20, 20), size=2, anchor='top') if self.debug_window: def close(self): """ close the output video and the debug video """ if self.output: self.output.close() if self.debug_window: self.debug_window.close()
def make_cropped_video(result_file, output_video=None, display='{time} [{frame}]', scale_bar=True, border_buffer_cm=0, frame_compression=1, time_duration=None, progress=True): """ function that crops a video to an antfarm. `result_file` is the file where the results from the video analysis are stored. This is usually a *.yaml file `output_video` denotes the filename where the result video should be written to. `display` determines what information is displayed. There are several variables that would be replaced by data: {time} the current time stamp {frame} the current frame number `scale_bar` determines whether a scale bar is shown `border_buffer_cm` sets the extra space (in units of cm) around the cropping rectangle that is included in the analysis `frame_compression` sets the compression factor that determines how many frames are dropped compared to the original video `time_duration` sets the maximal number of seconds the video is supposed to last. Additional frames will not be written. `progress` flag that determines whether the progress is displayed """'Analyze video `%s`', result_file) # load the respective result file analyzer = load_result_file(result_file) # load the full original video video_info = analyzer.load_video(frames=(0, None)) # crop the video to the cage video_input = cropping_cage =['pass1/video/cropping_cage'] border_buffer_px = int(border_buffer_cm / analyzer.length_scale_mag) # change rectangle size if necessary if border_buffer_px != 0: cropping_rect = Rectangle.from_list(cropping_cage) video_rect = Rectangle(0, 0, video_input.width - 1, video_input.height - 1) cropping_rect.buffer(border_buffer_px) cropping_rect.intersect(video_rect) cropping_cage = cropping_rect.to_list() if cropping_cage: # size_alignment=2 makes sure that the width and height are even numbers video_input = FilterCrop(video_input, rect=cropping_cage, size_alignment=2) if frame_compression is not None and frame_compression != 1: video_input = FilterDropFrames(video_input, compression=frame_compression) if time_duration is not None: index_max = int(time_duration * video_input.fps) video_input = video_input[:index_max] # determine the filename of the output video if output_video is None: # determine the complete filename automatically movie_ext = analyzer.params['output/video/extension'] filename = 'cropped' output_video = analyzer.get_filename(filename + movie_ext, 'video') elif '.' not in output_video: # determine the extension automatically movie_ext = analyzer.params['output/video/extension'] output_video = output_video + movie_ext'Write output to `%s`', output_video) # create the video writer video_codec = analyzer.params['output/video/codec'] video_bitrate = analyzer.params['output/video/crop_bitrate'] if video_bitrate is None: video_bitrate = analyzer.params['output/video/bitrate'] fps = video_input.fps video_output = VideoComposer( output_video, size=video_input.size, fps=fps, is_color=video_input.is_color, codec=video_codec, bitrate=video_bitrate, ) # time label position label_pos = video_input.width // 2, 30 # calculate size of scale bar and the position of its label pixel_size_cm =['pass2/pixel_size_cm'] scale_bar_size_cm = 10 scale_bar_size_px = np.round(scale_bar_size_cm / pixel_size_cm) scale_bar_rect = Rectangle(30, 50, scale_bar_size_px, 5) scale_bar_pos = (30 + scale_bar_size_px//2, 30) if progress: video_input = display_progress(video_input) for frame_id, frame in enumerate(video_input): video_output.set_frame(frame, copy=True) if scale_bar: # show a scale bar video_output.add_rectangle(scale_bar_rect, width=-1) video_output.add_text(str('%g cm' % scale_bar_size_cm), scale_bar_pos, color='w', anchor='upper center') # gather data about this frame frame_data = {'frame': frame_id} # calculate time stamp time_secs, time_frac = divmod(frame_id, fps) time_msecs = int(1000 * time_frac / fps) dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_secs, milliseconds=time_msecs) frame_data['time'] = str(dt) # output the display data if display: display_text = display.format(**frame_data) video_output.add_text(display_text, label_pos, color='w', anchor='upper center') # show summary frames_total = video_info['frames'][1] - video_info['frames'][0] frames_written = video_output.frames_written'%d (%d%%) of %d frames written', frames_written, 100 * frames_written // frames_total, frames_total) # close and finalize video try: video_output.close() except IOError: logging.exception('Error while writing out the debug video `%s`', video_output)
def produce_video(self): """ prepares everything for the debug output """ # load parameters for video output video_extension = self.params['output/video/extension'] video_codec = self.params['output/video/codec'] video_bitrate = self.params['output/video/bitrate'] if is None: self.load_video() filename = self.get_filename('video' + video_extension, 'video') video = VideoComposer(filename,,, is_color=True, output_period=self.params['output/output_period'], codec=video_codec, bitrate=video_bitrate) mouse_track =['pass2/mouse_trajectory'] ground_profile =['pass2/ground_profile']'Pass 2 - Start producing final video with %d frames', len( # we used the first frame to determine the cage dimensions in the first pass source_video =[1:] track_first = 0 tracks =['pass1/objects/tracks'] tracks.sort(key=lambda track: track.start) burrow_tracks =['pass1/burrows/tracks'] for frame_id, frame in enumerate(display_progress(source_video)): # set real video as background video.set_frame(frame) # plot