def gen_faces_detect_no_errors(): ''' just check if codegen generates no errors ''' block_size = (24,24) size = tuple([x*2 for x in block_size]) cascade_filename = '../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml' cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) args = {'haar_classifier':cascade} code = Code() code.set_generator(gen_code.gen_detect_faces_opt, block_size, args) # extract some data from simulator sim = Interpreter(code, [[0 for x in xrange(size[0])] for y in xrange(size[1])], block_size) nr_reg = sim.procs[0][0].nr_reg mem_size = sim.procs[0][0].memory.size del sim # run through instructions and apply some checks cnt = 0 current_imm = 0 for x in code.gen(code): if x.opcode() == 'imm': current_im = x.value # heuristic test, not all errors are detected as memw(rx, ry) is also possible if (x.opcode() == 'memr' and str(x.src) == 'imm') \ or (x.opcode() == 'memw' and str(x.dest) == 'imm'): if current_im >= mem_size: raise IllegalInstructionException('memx out of bounds, addr = %i'%int(current_im)) cnt+=1 print '# instructions: %i'%cnt
def test_no_manual_alloc(): ''' Manual register allocation interferes with scoped_alloc. ''' block_size = (22,22) size = tuple(x*2 for x in block_size) width, height = block_size pe_dim = (size[0]//width, size[1]//height) cascade_filename = '../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml' cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) class TestCode(Code): def r(self, nr): raise Exception('Manual allocation') args = {'haar_classifier':cascade} code = TestCode() code.set_generator(gen_code.gen_detect_faces_opt, block_size, args) cnt = 0 for x in code.gen(code): cnt += 1 print cnt args = {'haar_classifier':cascade, 'pe_dim':pe_dim} code2 = TestCode() code.set_generator(gen_code.gen_detect_faces_fullintegral_opt, block_size, args) cnt2 = 0 for x in code.gen(code): cnt2 += 1 print cnt2
def test_compare_implementations(): ''' check if the to implementation of detect_faces yield the same result ''' # settings cascade_filename = '../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml' image_filename = '../data/vakgroep128_64.png' def run_test(codegen_function, image, cascade, block_size): print 'running %s'%codegen_function.__name__ print 'XXX histogram equalisation is not implemented yet, use violajones impl' print ' before executing simulator' image = reference.equalizeHist(image) width, height = block_size pe_dim = (len(image[0])//width, len(image)//height) # now execute the codegen code = Code() args = {'haar_classifier':cascade, 'pe_dim':pe_dim} code.set_generator(codegen_function, block_size, args) sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size, 4) detections_pixmap = sim.gen_output_image(1) # result is saved in first buffer # convert the number of rejections in the stages to detections detections = gen_code.convert_pixelmap_to_detections(detections_pixmap, cascade.size) return detections # load image and cascade cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) print cascade image = if not image: raise Exception('image %s not found or not supported'%image_filename) block_size = (64, 64) implementations = [\ gen_code.gen_detect_faces,\ gen_code.gen_detect_faces_stage_outer,\ gen_code.gen_detect_faces_fullintegral] detections = [run_test(impl, image, cascade, block_size) for impl in implementations] for i in xrange(len(implementations)-1): d1 = detections[i] d2 = detections[i+1] n1 = implementations[i].__name__ n2 = implementations[i+1].__name__ assert d1 == d2
def split_filter_haar_example(cascade_filename): cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) print cascade # now apply it for the first cascade at some position position = (10, 6) block_size = 24 stage = cascade.stages[0] for feature in stage.features: res = split_filter(feature, position, block_size) print res print '\n'.join([str(x) for x in feature.shapes]) print '->' print '\n'.join([str(x) for x in res.shapes])
