def testList(request): """Handle request for list of tests according `request`. :Parameters: request: django html request (`path` and `REQUEST` will be used) .. See: testListAttrs for used attributes :Return: html code (full page) with list of tests matching filtering attributes """ attrs = {} for attr in testListAttrs: try: attrs[attr] = request.REQUEST[attr] except KeyError: pass testList = filterByAttrs(TestRun.objects.all(), attrs) try: ordering = attrs['orderBy'] except KeyError: ordering = '-startTime' testList = testList.order_by(ordering) header = generateHeaderForAttrs(attrs) (paginationHtml, pageObjects) = generatePagination(request.path, attrs, testList, DEFAULT_PAGING) mainTableHtml = generateTestTable(request.path, pageObjects, attrs) releasementsHtml = generateAttrReleasementLinks(request.path, attrs, _("Don't filter by ")) overviewHtml = "total: " + str(testList.count()) return render_to_response( 'resultRepository/testrun_list.html', { 'title': header, 'header': header, 'globalMenu': globalMenu, 'pagination': paginationHtml, 'attrReleasements': releasementsHtml, 'overview': overviewHtml, 'bodyTable': mainTableHtml, })
def projectList(request): if 'page' in request.REQUEST: attrs = {'page' : request.REQUEST['page']} else: attrs = {} projects = Project.objects.all() total = "total:"+ str(projects.count()) header = "Projects" (paginationHtml, projects) = generatePagination(request.path, attrs, projects, DEFAULT_PAGING) mainTableHtml = generateProjectList(projects) return render_to_response('resultRepository/project_list.html', { 'title': header, 'header': header, 'globalMenu' : globalMenu, 'pagination': paginationHtml, 'overview' : total, 'bodyTable' : mainTableHtml, })
def batchList(request): """Handle request for list of batches according `request`. :Parameters: request: django html request (`path` and `REQUEST` will be used) .. See: batchListAttrs for used attributes :Return: html code (full page) with list of batches matching filtering attributes """ attrs = {} for attr in batchListAttrs: try: attrs[attr] = request.REQUEST[attr] except KeyError: pass batchList = filterByAttrs(BatchRun.objects.all(), attrs) try: ordering = attrs['orderBy'] except KeyError: ordering = '-startTime' batchList = batchList.order_by(ordering) header = 'Batch list' (paginationHtml,pageObjects) = generatePagination(request.path, attrs, batchList, DEFAULT_PAGING) mainTableHtml = generateBatchTable(request.path, pageObjects, attrs) releasementsHtml = generateAttrReleasementLinks(request.path, attrs, _("Don't filter by ")) overviewHtml = "total: " + str(batchList.count()) return render_to_response('resultRepository/testrun_list.html', { 'title': header, 'header': header, 'globalMenu' : globalMenu, 'pagination' : paginationHtml, 'attrReleasements' : releasementsHtml, 'overview' : overviewHtml, 'bodyTable' : mainTableHtml, })
def projectList(request): if 'page' in request.REQUEST: attrs = {'page': request.REQUEST['page']} else: attrs = {} projects = Project.objects.all() total = "total:" + str(projects.count()) header = "Projects" (paginationHtml, projects) = generatePagination(request.path, attrs, projects, DEFAULT_PAGING) mainTableHtml = generateProjectList(projects) return render_to_response( 'resultRepository/project_list.html', { 'title': header, 'header': header, 'globalMenu': globalMenu, 'pagination': paginationHtml, 'overview': total, 'bodyTable': mainTableHtml, })