the ground profile ground_line = ground_profile.get_groundline(frame_id) video.add_line(ground_line, is_closed=False, mark_points=False, color='y') # indicate burrow centerline for burrow in burrow_tracks.find_burrows(frame_id): ground = GroundProfile(ground_line) video.add_line(burrow.get_centerline(ground), 'k', is_closed=False, width=2) # indicate all moving objects # find the first track which is still active while tracks[track_first].end < frame_id: track_first += 1 # draw all tracks that are still active for track in tracks[track_first:]: if track.start > frame_id: # this is the last track that can possibly be active break elif track.start <= frame_id <= track.end: video.add_circle(track.get_pos(frame_id), self.params['mouse/model_radius'], '0.5', thickness=1) # indicate the mouse position if np.all(np.isfinite(mouse_track.pos[frame_id])): video.add_circle(mouse_track.pos[frame_id], self.params['mouse/model_radius'], 'w', thickness=2) # # add additional debug information video.add_text(str(frame_id), (20, 20), anchor='top') # video.add_text(str(self.frame_id/self.fps), (20, 20), anchor='top') video.close()
def make_underground_video(result_file, output_video=None, display='{time} [{frame}]', scale_bar=True, min_duration=60, blank_duration=5, bouts_slice=slice(None, None), video_part=None): """ main routine of the program `result_file` is the file where the results from the video analysis are stored. This is usually a *.yaml file `output_video` denotes the filename where the result video should be written to. `display` determines what information is displayed. There are several variables that would be replaced by data: {time} the current time stamp {frame} the current frame number `scale_bar` determines whether a scale bar is shown `min_duration` determines how many frames the mouse has to be below ground for the bout to be included in the video `blank_duration` determines who many white frames are displayed between time intervals where the mouse is underground `bouts_slice` is a slice object that determines which bouts are included in the video. `video_part` determines which part of a longer video will be produced """'Analyze video `%s`', result_file) # load the respective result file analyzer = load_result_file(result_file) # determine the bouts of this video bouts = get_underground_bouts(analyzer, bouts_slice, video_part) if len(bouts) == 0: raise RuntimeError('There are no bouts that could be turned into a ' 'video. This could be a problem with finding the ' 'mouse trajectory in the analysis or it could ' 'indicate that the requested bouts_slice or ' 'video_part resulted in empty data.') # load the original video video_info = analyzer.load_video() frame_offset = video_info['frames'][0] # crop the video to the cage video_input = cropping_cage =['pass1/video/cropping_cage'] if cropping_cage: video_input = FilterCrop(video_input, rect=cropping_cage) # determine the filename of the output video if output_video is None: # determine the complete filename automatically movie_ext = analyzer.params['output/video/extension'] if video_part is None: filename = 'underground' else: filename = 'underground_%d' % video_part output_video = analyzer.get_filename(filename + movie_ext, 'video_underground') elif '.' not in output_video: # determine the extension automatically movie_ext = analyzer.params['output/video/extension'] output_video = output_video + movie_ext'Write output to `%s`', output_video) # create the video writer video_codec = analyzer.params['output/video/codec'] video_bitrate = analyzer.params['output/video/bitrate'] fps = video_input.fps video_output = VideoComposer( output_video, size=video_input.size, fps=fps, is_color=False, codec=video_codec, bitrate=video_bitrate, ) # create blank frame with mean color of video blank_frame = np.full(video_input.shape[1:], video_input[0].mean(), dtype=np.uint8) # time label position label_pos = video_input.width // 2, 30 # calculate size of scale bar and the position of its label pixel_size_cm =['pass2/pixel_size_cm'] scale_bar_size_cm = 10 scale_bar_size_px = np.round(scale_bar_size_cm / pixel_size_cm) scale_bar_rect = Rectangle(30, 50, scale_bar_size_px, 5) scale_bar_pos = (30 + scale_bar_size_px//2, 30) # iterate over all bouts for start, finish in display_progress(bouts): duration = finish - start + 1 # check whether bout is long enough if duration < min_duration: continue if video_output.frames_written > 1: # write blank frame for _ in xrange(blank_duration): video_output.set_frame(blank_frame) video_bout = video_input[start - frame_offset : finish - frame_offset + 1] for frame_id, frame in enumerate(video_bout, start): video_output.set_frame(frame, copy=True) if scale_bar: # show a scale bar video_output.add_rectangle(scale_bar_rect, width=-1) video_output.add_text(str('%g cm' % scale_bar_size_cm), scale_bar_pos, color='w', anchor='upper center') # gather data about this frame frame_data = {'frame': frame_id} # calculate time stamp time_secs, time_frac = divmod(frame_id, fps) time_msecs = int(1000 * time_frac / fps) dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_secs, milliseconds=time_msecs) frame_data['time'] = str(dt) # output the display data if display: display_text = display.format(**frame_data) video_output.add_text(display_text, label_pos, color='w', anchor='upper center') # show summary frames_total = video_info['frames'][1] - video_info['frames'][0] frames_written = video_output.frames_written'%d (%d%%) of %d frames written', frames_written, 100 * frames_written // frames_total, frames_total) # close and finalize video try: video_output.close() except IOError: logging.exception('Error while writing out the debug video `%s`', video_output)