def test_detect_faces_fullintegral(): ''' check if whole program works ''' # settings cascade_filename = '../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml' image_filename = '../data/vakgroep128_64.png' def run_test(image, cascade): block_size = (64, 64) im_size = len(image[0]), len(image) pe_dim = tuple(s//b for s, b in zip(im_size, block_size)) print 'XXX histogram equalisation is not implemented yet, use violajones impl' print ' before executing simulator' image = reference.equalizeHist(image) args = {'haar_classifier': cascade, 'pe_dim':pe_dim} # now execute the codegen code = Code() code.set_generator(gen_code.gen_detect_faces_fullintegral_opt, block_size, args) #print '# instructions: %i'%(code.instr_size()) sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size, 4) detections_pixmap = sim.gen_output_image(1) # result is saved in first buffer # convert the number of rejections in the stages to detections detections = gen_code.convert_pixelmap_to_detections(detections_pixmap, cascade.size) return detections def run_ref(image, cascade): return reference.detect_faces(image, cascade) # first load the cascade cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) print cascade image = if not image: raise Exception('image %s not found or not supported'%image_filename) detections_test = run_test(image, cascade) detections_ref = run_ref(image, cascade) assert detections_test == detections_ref
def main(image_filename, cascade_filename, res_filename, use_multiscale = False): image = haar_classifier = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) print str(haar_classifier) # parameters scale_factor = 1.2 min_size = (40, 40) # process image detected_faces = [] if use_multiscale: detected_faces = detect_faces_multiscale(image, haar_classifier, scale_factor, min_size) else: detected_faces = detect_faces(image, haar_classifier) res = visualisation.draw_faces(image, detected_faces) imageio.write(res_filename, res, 3)
def test_convert_to_ssa_vj_no_errors(): ''' Test if ssa conversion is sufficient to convert VJ codegen. ''' from violajones import gen_code from violajones import parse_haar cascade_filename = '../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml' block_size = (32, 32) im_size = block_size pe_dim = tuple(s//b for s, b in zip(im_size, block_size)) # first load the cascade cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) # use single stage to speed up test cascade.stages = [cascade.stages[0]] args = {'pe_dim': pe_dim, 'haar_classifier':cascade} block_len = 100 convertor = CodegenToSSAConvertor(block_len) test_code_total = [] for i, current_ref_code in enumerate(convertor.gen_ssa_fragments(gen_code.gen_detect_faces_fullintegral, Code(), block_size, args)): test_code = convert_compact_repr_to_obj(current_ref_code) assert test_code # we just want no errors
return feature_width/cascade_size[0] * feature_height/cascade_size[1] def average_norm_feature_size(stage, cascade_size): return sum(calc_norm_feature_size(f, cascade_size) for f in stage.features)/len(stage.features) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'usage: %s cascadefile'%sys.argv[0] exit(1) opt_args = sys.argv[2:] save_plots = '--save-plots' in opt_args disable_show_plots = '--disable-show-plots' in opt_args cascade_name = sys.argv[1] cascade = parse_haar_xml(cascade_name) print cascade stages = range(len(cascade.stages)) nr_features = [len(stage.features) for stage in cascade.stages] avg_feature_size = [average_norm_feature_size(stage, cascade.size) for stage in cascade.stages] print stages print nr_features print avg_feature_size import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import numpy as np
help='show results of sweep, requires numpy and matplotlib') parser.add_option('--save_results', action='store_true', dest='save_results', default=False,\ help='save results of sweep dump as pdfs, requires numpy and matplotlib') parser.add_option('--codegen_implementation', dest='codegen_impl', default='gen_detect_faces',\ help='override the codegen implementation') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() result_file = options.output cascade_filename = options.cascade block_size = (int(options.block_size), int(options.block_size)) if options.show_results or options.save_results: plot_res(result_file, options.save_results, not options.show_results) exit(0) cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) # support for alternative codegen implementations codegen_implementation = gen_code.gen_detect_faces if options.codegen_impl: impl_name = options.codegen_impl try: # try to fetch name from codegen_implementation = getattr(gen_code, impl_name) print 'using implementation %s'%impl_name except Exception, e: print 'could not load custom implementation %s'%impl_name print 'error', str(e) print 'available implementations:' print '\n'.join(x for x in dir(gen_code) if 'gen_detect_faces' in x) exit(1)
def default_argument_setup(cascade_filename='data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml'): from violajones import parse_haar # cascade cascade = parse_haar.parse_haar_xml(cascade_filename) return {'haar_classifier':cascade}