Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, nvim, buffer, cwd):
     self.nvim = nvim
     self.filter = filter()
     self.buffer = buffer
     # Attribute to distinguish from explorer
     self.isSearcher = True
     self.selected = 0
     self.fileredFiles = []
     self.expanded = False
     self.cwd = cwd
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, cwd):
     self.isSearcher = False
     # Instance of the filter
     self.filter = filter()
     self.cwd = cwd
     # The the current files
     self.currentFiles = os.listdir(self.cwd)
     self.fileredFiles = self.currentFiles[:]
     # Index that tracks which file that is selected
     self.selected = 0
     self.active = True
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, cwd):
     self.isSearcher = False
     # Instance of the filter
     self.filter = filter()
     self.cwd = cwd
     # The the current files
     self.currentFiles = os.listdir(self.cwd)
     # Sort based on folders
     self.fileredFiles = self.currentFiles[:]
     # Index that tracks which file that is selected
     self.selected = 0
     self.active = True
     self.pattern = ''
     # The header takes up 9 rows
     self.headerLength = 9
     self.markers = []